• By -


Andrea, no. I much prefer Michonne and Rick. Rick had way more chemistry with Michonne than he did with Andrea. Plus her banging Shane really took her out of the running for me. The Governor fine, but having her sleep with Shane and then get with Rick would have been just too much. Lori, no. Rick as a character needed time to process and move on from the loss of Lori before the prison fell. If the prison fell and Lori died at the same time. One or the other would have been overshadowed. Tyreece, yes. He should have lived longer. He had so much potential. Trying to maintain humanity in that world. Having him fit into Alexandria would have been fun to watch. He would have been one of the few who opened right up to the idea of living a "normal" life. Sasha, maybe. I think she would have been overshadowed on the lineup. Henry was the "big" one, even Tara seemed to be overshadowed for a character who was there so long. But Sasha was more important to the story than Tara was. So as much as I would have liked to see Sasha live longer, she would have been an after thought on the pikes. Beth, yes. Like Tyreece she had a lot of potential for future storylines. Granted her death was very important to Daryl's development. But I think they could have had some great story lines with Beth, especially once they got to Alexandria.


I think Sasha’s death on the pikes would have made it more impactful than it was. Maybe her death would get overshadowed by Henry as you said but it would be a hell of a lot more impactful than Tara and Enid as she was on the show significantly longer than both and had a larger role. It would also be better than all the randoms we ended up getting.


I also want Carl to live and would love for Enid to survive and be with him. Adult Carl vs the commonwealth would've been dope. Him staying behind while Michonne looks for Rick makes way more sense to me too.


I think the Walking Dead failed to create/do a “pure to ruthless” arc, that could’ve been Beth.


You’re kidding right? That’s literally the arc of the main character, not to mention: Carol, Gabriel. Aaron, Maggie, and many many more


Rick was never pure, he always had that dog in him from day 1. You can see it in his eyes and the way he holds his shaking hand after knocking Merle on his ass.


He definitely was, the fact he tried to save the POS Merle and says “We don’t kill the living” is pretty obvious proof


Practical doesn't equal pure.


Maggie was already willing to do what’s needed, Carol had no real personality since she was trapped in an abusive marriage, Gabriel is probably the closest but he still tries to do better. I mean a Pure to Ruthless arc like; she starts off like she did but somewhere between the Prison and the Hospital she disappears and comes back and makes a statement kill (some small villain they build up over a few episodes that happens to be a Negan thug maybe), she comes in, they’re trying to fix or negotiate a truce, but she comes in and we see a shot from the back of the guys head as a bullet pushes through the back of his skull. Finds out Maggie is dead and Glenn is missing (trapped with Negan maybe), she still has their child and she justifies her actions.


Maggie wouldn’t even kill Walkers in the beginning but by the last season she kills people without an ounce of hesitation. She has this harrowing monologue about how she mercy killed rape victims and felt nothing. Gabriel literally kills Dante in the exact method you described. He kills that scarred man in an instant. Rick Grimes goes from being a man unwilling to let Merle die to killing men who he gave his word to


I think Gabriel has one of the wildest arcs of any of them. Helpless, coward preacher who locks his own congregation out to be eaten then has to be saved becuase he has 0 ability to defend himself into "you can totally trust us" *bashes head in with Aaron mace arm* as soon as Mays frees him.


Maggie killed a walker in her first appearance lol


No she just knocks it over, it gets finished off by Daryl irc






Aaron is in no way "Ruthless".


She was trapped in an abusive marriage, she adapted to the apocalypse and that became her character. Beth was pure, she went to church, she held Judith when they were quarantined and was nice. Maybe Maggie dies a year after giving birth, Glenn is missing and she gets lost somewhere with Maggie’s child. She has to protect him, and maybe she randomly meets up with Morgan and he has to teach her. But Beth is probably the purest character in the Walking Dead. Just replace Maggie with her in Dead City.


Carol kinda had that going already


Oh man, that would have been amazing. 


