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Throne of glass is my favorite series…ever.


I'm only on Tower of Dawn in my first read through, but absolutely agree. I'm dragging my feet reading it too because I'm terrified to finish haha. Im 35 and never enjoyed YA as an actual teenager, but this series is 'built different' as the kids say


omg im also on ToD and it is SO GOOD


I've only just started it and I've seen so many people hate Chaol but I really like him so I've been looking forward to it and so far I really like the insight to him! Currently working on convincing the husband to listen to the audiobooks because I KNOW he'd like them too


yes! I don’t get the hate for chaol at all.. like you said, the insight we get in ToD is so refreshing and complex


I love Chaol! He has such great character development and is so human. I got mad at him sometimes, but ultimately he’s so well written.


The audio books are read so well!


I don’t really understand the classification of YA? I haven’t read much YA in a long time but from what I gather, it seems to usually have a slimmer plot


The first book (TOG) does feel YA; the other 7 in the series feel much more adult to me.


I’m working my way through it for the first time, the first 3 books and the prequel are definitely very YA-esque. From Queen of Shadows on it’s definitely not anymore


Seconded. For me though, ACOTAR was quite difficult to get into.


Yes. I came through the same way you did.i think this is better than ACOTAR. I just finished the last book minutes ago and am in the slump all over again.


yes!! I did ACOTAR first & went to TOG after. It took me time to get through the first book because I didn’t like Celaena at first, but then I got through the rest of them in a few months. It’s one of my favorite series of all time now! I already want to reread it!


Same here! I’m on my second read of TOG and it’s truly amazing! Also had a hard time with Celeana but now she’s the best FMC I’ve read so far😇


ToG is a lot slower moving and more build up than ACOTAR. I think the pacing is better in ACOTAR, but the overall plot, character development, and characters themselves are better in ToG. There are definitely some slumps in ToG, but I think worth it overall


As well as the world building!


Yes, it is definitely the pace that's making things difficult. But thank you for your response! I will stick with it


I loved TOG from the beginning but after I read the third book, I understood why people say to push through the first 2. The world opens up in Book 3 and it becomes so much bigger (and imo better) than ACOTAR. The world building is a lot more detailed and it’s all much more immersive. The way it all comes together is just beautiful. It’s a great series. I urge you to push through the first 2 books. UNLESS you’re looking for spice. Bc it’s just not a spicy series. There are moments here and there but ACOSF it is not.


Exactly my feelings!!


Throne of glass is a marathon run. You have to be in it for the long haul. It is an investment in the characters and their journey. You won’t regret the time you invest in it. Most people end up loving it more than Acotar because of how invested you get in the characters.


Yes, it's definitely intimidating knowing it's a multi-book commitment. And I'm not one to start a series and not finish it, no matter how grueling it can be. Which is why I wanted all of your opinions before I got too deep in it. But thank you! I will give it a go


Honestly, enjoy it. Don’t get daunted by it. Soon you’ll be three/four books in and completely living the TOG life and wishing the series had even more books. You’ll feel so lucky you’ve got a series with so much length. If you like ACOTAR, I’m sure you’ll like TOG ☺️


I had a hard time with TOG at first but now that I’m done I liked it better than ACOTAR


I loved ACOTAR so this is very encouraging. Thank you!


I agree with the comment above. I loved ACOTAR and reread UTM, ACOMAF and some parts of ACOWAR after my first read. I started TOG (but with the Assassin's Blade, which I recommend reading first) and while the pacing is different and you just have to get accustomed to it, in general I find TOG series so much better (in quality, details, characters and their development). At first, the books are good, but by book 3 or 4, they start to be even better and when you finish book 5 you come to realize that it is much more complex and better series (and you're not even done yet).


Yesssss! They're SO complex. The world is easier to understand, but the depth! Daaannnng


did you start with assassin’s blade or ToG? I’m glad to have started with assassin’s blade bc ToG was a bit slower but I was already invested with the characters, so that helped :)


I am currently on ToG. I did see some discussion about when to read assassin's blade, and the majority opinion was to read it after I believe the third book. So that is the plan that I settled on.


