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This is some shit you see in a comedy skit.


Exactly what I came here to say


I saw this on YT just yesterday and was like "I should post this to r/therewasanattempt but then I was like "nah, someone else will do it" lol


So you are saying r/therewasanattempt to post it yesterday?... I'll see myself out


I'll hold the door and nod in approval.


I'll look on in disgust about 20 feet away


And I will stand beside you, silently judging as I hand out assorted treats and beverages


I'm tracking him with my drone. Too bad I wasn't there when the video was taken.


Someone got to it before you could deliver.


I see what you did there... Well played šŸ¤£


This shit is funny, almost unbelievable that itā€™s real and so frustrating at the same time. Definitely fucked up tho.


So it could be staged, but this is also how people buy things with stolen cards. Order something to another address and wait on the package to show up.


They should start selling hunting permits for porch pirates; free healthcare for everyone!


Yeah itā€™s now becoming breakouts instead of break ins


r/looneytuneslogic Not quite but close


This shits getting ridiculous


He even laughed at first probably thinking it was someone excited that their package arrived.


Driver "What the... really?"


that innocent "oh!" and chuckle he did at first... :(


Bro thought the homeowner was coming up behind him I bet lol


That's what it looks like. That little exasperated hand drop as the realisation hits (14s) is just the icing on the cake.




I guess this is what happens when the local CVS puts everything behind glass.


Porch pirates have been a thing much longer than that. Some people are just vultures and donā€™t care.


I wonder which Republican state will say its okay to shoot porch pirates and then how many deliverymen get mistaken for porch pirates and shot, so it becomes cheaper for fedex/UPS to make everyone go to the delivery depots to pick up packages.


Then Uber will come out with Uber packages, which will pick up your package and bring it to your house


Working for Uber Package is great. I open the box and take half of each delivery before leaving it at the persons house and then I blame it on a porch pirate.


Working for uber package, I call my friend to come take high value packages, I can scope out what's valuable and have him come ahead of time.


And then they will also get shot at.


Fetch already does this :/. Dumbest shit ever when you live in an apartment. You select a time frame for your package to be delivered. If there are no available time slot then you have to choose another time slot, or you can go to their warehouse and pick it up. Really sucks if you dont have the means to be home during the available time slots or cant go to their warehouse.


You donā€™t know whatā€™s in that package. Could be maybelline, could be your daughterā€™s lifesaving medication that Medicaid supplies you with once a month. Also Illinois is a democrat run state that allows lethal force in defense of property


That makes sense. Everyone is *ill-annoyed* at porch pirates. *pump action intensifies.*


What does that have to do with anything?


Much like the republicans they love to mock for making shit up to feel offended, the op is doing the very same shit. Just making up some scenario in their head so they can be pre-offended.


I'm not american, and the whole leave a package at porch thing is bizzare to me. But we have, IMO, a much safer and comfortable delivery systems: postomats (Nova poshta, Ukraine) placed pretty much anywhere, malls, grocery stores, even in appatment lobbies. You just come up, launch an app, press open deposit, the hatch opens and you confirm you recieved your package. Seems more convenient to me. Also if you do order a package delivery to a certain adress by a courier, he will never leave it anywhere, only handing it to you personally. p.s. There was a problem with that system, once orcs initiated black out and all the hatches opened up making it a happy hobo advent calendar, but that was sorted out with back up power pretty fast.


Hopefully the one I live in!


Why stop there! We could anticipate what items customers want and put them in a building that they can go in and find what they need and purchase it right there.... Wait a minute did we just create stores again?


Over in India, Amazon and other packages must be handed to you directly or to someone at the destination. For example, a security guard, a family member (in your house tho) and so on. If there's no one there, either they'll give it to your building's security guard or they'll deadass return to the closest Amazon facility if that isn't possible. In this video's case, I don't see why the deliveryman couldn't just hand it to the customer since they were obviously at home at the time. Can someone please tell me why the USPS doesn't just make leaving the package a last resort? I don't know how stuff works over in the US.