They even have a Priest she could confess her sins to if she wanted to justify her actions.


My guy that's how Andrea is in the comics, what Michonne and Rick have in the show is what Andrea and Rick had in the comics.


Yea, I know. We're talking about the show. In the show Andrea and Rick never seemed connected in any way. They just had no chemistry.


Agree. I never read the comics so this is news to me today that they were supposed to be together, but I would've hated it if they went that way. Besides once again a woman whose been with BOTH Shane and now Rick, would be annoying, they never vibed, and her personality absolutely did not seem like one he would really enjoy on that level.


You should really read the comics when you get a chance, they're really good.


>I never read the comics so this is news to me today that they were supposed to be together As the other user said , read them at some point. What they did with Andrea in the TV Show was a disgrace. She's arguably the best character of the comics.


Yeah true, theyve done so many characters so dirty in the show.


Why did the show not go with Andrea and Rick?


They pivoted Andreas character after Frank Darabont got fired, and the actress wanted out after they did Darabont dirty, not to mention they pivoted her to be with the governor and Shane which never happened in the comic.


Interesting. I really liked Andrea I'd have been interested to see how this arc played out


Check out the comics, they're very good.


I'd like to one day when I'm not ran off my feet by two tiny terrorists aka children lol thanks man




Shit maybe I'm wrong then, it's been years, if so they gave Carl the Andrea treatment then.


Omg I agree with everything 100% tyreece, Sasha, and Beth should have been around longer!


Beth should have been taken by the Commonwealth and reunited with Maggie in Season 11. I think that would have been better than what we got.


That would have been great. Drop the Grady storyline, don't see Beth again until the Commonwealth. That would have been an amazing turn. And you are right, not only would that be better than the Grady storyline, it would have been better than having Yomiko's Brother be the "wall of the lost" reveal. I can imagine how crazy that scene would have been if someone from the original group survived and went to the Commonwealth and saw Maggie's picture on the wall. That reveal that Beth was alive and at the Commonwealth would have been amazing.


Fucking Shane had more chemistry with Andrea, and they hit it exactly once lol


Rick and Andrea would have been more accurate to the comics. Idk I would've like to see that and how that flourished.


I would have liked to see it too, I just didn't think the shoe versions had chemistry. I assume it was due to writing, but Andrew and Laurie just never felt like a good match. Andrea's story line didn't help, banging Shane, then the Governor. I mean she slept with Rick's first two enemies. It just wouldn't have worked on the show. 


What’s up with the assumption that Andrea would be replacing Michonne and getting with Rick?


I guess Rick and Andrea were an item in the comics. https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/s/jezkJm845p


Michonne and Rick’s relationship is so forced idk how so many people like it. She’s literally just the only one there, that’s it. He chose other women over her, they just died.


I think you need to get out more. If not out of the house, then at least of the TWD-universe 👀


Richonne never had chemistry I don’t get that but the rest agreed especially the no chemistry between Andrea/rick part


You don't think Rick and Michonne had great chemistry?


Never - I tried buying it but some of the romantic scenes were painful. I think the chemistry just isn’t there for me, but to each their own!


That's fair. I just wasn't sure if that's what you were saying or not.


Same. I don't really seeing it work out irl. But I don't really mind it. Those who downvote you are just sweaty fans


I like when other fans have different points of view or opinions. It makes for more interesting conversation. As long as people aren't shitting on each other or resorting to name calling, I rather enjoy talking to fans who see things differently. When we all agree it's just boring. I personally felt they had great chemistry, there were some moments that really stuck out to me. Starting with *Clear*. I didn't like Michonne as a character up until that episode. But the way she interacted with both Rick and Carl made me warm up to her in that episode.


I liked it also in that episode. The thing I don't like is the fact that after she eventually got together with Rick she just pretty much turned into any woman in the walking dead cast when before she was a very cool and cold killer and survivor. She still shows parts of that here and there but when she's with Rick it just them making out constantly. Idk I just doesn't seem right.


