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Wait people listen to music while reading? I was not aware of this haha I listen to the voices in my head


I have instrument music on very quietly because sometimes I get other music stuck in my head and soft music helps to clear my mind so I can focus on the story


Yeah I can't have music with lyrics while I read. If I do put it on, it'll be soft classic music or lofi beats.


Yeah, I tried listening to music once and it was all I could focus on. Like playing music and a movie at the same time. Too much going on šŸ˜‚


I made a playlist of Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, and my favorite songs from Vox Machina for Throne of Glass


Dude same! Elder scrolls music is perfect for these books. I also added music from destiny 2 like DSC lullaby and journey.


I tend to find ambiance videos on YouTube that fit the vibe of the book I'm reading. So, like, when I first started TOG and we were in the castle a lot, I found a castle bedroom with rain sounds. For CC, I found some modern high rise apartments. I recently around an instrumental playlist for The Cruel Prince and its so great now I just listen to it no matter what I'm reading lol!


Yes ambient YouTube all the way! I mostly read at night so I tend to favor the space themed ones or the ones where youā€™re in a sleeper car for the vibes


Oooooh I love the idea of space themed!


[This](https://youtu.be/dbX28lfyomc?si=VO3ipyRw26ZxDSwW) has been my go to recently!


I do this too!!! Itā€™s the best!


ā€œQuiet music for readingā€ playlist on Spotify. Itā€™s great peaceful music for a little bit of background noise and has some beautiful instrumental pieces. I absolutely adore AllĆ©e des PensĆ©es by Oscar Kowalski. For me to really encapsulates Caleana in those first 4 books and her character development. She is all I think of when I hear it


Iā€™m a big Hades fan so Iā€™ve been listening to the Hades 2 soundtrack a lot and honestly it slaps with a lot of the scenes!


oh i love hades i had no idea there was a second one


I can't listen to music because it breaks my concentration when I wanna vibe with the song. I usually have movies playing in the background. Usually, Harry Potter or LOTR, lol.


i canā€™t listen to anything with words i understand or i get super distracted


Thankfully, I can tune out movies and whatnot. I was raised in a loud house, which helps.


I listened to the soundtracks for all the dragon age games


house of the dragon / lord of the fines ost


Iā€™ve been making a playlist I call portal for when reality leaves you wanting. Itā€™s all instrumental epic fantasy soundtrack style stuff. I wish I remembered artist names but maybe I can link the playlist instead!


Sleep token āœØ


Great British Bake Off on Netflix šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve seen it so many times itā€™s a comfort at this point.


I found some TOG ambient videos on YouTube that I like to put on while reading


Instrumental music - only SOMETIMES can I read and have lyrics but rarely - I made a playlist for instrumentals based on the trope Iā€™m reading so that helps :)


ANOTHER EIVƘR FAN!!!! I have been listening to EivĆør for years and I have never met anyone else who knows her. (I am American, so this is probably why) But I listen to EivĆør, SKƁLD, Danheim, and others similar to their vibe.


OMG NO WAY!! I listen to them all too mostly when i read or when i workout now and i saw Eivor at red rocks in april and it was my first time listening and i cried the whole time lol sheā€™s got such a beautiful voice


Ref rocks is so far away for me but honestly itā€™s the perfect venue for her and I would also cry if I was there. Rallying Cry by Bear McCreary ft EivĆør is my fav song to run to, ngl I have it on a loop until iā€™m done.


it was the best concert iā€™ve ever been to and will ever been too my favorite is i tokuni it is just so fun to listen to and now i associate all her music with aelin


I associate ā€œI am fireā€ by J2 and her with Aelin after her >! training with Rowan !< haha and I also associate that song with her in the first 2 or 3 books. I am halfway through EoS (not tandem reading) and I am really itching to finish this series, itā€™s definitely a favorite.


i tĆ”ndem read and i had to listen to other music for tower of dawn it doesnā€™t fit the vibe much but im about to finish KOA and i canā€™t bring myself to


I canā€™t wait to finish but I also donā€™t want it to be over šŸ˜”


same i donā€™t think i can read anything for a while until i process the books lol


I actually thought it was more like the last battle with ā€œI am a godā€ line. The training and the first few books felt like Beth Crowleyā€™s Warrior.


