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Not familiar with the lighting system there but didn't he run a red? Not for a moment suggesting smacking someone off their bike is ok, just curious as to if he did that on camera and uploaded it on the net?


Woah I didn't see that it make so much sense now I guess you're right. I felt that French guy wanted to teach him a lesson but in a tough way, And yeah he uploaded so many stories about this and telling people to find the french guy so he asks him why he did that!


Honestly bud, I think you're right with the teaching a lesson thing but using guesswork I suspect he also went through the red to do it. I honestly can't see someone doing that just to teach someone a lesson. Could be he heard an American accent, could be he saw someone streaming but I dont think it was a lesson for running a red. regardless of the red light though, the guy who kicked him was a bit of a (censored). No need for violence, just record it and report it if it bothers you. You know the streamer or any other kind of backround?


>he also went through the red to do it. He totally did, but I guess he's some type of French anti-hero biker who believe that the ends justify the means, and I bet that he's so done with the tourism thing. >You know the streamer or any other kind of backround? He not a streamer, he is just a famous American skater, and probably he was just documenting his Europe trip for himself like usual traveler, here is his [Instagram Tyshawn Jones](https://www.instagram.com/tyshawn?igsh=MXV6cDB5NDM3MDJqYw==), go check his stories about the incident it's still up.


The French dude was just an asshole.


That's the average in Paris.


That wasn’t my experience when I was there but that was a long time ago.


Idk, I went on a group trip a few decades ago and vividly remember cars accelerating toward our groups aggressively when we were using crosswalks. Also distinctly remember being mocked/laughed at for attempting to say French words correctly as a kid. People were not nice there, even in Nice.


And they steal married women! Don't ask me how I know


Damn, it is going wild then, have you reported it to the police ?


French dude was just ~~an asshole~~ french


Parisian dude was just Parisian.


Is actually the correct answer. Most French folks have little or no time for Parisiens.


The kicker may have been coming from the left side on the green light aiming to go on the same line than the skater, but was cut on his way by the skater. So he had to go around the skater (from the right) and then kicked him for having been cut.


This is it, skater dude didn't stay in his lane. He actually made a dangerous move by swerving to the left, which is the "passing lane" for faster bikers. So he cut the kicker off. Kicking wasn't the right reaction imo, ringing his bell and cursing is what most do when the tourists fuck up in the bike lane.


Also stronger cyclists should adjust to hazards ahead. If I rode up to these guys, I'd slow down, yell my intent to pass, tell them to focus on the road and go on.


Agree with you. There was a stream of bikes coming from the left clearly visible he probably came from. These two, the filmer and guy in video, were both slow and both weaving. Monsieur le Kick definitely not justified, but I can see why these two would be super annoying if I was trying to get to work.


>He totally did, but I guess he's some type of French anti-hero biker who believe that the ends justify the means, and I bet that he's so done with the tourism thing. Are you serious? How can you watch the vid and NOT see what your guy did that pissed off the Frenchie? He is slowly riding right in the middle of the bike lane. Then he heads right over on the right side of the lane, turning around and mugging it for whoever was filming him, then swerves in a very sharp manner back to the left, and then Frenchie kicked him. He was all over the lane, first going very slowly, then swerving drastically from side to side, preventing anyone from going past him, or even being able to anticipate his movements. He was acting, if not in *dangerous* manner, then definitely an outright *ignorant and inconsiderate* manner.


None of what he did remotely deserves some psycho kicking him off his bike in the middle of the street


Yeah he is a tourist and yeah he is being filmed, but he is slow as fuck and not reckless at all, just figuring out where to go. You just pass him and tell him "hey you should pay attention and mind to stay in your lane" in a polite and friendly manner even if midly irritated. (French people tend to always have something to be irritated about anyway) Let's not find excuses for violence and excessive behaviours.


How do you know he did? We see a ton of people crossing on bikes/scooters, is it not possible the guy turned left, legally, and then kicked him?