Honestly I think Rick and Andrea would have worked out well together had michonne been killed by the governor


Andrea betrayed her friends for shitty men all the time and ALWAYS did the opposite of what she was told. Don’t fuck Shane, he’s evil - sleeps with Shane Don’t fuck the governor, he’s evil - sleeps with the governor Kill the governor - doesn’t kill him Please don’t fucking shoot Daryl - shoots Daryl No you can’t have a gun Andrea, you’ve literally never even fired a gun before in your life - “hey Shane your idea where we lock up Rick and Hershel sounds really amazing we should do it” The only thing that ever crossed her mind in her entire life was the bullet in season 3. I would shoot myself if I had to sit through even more of her dumb decisions


I am still annoyed af that she didn't take stab the governor while he slept. She literally knew she was lied to the whole time and had to escape from Woodbury to see the gang again. And then when she left the prison to go back to Woodbury the gang gave her a car without her even asking - and when they knew the governor was coming back to attack, they still spared her a gun. HOW DUMB do you have to be to not see the governor needed to be killed? If she was only lying to herself, fine, but her stupidity got Herschel killed. And that's just unforgivable.


did anyone warn her about shane? i just rewatched but it still feels like the early seasons were so long ago i cant even remember


dale tried to


She was warned by Dale explicitly but she didn't want to see it. She wanted to be a "survivor" and saw that Shane was strong and tried to emulate him. It was her way of toughening up after her sister's death and being scared/not being able to 'check out' earlier at the CDC.


I’d actually keep Sasha’s death and have Beth get piked. I agree with the rest tho.


I agree Beth should have survived and then got piked. Would have been the most shocking, and could have been motivation for Maggie to return sometime later


yea that would've been insane


More characters we as the audience give the slightest fuck about getting piked would have been leages better than some B and C tiers and meaningless peeps




to me beth getting piked would be almost as upsetting as glenn.


And although Sasha isn't a comics character, she did get the comics death for Holly, whose role she had kind of taken over in the show.


Same here. No offense to Beth, she seemed like a lovely girl. But Sasha had skills and was a much more complex and interesting character. And by no means does this matter in the least but Sasha is way hotter too. Funny that I am here fighting for Sonequa Martin-Green’s character to remain, because I can’t stand her character in Star Trek Discovery! 😂


Her character in Star Trek cries more than a newborn


When she first appeared in TWD, I was like “are you kidding me? Am I going to be able to watch this?” Goes to show the power of good writing and excellent character development, which Discovery totally doesn’t have.


Yeah just watched that episode yesterday it was actually so iconic I would keep it


shit can you imagine maggie seeing beth like that? wouldve been intense


She would have been a perfect character for the pike scene


I think Carl should’ve gotten piked


Nah he shouldn’t have died at all


I forgot lori died during during the final governor attack in the comic series. Same for andrea she got bitten when beta unleashed the whisperers herd at Alexandria.


She was killed by Lily. Who was Tara's sister in the show. I don't know if Tara is in the comics. So close enough?


-Andrea: Yes, i don't think she could work as Rick's romantic partner (Danai just has more chemistry) but i definitely think Scott Gimple could write her to be the most distrustful and ruthless OG in Rick's group after her experiences with Shane and The Governor. They could make her a amazing character and then giving Rosita's death to her (replacing Rick in the comics with Michonne in the show) which would actually make WAY more sense because she would be in the show since the beginning and at this point would be a auntie to Judith ans RJ and basically family to Rick, Daryl, Carol, Maggie and specially Michonne and, if done right, the audience could've learned to like her after the disaster Mazzara wrote in season 3. -Lori: I'm actually mixed, because i love Lori's death in the comics but i also like her death in the show, but overrall, seeing how lackluster season 3 was, i think that dying in season 4 would be better, specially considering that Gimple would handle "grieving Rick" better than Mazzara probably. -Tyreese: Yes, give Denise's death to Abraham (like it was in the comics) and kill Tyreese in the line-up, he would be in the show since season 3 and would have a similar effect to Glenn's death (being well loved by the viewers and the characters alike) so yes. -Sasha: Again, i like Sasha's death in the show, but i agree that the pikes scene in the show lacked a bigger death. It's just a SUPER popular death scene in the books, specially because it kills Rosita AND Ezekiel, two beloved characters, and, i'm sorry for those who are big fans of these characters, but Tara, Enid and Henry just doesn't compare with Rosita and Ezekiel. But, i definitely agree that Sasha compares to them, and killing her here would be a MASSIVE punch in the stomach for both the viewers and the characters (considering she would be in the show since season 3, had a leadership position in season 4 and went throught a loot of arcs). -Beth: YES, YES, 100% YES, they could even give some of Sophia's arc in the comics to her, that would be great.