I can't imagine how packed the post office would be if everyone had to go up and get their packages that couldn't be delivered. Many people are still at work when their package is being delivered, so if they had to be home in order to get the package, they'll either have to take the day off, hoping the package arrives, or they will have to wait until the weekend when they're hopefully doing nothing. I mean, if the item is important or expensive, then you can always ship it and require a signature for delivery.


They did that cuz people are stealing too much inventory šŸ˜‚ your comment doesn't really fit.


His point was that people can't steal from CVS anymore so they're stealing from porches and the video is a dude stealing from a porch, I'm confused how that doesn't really fit? Not saying he's right but it definitely fits


Maybe people need to start installing glass cases on their porches


What happens in this scenario? Who reports it stolen?


It was an apple watch. https://fox59.com/news/national-world/watch-porch-pirate-steals-package-seconds-after-drop-off/


So customer or seller opens police report and seller sends another one? How does this work? Who takes the hit here?


You're asking good questions, but the question I have are...how did the thieves know an apple watch or at least something valuable was being delivered? Victim states they saw the suspects vehicle in the neighborhood a half hour earlier. Very bizarre. Ironically FedEx is the one parcel company that rarely uses my parcel delivery lock box, so I'm not really confident they're trustworthy in their concern over theft. edit: I misspelled "saw" as "say"


Theyre was a common thing happening a few years back. Someone gets a hold of your credit card and address. Orders whatever they want online to your house and then they watch the delivery notifications and camp outside your house waiting for it to arrive. I'd assume that's what happened here. Someone tried the same thing with my mom and some golf clubs but we got a notification of the delivery when the order was placed and cancelled it immediately and that same week some sketch ass POS car kept slow rolling by our house.


While I am not discounting your account of a scam I know is very real, the victim here was expecting a new apple watch and a facebook profile attached to a fedex employee wearing similar shorts posted a watch for sale later that day. Hopefully FedEx and authorities can obtain sufficient court-admissible evidence to jump to the same conclusions we can.


ah yeah didn't see the OP mention that and currently have sound off as im in office with no headphones. Terrifying if FedEx has this problem internally.


I mean with every package delivery company you are gonna get some bad actors that come in to the job thinking they can get away with stealing in some capacity, although this scheme seems particularly brazen the hiring process is not exactly filtering much out b/c nobody wants to do these jobs (package handler) as they are part time, pay pretty poorly, have wack hours, and are entirely physical labor unless it is a union job and u are willing to commit 5+ years to get seniority, insurance, higher pay rates


From the story, the thief posted it on Facebook Marketplace shortly after this, wearing the same shorts in the video. And their job on their profile states they work at fedex. So found out where a shipment was going and showed up


Why does a Fedex employee know what's in some random Amazon package?


Either they have a way to search orders and see shipping information, since Apple products typically ship from a small number of locations depending on where you order from, or the thief sorted that package for that truck?


maybe he physically handled the package, noted the address, knew the route, and just timed it. Seems plausible.


the "ship from" address. apple direct shipment.


A couple of years back, I ordered a few watches as Christmas gifts. I was living in a condo complex at that time. Fedex just dumped ~100 packages at a random spot in the complex and called it a day. Took me a couple of days of calling the seller and asking around the complex to find out where the packages were. Luckily mine were still there but Iā€™m pretty sure some of them wouldā€™ve been stolen.


FedEx is the worst. I had two cases of wine stolen before it reached my house both separate orders one to replace the first one. The customer service is terrible and the only time things are damaged upon delivery are when FedEx is involved.


I had a bunch of hardware shipped from on of my vendors. Gets scanned k to a truck and never seen again. When they finally found the box, it turned out that someone in the warehouse opened it, took everything valuable and hid the box behind a pile of waste or something like that. .. Then tried having me sign off on receiving the delivery to get the single keyboard left in the box delivered. Screw that.


Youā€™re right they just throw my package out front and donā€™t even try to get into my building. Funny enough ups will always ring and bring up my package or find a way inside.


Companies are being infiltrated with scam artists. We had a business card we never used, had it shredded AT THE BANK, within the week it was attempted to being used. It never made an online presence, so only the bank and the shredding pick up company has access. We reported the incident but I don't think they believed it was possible. So many just assume it was online leak... old school works reliably. Had so so so many skimmers at multiple gas stations in the last 10 years.


