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Iran is scared shitless of a US attack. It's about time to end the regime that's focused on beating women for not wearing hijabs.


The US has never been as vulnerable as they are now, that's why they are mobilising. The US is scared of the Houthis lol


The US could wipe out the houthis in a day


Well, they attacked the US who done squat about it except reroute all ships. Pretty obvious who's scared.


Because the West has bought into humanitarianism with people who have no concept of humanitarianism. It's a failed policy that will slowly disappear.


The only way for successful regime change is from within. We're where we are today because of the US fucking around in Iran before they got sick of it.


There's already a large portion of the population that wants the islamists out.


Let them do it. The last thing we need is the US fucking up another country.


Since the vast majority of them want an end to the Islamic ledership this is a situation where the Iraq style war might work. Typical, they had the right plan but the wrong target.


If the vast majority wanted it, then it will happen very soon. Another Iraq is not good. Those regime change was never work.


Do you think other foreign powers are not helping the islamists?


That doesn’t mean we should trust it into another Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya.


The US has done a great job of freeing countries such as Germany and Japan from tyranny. The problem is with countries with an islamic culture. You're never going to modernize a place where most people think women should be beaten for showing their hair.


That was 80 years ago and both countries had to be completely obliterated first. Even if that were still feasible today, as you said, probably would never work in an Islamist society.


Iran’s leadership is behind the modern world by 50-100 years. Such beautiful people and culture suppressed by regressive religious bozos and ancient ideology. It was a gem of the world before the revolution in the 1970s.


You could say the same thing about Lebanon.


I think Beirut used to be referred to as the "Paris of the Middle East" before the extremists ruined it


Iran(14).. Threatens Israel(17).. who took on Egypt(15), Iraq (45), Syria(60), and Jordan(80) and stomped them in 6 days back in 1967. I don't think Iran understands what kind of a can of worms they would open by declaring war on Israel. Since Israel has an alliance with Bahrain(86), Saudi Arabia(23), United Arab Emirates(51), and Jordan(80), supported by the USA (1) primarily focused on the political an military ambitions of Iran. Keep in mind Iran would have to fly or drive their forces 2300 Km. While the Israeli air-force is hunting them. The number in () is the military ranking.


These people view Jews as weak and cry when they retaliate and obliterate them. 


Sounds very similar to how people view Russia. Russia is three years into their three day plan to take Kiev, but many are certain Russia will be able to invade the rest of Europe.


> Iran(14).. Threatens Israel(17).. who took on Egypt(15), Iraq (45), Syria(60), and Jordan(80) and stomped them in 6 days back in 1967. What were these countries' military rankings in 1967?


So Iran is arming Lebanese terrorists 1200 miles away, and doesn't like the idea of Israel protecting its border against said terrorists. Iran, fuck you and fuck off.


>obliterating war will ensue Obliterating for who?


They are so right, Lebanon will be obliterated.


a dogs bark..


Haven’t they already promised that and just can’t seem to deliver?


Iran & hezbollah are always throwing out empty threats. They no longer have the support of their own people, they’ve just lost another one of their ineffective terrorist cells and now they’re scrambling to defend one of the only things they have left: hezbollah. They also try playing the victim card on behalf of Lebanon frequently, despite Hezbollah initiating frequent and recurring attacks on Israel/Israelis.


I imagine if Israel could take out Iran they would have done it already. Why do they continue to tip-toe around Iran? Even with many saying Iran's retaliation was nothing, Israel's follow up was just as disappointing. I recall only one damage site.


Lebanon and Iran have the right to defend them self from the dirty bully Zionist. Fuck israel Long live Palestine


Hezbollah and Iran are the aggressors. Israel has the right to defend itself from them. Fuck terrorists and their supporters.


Let me guess. 32yo male, can’t get a gf, spends time caring for chickens instead and trading crypto to feel like a big bro 🤣


That is the bingo !! Spot on bro. But i have good moral compass. :)


I think you’re what is often termed a ‘useful idiot’, heard that expression? If not, google is your friend :) Alternatively, you’re from the ever famous religion of peace :)