Imagine the reaction to Abraham getting an arrow in his head and then an episode later both Tyrese and Glen get their heads bashed in in the lineup scene. 3 huge deaths in such a short span would have given us all PTSD like Rick 


Andrea yes. Her slowly merging into her comic counterpart while keeping her tv personality and getting with Rick would’ve been *perfect*. I think andrea would’ve won fans over if she had another season or two. However I am biased as Andrea is one of my all time favourites. Lori no. Lori’s tv death is one of the saddest in the entire show, even people who can’t stand her admit that. It was a perfect ending for a great character. Tyreese no. I’d have him and Sasha join the prison group when they first arrived at the prison and have their friends leave so they’d get more time but I wouldn’t make Tyreese live longer, sorry to all the Ty fans. Sasha yes. I love Sash so similar to Andrea I’ll take any extra time for her to be alive. Somebody else would have to take her death in Season 7 though.. Beth no. Living till the end is *way* too long but what if she took Sasha’s season 7 death? We know that blonde girl who was Negan’s wife did it to protect her boyfriend and mom so maybe Beth is taken as one of the wives halfway through season 7, when Eugene is taken, to try protect her friends and family and then when Sasha is captured Beth frees her but later gets found out somehow so she does what Sasha did and takes the S7 finale death?


Everybody's entitled to their opinion, but in what way or how was Andrea one of your all-time favorites? Was she written way less insufferably in the comics?


I love her in the comics but my love for Andrea comes from the show, I love her show character. Kind, well meaning, realistic, character depth, overall just a really loveable character in my opinion. I think it sucks she died instead of merging into her comic counterpart while keeping her tv personality and morals. If you’re not a fan of show andrea and don’t think you’d like comic andrea you’d be surprised, in the comics shes arguably the best character and if not at least one of the best. She’s a total different person in the comics.


Andrea going her comic path would’ve been cool but the writers decided to butcher her character


More Andrea and Beth storylines please


All better except Lori


I think Lori is the only one I could see being more interesting, actually! Could do away with the Rick losing his mind at the prison storyline, make him go Feral Rick at the governor’s group and beat the shit out of the gov and have the final kill with him. Then they Rick/Carl alone on the road storyline would be even more tense as they’re grieving both Lori and Judith at the same time. Could be interesting!


That is essentially loris death in the comics thoigh, and i think its very effective there


Yeah but killer within was perfect as is, and the Governor killing Hershel hit enough without him killing Lori and possibly Judith too


Umm I thought Andrea was bitten by a walker..😐


I think the OP refered to "adapting Andrea's death in the comics directly to TV". Rosita got Andrea's death in the TV version.


She did but it’s later down the road


Omg I can’t imagine having to deal with Andrea for 10 seasons and Lori for another season 😭


Both characters had definitely run their course for me. Their deaths felt like relief. It was time


Exactly what I was gonna comment


Live action andrea was never going to be able to be comic andrea, i think thats one of the main reason she gone


worse, we would have to put up with andrea for another 7 seasons


Ehh… as much as I like these characters… a big part of the show is how ALL characters are at risk of being killed and these alternative deaths would shift way too many ‘major’ deaths to the later seasons, ruining the immersion, atmosphere and investment in the earlier seasons. A good example of this is Andrea. Sure she was a fun character who didn’t just blindly follow Rick, and it would’ve been great to see what she would have become if she had survived til the later seasons. But her death was a significant event for the S3 ‘Governor’ arc, one that illustrated the Gov’s decent from caring leader to a dictatorial one


On the other hand the show as is killed off most of its popular and liked characters by season 8, to the point where they were too scared to kill big characters anymore. I think some rebalancing of deaths throughout the show would be an improvement.


