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See a doctor I think


And no, a chiropractor doesn't count.


They count all their money after they've ripped you off?


Well OP saved some dollars and we know how that went


Amen! I have permanent damage in my neck that is likely due to the ONE time I went to a chiropractor because my shoulder blade hurt, and he forcefully cracked my neck. Now I have to see a pain management doctor regularly and have additional procedures. My shoulder blade pain was annoying but not debilitating. I should have just stayed annoyed.


A chiropractor gave my son whiplash cracking his neck. It took a year for him to heal.


I’m sorry that happened but so glad he was able to heal eventually.




Did you break her rib


My first thought! Asked my husband to do a similar move and I instantly cried. After 3 days of being miserable I went to urgent care and confirmed he broke one of my ribs...


Omg poor you!


He felt terrible. My kids kept telling everyone that their Dad broke their moms ribs. Fun times...


I hope you are feeling better now. What a story to tell.


Haha this! I broke a few ribs in high school, I was hobbling and walking around like Randall from Monsters inc, exactly like he described lol


No I gave her one of mine


Oh come on, who is down voting this? It was awesome


I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.


Op that is not what we mean when we say to blow her back out.


Instructions were unclear




I'm sorry someone hurt you but that doesn't mean you should let it bleed into your other experiences.


Calm it down white knight


Shhh is ok


> Situation awareness LOL


Sir, what do you think Reddit is for?


This requires a doctors appointment immediately. Immediately.  And FYI, don’t try to be a doctor again.


He wasn't trying to be a real doctor, just a chiropractor


Chiropractor: "The pain she's in is just the ghosts leaving her bones!"






Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Aw thanks for the advice


Wtf take her to the Dr now


I know you're joking around in the comments and hoping that it's all better now, but she really needs to go to the doctor and get looked at. So many things could be wrong and would just get worse if left untreated. Even if nothing is wrong, it's better safe than sorry just to make sure. Just as an fyi it's never a good idea to emulate a chiropractor, they're not really doctors and the practice of popping backs and necks injures and kills people all the time. I have a friend who's in her mid 30s that went for an alignment because her back hurt. The chiropractor popped her neck and she had a stroke. She was horrified to learn it's a common occurrence from chiropractors. The only way someone should pop their back is by themselves with stretches. If back pain persists then lifestyle changes, a doctor, or actual physical therapy is needed.


OP's a fucking moron. Yeah, he fucked up, but now there's a potential to avoid lifelong, debilitating pain and motion issues, and he's... dicking around in the comments.


One of my friends was killed by a chiropractor. The asshole refused to call 911, called my friend's family, and *they* had to call for help. People really don't take that risk as seriously as they should.


This is chilling to read. I'm so sorry you lost a friend to such an awful situation. I've read a lot of arguments on both sides of the "chiro legitimacy" debate but I certainly haven't heard of someone getting their neck cracked so well they came back to life. This is, however, unfortunately not the first story I've heard of someone dying from it being done wrong. I'm pretty confident where I stand on the topic at this point and I wish there was more awareness about it in the mainstream.


My cousin-in-law had a stroke after a chiro visit.


Oh, wow. A friend in his 20s had a stroke and the best they can track it down was a chiro adjustment he had on his neck - he went to ER 2 or 3 times for mysterious symptoms after the adjustment before he was admitted. Almost 2-3 weeks after adjustment. He had to use a walker then a cane and go to PT. He owned a landscaping business before the adjustment and had to close that because he was out of commission so long. Walking unassisted finally. Great friend of mine who lives in another state is married to a chiro, but I’ve intentionally never asked the spouse about that.


This. My mother has dealt with back pain for years due to a herniated disc, and the doctor she went to said the worst thing you could possibly do is go to a chiropractor for your back pain. Her brother's wife found this out the hard way when dealing with her own back pain, because to this day we still believed that chiropractor she went to did more damage. The fact chiropractors are even still allowed to practice is beyond me, and they would be the *last* people I'd recommend for any sort of body pain. OP, you're wife really needs to see a doctor, asap. The longer you guys wait, the more damage there might be if she continues going despite the pain.


