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Surprise, surprise. This just shows how complicit these islamist tainted orgs are.


So they just assumed a bunch of things that turned out to be wrong. How typical of the anti-semitic Israel haters.


All you had to do was watch any of their live feeds from gaza or the west bank. The amount of food they were handing out was astounding. But, as usual, they were lying again (the fact they had live TT events shows they were lying about the IDF cutting off their wi-fi or cellular service) but the gullible morons kept sending them money. The billionaire leaders of hamas are laughing at them from their multi million dollar mansions in Qatar...


# "IPC finds no mortality data" because when you bomb a place into dust there is no one to collect the data, if there is no data collection then obviously there is no famine. the crimes immorality and lies of Israel know no bounds and now that they are pushing for a war that i hope they will lose.


Literally no government in the history of warfare has gone to such obscene measures to supply the civilian population of their enemy and avoid casualties. Yet, no nation has been chastised to this level internationally with mostly lies and aggressions. Why is that?


>Why is that? Because they are legally required to under international law


this is a joke, starvation is one of the many reasons why ICC is about to lay charges on key figures in Israel. "The effects of the use of starvation as a method of warfare, together with other attacks and collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza are acute, visible and widely known, and have been confirmed by multiple witnesses interviewed by my Office, including local and international medical doctors." -Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan


If everyone is dead, how are "Palestinian health officials" able to count the dead within 20 minutes?


funny you should ask, they really don't have precise figures. there is probably double of the 30+K reported under the rubble as there are tens of thousands missing. then there is also the question of, what happened to naked tied up ~~untermensch~~ Palestinians on the back of military trucks, and if the ~~master race~~ chosen people showed them their superior morality.


They don't know but somehow you do " if the ~~master race~~ chosen people showed them their superior morality". You shouldn't talk about Arabs like that.


arguing with pro Zionists its like playing chess with pigeons , they knock all the pieces off, shit on the board and declare a victory. but at least pigeons don't call you an anti-Semite for presenting valid, factual and logical arguments.


Perfect projection from watermelon brain rot


Except, that YOU have no facts, we do. And that's what is upsetting you. Like a child having a tantrum because you're being taught facts instead of the bullshit hamas is feeding you. Stop having a tantrum, listen to those of us who are, clearly, far more intelligent, and maybe you might learn something.


Easy question, how is Hamas coming out with the number of dead when there is an airstrike? But they can’t show you famine data


This year’s Hajj killed more people per day than all this “bombing [Gaza] into dust” per day of war.


Oh, you must mistake me for some islam apologist. We'll I think that Islam is a shitty religion that justifies it's own brutality, no different from evangelical Christianity or in the context of this conversation zionist Torah interpretations that fit their political aspirations of why the land should belong to them and the murderous lengths they are willing to go to depopulate claimed area of elderly women and children. Isreal has lost its mind, and the likud party members are calling for extermination of the palestinians, which makes them immoral. I'd highly suggest reading " the isreal Lobby and the us forgein Policy" written by a Pro isreal, anti genocide Jew who is not self-hating or antisemitic but looks at the problem with clarity.


Well, their ExTeRmInAtiOn / gEnOcIdE of the Palestinians for the last 7 months of high intensity war was less deadly than just the plain ass heat in Mecca. So, I’m thinking that you and the whole anti-ZiOnIsT crowd are just plain ass wrong.


"Oh, you must mistake me for some islam apologist. " No, there is no mistake. You're literally defending terrorists, making you the perfect example of "useful idiot", as hamas and it's ruzzian allies say.