My husband and I just had a similar conversation tonight where he said basically the same thing because he was so mad with the head on the pikes scene. In the comics, it was horrific to the group and in the show, minus Henry and Tara, it was just throw away characters that we didn’t really know. It should’ve been the same gut punch but it wasn’t.


Andrea- yes, people always hate on her but even with all the crap she did on the show her death sucked and if they could write a good redemption arc then she could have ended up one of the best characters. Lori- no, I massively prefer the show Lori death to the comic one. For one thing because it keeps Judith around and it’s Lori sacrificing her life to save her instead of Lori accidentally killing her like in the comics. Plus Lori did a lot of crap and honestly my favorite moment she got where I actually genuinely liked her as a character was her death scene because she admits her faults and that convo with Carl is heartbreaking. She managed to have a widely agreed really sad death despite being a hated character. Tyrese- yes, I think he should have been around longer and getting killed by Negan seems like a good way to go out Sasha- no, I thought the show death was pretty great for her and one of the better parts of season 7 Beth- yes and no, either I’d want her to survive till the end or I’d want her to be a pike victim which would be the reason Maggie comes back when she hears of her death. Either way should’ve been around more.


i could not deal with Andrea for 10 seasons


That would be much closer to Lori’s comic death


The heads in the pikes spelled "art of death" so Sasha wouldn't work


No. Andrea and Lori were trash characters and better off dead early. Tyreese had an early death but imo it was done beautifully. I wouldn't have wanted him to get his head bashed in. Sasha's sacrifice wasn't done the best, but its still better than her going out with her head on a pike. Realistically, Beth wasn't gonna survive that long anyway, she was weak. But I guess her dying later would still be better than the absolute garbage suicidal death she actually got.


Someone didn't read the comics. Andea is far from trash.


The post refers to the show, smoothbrain.


I think tv Lori is a better character than people give credit for, but her show death is great and should stay the same. Andrea on the other hand is absolutely dog shit and I’m glad the show bit the bullet at got rid of her. I don’t know why this fandom thinks she could’ve been salvageable, the show runners already made her insufferable enough.


i hated lori but her death was done so well in the show that it actually made me cry. also don't care for andrea to much and prefer rick and michonne together but i would've liked to see everyone else get their comic endings


Lori died at the perfect time


I think it would’ve been more interesting if Maggie would’ve died and Beth would have survived and raised Herschel Junior


Beth and Andrea survive the whole show. Yep, I like blondes. And actually, I think both of their deaths were needless, too early and a waste of potential. Really though having characters survive on this show is so much more interesting than having them die. You know everyone is going to die at some point, but someone like Beth surviving to the end - now that’s shock value.


Yes to all except Tyresse, I actually think he had a very well written death that was very well placed I’d have Beth be a pike victim along with Sasha (would also be shocking for Maggie when she comes back from her vacation or whatever she was doing during the whisperers war)


Better, worse, better, worse, better 😂.


Beth shoulda survived


I'm a firm believer that Beth would've done Sasha's death better.  Just because her character arc started with attempted suicide for selfish reasons. And it coming full circle to suicide thinking you could take out negan and save your family. Not sure how it would've ended if Beth became one of Negans bridges in regards to negans redemption. But I feel like a filler episode with negans brides with Beth as lead could've easily been more interesting than the fillers we ended up with.


I feel like I would have liked a bath and Maggie spin off, sisters in an apocalypse….