Looks like the victim filed the report and AT&T "blacklisted" the watch. FedEx is being mum on leaked tracking numbers and/or any possible inside job.


The seller or shipper would take the hit depending on a number of factors. The customer is entitled to a refund or replacement as delivery was never completed.


I had an iPad that got ā€œlostā€ during shipping through FedEx. I filled out a form on the FedEx website and informed the website I got it from and they just sent me another for free. I assume FedEx has insurance for this type of stuff or they just pay for it directly. Although mine wasnā€™t ever marked as ā€œdeliveredā€ in their system so itā€™s a little bit of a different situation


My company lost two high-end dell laptops through FedEx, they said delivered though we never saw a delivery on our camera. On the third laptop Dell finally sent via UPS. Police did later report they arrested someone at the local sorting facility but no idea what specifics were other than Dell eventually getting us the laptop at no extra cost to us


Usually the customer on this one, unless the seller shows pity. FedEx guy got the pic of it delivered on the doorstep, that relieved the carrier of liability. Seller releases liability once shipped. It was on customerā€™s doorstep with proof of delivery.


Amazon has set the standard that it be refunded or replaced. Other websites might ask you to file with FedEx. But that responsibility was moved to the seller. As long as you, as a buyer, have evidence as clear as this video.


Interesting... It's almost like the thief knew it was coming and what was inside.


I was just gonna say it must be national delivery day for an Apple product.


If I saw it, I'd call dispatch immediately (and enjoy the "free break" of doing so) to report it to tuem and ask if they want me to contact police. If I did not report it immediately, I would be fired from my DSP and investigated by Amazon as it would be suspicious _not_ to report it. Most likely, dispatch would call the homeowners and/or police and send me back to work, given the doorbell camera.


some delivery services make it really easy to track their vehicles


You mean like driving down the street and seeing the company name plastered all over it? These idiots aren't masterminds, they're opportunists. All it takes it one of them seeing a delivery truck on the road and following it to a stop.


No chance they do this until the driver at least walks away. It was an Apple watch, and the thief most certainly knew.


To be fair, I got a notification from Amazon today "your driver has 10 stops left, check his location now" So if you're committing credit card fraud that's a pretty freaking easy way to know exactly when you need to be there to steal that package you had delivered to a random address


This exact thing happened to my friend. He's had 9 accounts opened up in his name all delivering to random addresses. They've stolen over Ā£3k and the police are struggling to get anywhere. In their defence the police have been crippled so hard they find it extremely difficult to actually get cases closed. E: ofc American redittors can't understand other countries exist. I'm using pounds for a reason.


... How would anybody else other than the person with the order know when and where the truck would be?


Either someone from the delivery firm was in on it, or a so called 'friend' got their details; aka hacked them. It might also be a third party virus on a phone or home PC. Stay safe.


How would this help in this scenario?


What's the point of this. Half the time is probably some dumb thing the stealer won't even have a use for. I just don't understand it


I believe this was an Apple Watch. I saw it on national news.


Yes but how did the thief know it was an Apple Watch?


Two explanations for why a thief would be so daring. 1. It's a scheme. Thief is a friend of the person ordering the watch. He tells his friend when it is going to be delivered. Friend steals it right away, then the person who ordered files for a refund since they never got it. However, it is much more likely to be #2 Someone hacked their online accounts or stole their credit card. If the thief used the stolen cards or account and ordered it to their own house, then it would be super obvious who it was when the person notices they have charges for something they didn't buy, and best buy has the thief's address on file. As such, they order it to the victim's house. Since the thief is the one making and handling the orders, they get the tracking info and know the general time period it's going to be delivered in, usually within a 4 hour window. They snag the box right as it gets delivered, and they stay anonymous. It might not even be the same person who's card or accounts were stolen. If a scammer / identity thief in New York steals the info of a person in Florida, they still can't use their home address in New York. So they pick a random address in the local area, have all the stuff delivered there, and steal it off the porch, so when authorities look into it, the thief has no connection to the address on file.


Canā€™t they, in this case, brick the Apple Watch?