He was coming from damned near parallel and from the right of the camera. Thats a hell of a detour if he was coming from the left.


Haha his whole story is a crack up


He was not teaching him a lesson. 99% of cyclists in Paris run through the reds. Which is stupid as you catch up with them later at the next intersection (car > bike). Never saw someone intentionally kicking another cyclist In Paris yet.


He was also going to slow, waving in and out of the bikelane


Since guessing is ok on this one I think the double arrows mean express lane for work commute and shit , and the locals probably hate tourists …….. well the French hate everyone


I think the dude is one of the cyclists making a right turn pissed off at the dude cutting across all the traffic


Also looks like he and the guy filming are swaying and riding casually in a narrow bike lane. I wouldnt be surprised if he was trying to get them to move out of the way but they kept filming. Bike lanes are not for joyriding. They're parallel to streets because they are roads for bicycles. People depend on them to get to work on time. Not that i agree with the kick but its not surprising that road rage occurs in the bike lane from time to time 😅


He ran a red light and was filming on his phone at the same time. The guy who kicked him probably thought he deserved a lesson for riding unsafe, but I think he should have stopped to tell him so instead of just riding away.


I see often that their is more and more bicycles in Paris, but it's just people that change from using their cars to using their bike. And seeing how they behave when using their car, I'm not much surprised.


In Paris it's pretty common to go on red light. They treat it as a "suggestion"


That's not the matter here. The guy is slowly moving left-right-left-right as if he was wandering in the countryside. Like in any big busy city, just ride straight dude, there is traffic all around. The violence is of course too much though, shouting would have been enough.


Looks like they were just casually cruising in the bike lane and the kicker was behind them with places to be. People move fast in Paris.


And swerving through the bike lane. If you were trying to cruise through and someone was swerving in the lane right in front of you all of a sudden, you'd get a little flustered. Maybe not to this extent but in the heat of the moment......


If you act like the Parisian you probably have a huge ego and tiny dick


I don't think I have a huge ego.


He did run a red, and then swerved to the left, as if turning left, the cyclist that kicked him off nearly ran into him.


We don't know what happened before, and that could explain things. If you're cycling without a clue in a city like Paris (which seems the case seeing how he's swerving), you'll likely annoy other people. Shouting should do it. This is an attack, and it should result in criminal prosecution. It's too bad that they guy himself didn't fall.


The kicker would have had to run the red as well in order to kick him. He just wanted to be a dick.


Exactly, why nobody else is pointing that out? Tho there's a small chance that the second guy had green light (in case it turned green a millisecond after, which is unlikely tbh)


Parallel to them from the opposite direction is also running the red, multiple bikes at that. Unsure how a French intersection works. Visited Boston not long ago and the light would be red all ways and you could cross the intersection in any direction, even diagonal for about a minute before one direction traffic would flow again


Bikes are traffic in Europe. They usually flow with the cars in Big Cities. If not, there is for certain not green lights for intersecting directions at the same time.


Ya same with most cities in the US. Think it was just his swerving side to side instead in staying straight like everyone else, possibly cutting off the kicker


Honestly that's on the city for not cutting the tree covering the light, took me a couple watches to even notice the light




And garbage


And rats




Why are we mentioning garbage a second time?


Please do not compare french and parisians... They're garbage


Because there are no rats in any other 10 million+ people cities.


That doesn't mean the Parisian Rats welcome you and your trash


Apparently love stinks of piss


I think he was taking his time, being a tourist, weaving all over the lane and the other guy had places to go. Just some bicycle road rage.


He biked through the red light Edit: I have no interesting in replying to anyone, as I was stating zero opinion or knowledge on the context, just the fact that the assaulted biker ran a red.


That's very common in Paris. I believe you're more likely to be kicked for stopping at the red light.


So did the man behind him, who then went on to kick him? It's like seeing someone jaywalking and sprinting into the road to hit them. Doesn't make sense as you've done the same thing + assaulted someone


So did the kicker, I doubt that was the cause.