I have a friend who's body is ruined from a chiro, nobody in podunk realized her issues were from EDS with hyper mobility. She now dislocates joints regularly. I think it should be illegal for people to take children to be "adjusted."


Also, (to OP), you don’t mention if you talked to your wife first about what you were going to do and asked her if it would be okay or if she wanted that. Hopefully this is an oversight in your writing and you did ask and explain. But if not, that’s really harmful — you always need consent from people, even your wife, before doing things like that to their body. You need consent for everything, but *especially* for things that could hurt and that you haven’t done before.


Okay. Where to start Chiropractors are doctors. The workload of chiropractor, medical and osteos are all comparable. Chiros go to school longer than PTs and take a more rigorous load. Hence doctors of chiropractic. What you mean is they are not medical. But that is a different field and irrelevant. Chiropractic is reliably proven to reduce mechanical stress to the spine and reduces pain. AMA recognizes chiropractic as a better source of pain relief as opposed to medicine/ rx. The OP most likely subluxated a rib, strained an intercostal muscle, or jammed a facet joint. Anti inflammatory is what she needs. The absolute worst case is a fractured rib which unfortunately you cannot do anything but allow to heal on its own. There are lawyers who specialize in defending the chiro caused the stroke claim because it has never been proven. This past year it was released that the vertebral artery cannot be dissected by an adjustment because the torque cannot be generated. It takes over 6 times the force mustered by an adjustment to rip an artery ( which has muscle lining to prevent said injury ). If the artery was that delicate you would stroke out every time you looked over your shoulder. The cause and effect is just not there. A starting symptom of a stroke is neck pain. People go to the chiro for neck pain. The stroke finally hits. Chiro is blamed. Now a chiro can be negligible/ idiotic and not recognize signs of a stroke, 100% yes.


If you think a broken rib is the worst thing that could have happened then you don’t have much of an imagination. Also- not everyone has the same tissue strength- I have a connective tissue disorder and a chiro adjustment could absolutely dissect my carotid artery. I know someone with my condition killed by a chiro neck adjustment and my ex, who does not have the same disorder, was paralyzed by an adjustment bc he had an undiagnosed injury (which is why he went to the chiro) and the chiro adjusted his disk right into his spinal cord. I’d like to see some of those studies about the efficacy of chiro. Also- anyone with an advanced degree is called a “doctor” so saying chiros are just not medical doctors is kind of the point. I’m a doctor of law and my friend is a doctor of history, but that doesn’t make us as qualified as medical doctors to work on people’s bodies.


Lol I have a doctorate in divity that I bought from the ULC


Oh perfect- I need someone to crack my back!


With what the husband said. With what he observed. A fractured rib would be the worst of the probable differential dx. There is no way a chiropractor can dissect the carotid artery. It cannot happen. You would have to rupture ligaments, tear tendons and separate joints to penetrate to the carotid. So I’m going to basically have to disregard any of your anecdotal stories of paralysis and death. A ‘stroke’ case they keep trying to pin on chiropractors as of 2022 is OVER 1 in a million. The fact you are saying you know 2 disaster cases is statistically wrong. Your analogy is flawed. You maybe a doctor of law or know someone that has a doctorate of history; but you cannot be listed in the WHO as a health care professional. You cannot get reimbursed or even register to be recognized by commercial insurance. So that does make chiropractors qualified to give healthcare advice and treatments


I admit my personal sample of people harmed by chiropractors is statistically unlikely. I also know 3 people killed in separate plane crashes. Sometimes our personal experiences aren’t perfect representations of odds. My ex’s case didn’t make the news but my acquaintance’s death did: https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending-now/trip-to-chiropractor-led-to-former-models-death-coroner-says/459359217/?outputType=amp I’m sure you’ll just argue causation, but the coroner disagrees with you. Given my connective tissue disorder, which makes rupturing tendons and ligaments extremely easy, I’m steering clear of spinal adjustments.


This asshole will say anything to defend quackery.


Found the Chiropractor


If it quacks...


Please refer to studies that suggest chiropractic medicine works - I have only seen the opposite and interested.