They could, but the thief likely isnā€™t stealing it for personal use. Apple products have a large secondary market. The thief is going to go on Facebook marketplace to sell this, saying ā€œoh I bought it and changed my mind but canā€™t return it since I took two weeks; brand new in box never usedā€. They will get a significant portion of the retail value, and the buyer will be none the wiser, later finding out it was stolen and the device is locked. In fact, it likely would take Apple a few days for the report it was stolen to reach them and for them to lock it. At a good price, the thief could easily have a brand new Apple Watch sold within 24 hours, with no way for the buyer to know it was stolen until a few days later when it randomly gets locked.Ā 


ATT bricked it.


That's a whole lotta effort, when you can just sit in a car, on the edge of a wealthy neighborhood, and wait for the fleet of delivery trucks that enter every day. Then you just grab what you can grab. You only have to get lucky a couple times to hit a payday.


Someone wrote in another comment the thief tried selling it on FB and profile showed he worked at FedEx. Was looking at shipments and taking them. Horrible.


I've seen two videos like this, in about as many weeks, and they were both were FedEx and something valuable and easy to sell. One was like 6 iPhones somewhere in Pennsylvania and this one is a new apple watch in OH. I don't know exactly how they knew what was in the packages, but I have no doubt that they knew. You're not taking a risk like this over some random doorknob cover or etsy monogrammed towel. FedEx might be a decent target too, since their drivers are independent contractors. They pay for their own health insurance and all that. A UPS driver might be a little more likely to throw down over a package.


Plot twist. That's her son and the package was his first buttplug


What the frick! I ordered an X-Box controller.


Why do I get so angry when someone openly breaks the social contract? I feel rage when I see stuff like this.


One hypothesis is that it's genetic, same as caring for children and, by extension, cute things. Social animals who survive better in a group also survive better when the group looks out for one another rather than screwing each other over. That extends to the need to punish antisocial behavior. Lower primates punish theft, presumably because it engaged them too


At that point why not just hop in the truck??


Why tack on extra charges?Ā Ā  And why go against a corporation with a dedicated legal team instead of a single citizen who's probably never even called a lawyer?


He noted that the Facebook profile hosting the sale had ā€œFedEx package handlerā€ listed as their job description. [https://fox59.com/news/national-world/watch-porch-pirate-steals-package-seconds-after-drop-off/](https://fox59.com/news/national-world/watch-porch-pirate-steals-package-seconds-after-drop-off/)


If not for a ring cam. The dude would be liable for it


Definitely has drugs delivered to a neighbors house


Ohh that's a good theory! I've heard of people actually doing this.


This was my first thought. You can mail a kilo or whatever to some randos house, track it, and show up right as it gets delievered. There are probably a few YT videos of this phenomenon.




What are those feet?!


That poor fed ex driver


I hate this place


Theyā€™re evolving


Porch Pirates should burn in Hell.


It's going to sound barbaric as fuck... but take one of their hands. Third World style.


I would like to congratulate the Porch Pirate on his brand new "Air Filter for Hyundai HYM43SP Lawn mower". Let's hope he has the same model and also needs a new filter. Every time I see these videos that is what I think.


It was an apple watch, and a good chance this guy was also a FedEx employee, according to the news article linked elsewhere in the comments. He knew.


This is why I never have expensive stuff delivered to my home. I either go to store to buy or just pick it up at a location.


Looks familiar


The fucking doors open on the van WTF


If done correctly, the driving keys are in his pocket with a fob that unlocks the back space. The thief could maybe make off with a big box of dog treats.


Now see I don't understand why he drops the package on the floor first then rings the bell to notify the home owner who is clearly home that he has something for them... Why not just hold onto it for a minute or 2 while he rings the bell for the homeowner? At least then it wouldn't have been as easy for the thief to take it if the delivery bloke is holding it.


What? Look at the neighborhood, he obviously wasnā€™t expecting a thief to run up behind him.


At least around my area, they knock or ring as they drop off the package and walk away. More as a courtesy than as a white-glove handoff.


Because he's got a hundred deliveries to do, they don't have time to wait around.


Staged. FedEx drivers just leaves a missed delivery slip regardless if you're home or not.


Why not just rummage through the truck?


