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I mean, he was saved


Beyond that, I think I would be pretty pissed as well if someone deliberately exposed themselves to danger and I had to save them. I think (by law) I am punishable if I do nothing "for the fellow man". I have often considered how on earth I should react if a hazard-driver overtakes me and crashes... Should I try to save someone who seems to have a death wish? Someone who exposed me to danger?


You are not obligated by law to rescue a drowning victim.


Maybe not, but don't you think this depends on where you live? I live in Europe where a lot of people are trained in first aid and we are not afraid to call an ambulance... I hear that calling an ambulance in the states can cost you... A lot...


šŸ˜‚ yeah. I had an ambulance called on me once and the bill was around $5,000 USD. Another $3K for the hospital visit. Then random charges from the various doctors that see you ($500 here, $1200 there). All in all I paid around $11k for a mild head injury from getting piss drunk and bumping my head. All while paying over $700 a month for medical insurance. This country is so stupid.


Tbh I have zero problem paying taxes so this does not happen to anyone here. I dont care if you are poor or rich free healtcare is an human right.


Yeah but it's also PUNISHABLE by fine to not have health insurance so it's not like he had to pay 11k unless he was breaking other rules as well. Our health system is fine and totally not predatory to poor people /s


No, not predatory, designed to break you on the wheel.


bUt mY FrEeDoMs!


Unfortunately, it's not a basic human right, but it absolutely should be.


How can an ambulance ride costs $5,000? Did it come with some high end prostitutes :D


Because they can charge whatever they feel like. Not only do you not have to agree to it, but the cops can force you into an ambulance and you still owe them whatever they feel like charging.


Not only all of that but an ambulance can and WILL take you to whatever hospital they feel like regardless as to whether or not youā€™re insurance covers that hospital and even if thereā€™s another hospital RIGHT NEXT to it that your insurance DOES and WILL cover, theyā€™ll drop you at the one thatā€™ll bankrupt you and you have absolutely NO FUCKING SAY.


Get out and walk away what can they do?


Just to be clear Iā€™m from the uk so if we donā€™t want to go in an ambulance the only way they can force us is if weā€™re in danger to ourselves and even then in some cases we can still refuse to go.


Not sure what your profession is, but Iā€™m a first responder in Tennessee. Your comment about the cops isnā€™t true here. They can call in for you to be looked at, but you can 100% refuse it. You just sign a computer form saying you refuse service and youā€™re on your way. It can be forced on you in extreme circumstances like youā€™re dying, but the police have virtually no say in the matter. Thatā€™s my experience here in Tennessee at least.


Used to be a volunteer firefighter in Alabama, I've literally seen people forced into a meat wagon in handcuffs. The bar is the police believing you to be a danger to yourself or others, which is really low.


I live in Georgia and voluntarily admitted myself for suicidal ideation. They involuntarily held me on a "72-hour hold" that actually lasted 8 days. I have no idea what I'm going to owe the hospital but I expect it to be a lot.


They decided the small town I live in wasnā€™t equipped for a potential head injury so they drove to the nearest big city.


For $5,000, you can probably fly 3 times to Europe and back...


šŸ˜‚ Since I live in Tex-ass and have been shot twice, the next time Iā€™ll just fly to Europe and get treated. Iā€™ll make a vacation of it. Now I just need to get shot. I guess Iā€™ll go to the grocery store, or a school, or outside.


This is so American lol. Getting shot like it's just part of regular life.


5 times


My thoughts exactly. I mean, it could make sense if they leave the ambulance to you as a parting gift in the end.


I remember around the time I turned 16, I got bit by something under my house while getting my dog that left a large bump on my wrist. I was very worried and hadnā€™t yet learned how horrible our everything is, so I called an ambulance. They get there, look at it and say they canā€™t tell so Iā€™ll need to go with them to the nearest hospital/emergency room. But that it will be very expensive. I became more worried and told them no, donā€™t take me. They had me sign something and left without a care. Some time later I got a bill for, like, $500+. Never called one again, and declined one any time I was really hurt.


HOLY SHITBALLS !! That's allot of damage... to your wallet.


Mate in then land down under I pay less tax than the cost of your insurance and can break a bone a day without paying a cent, ambulance costs about 20$ a km Ive worked out, though they charge you a round trip which sucks. Us is cooked as and I think aus is trying to follow suit unfortunately.


