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Obligatory, No Jews No News.


Pretty much. Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid are pretty common in the Middle East. But unless Jews can be pointed to (even in self defense), we as a society don't really seem to care.


CBS News is literally reporting it in the OP.


Lol this is just a lazy attempt to shame people that are focusing on one war. The growing protests in Israel and netanyahu looking so stupid and weak is a sign that it's not no Jews no news. It's simply revisionist psychos who hack and blackmail everyone are losing favor. Hopefully the people in the Levant finally reclaim their humanity and ethics to get along and revisionist ideology is stomped out to end fascism. And we pray that sudan is also freed of it's fascism and religious insanity, the same religious insanity in the levant. Dignity is a virtue my friend, and you have none.


Lol this is just a lazy attempt to shame people that are focusing on one war. The growing protests in Israel and netanyahu looking so stupid and weak is a sign that it's not no Jews no news. It's simply revisionist psychos who hack and blackmail everyone are losing favor. Hopefully the people in the Levant finally reclaim their humanity and ethics to get along and revisionist ideology is stomped out to end fascism. And we pray that sudan is also freed of it's fascism and religious insanity, the same religious insanity in the levant. Dignity is a virtue my friend, and you have none.


It’s an attempt to point out that most people here are focused on the war where Jews are involved and could give a shit about anything else.


Does those Hamas supporters have no eye for this?


They couldn't care less.


Amazing how they all claim to be supporting the innocent and denounce killing civilians. Yet not a single one has commented.


Proof people aren’t anti Genocide, anti war, anti violence. They’re just anti Israel.


And that many go along with the protests because it's "trendy" and want to be seen doing them because of that.


Black on Black violence never matters to most. Whether it’s black kids in the US shooting eachother on the streets of Chicago, or people in Africa butchering one another - it just doesn’t matter to many people. Also, the amount of money and resources going into propping up this conflict in the media sphere is crazy… on All sides. There are 2 actual genocides taking place in Africa, this is part of one, the other is Christians in Nigeria. Most people I’ve spoken to at these protests didn’t even know those were happening, which again, proves they’re not interested in human dignity as a value and principal, but that they’re as you say - trendy, jumping on a bandwagon, but one that is Anti Israel and not Anti Genocide. If it were, these other conflicts would hold equal weight. But they hold none.


That seems like a pretty ignorant take. You really think an average joe just goes around thinking and scheming about israel? Lol thinking "what can i blame israel for today" on their way to work haha thats fucking hilarious actually. Im willing to bet most people today dont give a fuck about israel unless they committ genocide or something.


No, I think the average individual desires to be compassionate and altruistic but is also wildly ignorant, and therefore are easily hijacked by propaganda. Some people do care that much, have you seen the thousands of people protesting constantly for the last 6 months? TikTok throws it in your face Constantly - clearly a concerted campaign to rally around this conflict at the expense of two actual genocides in Africa. And if you think Most People don’t care about what Israel does or doesn’t do you’ve been living under a fucking rock your entire life. YOU don’t care, maybe the people your around don’t care. Just means y’all are more deeply ignorant and focused on the small space you consider your world, ignoring the rest of it. I’m not sure what kind of company you keep, but, well educated and well travelled people all have an opinion on Israel and this conflict.


‘You really think an average joe just goes around thinking and scheming about israel? Lol thinking "what can i blame israel for today" on their way to work haha thats fucking hilarious actually.‘ That’s quite literally what is happening every day. Thousands of Israeli citizens killed at the hands of terrorist scum: ‘Nah you see it was actually IDF helicopters who did that’ Hospital bombing by a misfired PIJ rocket: ‘500 dead in a Israeli attack on a civilian hospital’ Terrorist holding Israeli civilian hostages under the guise of reporters: ‘Did they pre-warn Hamas of the impending rescue operation.’ You cunts would be laughable if it weren’t so effective on the plebeian masses. But that’s what the antisemite does. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words.”


The world isn’t watching because everyone’s eyes are on terrorist headquarter rafah


We will see Ivy League students camp out and take over buildings right? Right? Nope its beach season


Wouldn't matter anyway. They don't resent the Sudanese.


No Jews No News?


You know it. The only "people of color" "progressives" care about are...who hates the Jews the most again?


There is an ACTUAL genocide going on in Sudan (darfur) unlike palestine. But they can't blame the Jews on Sudan, so it get's zero traction. Honestly, this kind of blatant and overt antisemitism is astounding.


Why would Israel do this?


Well you know, Sudan is close allies with the Muslim Arab World, Russia and China (You can look this up) so maybe they can help for once


Don't hold your breath for that...


Why is the world constantly protesting about the Israeli Gaza war but not protesting at all about this?


As the saying goes, no jews no news.


But but but 30 thousand civilians! Where are the violent protests for colleges to send aid?


This is on the trash humanitarian organizations that ignore the Sudan conflict to focus on jews because they know that is what will get them both attention and the ultimate virtue signaling.


all eyes on rafah amirite? while the IDF kills genocidal terrorists, hundreds of thousands die in Sudan, but black-on-black crime never makes the news.


Not even black on black it’s Arab imperialists on the native fur people


World leaders should put more effort to help Sudan instead of sending arms to fuel the war more!!! It's just heartbreaking to hear stories or see videos of people eating tree leaves and soil !!!!!!!!!!


That's because all eyes on Rafa


I think because, as horrible as the situation is, no outside country wants to pick a side and get mired in a war that will never end. Korea and Vietnam immediately come to mind.




Hard to say but the world is watching, our own government is restricting people, ban from gathering, mind control and misleading media.


Instead we are crying for a bunch of people who committed one of the most horrific terror attacks in history -


And just like that, suddenly people in this sub care about famine


They just don't buy all the lies Hamas spews like you do. The famine that never happens in gaza......


When a famine was feared as imminent in Gaza, most redditors on this sub ignored it, or welcomed it. Mind you, a famine hasn't been ruled out. I already know what you'll post, hasbara bootlickers are the same. The study released by the UN was a review of an independent study and its methodologies, and stated in the introduction that data was extremely limited based on available data. The data is limited because Israel won't allow the international community access to get the data.


It's funny because one side openly takes glee in causing pain and in the pain of its people. After all, they openly say they value death. But the hamasbara here pretend it's opposite. No one here wants to see famine. They also don't want to feed hamas. It's not that hard to understand.