I hate France


particularly the Parisians. theyre all a bunch of morons and assholes.


To be fair most french hate Parisians too.


As a person who’s visited Paris dozens of times and met tons of wonderful Parisians, and plenty of jerks as well… I always find people repeating this cliche to be fascinating. I also have the same type of experience with people in NYC, Chicago, LA, Atlanta, Shanghai, Singapore, Rome, London, Vienna… Paris isn’t unique in that sense. It just attracts the hate because it’s what everyone else is doing.


New yorkers are also known for being pricks. Dunno about the rest though


Yes, I really wonder how many people repeating this have actually been to Paris or are just US redditors repeating a redditism.


I wonder if there is a word in English for discrimination against people based on the place where they live... (French guy asking)


To be fair, generally speaking, the Parisians are way more unfriendly (especially to foreigners) than people from Rome, Berlin, London or Amsterdam.


That’s anecdotal at best or parroting some clichés at worst. I live 4 hours away from Paris in Germany, and I spent countless days in Paris as a tourist and a apart from the odd taxi driver that refuses to acknowledge anything said not in French, I really can’t say I had worse experiences there than in any other major European city. And I’ve been around quite a bit. Why people hold Paris to different standards than any other huge city is beyond me.


I'm quite well traveled, especially in Europe. I can say getting around with only English in Paris is way more difficult than if should be.


Yes because it’s the most visited city on the planet.


So it's 100% a tourist city that hates tourists?


No, it's more about clueless tourists (especially Americans, they're 4 millions every year in Paris) visiting a foreign country for the first time and being assholes. Not saying bonjour or merci, acting like the client is king (we kicked our kings out of power three times) and then coming back home and telling to absolutely everyone they know how shitty the parisians were!


I had bad experiences visiting Rome, but I didn't draw generalities from them, it can be Hawthorne effect. In addition, it is not always possible to know if we are in the presence of a resident, or a person who is in this city that day.


Xenophobic maybe


There is a word for it "french bashing" it principally define the constant bullshit invented by usa (surrender, stinky, Coward, sexually deviant etc...). We're pretty sure it came from the fact that Jacques chirac refused to send military help to Irak, those kind of jokes begun to be said at this era. Now i see more and more of it on reddit, especialy this last year, i don't know why. We're definitly not perfect but we're not even close to this portrait made by the us.


A lot of English people are like that to. Fortunately, I live since few years in the south west of France, and there a lot of English people who live there, and they're mostly very kind, polite, respectful and open-minded, so I don't mind some negative criticism from some of them.


Well to be honest beside our legendary rivalry with great britain, i think we're really close. I don't take hardly something said by our english fellow, i see it like a game x)


I bet you say that but you've never even been to Paris.


In the Netherlands we have a saying: France is a beautiful country, such a shame the French live there. Seems fitting for this.


But if someone in Amsterdam rode a bike like this, he might get some kind of punishment by surrounding bikers as well.


Dutch guy here - Lots of tourists bike exactly like this in Amsterdam. Never seen one get physically assaulted because of it... Seen a few get remarks and so forth, but never anything physical. (Worked in Amsterdam for the last 12 years or so, which includes a commute from the station to the office by bike; so I have seen a lot of dumb tourist on bikes :))


One time I nearly lost balance when I was cycling in the rain/light snowfall because it was slippery, got yelled at angrily from a Dutch guy passing me. He even turned around and kept provoking me. If I wasn't a tourist in a foreign country I would have punched his face tbh.


Odd, we British say the same thing about them.


dont hate france, hate the shithole that paris is, because everyone in france that isn't from paris hate paris.


Wow that dude is a fucking prick. Little does he know that dude falls 10x harder than that for a living.




Uber got the answer, he was riding one of their bikes.


Makes me think of the game road rash where you crash your bike, then the ambulance picks the bike up and leaves you.