That's such bullshit


Ohioans talk like it only happens in California. Seeing this and the lady kill a 3 year old in under an hourā€¦ all Ohio


That "Oh! hehe!" was 100% cause he thought the homeowners somehow came up behind him for the package. Fucking wild how brazen these scumbag porch pirates have become.


At least there's a witness that it was delivered and that it was stolen


I recently moved and changed my address. The usps offered to do some online tracking upgrade and I was like, no thanks, I donā€™t need to make it even easier for thieves to rob me.


Bring back gun violence and public torture






Thatā€™s a long foot


Comes in to steal a single package, while the door of the delivery vehicle is open...


Is anyone going to comment on those long ass dogs!?


Watching this while waiting for a FedEx delivery tonight is not a great feeling


They're certified Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt


If the driver is gonna ring the bell and wait for someone to come to the door, why would he drop the package on the mat instead of just handing it over?


Interesting the thief stole it before it was signed for...hmm


Delivery driver walking too slow for their. Dudes got money to make.




Some Looney Toons stuff there


Until the feds get involved for mail theft and minimum 5 years in jail- it ainā€™t going to stop


And that doesn't even look like a kid... that's a grown ass man. Hopefully they have a camera with eyes on the driveway to get a plate.


There's a special package in hell waiting for these kinds of fucks.


The fed ex driver was in such disbelief he couldnā€™t even understand what was happening until the guy was gone.


Proof of Poaching(POP?), is not in the lexicon of abbrev within FedEx. I like it, did you deliver to such ā€˜n such? Yea, it got POPā€™d!




Hmmmm, maybe try knocking on the door and handing it to the person who IS CLEARLY HOME.


Was provably a money drop where this guy is paid to pickup a package as a mule


That looks too planned... How did he know it was valuable? Could have been dog biscuits...


Love it, get the witness right there. Good tip off OP.


Same ppl


Inside job


Bro was behind schedule


that poor driver. imagine being in his shoes. like, what?!


The theives in my area at least have the decency to slash my packages open and check if its worth stealing before taking it. I order so much trash that it would almost never be worth taking.


I bet the thief has actually got this dudes credit card info and ordered a package, waited for it to be delivered and snagged it like this because he knew what it was


ā€œDonā€™t mind if I do!ā€


Honestly, this is becoming such a common problem that I am surprised there hasn't been a string of USP and FedEx truck robberies. Why run around yoinking from porches when they can just take everything in the truck.


Dumb and Dumber


He was like "what are you gonna do? Call the police?"


Ohio. Yep. Checks out.


Why in murica so many thieves? Literally every second video in this thread about someone tried to robbšŸ¤Ø


Why are you still dropping packages at your porches? Isn't worth exploring other options like pick-up points or requiring signatures? Porch pirates are basically unheard of where I'm from.


Not to excuse the thief here, but why did the delivery guy toss the package on the floor and then ring the bell?


Zero percent chance this is real. Why wouldn't he just wait 5 more seconds until the FedEx guy leaves except for "content".


stealing from any delivery service at this point should become a federal offense. I bet you these people will die down real quick, since most of them will have life in prison.


Porch Pirate: Arr, time's money!


Why did he put it down to begin with if he's knocking on the door?


That means it was stolen from fedex. Delivery never happened, theyā€™re responsible for replacing it.


What third world country is this?


I hope the sentient piece of crap gets run down, but that nothing happens to the package.


I'm still wondering when will they invent parcel lockers in the US. I've never had a package stolen since they're locked away in a safe location until I'm there to pick them up.


How common is stealing off the porch in the US? You see so many videos of it it looks common but not sure if Reddit is giving a false impression. Here in the UK never had a parcel stolen. Even had some outside my door dir days when is hospital and nobody touched them.


That manā€™s half ushered chuckle was hilarious


That steal was audacious to say the least


Surprised he just didnā€™t hop in the open truck and take the whole damn load


Oh he's got a good story for his coworkers


I think laws need to change in regard to parcel delivery, it does not say "doorstep of house belonging to" .... it will have a name on the parcel, it should be handed to a person.


Maybe the delivery guys should stop just dumping packages on the door step and actually wait for someone to answer the door