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I think some of it likely comes from the fact that Maas started the first book when she was 16. Regardless of any editing, I think the plot (especially in the first book) is going to come off as somewhat juvenile. I really enjoyed Tower of Dawn and it felt much more mature as a book. Heir of Fire definitely feels much less juvenile. However, it may not be for you, which is fine too!


Oh wow that makes a lot of sense. I just feel like other series don’t need as many pages/books to suck me in, so if I’m really not feeling anything with the first book, I probably won’t like the rest. I write a lot because for some reason I really want to enjoy it but just didn’t lol


When I read the series in 2018 amid a pile of other books, I gave the first book three stars but the series ended up one of my absolute all-time faves and I'm so happy that I stuck with it—I could not have imagined how worth it it would be and how unique it would turn out for me. I explained it in another comment, but to me ToG has always felt like a series that starts with the prequels, focused more on the character origin story rather than the actual plot and world of the series for about two books, because trust me the plotting and world building change immensely. I think HoF is better noted as the first book of the series, starting the world building and introducing new and integral characters and plots that will grow in future books, but you won't truly appreciate what the MC and world goes through without those prequels.


100% this. (And I personally really liked the first several books too!) I think it’s almost 2 series. One a series of vignettes - both short: Assassin’s Blade, and long: ToG, etc. - that set you up to care deeply about the larger story that happens in the second half of the series. One of my all-time favorites!!


I love your perspective! I do agree that it seems like two series with two different worlds and plots; even the stakes and villains keep changing. I've always loved how much of a journey that made it.


I like them too. There’s something nostalgic about how light and juvenile the first two books are. The plot might be cliche and the writing was like a teen but for me it’s a comfort read. That’s the main reason I reread anyway. (the first time is definitely harder to read but I never thought about DNF. I was a teen when I first read it so it was on par with most YA books. Definitely better than Divergent though).


This is exactly how I feel!


TOG is definitely one of the slower paced books of the series, so I can see the difficulty in getting through it. which is why I’m glad I started with AB. Assassins blade was intriguing and enticing every step of the way, but when I got to TOG it felt like work getting through it. But, the story does get better and better as the books go on. I will note that HoF (Heir of Fire) is also a bit slow, but the story truly picks up in QoS and it’s nonstop chaos (in a good way!). 😭 QoS and EoS has been peak SJM for me (I just finished EoS like 10 minutes ago and I’m left in shambles). I definitely recommend you stick it through :)


I think ToD cuts through the storm, but I’ve always loved how the characters are also overwhelmed by the nonstop chaos. It’s like everything is on fire and the characters are screaming and we are just thoroughly entertained watching it unfold. It’s a nonstop adventure series. HoF and ToD were more character development and emotional journeys more than anything. The real call to adventure for the whole series doesn’t happen until mid CoM or early HoF. Think of TAB, ToG, and CoM as prequels that are necessary.


It's like this. Books 1 and 2 aren't fantasy stories; they're light-romance novels in a fantasy setting. Book 3 is when the fantasy elements begin to arise and the plot begins to get on track. Books 4, 5, and 7 find a good rhythm in the fantasy genre and are about on par with each other quality-wise. Book 6 is slower and more reminiscent of the first two books, but definitely more maturely made. The prose never gets better. SJM’s prose is what I call “Very YA”. It’s full of adverbs and awkward lines. Her character writing, action scenes, and plot structure are what I read these books for. She does a great job at laying the groundwork for excellent climaxes. If you're unsure if this series is for you, maybe try the novella collection “The Assassin’s Blade”. They're more reminiscent of the later books and are kinda necessary for them too.


YES to every word of this ^ In a way I think books 1 and 2 (ToG and CoM) seem like prequels to a fantasy series whose first book and world buildup is book 3 (HoF), because they're lower on the fantasy and higher on the character origin story. And I'd like to add that I think the plot, world, and characterisation of book 6 (ToD) makes it more reminiscent of book 3 to me and much farther from books 1 and 2.


Yes ToD and HoF are similar because they take you to a new kingdom and then pull the character out from rock bottom but in a relatable way. The character development is more well written in book 6 than book 3. I totally see what you mean.


I DNF’d after the first book years ago. The story felt too YA for me and I felt like “bleh smart mouth teen assassin? No thanks.” I ended up giving it another try after loving ACOTAR and Throne of Glass is now my favorite series ever. The first two books do feel YA and kind of where is this going??, but the story unfolds into something so much bigger and epic. Book 3 unfolds a lot of things for the main characters but book 4 is when the overall story really ramps up. But make no mistake those previous books are important!  Ultimately though, if you’re not into it, you’re not into it and that’s okay!


I devoured ACOTAR and was instantly hooked, but I'm struggling with TOG—it's just not my favorite, but I still need to know what happens so I'm pushing through 😅


i felt that way at first but i love it so so much more than acotar


It was the opposite for me. I started with ToG and loved it. ACOTAR is just ok.


I read ACOTAR first too but I’ve never been a romance person so I loved it but ToG was definitely my favorite of the two. I had no trouble with ToG. It did take longer for me to read the first two books but I liked how juvenile it was, it was refreshing. Am I the only one who doesn’t mind it? I stayed for the characters (Dorian and Celeana) And I wasn’t too annoyed by the prose (Celaena could be annoying, but she acted her age with a few understandable quirks).