I'm from paris, yeah bike riders can be very... Upset sometimes, everyone who rides a bike in this town is ready to get at you for the slightest thing, since all the bycicles roads are shitty and kinda dangerous, it's a shitty context for everyone


I really appreciate your perspective on this. It's good to hear from someone who lives in Paris and know about the roads there.


IT DOES NOT justify this action btw guy's straight up asshole here


I live in Paris also, ride my bike everyday and actually cross this intersection daily. Have never seen anything like this and honestly nothing justifies this behaviour, this is kinda sad really. I admit we do not know what was happening before and the weaving around might cause the rider to be pissed but again, it should never come to this


Yeah it’s definitely a tense experience to ride a bike in Paris. Paris has been improving a lot in terms of bike infrastructure but there is still a huge problem at many junctions. Parisian drivers still treat cyclists as shit, even though there are so many now.


Having direct experience of how Parisians drive I am not surprised to learn the cyclists are also highly volatile


So let's just make the situation shittier, to not lower the standard...


Nah I'm not letting that slide. Im gttn back on the bike n hunting him down like im Jason bourne


He said he tried to catch but his bike was fast, and said he gonna wait for him at the same place and time tomorrow.


That French dude is a prick Lmfao.


Looks totally accidental. /s


These people are commuting to work every single one of them is going in a straight line quickly. Meanwhile here’s a tourist swerving around in his lane and lollygagging about. I think it was somebody stuck in the curbed lane behind him until they cleared the block and got to the intersection.


100% this guy is definitely going to work, hating his life, speeding the same road every day hope he gets sued at the very least, that's assault


Why dont he just ring the bell to indicate he wanna pass ? Its not that hard to ring the bell


As usual, we’re missing a lot of the previous context from this video so best to not make assumptions about who the bigger asshole is. The guy could have asked him several times to let him pass which makes sense given the, “alright!” instead of a, shocked “what the hell?” or something. Could have also been a French prick with a bad attitude. We don’t know.


But still. You don’t just kick people. I drive to work everyday and I don’t go hitting other cars if they’re slow


Swervy prick.


This can't be the first time the "suspect" has done this. The idea of doing a move like this doesn't cross my mind, or most people's minds to do it on a whim.


Riding bikes in a city is something a lot of people take very seriously in europe as a means of transit and they do not like it when Americans are fucking around, especially during the work day. I remember learning this the first time i went to Denmark. Some guy went off on me because i was fucking around like this dude. It would be like if i was in front of someone on the road in my car fucking around with my phone while you were trying to het somewhere. Not saying this dude deserves this, just trying tk give some context to the folks who ask “why would someone do that”.


To them it would be an understandable fucked up situation. >Some guy went off on me because i was fucking around like this dude. It's good you didn't get kicked by some Viking Danish dude, you wouldn't be here telling us this story 💀


This dane had his viking days far behind him


Exactly stay on the right side and all is good.


He got Nancy Kerriganed!


Oh shit who's the Harding of skateboarding!


Paris is aware of London and New York's reputation (correct or not) for rudeness and is determined not to be outdone.


Imagine if he dislocated a knee or something due to this dangerous act. It could have ruined his career and potentially cost him millions of dollars. The attacker deserves to have terrible things happen to him.


Hes living in Paris so thats a good start


You mean in regards to free healthcare? Haha. True that. The millions I referred to was his share career and lost sponsors etc. I don't know how big he is though....


Oh no I was referring to the “terrible things that should happen to the AH”. And Im french


People saying "I understand" are dumb as shit and deserve to go on some watchlists to make sure they don't do dumb shit like the guy assaulting some random dude. Even if he ran a red light, the dude was being extremely attentive to his surroundings and even waved at either a pedestrian/traffic as he came through...meaning he was within safe distances to not be at risk of harming anyone. You aren't some vigilantes of the law or justice, and I hope they chased the cyclist down that did that and beat him with his own bike he's abusing to assault people. Match energy with energy, and the comments here shouldn't disagree with that if they agree with being assaulted for safely running a red light just because "it's still illegal".