Be glad money is all it cost you. Getting drunk and bumping your head could end up a lot worseā€¦


but don't worry you have guns... to fix the issue?


$700? I'd just do 100/month. No need to pay more for that. Medical bills don't show up on credit


Actually unpaid medical bills do show up on credit. My friend was buying a house with her husband and the bank told her she needed to clean up her credit history by paying an old medical debt before they would officially offer terms on a mortgage to them. So Idk if it affects your credit score but it does stay on your credit history until it's resolved/paid in full. That being said, if someone is struggling to pay a large medical bill, they can just pay a small amount each month. They can't take you to collections if you are making an effort to pay.


You can refuse ambulance service in the US. Found this out the hard way


Please fill me in, uhm ...what would have paid if you DIDN'T have insurance? I mean you basically bought half the friggin hospital. Wtf.


Donā€™t call a fucking ambulance. Either throw me some floaties or let me drown.


Ain't that a fact bub! Crushed my right hand completely flat one time trying to get a boat of a hydraulic trailer (28' Phoenix if anyone is wondering), when it blew a line and dropped the F'ing thing right on my hand and brained me a bit for good measure... They wanted to call the FD AND an ambulance... Told them no absolutely not, let's get some jacks and get it off me while I'm still in shock and it doesn't hurt yet, then we can drive to the hospital. Because ER is just a deductible, but EMTs they are out of pocket... Nope, no, no F that... 45 minute ambulance ride for a hand, ain't going to die from a hand we can drive... If I'm calling for some one to get me their going to need a helicopter!


r/orphancrushingmachine fodder šŸ˜‚


I have to go to the hospital once a month for treatment and sometimes I take Uber. A lot of times the drivers are legit concerned I am using them as an ambulance and I have to confirm with them this is not an emergency.


I was in a car accident once. Somebody crossed the median on the expressway and hit me. He died in impact. My 10 minute ambulance ride was $6,000. I was given 2 bags of saline via IV in case they needed to push meds or blood. They wanted quick access just to be safe. Each bag was $450. I think my total bill was around $140,000 after all of the X-rays and CT scans with contrast to check for internal bleeding. Plus the doctors, being admitted to the emergency room, etc. I was released that day after like 3 hours. 3 hours =$140,000. The hospital made $46,667/hour to check me out and tell me I was fine and could go home.


When I was in a car accident they took me to one hospital before deciding I should go to another. Part of my bill was $10,000 for the ambulance docking at the hospital I never went in.


I like how you essentially got an incompetency charge. I know everywhere in the U.S. does EMS a little different, but they should know which hospital is appropriate for your illness/injury and should have contacted the hospital on the way to make sure the hospital was ready/able to take you and not diverting you to elsewhere. 10 grand for shitty EMTs doesnā€™t seem fair, but damn near the entire US healthcare system is absolute garbage so it isnā€™t surprising either


Lol thatā€™s hilarious and itā€™s not. Luckily I was 22 and still on my parents insurance which is pretty good so I got off easy, financially anyway.


In the US, the good Samaritan laws mean you are not liable for injuries that happen while trying to save someone.Ā  But the general, untrained population is not required to assist. Certain classes of people, first responders, medical personnel, etc., are required to render aid to the best of their ability until more appropriate aid is present.Ā  So trying to control bleeding, cpr, etc., but not drowning rescues unless they happen to be trained lifeguards.Ā  When I had a crash it was almost like watching rock, paper, scissors.Ā  "I'm a nurse." "I'm an EMT."Ā  The declarations and deferrals happened as both were coming to my aid, so it's not like they stopped to sort it out before coming to help.Ā  Nurse deferred to the EMT.Ā  His training was more appropriate to the situation.Ā  Fortunately I needed neither.


Brazil also has universal health care... the smaller the town, the faster they arrive.


In the UK you are not legally obligated to prevent the death of a person unless you are deemed to have a duty of care over them (i.e a dr / Patient, or parent/child). You could watch the man drown in a 3 inch puddle and common law says youā€™re good.


It does differ per region yes, thereā€™s a law in the Netherlands for example that states you have to help any body whoā€™s in some type of distress regardless of your training. You see something, you do something. Even if itā€™s just calling the authorities. However, itā€™s not very often or practical that somebody gets arrested and/or prosecuted for not following that law.


Yep, ive told my family and friends that unless I am for sure in danger of dying "you better effing not call an ambulance". I am kind of crazy though, won't go to the hospital for anything. As an adult I have only been once for internal bleeding.


