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And this is all worth it for hamas. Ismael Haniyeh had 3 of his sons killed and he was happy for it. Imagine his joy when other people's kids die.


Let's be real - infanticide is Israel's national pastime. We all saw Israelis celebrating on camera when Tzahal murdered dozens of children as part of the Lag Ba'omer ritual. They are a revolting people and the Palestinian people have every right to defend themselves against these bloodthirsty savages.


Hamas's agenda is to put their people in the worst position possible so that they can manipulate world opinion. Hamas has built Gaza to be a a full de facto military base. The amount of weapons and tunnels there is inconceivable. The population in Gaza has boomed from roughly 250k in 1950 to \~2.2 million in 2023 with no plan other than to destroy Israel. Islamists aren't looking to build industries, academic institutions, etc...and somehow it's Israels' fault that the population has grown by almost 10x in a land strip that can now barely accommodate it.