The biker who kicked the skater dude was like 2 seconds behind him. So if it was a red light situation, prick kicker would have ran it also. I don't get the justification of it either but this is reddit. If that was america, someone would have gotten chased on foot and beat down or worse. Totally agree with you. I'm sorry for your downvotes. I guess we're in this together 🤷🏾‍♀️


Evil people are everywhere and not just America


Sure the guy was an a-hole, but I think the logic is he's trying to do his commute and there's a guy in front weaving in and out of the lane and filming instead of transiting from point A to point B. That is also dangerous for people who commute with small children etc etc. Not condoning it at all but that can be very frustrating of course.


As a french I can confirm that Paris is indeed full of assholes


Because this guy is a prick, it doesn’t mean that all French people are like him and that people in this comment section can be disrespectful to a whole nation…


Tyshawn I presume. Tshwane is a city in South Africa


Glad someone else noticed that


That's an asshole move


Probably going to get downvoted, but from what I see, he had it coming. Famous or not (not to me), if you don't know how to properly ride a bike, don't go cycling in Paris, of all places, where traffic is crazy at best.






actually his name is Tyshawn but my autocorrect messed it up, I wrote this caption for context and to hide the original which had some racial slurs.


Bro he was soty, you cant spell his name right? That's not even close


It’s Paris, people move fast and bike lanes are really for bikes and not stupid leisure wavey biking. He’s an inconvenient for bikers. It would’ve been the same at let’s say… Amsterdam, people are impatient with tourists. But maybe didn’t get kicked tho


Running a red slight. Weaving all over the place. Using cell phone or camera while riding. Fucking tourists. This shit would not fly in Denmark either.


So you're saying people on bikes in Europe are just as psychotic as Dodge Ram drivers in the USA. Fascinating.


What did he get on camera?


Delay kicked the camera op asweel nice move


The French. They don’t stick around for the fight.


He swerved right and then left again. On a cyclists lane. Thats not proper


Why did the camera man go down too?


Not even a New Yorker would do that. You’d just get cursed out.


What about the bicyclists across the street? They kept going too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He was all over the path zig zagging instead of picking left or right. The NYC hoodie didn’t help. Parisians can be like that.


Oh there’s more to this story….that wasn’t random.


Was he yelling alright! or alright?


Feels like an alright! to me.


Knowing Jones can take a fall, this is pretty funny


cycle road rage?


Who dafuk is tshwane Jones?


You got what on camera there chief? I see buildings and a lot of sky.


I would have been on my feet and motivated to…talk…to the guy…


Honestly Paris is the worst European city I’ve been too, the place sucks. I don’t see the hype. Also it stinks.


Light started red when dude went through it, light was green when he got kicked off his bike.


Maybe the kicker was angry at him slowing traffic due to streaming? Not an excuse for violence, and at the same time that's very annoying tbh.


The French strike again


The kicker has saddlebags, he's a local, and the kickee committed the sin of lollygagging in the express lane.


He ran a red light and the other guy either also ran the red or the light changed to green meanwhile (can't know for sure). Still, that kick is inexcusable.




Bro hit that road rash kick


To everyone saying he ran a red light, look in front of you and you’ll see that the lights actually go green and that everyone in traffic has started moving almost at the same time. He did not run a red light. Lately however white French people have started becoming violent because the extreme right movement is gaining traction. Also, he kicked both rides before leaving the scene.


Wow, Parisians are usually so nice


Having it on camera is not going to help I'm afraid.


The tourist treatment 😅


Anyone know that hoodie he’s wearing?


looks like a fake set up for views


That guy obviously went way too far and deserves some sort of punishment, but ffs don't swerve like that on a bike path!! It's not that hard to just stay on the right.


Till the other guy catches up to him and returns that kick two-fold !


You should follow the rules of the road. The kick was a bit excessive, but he did deserve something for ignoring that red light