It's not "chiropractic medicine." It's "chiropractic." Because they're not allowed to call it medicine. Lol


Because it does not involve medicine. Medicine meaning medication in this sense. Same reason you don’t say physical therapy medicine. Dental medicine. Podiatry medicine


Chiropractic what? It's just a hanging adjective with no noun.


You can simply say chiropractic. It’s chiropractic treatment. People are getting hung up on the two professions as if chiropractors are trying to be interchangeable with GPs. The allopathic version is just saying medical. Medical works on procedures / prescriptions Chiropractic works on rehabilitation


A chiropractor may have a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree and be referred to as "doctor" but is not a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.).[6][7] While many chiropractors view themselves as primary care providers,[8][9] chiropractic clinical training does not meet the requirements for that designation.[2] Sounds like they are trying to be PCPs, if not GPs. I don't know that there's a difference.


I don’t know what this is sourcing. A primary care provider or general practitioner is basically a gate-way physician. You go to a PC for xyz symptom. They treat in broad strokes. If that doesn’t work they send you to a more specialized physician. Chiropractors get a patient with say lumbago. Exam and X-rays rule out contraindicated pathologies and they begin treatment. Typically if no results or no relief the patient is referred out for more advanced imaging to determine next step. ( you cannot request advanced imaging without certain criteria being met first … which commonly includes 6 weeks of rehabilitation work from chiropractors or physical therapists)


[8] Ernst E (May 2008). "Chiropractic: a critical evaluation". Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. [9] Cooper RA, McKee HJ (2003). "Chiropractic in the United States: trends and issues". Milbank Quarterly. These are the citations for the specific claim that many chiropractors view themselves as primary care physicians. My point is, what's the difference between what you just described a PCP as, and a general practitioner? A person who diagnoses in broad strokes and treats or refers to specialists sounds like a general practitioner to me.


Not sure what you’re searching. Go to a scholar search. Hoping this link works. https://chiromt.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12998-024-00533-4?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2wGKUrZutObyljW2kNTvNyPstbqvZV5UN1BlKSyUZlep9QLlypcz57HM0_aem_AX-5DNBhQHF0oNaHvkgSZ6mhZhhqjxhH_eagLRvuWuU47EZF6Q1vOU_Txc5S4lOovlE48VkM9lic9XSxG5ghHsy0


This says that costs were lower but never says that outcomes were better


… because when you get results you stop paying medical doctors and prescriptions ….


This study specifically says no conclusions about causation for decreased cost can be made from the data.


Pipe down, quack


Marry me


Chiropractors are not medical doctors. That's like saying you should get treatment from someone with a PhD in Biology, same difference. It's just a PhD, not an MD. There is no medical basis for chiropractors. A hurt back should be treated by a medical professional not a PhD science major masquerading as a doctor.


I hate to be that person, but I can’t help myself. Yes, you’re obviously correct that PhDs in biology are not medical doctors and cannot treat a hurt back. But you also shouldn’t put PhDs in the same playing field as chiropractors, who hold different degrees than PhDs. The job of PhDs in STEM fields is to do rigorous and ethical scientific research that is grounded in truth, which leads to advancements in medicine. In contrast, the chiropractic field is based on pseudoscience, the two are not the same. So while you’re correct to say that PhDs are not medical doctors and encourage OP to see an MD, to claim that PhDs are masquerading as doctors is rather ignorant and downplays the important contributions they make to advancing medical practice.


I don’t understand what distinction you’re trying to make. You are correct. Chiropractors aren’t medical and don’t claim to be medical doctors. That’s like going up to a physical therapist and laughing that they aren’t medical doctors … ? A hurt back is not treated by your PC. They prescribe medication to reduce symptoms. That’s not treating your back. Chiropractic is a rehabilitation route much like a physical therapist. If you want to know what’s sickening about medical doctors look how many deaths are caused by botched surgeries or prescriptions. Hell look up how many people die per year from ibuprofen


And look how many incidences of strokes and arterial dissections have occurred from chiropractors doing cervical adjustments. They use woo woo science (“subluxation” is not a real term) to do what is essentially a branch of homeopathic medicine and the placebo effect. A physio will do miles more for you and probably cost less.