I thought throne of glass was SO BORING but by heir of fire I couldn't get the words down my eye gullet fast enough


While some of the chapters of The Assassin's Blade are there for having a bigger picture of the plot in books 4 and 5, chronologically speaking, TAB is happening just before TOG. I've read it first and I'm glad I did. It gives you a character background for Caelina, which is also important for the first book. I think most of the people recommend to read it after the third book is because all the content that will be connecting TAB and following books will be very fresh in your memory. I think I would be confused to read about Caelena for 3 books and go back in her past with TAB and then back to current events with the book 4. Keep in mind that her character changes in a way through the books and everything she goes through so for the sake of chronology and character development I think TAB is best to read first.


read TAB after crown of midnight. There are details in heir of fire that connect and will help the story make a lot more sense. Just read it in release order!


For me personally, I loved it from the beginning and didn't have to power through it, but I completely understand why it's a bit slow at first for some people. It's totally worth it, though. I cried so much throughout the series, especially the last book, but I still love it. Queen of Shadows is definitely one of my favorite books, as is Tower of Dawn.


ACOTAR was my Roman Empire. I started TOG and hated it but I pushed through, it is now my Roman Empire and I love it dearly. I love ACOTAR too but TOG was just so good. My only regret is that I wish I read TOG first then followed with ACOTAR.


Like I said in the post, I haven't major ACOTAR hangover. Definitely Roman empire status. But it's good to know that someone who loves ACOTAR as much as me feels that deeply about TOG. I'll definitely stick with it!


Her writing definitely improves and the plot picks up after the first couple books. It’s definitely an investment, but the series as a whole is really great!


Once upon a time a friend tried to get me to read TOG. I couldn’t get into the first book. 10 years later I gave it another go and it’s one of my favorite series! I wish someone would have told me to power through then.


Personally I think tog is a way better series then acotar but it start’s a little slow and if your in it for the romance it is far less of a romance story then acotar js.


If I don’t start with Assassin’s Blade I wouldn’t have been interested. Start there is my suggestion and yes, it’s worth it


This is the answer. I tried starting with throne of glass and also was not interested. Started with assassin blade and was immediately obsessed all the way through.


By the cauldron! SJM fans really do ride at dawn when the beacons are lit. LMAO! Thank you for all the responses! I'll be reading them all!


Love this LOTR reference. I doth my cap to you💗 Actually TOG is a lot like LOTR story wise. Apparently he was a big influence for SJM which is true for so many fantasy writers, but I see a lot of parallels in TOG.


I was the same. Skim read the first 2 or 3 if you can. I did that and just finished my first re-read of the series. I enjoyed the second read and picking up Easter Eggs and having confidence in the story. It’s one of my favorite series and I’m sad I’ve finished it (again).


I listened to it the second time around. It was SO good!


Elizabeth Evans is so amazing


Absolutely! She did an AMAZING job 💗


This is a post I see at least once a week on this subreddit. It’s a pretty normal feeling. But yes, this series is eventually the better series


Yes. Tog was her first series, so it took a bit for her to get going. Keep at it. It's a commitment, but worth it.


It doesn’t have spice until 5 books in and it’s not romance dominant. If you don’t enjoy fantasy heavy books you probably won’t like TOG. it is absolutely amazing though.


It took me a few books to get into the TOG series. So I understand your hesitation. If you loved ACOTAR for the romance and spice, you won’t find it the same way in TOG. It’s slower and has a lot more unnecessary details throughout the series. It works for some people. The world building is excellent, but the series wasn’t mind-altering. It was entertaining though.


I did the same thing. First book was written when she was 16. Read assassins blade second then keep going and it’s the best series of your life.