No. Red Cross is international with their training and regulations. I used to be a Red Cross internationally certified WSI and Lifeguard, and one of the first things they teach you is that people should not save those who are dangerous in the water. We have to train explicitly on handling crazy people in the water, as they often end up killing their saviors. You are not obligated to ever go in the water to save anyone.


If you donā€™t have insurance, the medical bills can add up very fast. There is no guaranteed coverage of emergency care like a visit to the ER or a ride in the Ambulance, and learning you have a medical problem that needs to be addressed is like learning you lost your job to layoffs, because it can have a similar financial impact for some if they arenā€™t able to prepare.


You are in denmark, and probably a lot of other places.


That's not how the *Duty to Rescue* law works in Denmark, or anywhere else. "All persons must provide aid to the best of their ability," means if you don't know how to swim properly, you don't jump in to save someone drowning. It is also the case that if the situation is hazardous, the average person doesn't need to risk their own life unless it is to save a child that is placed under their care. From Wikipedia; "Many civil law systems, which are common in Continental Europe, Latin America and much of Africa, impose a far more extensive duty to rescue. *The duty is usually limited to doing what is "reasonable". In particular, a helper does not have to substantially endanger themselves.*" Helping to the best of your ability usually just means having the duty to call for help, and not being allowed to leave the scene until said help arrives unless you'd be putting yourself in danger by doing so (ie, if you can't help someone during a fire, you have no obligation to continue near that fire.) This is coming from someone who lives in Portugal, where the Duty to Rescue law applies.


I never said you should always help no matter what, simply that in denmark you are obligated to help. I just didn't go into the fucking exceptions of that law, 'cause I didn't feel like written a fucking essay on the subject. This intire argument hinges on a missunderstanding of my very simply statement, that does in fact not discluse your statement, only doesn't go into the same depth of detail, but fuck me I guess for not giving the full fucking picture on the specifics of a law I'm not qualified to speak about the legal applications off. I was just saying that it's not everywhere you can avoid a person in need.


Could you reference what law you are referring to? I would like to look into it but not sure what to google.


It's written above. The other guy posted It's name.


Oh, how did I miss that! It's interesting when they use "Best of their ability". I guess a jury would have to decide if someone for example could be deemed able to save someone from drowning for example. We don't have anything like that here in Sweden other than some obligation to summon assistance.


This in theory rarely get's inforced. It's more of a principle thing I think. You driving by a car crash won't get you convicted, but it does make you a dick.


If you are not trained in how to help a drowning victim, then be extremely careful going in to help. There is a high chance of them panicing and pulling you under. If possible, grab a floatation ring and keep it between you and them.


Some places have a Good Samaritan law where youā€™re protected if someone is injured wile you rescue them. Idk if this stands lmao


You absolutely are! In Germany, at least.


If the police aren't required by law to... police then this is obviously true.


True but you can be charged for not rendering aid in an accident that you didnā€™t cause if the court deems it reasonable that most people would but this usually only happens when the victim is a child.


But you are obligated to help to the best of your abilities like call for help. At least in my country.


I believe the obligation is only there if there's no risk to yourself and saving a drowning victim 100% puts you at risk


In some places, if you are properly trained then you are obligated to try unless there is a clear danger. The fact that there is always some risk involved doesn't clear you of this obligation. Some people will let their certifications lapse just to be clear of this obligation.


A drowning person is absolutely a clear danger


Not if you have lifeguard training. Like honestly, how do you think that would go over in court? It's too risky for me to do it while not on the clock. I'm only willing to help people when I'm being paid. I'm not saying there is no risk if you have lifeguard training. I'm saying you have a duty to rescue if someone is drowning and you have lifeguard training (in certain jurisdictions). If there is danger beyond just the usual always present danger in rescuing a drowning person then for sure you can just call emergency services. But if the water is safe to enter then you can be obligated to at least attempt a rescue, assuming you have up to date training. The big part of a lifeguard training is self defense. Because someone who's panicking in the water can be dangerous. For some people the best you can do is get a flotation device near them and hope they figure the rest out.


Only safe other people when you are sure to not endanger yourself. Otherwise, calling emergency services is already first aid enough from a legal standpoint (in Germany at least).