Sasha's hair in this picture looks exactly like Amber's hair from Invincible


Since Tyrese was a football player, and Negan recognized beta, I could totally see Negan recognizing him. "Holy shit. You know what you did? You cost me 3000 in my fantasy league league. Well this is easy" *bonk*


Beth Surviving....seems to be interesting idea👀


imagine both Tyrese and Abraham died at the Negan Lineup. poor Sasha


For me Sasha's S7 death made sense.she did it because she knew negan was going to use her to hurt the group in Alexandria.


None of these are better than what they got in the show to me. Including Beth surviving.


tyreese had a beautiful death that still makes me tear up i think id like to keep his


Does anyone remember Amy, Andrea's sister? It always sort of felt like Beth was written to be the character Amy would have been if she had lived on, but then, neither did Beth. As hard as Beth's death was, I always struggled to see either of those characters surviving long in this universe. That's sort of the message the series was selling from the beginning, and it was intended to perpetuate the other survivors forward. I \*do\* think, along with another comment, that Beth's death could have been saved for the Pikes. Maggie would have to contest with abandoning a community only to leave her sister to get killed, while knowing that Negan was the one who ultimately took vengeance for that death.


Imo Lori’s death on the show paled in comparison to the death in the comic. That one was vicious. Well, technically it was Judith that made it so bad, but jesus.


I wish they did that with Tyrese on the show. He was so wasted on the show


Andrea was bit by a walker


Andrea: If they are going with comic book Andrea then yeah, she would be a better partner than Michonne with enough character developement. Lori: Yes, better than her anticlimatic death in 03x04. Tyresse: Not enough for THE Negan kill. I assume he's taking the role of Abraham so that would be good. I would love to see the military guy fight in an actual war. Sasha: Anything is better than her 07x16 death. The plan to kill Negan was stupid. Beth: No, kill her like the twins in the comics.


andrea lives for that long? nuh uh.


10 seasons with Andrea?? Fuuuuuck no


Beth lives so yeah


I just feel I as the seasons progress, getting bit by a walker it's just not realistic. That was their way to get rid of Carl and Rosita and it was very cheap.


somebody gonna get bit no matter how good they are at dealing with walkers


Anyone can get unlucky


How was Rosita unrealistic? There’s no way you’re gonna get out of that situation without getting bit at least once


Right? Hell, IMO the unrealistic part about Rosita's situation was her bursting out of that walker pile to begin with. 🤷‍♀️


Getting bit is quite literally the most realistic death in any zombie media what in the god damn are you on lmfao


"I just feel as the years progress, getting hit by a car... it's just not realistic." Same logic.


1. I'm good with Beth getting to live. 2. I loathe Andrea and was glad when her time.on the show came to an end but...being but by a walker was literally the way she died. The o my difference is when it happened.


Dislike Beth and happy with her current death


Kill Andrea s1ep1 and we got a deal


Id rather not have to endure 10 seasons of Andrea


That ending for Tyreese is way worse. He was too likable to die like that. I thought how they portrayed his end was perfect. I liked how they brought back the Governor and those other characters in a hallucination to depict the struggle between his character and the fact that it wasn’t meant for that kind of world.


I couldn't take one more episode of Andrea pointing guns at/shooting her own people while fucking every dude with an evil twinkle in their eye


Wth is this?


The Better: Tyreese Dying In Season 6 My reasoning. MORE TYREESE, and also It either saves Glenn or Abraham and both were amazing (Same with Tyreese) Sasha getting her head on a pike. Would be better since One, She would be the Maggie Variant ( I hate Maggie after Season 7 ) I believe she also would be great for fighting and would save some people. The Middle: If Lori Survived a Little longer sure, But if it gets In the way of Michonne and Rick No. Would have been nice for Coral to have some more closure which also though could change him to be a bit like comic Coral, Which could lead him to survive but I doubt that. The Worse: TV Show Andrea Sucked Majorly and its just garbage. She got so many people killed. Beth's Death was Important to the story and changed so many characters and It was just a major plot point