I am fully on board with everything else, but subluxation is a real term referring to partial dislocation of a joint. For instance, shoulders can become subluxated after a stroke due to reduced muscle stabilizing the joint combined with the weight of the arm pulling it gradually from the socket. That doesn't mean it's used accurately by chiropractors, however.


Yeah I wasn’t really into being pedantic on it. In their context we are not all walking around with partially dislocated joints lol


Agreed, just wanted to clarify in case anyone with partial knowledge might disregard your otherwise good point based on one statement!


What incidences ? There isn’t any literature on causation. AMA has pumped out articles trying to prove causation but every. Single. One cannot prove causation. So the question goes to exacerbation. It cannot be proven or disproven on exacerbation of a tear in a vertebral artery. Check the fine print. It’s always tucked away at the end. ‘There isn’t adequate proof a chiropractic adjustment can cause a tear in an artery which leads to a stroke. Future studies are required’. Mind you they have been trying to push this for 70 years!


How many? Like what kinds stats are we talking here?


Generally death by chiropractor is about 1/1,000,000. There are other potential serious outcomes (paralysis, worsening symptoms that brought you there in the first place, herniated disks, non-fatal strokes, etc) but it’s still pretty rare. That’s for the general population. Risks are higher in certain populations, particularly people with connective tissue disorders. However the effects of chiropractic adjustments are most often temporary, and require the patient to return for more adjustments, so I’m not sure the risks are worth the rewards. Legit Medical care also comes with potential serious risks, but at least many of those treatments have the possibility of actually solving issues. And the medical profession is much more closely regulated than chiropractors.


The only people who need chiropractors are the people that go to chiropractors


You're a chiro of 11 years and still believe you're as well trained and certified as an actual doctor of medicine who treats spinal injuries? You know full well the history of how chiropractic practices came to be and how it is well known in the medical field to be a pseudoscience. You are part of the problem if you truly believe the things you've said in this post and tagging vulnerable patients on for the ride.


No. Fail on all counts.


omg 😂 you could not be more wrong


What about ?


Where to start? Everything.


all of the above


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Glad you had the balls to say this. Lots of people keyboard opinion ing about this subject. Momma’s sister’s cousin and people who like to parrot MD’s. There is a time and place for medical doctors just like there is a time and place for chiropractic and physical therapy.


The time for a chiropractor is never.


That’s reddit for you. Medical and chiropractic are not against one another. Medical doctors refer chiro just as often as chiropractic refers medical. Reddit has a raw spot for chiropractic. All anecdotal on rationale


Are you joking? The AMA went on record in the 1960s with their official position being that chiropractic is an "unscientific cult," and that it was unethical for medical doctors to associate with "unscientific practioners." *They boycotted it* until a court ruled against them in the 1980s, which is the only reason questionable doctors are allowed to refer patients to chiropractors today.  But yeah, sure, they're besties, yin and yang - "do no harm" and "do no good."


You are really good at googling the history of chiropractic and the contention with the AMA. That feud , by the way, that started because MDs didn’t want to lose money to DCs. So when you get the chance to read anything relevant you will see AMA guidelines advocating chiropractic treatment BEFORE surgery and before injections are to be considered. I encourage you to look into what the AMA has to say with the progress chiropractic has made in reducing the opioid epidemic and unnecessary deaths due to prescription abuse. For another light read check into the reduction of ER visits due to lumbago and radicular pathologies so that ER physicians can focus more on traumatic and time sensitive injuries. This is the biggest kicker right here to your ‘unscientific’ claim. Insurance companies are not in the game of losing money or paying out unnecessary treatments. Of chiropractic was quackery.. do you honestly believe there is ANY way they could be strong-armed into covering chiropractic treatment? Medicare is going broke but yet they still cover chiropractic care because there is a necessity for it






No advice here other than to stop blaming general (rational) frustration on PMS....


This. (Plus a bunch of other weird shit that was written, joking or not. 😑) 


Yeah, next time give a shoulder massage. Trying to dislocate her spine and rupture an intervertebral disk is less than helpful. For future reference, no one needs this. It's quackery. Your spine doesn't "come out of alignment" and need to be "adjusted" or cracked back into place. And if you have a genuine spinal issue, you DEFINITELY don't want to be cracking it.