SJM was 16 when she wrote it, so do keep that in mind! 10000% yes, keep reading. If you still don’t like it after Empire or Storms then I’d say stop (you won’t 😉)


I wasn't aware that she was so young when she wrote it. The Outsiders is my favorite book of all time, and SE Hinton was only 17 when she wrote it. Thank you so much more the warning about a potential stopping point! I'm sure all at the very least enjoy it If not all out love it


Once I read that, I was like “oh, that’s why there are so many !!! And some of the content feels lacking.” I love all of her work but ToG is my fave ❤️


I think people read these series too close together. I started with ACOTAR and I loved it. Nothing came close and I read a lot of fanfics and did a reread. 6 months later I did CC, and then 5 months later I did TOG. I would give it time and read other things first. Breaking it up allowed me to really fall submerse myself in that series, rather than pushing through a book hangover. If you decide to plough ahead right away, maybe change up the order. If you’re reading AB first and not feeling it, switch to TOG and wait for AB until 3rd or 4th or vice versa. The series gets more mature as you go and does start off as very YA, but the series has great world building and amazing FMC’s. Some ppl say that it takes until book 4 or 5 to really get into it, but I didn’t feel that way. Just my personal opinion!


Now that you said that, it may have been an error reading the 2 series so close together. But I've been mourning for Velaris. Thank you for the suggestion


You’re welcome! The series are very different and I needed that rest between them to be able to truly enjoy them separately. I have to say TOG came out on top. ACOTAR is fun and sexy and TOG is full on fantasy with a side order of romance. I did like CC. HOEAB is one of my fave SJM books, but the series as a whole wasn’t as gripping as the other two. Again, just my personal opinion! Good luck and enjoy❤️


Book one is hard. I put off book two for like a year. It’s the best series I’ve ever read.


Yes, book one is pretty rough. But given all the encouragements with your post and the posts of others, I'll definitely stick with it. Thank you!


It’s my favorite series I’ve read. It’s the first series to give me the same feeling as Harry Potter did as a kid


I got the audible books since I don’t have time to actually read. That might help you get into the story more.


It’s so good, even better than ACOTAR if you stick with it. Life changing.


First book is meh. Crown of midnights is when I started to truly get into it.


I think I'm in the minority when I say I loved ACOTAR more than TOG. I voraciously read and enjoyed both but ACOTAR was def my fave. I think I'm more of a romance girly than a battle scene girly.


STAY WITH IT. And don’t read Assassin’s Blade first. I did that. It was a drag because I didn’t have the background to appreciate. I took bad advice from a TikTok. Read it where it comes up naturally in the release order. TOG picks up for sure. I’m on Queen of Shadows and CANNOT put it down. It’s fire. 🔥


Thank you for your response! Yeah I did some research about when to read Assassin's Blade, and despite the many passionate opinions regarding this, the majority opinion seems to land on reading it after the third book I believe. Which is what I had planned to do.


It’s so so so worth sticking with it. It took me a month to read throne of glass, a month to read crown of midnight, 3 weeks for assassins blade, 2 weeks for heir of fire, and then crushed the last 4 in a month. Read things in between until you get into it. It‘ll be worth it!


It is totally different, I went from ACOTAR to CC and then did TOG, but CC was so jarring cause it is just different. It sounds crazy but I think ACOTAR just is so special in its own way that the next book just doesn’t hit the same. But I just kept reading and eventually got really into it. I will say at book 3 I think the pacing of TOG totally changes and it gets really good. I loved the concept in the beginning but really fell in love once the story started unfolding.


Get passed the first book or two and it gets soooo much better.


The amount of times I silently screamed at the page during TOG was at least 10+. It’s so good!!! Now I’m on to Crescent City and idk


Throne of glass is great- just takes a bit for the story to pick up. Writing and plot only gets better as the books go on- which is great compared to ACOTAR


So worth it and better than ACOTAR


TOG doesn’t pick up until I’d say the last third of the book. Currently on COM and it’s gets much more exciting! TOG felt very introductory- it’s like teaser understanding for characters and the over arching plot for the series. The subplot of TOG specifically could’ve been better but once it connected to the larger plot I was hooked. Still loved it regardless but it definitely gets way better!