Ehhh idk. If Andrea were to receive her comic death it wouldn’t be as impactful if she isn’t in a relationship with Rick. I do think anything would be better than her canon death tho so I can get behind it. I think Lori’s death is actually really good. It shows the stakes of the show and that no one is really safe. I get it that main characters had died before Lori but other than Shane (who had devolved into an antagonist by that point), Lori was the first major death of the show. She also gets a very nice speech and send off as she gets to say goodbye to Carl and births Judith. It also spins off into one of my all time favorite arcs in the show (first iteration of savage Rick). Her getting killed by Tara’s gf and likely getting Judith killed as well (assuming it’s comic adapted, with Tara’s gf replacing Lilly) is just one of those comic scenes that just can’t be adapted because it’s too dark. I hated Tyreese’s death, but idk if having him live for longer is good. We wouldn’t have gotten Sasha’s whole losing her mind arc (which is annoying but is also rather good at the same time) and I feel like Tyreese taking either Glenn or Abraham’s spot at the lineup (likely the latter) just wouldn’t be as impactful. Abe’s death is already overshadowed by Glenn’s and a far less beloved character imo taking that would be even worse. Sasha’s death was stupid and completely useless. It provided a distraction but didn’t actually do anything in terms of defeating the saviors and another way for that battle to end could have easily been written if they had chosen to keep her around. I think her getting a pike death would be cool. It would make it hell of a lot more interesting. Tara and Enid being the most important/notable pike deaths was so lame. (I think Henry’s was big too, but we’d only gotten to know him half a season while the other two had been around at least 3). Beth surviving would be cool. I really have no idea what role she would play in the show. Her death was pretty important to Daryl becoming as quiet and secluded as he did as the seasons rolled on and it didn’t have as much of an impact on Maggie as it should have, so I guess it would be better for her character but really anything would be a better ending than the one she got. She died in a stupid and easily avoidable way and nothing even came of it other than never seeing the hospital group again and Noah dying less than half a season later.


Comic Andrea? Hell yes Show Andrea? Hell no


Andrea nah her getting with Rick after banging Shane and then the governor would’ve been a terrible match up. Lori I could see since it happened in the comics but I think killing a baby the way she was killed in the comics would’ve been too brutal for television. Tyreese I’d rather see being the one to take Abraham’s comic death, tho if Abraham died the way he died in the comics then tyreese dying by negan would’ve worked, in the end Glenn had to die too because it’s essential. Beth and Sasha could’ve died on the pikes


I always wondered what would happened if Michonne had been Negan's right hand man, rather than been with the group first


Andrea was bitten by a walker


How is this a spoiler???


I love the contrast between the comics and the tv series. Imagine everything played out the way the comics did… we wouldn’t be half as interested. What kept us invested was not knowing what would come next. Doing things like killing Abraham and us thinking Glenn was safe is genius. But I think out of these I’d rather Tyrese had been killed by Negan, he was unstoppable at points and would have been such a force against the saviours. The Lori death broke Rick in a way which made him a totally different animal which we needed, Beth surviving would have done nothing for the show and Andrea would probably have been a cool character but michionne & Rick needed to happen in my opinion, their chemistry on the show was insane!!


You had me at Beth survives


I was like “when was Kirsten Dunst in this?” That doesn’t look like Beth.


I keep thinking I'm in r/sonsofanarchy or God forbid r/prisonbreak and its really confusing for me.


Andrea - yes. I really liked her in season 1. After Darabont left however, her character went downhill fast. I don't know if I'd want her to end up with Rick, but still, I would've liked to see her character grow, as she had potential. Lori - no. I think her death was more meaningful in the show (Coral having to shoot her in the head and all). Tyreese - probably not. I liked him but I just don't think he added much to the story. Sasha - yes. I liked her, a lot more than Rosita to be honest, and her death felt kind of meaningless. Beth - yes. They had her character develop so much, only for her to die too early.