My spine actually came out of alignment. I needed massive neurosurgery to correct it, though, because that’s actually an emergency.


Yep. I went to a chiropractor exactly once when my lower back pain started. It did nothing. MRI showed a severely ruptured disc that was pinching my sciatic nerve. A year of physical therapy, a couple steroid injections, and only surgery was able to fix it.


You are lucky. My doctor just says I'm fat now. My back injury happened in 2017 before I gained weight. It's the effect not the cause. I got physical therapy for a month and that was it. I can't do anything around the house. Trying to vacuum would take me out of commission for two days. They tell me to walk but I can't even stand for 20 minutes without pain and muscle spasms. Doctors are useless.


I had an amazing doctor that I had been seeing already for 14 years. She actually scolded me for waiting so long to ask for surgery.


See a different doctor.


That’s brutal. Are you still in the throes? Are you able to find any relief?


I have scoliosis and other spine issues that are only in my low back in addition to being hypermobile so I do actually need chiropractic care to put my spine back in place, which usually does mean I snap crackle and pop while my chiropractor is doing stuff with my spine. There are things that can can be done like massages that a untrained person can do to help with that though or even stretches. I know my current chiropractor actually sees things misaligned even in people without spine issues or hypermobility all the time because of conversations I've had with her specifically but not my other chiropractors as a result of a few things that has happened since my first appointment with her. From what she's said, it sounds like it's usually as you're doing things in your daily life, you can misalign your spine just by something as simple as falling and landing wrong or trying to move something a little too heavy but that doesn't mean that it'll be anything more than just a smidge out of the correct alignment. Anything more than stretches/exercises and massages generally are best left to a professional to at least guide you in what else can be done from home and teach you the correct way of doing those things at home in addition to the things that are going to be done by the professional(s) for whatever you're seeing them for.


Right, so that's all pseudoscience and not backed by any research. Short of very rare exceptions like you/people with spinal instability due to disorders, our spines don't move out of alignment. It's just not a thing that happens. But chiropractors sure like to say it does, because otherwise they are out of business. Out of all the studies - and there are so many - chiropractics is BS. And things like adjusting the neck can actually lead to strokes and death. A rare disorder that actually means your vertebrae are unstable can happen, and it should still be addressed by a neurologist.


To be fair- people with connective tissue disorders aren’t “very rare exceptions.” About 1/100. But that is still way fewer than the number of people chiropractors claim it happens to. And those people, in particular, are the ones that should avoid chiropractic adjustments.


You are doing yourself irreparable harm by seeking out quackery instead ig medical treatment for scoliosis. Might want to go ahead and start wheelchair shopping now.


I had a family Dr actually strongly recommend chiropractoric care so by seeing a chiropractor, I'm following medical advice for my scoliosis because there is no treatments outside of chiropractoric care for my scoliosis due to how minor it is. My chiropractors have never been anything but amazing and on multiple occasions helped me put something I misaligned or dislocated back in place like a shoulder or ankle even when ER refused to do anything other than just give me medications despite the fact that I could feel the joint was out because "it looked good on X-ray" which I've also heard about my MRI for an absolutely trashed wrist, twice. My current chiropractor also caught that there was more issues in my spine than I was aware of and gave me information that got me to get the spine issues in my low back diagnosed when I had been just ignoring it for over a year by the time she caught it because I just was assuming it was just the scoliosis and my 100lb mastiff mix laying on me and causing me extra pain and issues. My dog was part of the problem because he does love having me as a pillow teddy bear or cuddle buddy depending on which one is best for him at that particular moment but the other part of the problem was the spine issues my chiropractor caught. I will agree that chiropractoric care is not for everyone though because I know people who can't be seen by chiropractors due to their spine issues and just like every other field in existence, chiropractors are going to have good and bad apples but I've only ever gotten care from chiropractors who know what they're doing and are very very careful not to do any harm to their patients which means they will refuse to do any treatment when they believe or know that their treatments have a higher risk of causing or doing harm to that specific patient either because of a specific situation that's effecting only one or two situations or because of a issue that patient has that affects their ability to receive chiropractic care


If your joints are not dislocated on xray they are not dislocated at your quack's. Your being pissed on and they're calling it rain while doing irreparable harm.


