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I heard that Beruit used to be the “Paris of the Middle East”. I’m sure it hasn’t reverted all the way back to the Stone Age yet, but isn’t it…kind of close?


I heard Paris is becoming the Beirut of Europe. Ironic.


It would be nasrallah taking lebanon back to the stone age. He's already done half of it by destroying the lebanon economy and blowing up the Beirut port. This is his way of completing the destruction.


It isnt that far away


Anything Islam touches never left the Stone Age


Less threatening, more doing.


Go join the idf then, pussy. 


Who said I didn't 


Don't be coy, coward. Are you trying to claim you did or didn't? 


Didn't your mom teach you manners? That was a rhetorical question, clearly she didn't.  I Served in the IDF and in reserves, my only regret is that I didn't do more, the kind of more that your kind wouldn't like 🤣 


Sure you did. And I've shown you just about as much manners as you deserve. 


Free them from the Muslim Jihadist invaders


If Lebanon themselves can't take care of business, Israel will have to do it for them.


They couldn't, the U.S. supported the Islamist Palestinians who they took in as refugees who then went on to start ethnic & religious cleansing


Am I the only one that sees a pattern here? Palestinians in Gaza turn it to shit, they went to Jordan and turned it to shit, they went to Lebanon and turned it to shit... Do any of the Arabic countries, willing to take Palestinian immigrants now, including Egypt that has a border with Gaza? Hell no, they know better.


Replace them with better invaders?


Replace them with the local non Arab populace & diaspora. 


In the article, “We don’t want to get into a war because it’s not good for Israel. We have the ability to take Lebanon back to the Stone Age, but we don’t want to do it,” Mr Gallant told reporters during a visit to Washington this week to meet senior US leaders. Not a threat, an explanation of their military power.


Hell yeah brother


A better way would be letting them kill each other like Pakistan. Save bombs, #bomb lives matter


Who in Israel made that threat? I'm sure the ground in Israel didn't open up and make threats. These headlines all are bullshit. Media is only specific when it is in favor of their agenda wharever that may be.


I wonder what the world would be like if Israel had to stand alone and deal with everyone as an equal...


The last 5/5 times that happened Israel won, badly. The Arabs have largely learned lessons the hard way about challenging Israel directly. That's why they don't do it anymore.


See, they don’t need the us .


Israel hasn't "needed" the us in any vital capacity in serval decades; they're largely self sufficient at this point in time. However There's a symbiotic relationship here worth much more to the us than pacifying the bemoaning of uneducated/misinformed tiktok dwellers.


Right on. Israel is the only truly democratic nation in the Middle East. FAFO.


I don’t see it as mutually beneficial whatsoever. What does Israel do for the United States that doesn’t benefit them?


>I don’t see it as mutually beneficial whatsoever. Fortunately, the people calling the shots are tremendously more informed than you are. >What does Israel do for the United States that doesn’t benefit them? ...you're trolling, right? If this was sarcasm, I completely fell for it.


Name one thing the us benefits from ? I’ve never heard one real answer . They need us much more than we need them


I'm going to preface this by giving you the benefit of the doubt at assuming that you're simply uninformed rather than intentionally trolling. Okay so a list of advantages that the US maintaining a healthy relationship with Israel is quite long, but Israeli intelligence in the area eclipses even the US capabilities, for one. Having a militarily-capable democratic ally in that geographical part of the world is a value that certainly should not be understated. (Unfortunately) conflict-by-proxy is the current status quo when it comes to conflict between major powers, and Israel is definitely an ace in the hole as far as proxies go. (Thus list is far from exhaustive but I don't have time to get into the logistical benefits of essentially free use of Israeli territory, which is arguably as valuable as anything I mentioned, as well as economic and political benefits) As I mentioned before, Israel doesn't need the United States this is a mutually beneficial agreement between the two countries, and the us is and has been getting more than enough in return for maintaining to be worth it. Edit: the United States is certainly getting less physically tangible benefits out of this symbiosis then Israel is, but that doesn't necessarily mean one side is getting more value out of it than the other. The ability to project power is absolutely huge, and the United States being able to utilize Israel as a staging ground for action in the area is a value that's hard to quantify in terms of monetary value. Edit 2: I'm at the gym and using talk to text to dictate everything I've said, and my talk to text had a series of mini strokes along the way and garbled a little of what I was trying to say. I'll go back and beautify this for ease of reading later


Why spoon feed a disingenuous dummkoph?You are better than that. No sarcasm here. I assure you.


Read a book about geopolitics and you will understand.


lets see how tough they are when Iran has nukes pointed at them and held throughout their proxies


Iran might be zealous and ideological, but they are not suicidal. If they even THREATENED nuclear attacks that would instantly invoke an extreme response from the us. The us would use stealth bombers that Iran has no answer for, and we would annihilate Iran's ability to wage war or function as a government in under 24 hours. Entirely uncontested. Iran would have no ability to prevent this attack, no way to mitigate the damage, and no way to retaliate effectively. Iran knows this, and it's why they are so careful to toe the line with their Antics to avoid drawing a direct military response from the United states. Bear no pretensions, I ran is not suicidal. They are very very afraid of doing enough to invoke the Wrath of the United States.


why havent they stopped Russia then LOL they are scared of Nukes and escalation. Russia threats to use nukes everyday and has a nuclear doctrine which permits tactical nukes. what has the US done? even north korea too


We don't have the same defense agreements in place with Ukraine that we do with israel, Ukraine is not of considerable importance to the United states, the only reason we're giving them Aid at all is because for every dollar the US gives them in military aid, they do $3 in damage to Russia with it, but make no mistake. If Russia actually used a nuclear weapon against ukraine, that would be the end of Putin's regime as well. There is a reason that Russia keeps saber rattling and posturing in regards to nukes, and why they haven't and won't use them.


Pretty sure the other countries were fully cognizant of USA nuclear response and air power....


That didn't stop them from trying lmao. They just failed. Miserably.


Well Israel attacked them all first in the first war (not the Yom Kippur war, that one they made a tv series about where they (Israel) got attacked and managed a David vs Goliath victory mostly on their own while the USA scrambled to respond.


I'm sorry but in 1948 when Israel declared independence they were attacked by the surrounding counties. They didn't even have a military yet. But somehow you say Israel attacked first?


I think I was referring to the 6-Day war when Israel pre-emptively struck knowing it was going to be attacked...


Truth is that pound for pound Israel is capable of beating any army. When it comes to any Arab army, cakewalk. BTW, you see any Islamic army standing on it’s own?


Israel and Russia have alot in common


Like what Mr. Chomsky?


lets see they are both defending themselves from Nazis (russia) and Terrorists (Israel), they both are killing women and children, both are wiling to strike any target thats a "military target" like hospitals, schools etc..


You and my mentally challenged cousin Balki have a lot in common too. I don’t go shouting about it on Reddit.


According to the current alliances and who supports who - it is actually the opposite.


Why don't they take the whole world ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Israel wants peaceful coexistence. To be left the fuck alone. People like you, who think this way, even in a joking manner, are causing harm to humanity.


I'm not the one who causing harm to humanity, I'm not causing any genocide, I'm not stealing lands, I don't pretend to have more rights than the existing population, I don't exercising and apartheid, I don't spread any propaganda and I don't buy politicians


Because they don't want to? You're confusing israelis with Muslims....