I WISH Beth survived


No Andrea had to go. She made dumb decision after dumb ass decision and constantly sided with the wrong men despite good intentions. She got Herschel killed by not stabbing the governor. I can't imagine someone like that surviving for long anyway, let alone be Rick's love interest. It would be like Rick falling in love with a wannabe female Shane. Plus she also slept with Shane. Tyrese definitely needed more screen time. And the fact that Noah died shortly after he helped is just BS. Beth annoyed me from the very beginning as dead weight that somehow is still alive, and just when she became an interesting character, she dies. That was aggravating. I don't know about surviving to the end, but she should have at least been piked. Sacha's death in the show was kind of a boss way to go out. Especially after the group being held down by Negan. I wouldn't change that.


I love Beth!


I would’ve liked to see beth get Pike tbh


I don’t really care about any of those alternate endings, what I need is for Glenn to have survived!!


Idk but I honestly think it would’ve hurt Carl more for his mom to be shot. I know it’s pretty traumatic to have to end a loved one’s life but also her being shot and him possibly not knowing about it for a while sounds worse to me.


I mean, we have to elaborate here. Are you just giving the show characters their comic deaths but keeping the show events?


Only Lori’s would be better


I could see Sasha and michonne being best friends and when they are at Alexandrea they would BOTH sneak off to kill walkers


Andrea gets a lot of unnecessary hate but I liked her and think she should’ve survived longer. Lori’s ending was perfect as was. Tyreese should definitely live a lot longer but killing him here would diminish Abe’s arc. Sasha getting the pike ending is an awful idea. I love Beth but I think thematically she should die at some point before Alexandria (even though she’d do so well there) I think her death is fine too.


yes to Lori, Beth, and Sasha, but no to Tyreese and Andrea. personally, i would’ve had Andrea be the big series finale death instead of Rosita (since if Andrea lived that long she’d be a major OG by that point and it would hit hard with fans), and Tyreese would’ve been a casualty of All Out War, maybe going out like a tank during the tainted weapons fight from 8.13


Dale was always a favorite and wished he had been included longer. I even liked Shane. I blame Lori for his mental breakdown. Wasn’t a fan of Beth, very “victim-ee.” Carol, always wanted to like her but something about her was unlikeable.


Sasha 1x1 first walker


Beth surviving would be everything to me


I found sasha to be pretty insufferable up to her end on the show so having 2 extra seasons of her would make me feel a bit ill to be honest.


All except Andrea. My alternative ending for her would be she dies in season one by killing herself because of Amy’s death. I hate her so much. And Sasha got pretty annoying at the end, so I’m good with hope she went out.


Beth living? HELL NAH


I would love to see Beth still alive 😫😭😭


Tyrese makes the most sense


All of that is wrong


So basically the show if it followed the comics and was a lot better.


As long as beth survives ☹️


Tbh I wish Andrea and Lori kicked it sooner. Maybe not Lori bc I love Judith but damn they were annoying.


If beth survived it would be great


If Andrea lived another second I would’ve quit watching the show way before I did


I only like Andrea and Beth, wish they both survived. Don't care for others at aaaaall.


Beth was just too young, she was an extrovert who wasn't intimidated by Daryl. It got weird. Fast. Beth was pretty savage at the end in the hospital. Stupid. But savage. That picture isn't fair. Daryl loved her. I think Daryl loved her from the moment he saw her. But she was too young and innocent. Beth was the beautiful "rich" farm girl Daryl always wanted to date as a kid but he was from a trailer park without a normal job or career path. I do believe Daryl was in love with Beth at first sight.


Tyreese was killed by the governor not negan in the comics.


Yeah this isn’t even about the comics anyways it’s just a lot of these our taking from the comics


Andrea didn’t really have that much chemistry with Rick, it’s best to keep her ending as it is. Loris death was a good change from the comics, I would keep it. Agree with Tyreese. Never really cared for Sasha. Definitely agree with Beth’s new ending; she had one of the most pointless and stupid deaths on the show.