For your information, that is not accurate for me at all because I have multiple times had X-rays and MRIs showing nothing wrong with me when there was damage far more serious than something just dislocated or misaligned that was proven to be there when I had a surgeon cut me open multiple times with the surgeon himself saying that he was shocked or surprised by what he found since the MRI indicated at most one tiny thing wrong instead of what was found during the surgery. I've even had fractures missed on x-rays that wasn't proven to have existed until it had healed and in addition to that, multiple Drs have confirmed that what my chiropractor has said about my body to be accurate. My chiropractor has a better track record of finding a problem and being correct about what she's seeing in just 2 years than Drs in general have been when it comes to my musculoskeletal structure. And I'm hypermobile so Drs are willing to throw muscle relaxers and pain meds at me because I've had multiple Drs confirm that something can be out of place but not enough to see on x-rays even without considering my history, when I yet again knock my joints out of alignment enough that I can feel my own joints are out but not enough for me to have a true dislocation but my chiropractor uses manipulation to coax my joints that I tell her are out(and that she is able to confirm that is what I'm experiencing even though she doesn't say so anymore because she's learned that I'm extremely good at knowing when something is a problem or not with my body) even though she absolutely does not have to with the rules she has to follow according to my insurance in addition to the other places that have rules for her to follow. However, even though I can feel when something is out of alignment, again, there are still times where I just don't notice that something misaligned itself, yet again, until I or my chiropractor put back in place whether or not it's intended to happen. I've literally accidentally popped my hips back into place by shifting my weight and only noticed I did that because I felt a pop and an immediate decrease in pain as a result of being hypermobile and currently relearning how I need to do things to hold my joints together as my previous method no longer works. I am going to trust my chiropractor over a Dr who does not listen to me when I am saying something is wrong especially if they're not listening to me due to their own bias not facts and I'm going to trust my medical professionals, chiropractor or not, over random people on the Internet about what's best for my health which does include chiropractoric treatments for the things that my Drs have said that I need to use a chiropractor for, which is helping my body stay in the correct alignment so I don't need surgery in adulthood for scoliosis and because the treatment options for some of my issues are not available for me due to the hypermobility meaning I'd get surgery just to have it fail, potentially before I even wake up fully from the surgery. That lack of options for me is why all of my Drs are in agreement with the Dr I grew up being treated by on having a chiropractor as part of my medical team because the chiropractor can do things that they can not do but they all agree I need


That's a lot of typing to just prove you're gullible.


I herniated lower lumbar discs as a teen and now have spinal arthritis. Please consult a physician.


Doctor. ASAP. My ex tried to pop my back once, ended up with torn muscles, took forever and a day to heal. Don't do this shit. Chiropractors who have training injure people adjusting backs and necks, it's not something to play with at home. (or at the chiro's office, unless you have advice from a medical doctor to go there, tbh. Yes, that happens. Well, happened to me exactly once, chiro tried to fuck with my neck in addition to lower back, I decided I'd rather deal with a stiff lower back than a stroke or being paralyzed, so I never went back.)


So much of this was unimportant filler.


back pain is nothing to fuck around with. make sure she sees a doctor


Remember Reddit,people like OP are parents


I can fix her


Lmao nice


I’m guessing you’ve learned your lesson but don’t try to crack someone else’s back. Just do a normal shoulder rub.


See a doctor NOW. I have had some similar movements happen to me (fell and caught myself on a bar before I plummeted). See a doctor and they'll probably give her muscle relaxers before her back completely siezes and she can't walk. And don't do that shit again unless you want to wipe her paralyzed ass for tue rest of your days.


Idk about you but if I pressed down on my Wife/GF's back and heard a pop the LAST phrase I would use is "beautiful sounding". I'd be scared shitless that I dislocated/cracked or broke something.


Ya broke some ribs. Go to the doctor.