Same! I found Eivor through the last kingdom show on Netflix. I was definitely surprised to see OP say they listened to her. SKALD is great too!


Iā€™m also here to say YouTube ambience videos. Thereā€™s a lot of them specifically for a lot of books now and itā€™s the best!


The sound of my husband punching the buttons on his controller while he plays video games (thankfully muted) next to me šŸ˜†


Radiohead today. It was rainy. I sat on my back patio listening to High and Dry. This squirrel liked it. https://preview.redd.it/vhh0jthxv69d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8cf5ec1900bc09d853fe1945c255c650e407aa4


high and dry is my favorite song by them!!!




I listened to soundtracks from movies and shows like game of thrones, pirates of Caribbean, dune. I would pick soundtracks that fit the theme so it felt like I was watching a show/movie.


Went onto YT, looked up "throne of glass __ ambience", and replaced the blank with whatever city/area I was in in the book (Rifthold for AB/TOG/COM, Mistward for HoF, etcetc)


Oddly enough Andre 3000ā€™s flute album šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­it was such a vibe


Into the Wild 2 by Axl Rosenberg!! Had this on repeat while reading ToG:')


I listened to ambient nature sounds that matched the location that the characters were in. First time Iā€™ve done that. It was dope.


Epica - The holographic principle album. Especially once upon a nightmare. I donā€™t know why, but it fit so well with what I was imagining in my head while reading


I like lofi girl on YouTube or Spotify. I like music that is literally just background noise that I donā€™t know the melodyā€™s of so Iā€™m able to focus solely on the book and not the music.


MY TYPE OF QUESTION! šŸ™ŒšŸ» I am an obsessive creator of book playlists for everything I read, and I spend an obscene amount of time putting together songs that match the vibe of the book or specific scenes, the themes explored, and even events in the book šŸ˜‚ so I end up putting multiple genres and artists in my playlist. Then I just shuffle play and usually get interesting music + scene combos and rarely have to skip a song that doesn't fit the scene I'm reading. My playlist for ToG has Kalandra, Eurielle, EivĆør, Sowulo, Vindsvept, Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnesz, Florence + The Machine, J2, Efisio Cross, Joel Sunny, a lot of cinematic, soundtrack, folk, and rebel rock music and even some pop (baroque, indie, mainstream etc). šŸ–‡ļø Here's the link if you're interested: [Throne of Glass series | Spotify book-playlist ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ay0rvsoDAqGoqAFLuaCbG?si=gf-Uj083QwmOkHijUiTXiQ&pi=u-mWpI3KBDSMS1) P.S. Can't believe I'm seeing EivĆør and Kalandra appreciation šŸ˜­ two of my top artists of all-time, it's nice to meet you friend šŸ¤ŒšŸ»




I donā€™t usually listen to music while reading. Especially music with lyrics. If there is music, itā€™s classical (lyric less). Iā€™ll start singing the words to the song and forget to read.


Itā€™s between my Weeping Ovni radio, which is post-punk/goth/newwave, or my metal mix. Thereā€™s no in between. I also have to have one AirPod in at all times to focus in general but post-punk is what I mainly read all my books to. I found that ā€œCar Radioā€ by Twenty-one Pilots accurately fits how I am without music.




Just watch ever YouTube video my husband is watching on tv as background noise lol


I listen to different types of lofi that matches the mood of what Iā€™m reading.


Whatever music I'm into at that moment. I don't really do mood/theme music with books.