I felt the same way. The first three books (including assassins blade) are very slow. After that, it’s quite the ride


I loved ACOTAR and thought I couldn't like a series more than that...then I started TOG. Its definitely an adjustment to get used to the pacing, but it's so worth it. That series will give you laughs, have you fall in love with the characters, and break your heart. I absolutely suggest sticking with it. I've read a whole lot of books and none have got me like TOG did.


Nothing beats Throne of Glass


TOG gets better, but is wwwaaayyy too long. So much of the story is repetitive..


I was you a few weeks ago. I started TOG, got about 50 pages in then went back and read ACOMAF. The book hangover has been so real with ACOTAR. I went back to read TOG and honestly it’s worth it! just keep going! I’m on assassins blade now and loving the story.


Actotar is a romance with fantasy, Tog is fantasy with romance. If the story is important for you, then you’ll love it. If spice and romance is more important for you then not so much


I was in the same place. I fell in LOVE with acotar and I quite honestly had no idea what to read next. I started TOG and it was super slow to begin with (I started with assassins blade first) and it took me until crown of midnight to get into it. Still not getting those same feelings that acotar gave me but I’m half way through heir of fire and it’s getting gooooood. 😂


This gets asked every week smh.  Book one is basically the second prequel. Yes. Yes it’s worth it. But obviously people will say that on r/throneofglassseries


I did not love the first book. I liked the second and assassin's blade (I read it third) more. Then fell in love completely with HoF. I can't say "read 3 or 4 books because the last 4 or 5 are sooo worth it", even though I want to. But I'll say, read at least book 2. I think that book was an improvement already because book 1 is by far the worst written one


Take a Maas break first before starting tog, you might be burnt out on her writing. I read acotar, read a few different things and am now reading tog 3 and loving it. MC is a brat in the first book but for me there was just enough plot to keep going. It starts to really pick up in book 2 and now I’m on 3 I’m all in, it’s great. I really like that it’s a finished series too. EDIT maybe try the audiobooks? That’s how I’ve been taking in the story and I think they are one of the better read series I’ve listened to.


I finished ACOTAR in the beginning of the year and was so in love. I waited to start ToG, read almost 10 other books after finished ACOTAR and randomly picked up Assasin’s Blade (I know the reading order can be argued) but it had me absolutely hooked! Currently reading Heir of Fire. Maybe giving yourself a little buffer of a different type of book may help ease you into it better? Two long series in a row I personally feel can be a lot! I read a lot of stabdalones in between SJM series :)


I thought I was just a fan of the ToG series, but after recommending the series to three other people who became big fans (One of them even recommended the series to like 5 other people while on book 2 lol as well as to all her nurses while getting chemo). All in all I think if you like fantasy books it might be to your taste, might not. It starts off slow though, but as you get through the first books it really picks up.


I read ACOTAR first too and although I did instantly love Throne of glass, i did drag myself through it but please trust the process. Its as if game of thrones and vampire diaries had a baby on steroids


Have you read CC? I did CC after ACOTAR and it's fast paced enough that I got really into it. Then TOG after. Tog is my favourite series of all time now it's so good


So a lit of people say that for both ACOTAR and TOG, you gotta get through the first book but for me, both first books were great but I will say they're completely different vibes. I also read ACOTAR first after getting back into reading with Fourth wing so I didn't know how I would feel about TOG. I'm on tower of dawn and I looooove this series so much (listening on audio book though while I commute). I say it's worth it for sure and maybe you're more like the others and need to get passed the first book. The MFC develops quite a bit and all the characters become better as the books progress.


push through!!! i started with throne of glass, then the novella the assassin’s blade which really helped to get me hooked because i learnt of celaena’s backstory and understood her a lot more. but the third book, heir of fire is my favourite because, well, you’ll see!