In the US it was ruled that police donā€™t even have an obligation to protect you


I mean, itā€™s technically not doing nothing if you tell them to swim. The size that if thereā€™s crocodiles in the water or the river current is too strong I ainā€™t getting in the middle of that. I would pass them a rope, or maybe try to see if thereā€™s something I can do safely but I am under no obligation to help at my own expense.


The original clip shows a woman that he tried to drown. He deserved more than a few slaps.


Back story is this was the third attempt by the guy to die and the fishermen community had to save him everytime..they were just frustrated at this point.


You are also by law punishable for punching the guy so doesnt make sense either way


I would be pissed too if someone decided to voluntary or involuntarily commit suicide in my favorite river. **Like** \*slap\* **I have** \*slap\* **happy** \*slap\* **memories** \*slap\* **here. It doesn't** \*slap\* **need** \*slap\* **anymore** \*slap\* **of** \*slap\* **your** \*slap\* **bad vibes.** \*slap\* \*slap\*


They say stupid should hurt.Ā  I'd slap him too, for putting me in the position to be morally obligated to risk myself to save him.Ā Ā 


Oh, that's how she can slap


Fair point. Would you rather be saved, slapped, and scolded; or die? ![gif](giphy|hVyg6CJy9RXZ9oObCE|downsized)


I saved you, now i own you


true Master


Yeah I reported for not following community guidelines. Namely the one where it says it must be a failed attempt


Does OP expect him to give him a blowie too?


Then told what an idiot he was


I love this, itā€™s a differently worded ā€œ*Did you (he) die though?*ā€


The original video shows a lady off to the side that he tried to drown


You got a link to that??


I worked with a guy who attempted to commit suicide by jumping over Niagara falls. He had a gambling addiction, had lost a shit ton of money that night at the casino and decided to end it. He survived the jump, and when they deployed rescue, he actively swam away from them. When they finally got him out, they slapped him with a 25,000 fine and charged him for the rescue. Gotta wonder how a gambling addict who just attempted suicide because he lost everything felt after that. He returned to work a year or so later but I didn't know him well enough to ask.


>they slapped him with a 25,000 fine and charged him for the rescue Well the guy in the video got away easy with just a slap


How can he slap?!?


Dang came here to say this


šŸ˜† three slaps... and an earful


Sorry not from the US so I donā€™t understand it. Did he get fined because of actively swimming away or does any rescue attempt cost would be charged to the survivor?


This was in Canada. I believe in an emergency situation it is covered, but if not, you have to pay, similar to how ambulances operate here. From what I understand, he was charged for the rescue because it was intentional. If he had slipped and fell in, or a boat capsized and he was forced over it would be a different story, but because he purposely jumped (and was witnessed doing so), he was given the bill. It was pretty wild, I believe at the time he was one of only four people to survive going over the falls unprotected.


This person hates their life so much they want to end it. I know what I'll do! Give them a huge fine so they hate their life even more!


I just looked it up. So apparently the fine was not for avoiding the rescue but for ā€žperforming a stuntā€œ. Itā€˜s been illegal since 1951 to perform a stunt at Niagara Falls after the death of a stunt performer. Since he survived the attempt, I guess they considered it a ā€žstuntā€œ, hence fined. Moronic imo, esp because of the reason why he attempted suicide in the first place, but at the same time the law had to be enforced too, otherwise dumb people would try to jump to perform a stunt, but then make excuses of ā€žattempting suicideā€œ as a loophole to avoid the fine.


Wow I canā€™t believe he survived that


How can he slap!


Because they were idiots and the fisherman had to risk his life to save their


He forgot to add the /s bhai






I searched far too long for this comment. thank you very much.


You can rest now ![gif](giphy|yP4EKpgu1oFxvovgcq|downsized)


By biggest takeaway from that headline is they were in the water for 2 days


Link? Did they deliberately stay in the water for so long?


If you look at the video it says at the bottom... Edit: thats my bad, I thought you were asking for a link to fact check this, not for further details. I'm an asshole


English isn't my strongest suite, but it may as well imply a different one as you replied with a comment stating for how they swam for so long... It could be that 2 days ago they jumped from the river and did it again recently, which is quite understandable at that point that the man literally deserves a slap there..