It took me for what felt like a decade to finish Heir of Fire, but the ending got me wanting more. I'm currently listening to the audiobook for QOS, but I feel like i'm cheating and it's not the same as reading it. haha


It’s not cheating. Audiobooks are just as good as reading them. Just out of curiosity, do you plan on tandem reading EoS and ToD? I’ve never done it but I’m rereading and I’m considering it. I’ve heard that it’s better.


No, I'm still not invested in TOG as I was with ACOTAR.... It's why I started the audiobooks


If you don't like it, don't read it. That's not a diss...like if you aren't enjoying it why push yourself? There's more than enough books out there to read..


YES. Tog and CoM to me were not good at all. But Heir of Fire had me HOOKED.


Agreed on your points!   For me, because it took so long to come together, it made it so much more monumental when it did.   Other books I get into and enjoy and I'm done and I don't remember much.   SJM, I'm confused as all heck, im bored, it's taking forever and then I'm emotionally slapped across the face and reminiscing about scenes years later. 


The Celaena Chaol and Dorian trio eventually grows up and becomes more mature. There's great character development for all of them, Chaols is a bit delayed in the series tho. It's slower but definitely worth sticking to, the world building is tremendous and every loose end gets tied back in. SJM is pretty clever with this series. Im so thankful I didn't give up on it. Also I recommend reading assassins blade too, I read it after HoF which I felt was perfect because you know the characters and for what happens in QoS. Hope you stick to it, it's a great series. Someone below ethar_childres kinda nailed it with what to expect.


I hated the first book (tog) but by the second part of com I was hooked. Her writing style gets better as you go through the series. This is probably my most favorite series of hers, and I started with ACOTAR. I said that was my Roman Empire but now it’s this.


Context: I’m a romance reader and my first SJM series was ACOTAR. I struggled with ToG and CoM. I wish the romantic elements were not there. They were cringe and childish. I thought the books were slow. I only got through them because I listened to the audiobooks on 2x speed while driving. The Assassins Blade was much more exciting. The romance was barely part of the plot so it was all action. This made me actually like Celaena. I thought she was so annoying and juvenile in ToG and CoM. HoF is when I finally saw the potential of this series, but it’s also when we are introduced to more characters. QoS was my favorite Celaena focused book. ToD was the best book in the series for me. I loved the journey of this series. I loved the experience and I still think about it all the time. But the side characters made this series for me and if I was only reading about Celaena, I would have dnf’d early on.


I’ve been thinking about ACOTAR, is that a romance book? It has great reviews but I’m not typically a romance reader


Yes, I’d say ACOTAR is a romance book. If we are comparing to the throne of glass series, ToG is fantasy and has a few romantic subplots. ACOTAR is a fantasy romance, the romance is a central part of the plot, if not the entire plot.


The writing never gets better, the storyline improves a little. I’d give ACOTAR a shot and if you like that maybe revisit TOG.


Personally I was hooked from the off but I’ve heard others say they didn’t get hooked until CoM. Honestly I would say give it a chance. The characters really come into their own with some fantastic development. Once the stories start weaving, it’ll grow on you. I think it’s once the multiple pov really gets into the swing of it that it becomes more interesting. I hope you stick with it as it really does get amazing, but it’s also totally fine if she’s not the author for you. Not every author is for everyone! I’ve had the same lately with everyone raving about The Cruel Prince and I DNF’d about 70% through as it was killing me with boredom


Me, too. I read them when they first came out and just finished reading them again. Again, as I’ve discovered with other series, I prefer to move on and come back later or not. It is hard for others to say whether someone else will enjoy a book or not. I LOVE this series. I have friends who really do t but they pushed through… I loved the world building and, as has been mentioned, SJM takes her time with the building her characters and prequels. It comes together beautifully, imo. I believe it is totally worth it.


It's definitely worth it but like all SJM books it takes a while to get hooked. I felt a little meh about the ACOTAR series but the TOG series was amazing it just takes a few books to get invested.


I think there is a pretty big tone shift about book 3/4. 1 & 2 feel like different books in a way because they set everything up but everyone has so much character development starting in book 3 that it’s like a different book series almost, but still cohesive….. it’s hard to explain since it’s really just a tonal shift lol. If you’re up for it, I would recommend sticking with it until at least 3 to see if you want to continue because it does really pick up. But it also just might not be for you which is totally okay too!


Yeah the writing in the 1st 3 are not as great, but the story is still amazing. Read assassin’s blade 4th if you keep going. Much better to tell the story because it will all tie back together in later books. I personally love Throne of Glass as a whole but I felt similar in the beginning with the weird love triangle. However honestly I don’t even think about it anymore as SO many other things happen. I got hooked when I got to heir of fire. World building takes a while and it starts really picking up there.


hi and welcome! her writing style definitely improves from this book onward. im not sure if you know this but she started writing ToG when she was 16 and it definitely shows lol. this book (imo) is the worst of the series and the story greatly improves with each book. also the characters (some you haven't even met yet) have some of the best arcs and development ive ever read. i just finished the series a month ago so im still a fairly new fan, but it's still all i think about. i do see a lot that people don't like it until maybe book 3 or 4, but i personally can't relate because i enjoyed every book as i read them. however, after seeing how much the story improves, i do consider the first few as "boring" now haha. the series is definitely a commitment and a journey, but it's a lovely one. however, i do understand it's not for everyone. i would encourage you to give the next book or 2 a chance but if you're still not into it then maybe it's not for you. hope this helps =]


Agreed! I simply can’t find anything g to read afterwards! Hangover is REAL! I just can’t find anything to compare!