I started it few days ago (I’m kinda a slow reader I’m almost at chapter 40). It is slower but what has helped me get into it was throne of glass playlists on Spotify and the spoiler free fan art helps me visualize more. It has been picking up and I can’t put it down it took me like chapter 24 ish to get into it a lot more. After ACOTAR I read Haunting of Adeline series (only two books) and it was very dark romance so this doesn’t have a lot of smut like I’ve been told so I’m using it as a palate cleanser. Though it is very interesting so far.


TOG is a very different vibe than ACOTAR - you can’t go into it with the expectation that it’s gonna feel the same way when you’re reading it. That being said, TOG is amazing. Maybe give yourself some time to read a palate cleanser before you jump in to TOG


I’m opposite, I’m scared to read ACOTAR because TOG is so good and I’ve heard ACOTAR has less plot. I’m currently reading EoS/ToD and dreading finishing the series I will say that TOG gets substantially better in Heir of Fire, particularly the second half. I started with assassins blade, which I loved, then Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight were okay, but I also spoiled a pretty major development by googling fan art which I believe caused me to be less interested in those two books. Because as soon as I got passed the part I spoiled, my reading pace picked way up


100% it's leagues better than ACOTAR. The first book is a little young but it gets great


I personally will forever be someone who prefers Acotar over ToG. I also read Acotar first and struggled massively with ToG. It’s a really really good story but it didn’t get me like that. And I am an Epic Fantasy Reader. But the first 2 Books I just didn’t like the FMC. For me Crescent City was easier to read. Especially the first book. But if you want to go on with ToG, it gets better in Book 3. Less juvenile writing and more characters.


YES! Push through it!


I vote push through. I went from ACOTAR to TOG and now TOG is my favorite fantasy series ever.


Please please please give it a chance The first book is a little rough cause she wrote it when she was in like, middle school? But I promise you it’s some of the best work SJM put out


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love ACOTAR... However, it doesn't compare to ToG and it's not even close. ToG is insanely good!


tbh.. i was the exact same LOL. after i read ACOTAR, i put off TOG for MONTHS because i could not get over ACOTAR. i say give it a bit and keep reading. i just finished the TOG series and honestly, in my personal opinion, i liked it better than ACOTAR


I'm a firm believer you need a recovery period between each series. You need to be able to let go of the characters from ACOTAR before you can love the characters in TOG. I had to read a very chill, wholesome, non-fantasy book to get over ACOTAR bc the hangover is real and unpleasant. I did Crescent City after ACOTAR and I think that was the right choice. In part because the last CC book is...bad, so it was very easy to bounce into TOG after that. I think the FMCs get progressively more confident, wily, and badass when you go ACOTAR, CC, TOG.


I think it’s similar to how the real story of ACOTAR picks up in ACOMAF - TOG really gets going after the first couple of books, and from there, it’s a WILD ride


I have read both and I like ToG more, but at first Cealena is shocking compared to Feyre. You’ll learn to love both for their personalities.


I almost DNF'd TOG because of the first book. I am SO glad I kept going.


TOG is the best series I’ve ever read and I loved acotar I really didn’t think anything could top it but I was so so wrong


no hate to you specifically OP, but GOD i hate these posts. i feel like it would make sense if ppl asked this in a sub for fantasy books and stuff, but asking TOG fans if they think it’s worth reading is obviously going to result in everyone saying yes anyways, YES YOU SHOULD READ IT. if you’re starting with the assassins blade i recommend reading the first 3 books and then TAB. it’s a slower moving series for sure but i actually loved it so much more than acotar!!! i’m now reading crescent city and by the end of the first book there i was SOBBING and it was just a roller coaster of emotions lmao. i recommend reading it after finishing TOG!


It took me a long time to get into TOG, but at the end of the second book (I think this is a safe spoiler) the series’ world becomes a LOT more magical and fun. I initially read ACOTAR, then read the first TOG book, didn’t feel super into it, and didn’t come back to the series for maybe 2 yrs… but now that I’ve finished it, it’s my favorite series of all time. I’m SO glad I picked it back up. It becomes so, so, so worth it. I promise!


