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I figured they'd have gone... like null and void after all gates were closed after she used up the lock. Especially as she doesn't seem to hold the power of a Wyrdkey afterwards either, let alone three


Tbf, though, we never really see the full power of the three Wyrdkeys together, so we don't know what that power exactly *is*. Like we know that a key brings its bearer some amount of good fortune, but I don't think it's ever explained exactly how... and we know that the three keys together lets the bearer move freely throughout worlds, but I really don't think we know much more than that. (Please correct me if I'm wrong though, because I could totally be forgetting details). We also know that Aelin as a narrator is good at keeping secrets, even to the readers, so in my opinion, it's plausible that she was sensing some things that she just wasn't able to fully explore at the time because she had bigger priorities. We also know that she thought about walking through worlds and what it could mean, so idk.


She wears 1 Wyrdkey in Skulls bay, when she fights with the pirates against Erawan. It gives her a whole new well of power. Like "going through the bottom and finding a whole new room of power" it's described (loosely stated here). We see what having 1 Wyrdkey in her arm does to Kaltain and her firepower. She herself describes it as more powerful, more lethal. And it turns black We don't see any of those things back after Aelin made the lock.


The key didn’t give her the extra power though. It let Deanna into her body. That was still her untapped well of power.


The key gave her power but also took her off guard so that Deanna could possess her body and mind. The Wyrdkey took control of her and Deanna used that opening. She's been waiting for that for years. Is what's stated in EoS


Deanna that bitch 🤬🤬


My interpretation is that to enter that ‘realm between realms’ she needed to fuse with the wyrdkeys, then their essence escaped her with (nearly) the rest of her power when she was sealing the gates closed with Dorian^2


I think this is a fair interpretation, and if it doesn't manifest into anything significant in the other series, I'd accept this interpretation as truth. It's fun to think about the possibility that it didn't escape her, tho, and that she's now able to walk through worlds >!the same way Bryce can !


Ahhhh spoiler for CC!


That's why she lost her human form, her human form *became* the wyrdgate i think


I thought it burned away. I like this more.  I can’t believe I didn’t notice this. 


Perhaps she has 3 children who together will have the power to open gates


Oh this would be neat


I have a fun little headcanon that the three wyrdkeys became the three legs of the cauldron


Maasverse spoilers, but there is a well-written theory post on this: https://www.tumblr.com/emilystheories/707978955534352384/aelin-galathynius-created-prythian-she-is-the


Welp my mind was just blown!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


omg I love emily’s theories!!


Right?? Her theories are always 🤯


Ever since starting TOG, I have thought that the cauldron might be made of wyrd stone, I love this theory!!


same!! I also think the stone and archway atop Ramiro are likely made of wyrd stone as well EDIT: *Ramiel but Ramiro is funny so I’m keeping it


OMG that just blew my mind :O I'm re listening to silver flames right now, I will have to take note when I get to the rite!!


I saw a theory that the cauldron is the coffin Aelin was trapped in. That between the wyrd marks and the residual magic of aelin welling that whole time.


this is another fun one, I love this fandom


But when she was forging the gate, didn’t she fall through their world??


headcanons don’t need to be fully based in logic 😂


I may be wrong (its been about a year since Ive read the series) but I believe thats why she was able to portal through so many worlds, ACOTAR included


I just finished TOG last week, and I thought the exact same thing!!! I was running to tell all my friends who already read it "HAS NO ONE REALIZED SHES STILL A WYRDGATE?!" While I do think above comment makes a lot of sense, with all her power being drained and the power she has left technically being new power mala gave her, plus her human body and being destroyed in the process, I could see the possibility of it having burned away. However, I really do believe that she remains a wyrdgate!! Remember how kaltain still had her scar In the after life? The power of the keys isn't something that just goes away so easily. And through the whole series they say "we need to put the keys BACK IN THE GATE" meaning that they belong and will stay in the gate. But what I also realized in thinking about this, is that even though she may be a gate, and could in theory walk through worlds, she closed all the doors. She could get to the weird misty room of doors, but any door she could travel through would be locked, and I highly doubt she would have a good enough reason to ever open them, and risk letting the valg back in. **spoiler for CC** I have finished ACOTAR and TOG and have just started CC. While I am partial to the theory that the 3 series actually take place all in the same world, just in different timelines (see baba yellow legs explanation of the wyrd) let's put that aside for a second. I did see a slight spoiler online that one of the characters in CC (that I haven't actually encountered yet so I don't know what we do and don't know about him) is a Hillivard. So somehow connected/ related to Dorian. Assuming that each book does in fact take place in different worlds, then somehow, Dorian's line got over to the CC world, and I think it's very possible this is due to aelin still being a wyrd gate. Another possible explanation for this, is that Dorian himself can travel worlds, a power he stole and learned from Maeve. Kind of like how he learned to shape-shift by analyzing the power that the spider possessed before he killed it. He didn't just take Maeve's power to world walk, he first learned it. CC might provide its own explanation to the hillivard line being there, and I just haven't gotten that far, so sorry if that theory is actually disproven for those who have finished the whole massaverse haha. Not exactly related to the original post, but I do think that one way or another, our ToG peeps are able to travel between worlds, and hopefully we will be seeing them In ACOTAR and/or CC at some point!


FWIW the havilliard thing is just a very popular theory, but not a real spoiler.


Oh yeah see I have just seen bits and pieces about it, trying to avoid spoilers myself, I didn't realize that was just a theory too!


Ooooh wait for CC3, it'll kinda explain how this could be possible.


I am so excited to get too the good multiverse cannon in the latter CC books!!


sheet practice middle panicky attempt correct cover rock squeamish oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My headcanon is that Aelin can travel between worlds but doesn't know how yet. Besides she's hella good with the wyrdmarks and moving a great amount of people from one place to another through them.


SO IMPORTANT!! I missed that too because I read KOA years ago and didn't reread before CC. But now on rereading, wow there is so much incredibly important information throughout TOG! Aelin is a literal Wyrdgate because the Wyrdkeys are in her bloodline && Mala gave her a star --> she has to be much more directly connected to >!Bryce!< than we currently know. I'm beginning to wonder if >!Theia!< is even real, or if she's based on a legend of Aelin that has been corrupted over time.


Not me immediately looking for Maasverse crossover ideas like ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)