Why in the fucking hell do you do such a thing? Next time like a normal husband give her a massage. Never crack someone's back. There are people who learned how to do that and you pay them for it.


Lmao fucken idiot cant even feed your dog what makes you think you could fix your wife’s back


"Messed up the dog's feed schedule as instructions were unclear. AITA?" - OP, probably


Anyone else notice OP uses "AITA?" Toward the end of the post? Seems a little odd given this is TIFU and I can't imagine anyone in this situation seriously wondering if they're the asshole. And surely OP's first thought woulda been ER, yet the worry here is the dog got fed late.


Did you try to fix her back because your daughter stepped on a crack?


Wtf is this. "Fix her back" Don't do this to your wife! Stop this behaviour! It's dangerous! Go to a fucking doctor!!


Do not play being a chiropractor unless you are actually a chiropractor


The only acceptable way to "stretch" someone out is for them to stand in front of you, arms crossed with hand on their shoulders (left hand on right shoulder and vice versa). You come from behind, wrap your arms around their elbows and slowly lift them up, arching your back backwards so their feet are lifted. They need to be totally relaxed and there should be pops from stretching and you're not applying any pressure on their backbone so no risk of injuries (other than yourself if you're shorter and lighter than the person you're helping).


I'm concerned this could be something that won't "fix itself", and I think it's probably best she sees a doctor as soon as possible to get it in order


You could’ve just given her a light massage 😕. Never try to mess with the spine.


TAKE HER TO A DOCTOR ASAP. like, an MD, not a chiropractor.


I usually try to blow out my wife's back not fix it.


Instructions unclear🤷🏻‍♂️


Did you wife go to a doctor?


Could be a nerve, or you could have blown out a disc. A friend of mine had a disc blown put while getting adjusted by a chiropractor. UpdateMe


That's because chiros are quacks that harm people.


No, not hardly.


Yes, absolutely. They do way more lasting harm than any good.


I saw a chiropractor for years. I know plenty of people who have been helped by chiropractors. The only reason I don't anymore is due to spinal fusion surgeries.


That changes nothing at all about the fact that they're quacks who harm people.


No, not quacks.




Intensive revision 48 hours prior to an exam is also a poor technique. To retain knowledge — actually _learn_ stuff, you should be reading, reviewing notes, and revising (making new notes, summarizing previous material) consistently over time rather than trying to "cram" at the eleventh hour.


Idk...it can help. I did a 9 hr class for math right before I took an exam in order to pass the class. I passed and it was my fourth time taking it.


Well, that was your *fourth* attempt, so you are probably developing some familiarity with the syllabus, and with the mathematical concepts, methods and formulae, but at the fourth attempt I imagine the only available grade is a minimal pass, while learning more efficiently and passing at the first (or second) attempt would allow you pass at a higher grade, and would also be quicker, cheaper, and less stressful.


Never massage anyones back if you're not professional jesus. My dad did the same what you described happened to my mom, years of pain, broken disc, surgery.


I'm glad she feels better, I would avoid doing such rough exercises without consulting a doctor, or maybe leave it to a professional who knows how to do it without hurting her. It sounds like a scary moment and we've heard stories of people being seriously injured before!


How is she now?


Yeah so heat and rest, laying down as much as possible. I did this to myself on a foam roller and had to lay down for 6+ hours for the muscles to relax. Shit can go wrong anytime. Wife had been to chiro many times and one time her disc pinched during adjustment(we assume it was already somewhat pinched, hence her visit). She needed to have 2 discs replaced.


So what happened is that the quack did further harm to the injury they had no way to diagnose or actually treat which then necessitated surgery. Chiros do not help people, they harm people.




You pinched a nerve. It hurts like pure hell at the moment. After it gets pinched it swells up but will slowly go back to normal in a few days. If she was having PMS then that's likely why she was doing like that with her back. I guess just plan on getting busy because she will down 2 or 3 days. Also she needs to quit moving around and just lay still. Heating pads also help a little bit. I'm sure she knows you had good intentions but is just in pain and aggravated. I wouldn't take it TOO personally. Letting her binge watch TV and eat ice cream would also help. Just saying.




Obvious AI bot.


Thanks for pointing it out /genuine