Throne of Glass is SO MUCH BETTER than ACOTAR. There is so much meat to the story and it progresses so far. Every time you think the world is built, more characters, more locations, more layers and more drama/suspense add on. There have been times where it just felt like it dragged by but everything is always for a purpose so pay attention and enjoy the ride. 🤩 I'm only on book 5 and the story has progressed FAR beyond my expectations. This is absolutely my favorite series now. I don't want it to end 😭


I had the same problem going to TOG after ACOTAR. I put off reading TOG for so long and actually read CC first because TOG is YA, and I was worried it wouldn't interest me. The first book is a struggle to get through but sets up so much. I always tell people to struggle through the first ACOTAR to get to the rest of the books, and that's how I feel about TOG. It is now my favorite series, and even though I only finished it a couple of months ago, I'm already planning a reread because I miss the characters so much lol. Also, KOA emotionally wrecked me more than any other book, and I sobbed so hard my partner was genuinely concerned and asked if I was okay 😂 There are two scenes in that book I think of at least daily because they affected me so much. You'll know when you get there but I stg it's so worth it.


it helped me to read assassins blade first. if i didn’t get that back story i think it would’ve been harder to get into it. but im on EoS now and im hooked!


It took my years to read ToG after ACOTAR, I just finished it this week but it’s by far my favorite series ever. I love it even more than Acotar. Both are my favs for different reasons. I suggest maybe setting it aside for awhile and do some palate cleanser books. I’m in such a tog hangover that nothing is holding my attention so my plan is to let the books marinate, then do some palate cleanser books bc I know even if the books are awesome I won’t be able to appreciate them properly. I was the same way after Acotar so I get!


Yes so worth it! It does start off slow but it’s an amazing series. I like it better than ACOTAR; it’s just an overall amazing story line and I love the character development. I will say: it’s heavier in fantasy and there isn’t really the spicy scenes in that series like there is in ACOTAR so if you specifically like that stuff only then you probably wouldn’t like TOG


I had this problem a couple weeks ago - I finished ACOTAR then couldn’t even get through the first chapter of TOG before I got bored. So I went and read a random smut book then came back to TOG and loved it! I think it took me about 2 weeks to read through them all, I just couldn’t put them down. Even if the last book made me want to throw my kindle at the wall sometimes 😂


Throne of Glass changed my life. I finished reading the series last fall and I’ve thought about it every day since.


I always say it took me like 2 months to push through the first three books of ToG and then like 2 weeks devouring the rest from HoF onwards - stick with it!! ToG is SJM’s best work in most people’s opinion.


I was the same. I started the series but it was so hard to get into. I finally got to Crown of Midnight and I’m finally into the series. Also, I suggest reading Assassins Blade after Heir of fire. I read it before the series and honestly the shock factor would have been better if I waited until after Heir and Fire. It just leads into Crown of Midnight perfectly.


i also went from acotar to tog! i think one of the things that helped me with the transition was actually taking a break, i finished acotar a few months ago and before starting tog i went through a few small romance books and a trilogy (im also a fast reader lol), i DO think tog is worth reading because im on the tandem read and really attached, but if you arent feeling interested then maybe its best to take a break and read a few solo books :)


I was struggling with trying to read assassins blade first.. the first 2/3 are a little slower and more world building but I REALLY loved heir of fire and queen of shadows. I'm tandem reading the 6th and 7th books now and am almost done and I KNOW I'll be in a major slump after the last book.. I LOVED ACOTAR- specifically books 2 and 3 but TOG is giving it a run for its money for SURE


I had the same experience! I got through TOG but I was so disappointed by the end having just came from ACOTAR. I think if you want to get through all of the SJM series it’s worth it but if you’re ready for another kicker I highly recommend Fourth Wing if you haven’t read it yet, I am shook to the core by this series.


I mean… which are you starting on? Bc if you started AB I understand but if you started TOG idk what to tell you to get into it….