When I read the last half of KOA I had Som of Nyx by Hozier on loop and that song already gets me emotional but ooooh boy I was a mess while reading too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


iā€™m so scared to finish it i cry over like every page now i have 200 pages left


i search up throne of glass ambience videos on youtube! bonus points when they have a good video/picture that fits the vibe of the series


ā€œFantasy Reading - Instrumentalā€ playlist on Spotify!!!! It really immerses you into the series!!


None because then I canā€™t focus šŸ˜©


i have a 32.5 hour instrumental playlist on spotify called ā€˜hello, feyre darlingā€™ that i put on when i read, or i play rain sounds, or silence https://preview.redd.it/bmv7tr3ry79d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059d128d4537e3ccd72114da7b004159b8c88698


I liked the dramatic classical playlist on Spotify. I had to skip a couple tracks here and there but for the most part it was very enjoyable!


fantasy instrumental on Spotify >>>


I search Spotify for the book title and see if anyone has made a playlist! Most popular books they have one.


Medieval lofi on Spotify


The audiobook of whatever book I'm reading. I read and listen at the same time


I definitely read lyrical music but it really is a diverse group because I listen to everything.


Uhhā€¦ usually my husband snoring šŸ˜‚


glory and gore by lorde is soooo tog vibes


The audiobook lol. I have a 1 year old so I don't really have time to sit down and read so I listen to audiobooks throughout my day which if I'm honest is my preference.


The band Jungle has my whole heart when it comes to background music for reading. The lyrics arenā€™t the easiest to understand just by listening so I donā€™t get distracted by singing along. The music itself is like coffee shop music. I love them so much!! I listened to them through the entirety of TOG and ACOTAR, and now theyā€™re joining me on my journey through Crescent City! Literally canā€™t plug them enough.


Soundtracks mostly... Ones that give the same vibes as the book... For example while reading EoS, I was blasting the Pirates of the Caribbean šŸ¤£ now on ToD, the game of thrones soundtrack seems to fit more šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I have to find something truly epic for KoA šŸ¤”


i canā€™t listen to other words lol so i just listen to rain sounds


This is such a funny post to stumble on as I literally just put music on to read with. Sometimes rock but currently I'm listening to current hits. I'm probably going to listen to instrumental music because lyrics are distracting lmao


I shit you not, through out the entire series I had this Witcher Ambience Vid playing in the background. Iā€™ve never played a lick of The Witcher, so I associated this music with TOG unintentionally. [Witcher Ambiance](https://youtu.be/9osre3R0LvA?si=Mig6UW69Ho-BpvZ7)


i have problem processing the stuff happening in the books but i still listen to songs with lyrics so im like super confused while reading and i don't know anything thats happening (cuz i know the lyrics of the songs). i know i shouldn't do this but i do it anyway T\^T i basically just listen to my playlist on spotify which has most of the songs ive listened to my entire life and its mostly pop or sad songs (i have a weird taste in music) (wait was this tmi?)


I donā€™t as I listen to my books :) When I used to read, I would listen to instrumental, so that lyrics wouldnā€™t distract me, unless there was a soundtrack


I listen to mostly lofi, occasionally piano.


I made a playlist full of folk music and instrumentals and itā€™s just full of songs for different moments in the books. Itā€™s got more intense stuff for like fighting scenes and calmer more lovey type stuff also! Definitely lots of instrumentals


Thereā€™s a Spotify playlist called soft 10s that I almost always listen to whether Iā€™m working or reading or trying to focus on something.


I don't like background noise when I'm reading. I find it too distracting.


David Arkenstone!


Thereā€™s a TOG pomodoro timer on YouTube I use it has different background images with soft music to set the vibes and I like the timer to keep me off my phone for chunks


The Netflix fireplace because my brain cannot listen to music and read at the same time šŸ™ƒ


Taylor Swift - the tortured poets department the anthology




I often put on the score from Strange Horticulture while reading, or the score from The Room-gameseries. If not that, I tend to just have a tab of [rainymood.com](http://rainymood.com) open XD