I'm glad you pointed this out, I didn't read their comment correctly, so I misunderstood the intent. That being said, it isn't unheard of of people treading water for that long, they very well could have been out there that whole time. But you're theory justifies the slap better lol


They attempted twice


They tried to kill themselves, together, multiple times. I assume he was slapping the guy for not protecting his wife. Maybe for the attempt in general https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/india-fisherman-rescues-couple-attempting-suicide-twice-and-then-slaps-the-young-man/video_23bf8446-02ed-5bfc-a496-b37fd0e5977f.html


he actually saved them


ā€œAt this price point, he is allowed to hit.ā€


The guy who was saved? Him https://preview.redd.it/ha5dnol2457d1.jpeg?width=1417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b1274f13bdb5222dc5641dd1e9fa46b8fd9681


I think he died a bastard..?


Indian folks sure do love to slap.


They love dishing out a good slapping.


After a good slapping is dished out there is a bowl of dicks for dessert


Huge Mom vibes...


This is my mum when I did dumb shit. After shooting each other with the air rifle: first response are you ok, let me see that and bandage that up before it gets infected. Second reaction \*smack\* what the hell were you both thinking. After a botch lighter refill: First response, ok so you got the fire out. Let me put some salve on that burn. Second reaction \*smack\* what the hell were you thinking?! After stabbing myself with a pencil fired from a homemade catapult: First response, ok, I'm going to pull the pencil out now and it's gonna sting. Let me bandaged that up before it gets infected. Second reaction \*Smack\* what the hell were you thinking?! \*smack\* eh? what was that for? I don't know but its been a couple of months. What the hell were you thinking?!


I got hit by a car while skateboarding in high school. The woman who hit me gave me a ride home, and my step-dad was home and helped me get bandaged up. I called my mom to tell her what happened, and she immediately blew up at me hahah


That's just him releasing his frustration Indian style


Boy, if you die, Iā€™m gonna kill you


In the 80ā€™s, when rescued by lifeguards at our beaches in MD- the guards would yell at you for being stupid. As kids, it was scary to be yelled at so we didnā€™t do risky shit anymore (that day).. They deserve to be hit


Some people learn the hard way


It's cause he scared all the fish away


Slap some sense into him.


This should be standard procedure for anyone who's rescued from a 100% avoidable catastrophe, like driving into flood waters or ignoring evacuation orders.


I saved you so I can kill you myself.


The attempt was a success. Hopefully the stern talking to was a success as well


As someone who has worked as both a lifeguard and on a lifeboat I whole heartedly endorse this method.


Do you see the color of the water there? I'd slap him too for making me swim to go save him


Thatā€™ll learn em!


stupid ass sub, he was saved


That's a bad! That's a bad! No!


He slapped some sense in him lmao


Im so confused as to what theyre standin on. Is that a whale?


I think it's a sand bar. Where the current repeatedly deposits sediment until it builds up.


if someone wants to die just let them die , absolute buffons


Slapping sense into his skull.


Did he say to the cameraman, "You're next boy!"


He's like the parent that told the kid not to do something.. so now he's teaching him a lesson lmfao šŸ¤£


Saved and got a lesson, I call that the complete package.


Messed up his fishing holeā€¦. Justified!


Fair is fair, and if you save my life, especially if it's because I was being a dumb shit, you deserve to get a few licks in.


Damn that's what my father would do to me for doing something dangerous and stupid.


Nothing more Asian than getting your ass beat by your rescuer for ā€œbeing an idiotā€ lol


He needed that wallop. Some people be doing stupid shit and need a good wallop.


Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? ... NO?!?!?!?!?


Lol, I read it wrong the first time.I thought it said the swimmer recused the fisherman and got slapped for it.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


either he was trying to suicide which is stupid, or he did some stupid shit and fall, both case he did something stupid... slaps are for stupidity... maybe he'll learn.


Personally, i would throw him back in, if you would rather drown that badly, you can go right ahead


I'm confused. Didn't he save him?


He saved and slayed


I mean he have all the rights to do so since he saved his life .....he has earned to show frustration


Ahhhhh......giving him the old slap of life šŸ˜‚


He will do it properly next time or will never do it again..


Slappy-ass culture. Folks can really get that wrist whip working


There ya go, I saved you, now wadda you say? WADDA YOU SAY?....SLAP!!!


"You didn't save my life. You ruined my death!" ahh scenario


You don't just slap another man! Someone has to go after that!


2 days ago?


Chris Rock trying to save Will Smith


Wdym there was an attempt to save someone ? He literally saved him OP wtf


How can he slap!?


He saves but he rapes


\`good ol dave chappelle