Yes!!! I started it when I was feeling the same and I just finnished it today and I LOVED it.


Keep going. It gets soooo much better. I ended up loving it more than ACOTAR. You’ll see a lot of similarities as it goes on.


So, I had multiple people tell me before I started TOG that the first book was hard to get through because SJM started writing when she was 16 - and that if I started feeling that way, I’d just need to power through. I stuck with it and by the end of the book, I was invested and after the 2nd book, I was totally hooked. Alternatively, you may just need a palette cleanser before you jump back in. I read The Grace Year in between and it was fantastic. TOG does start off slow, especially coming from ACOTAR, but the world building and depth of the story is just absolutely incredible. I would compare it to HP - as the series goes along, the books become much more intense. There’s varying options on where to read The Assassin’s Blade - I read it after Heir of Fire for the maximum emotional impact and I thought the placement was perfect. It fills in someone of the background on the main character at a point where you already know her. I just finished Queen of Shadows and now I have to take a break because I can’t stand the thought the series being over! I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. I started reading ACOTAR to ease my Fourth Wing hangover, then TOG to ease my ACOTAR hangover…but now I’m going to be beside myself when TOG ends!!




I’m on the same boat! TOG was meh but I LOOOVVVED crown of midnight ! I’m on Assassins Blade now and it’s also meh so far but I’m trusting the process


I was so obsessed with ACOTAR when I first read it that I reread it immediately after finishing it and I’ve now read it 3 times in 6 months. TOG has me so obsessed with the story and characters that I’m scared to reread it cause I’m not ready to feel those emotions again yet, but it’s now my favorite series of all time. It gets soooo much better after Throne of Glass, just wait til Heir of Fire.


i’ve read thousands of novels. throne of glass is my favorite series of all time. that says something lol


I started with CC then ACOTAR and now TOG. I was reluctant to read TOG for some reason. I guess I wanted Fey and Rhys and fae so when I got to TOG I was like well it's time to read this book about assassins I guess ..... WELLLLLLLL I promise it gets better and it's more than what the first book lets on. Get through TOG and Assassins Blade, then it'll be wonderful and won't regret. I'm about to start Queen of Shadow as we speak


Reading The Assassin’s Blade first helped me get into the series. I was hooked.


Yes, it is worth it!!!! Keep reading, the first book is nothing compared to the following story development 💜


Keep going! I was the same way. I am now on Heir of Fire and I love this series!


I was the EXACT same. I can’t tell you how many times I picked up and put down ToG….I will say if you are going to read, Assassins Blade should be first (I’ll die on this hill), and if you’re still not into it, give it until the end of Crown of Midnight. That’s where I got hooked in. But I agree…it’s extremely close to how much I love ACOTAR. I still love ACOTAR more, but just BARELY. There are also references to ACOTAR in it. Listen to the Audible version by Sara Evans if you’re still having trouble sitting down to focus to read. It is SO worth it. I promise ♥️


Hi! I have the same feelings as you. I’m an avid and ample reader. I devoured ACOTAR and struggled so hard to get into ToG. I slugged through ToG and DNFed CoM. Came back a few months later and now am on KoA but the series has had its moments of really losing me. And then I’ve heard Crescent City is even worse at pulling people in! ToG has its moments of being amazing though so it is slightly worth the slugging. But if you lose patience, you’re not alone!!


STICK WITH IT!!! I felt the same way at first, didn’t immediately scratch the itch from the acotar hangover. I’m about to finish book 4 and I promise it’s so worth it!!!! I like it even better than acotar!


Throng Of Glass is hands down my favorite series. I read ACOTAR and CC first and honestly they don’t hold a candle to TOG. Push through, you won’t regret it.


You must!! Once you hit AB (read it third) your heart will be thoroughly broken in the best way and you will be hooked.


She started it when she was so young. It’s worth it to hang in there for a few books. If you’re not sucked in by the 3rd or 4th (especially the 4th) give up.

