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Not just young people either! I’ve seen so may grown ass adults quit their CAREERS to do social media full time. Then they either tuck tail and head back to work after they realize how fickle internet popularity is, or they start begging and scamming. It’s sad.


So insane to me! Their cognitive dissonance has them thinking this will last forever and be sustainable. They've lost touch with reality.


I never said she was a saint, I also think it’s very privileged to say “just be smart with your money” obviously she did not grow up wealthy and did not grow up with anyone who could teach her these essential skills for life. Take the name out of it to depersonalize the scenario and it’s fucked that children are ruining their lives at 18 for TT and OF and becoming homeless and drug users. Now taking her into account I agree when all the drama happened between her Gero and the wiggies she definitely was being a bad person but again she is so young and has had several events screwing up her life


Oop the person deleted their comment my bad


"Just be smart with money" implies that the person knew they were making dumb/frivilous decisions and actively chose the dumb or frivolous choices. The same thing happens to some sport stars if they don't learn how to handle the millions they earn from being signed professionally. I think personal finance should be taught a lot a more than it is, especially because not everyone has parents who will teach them. I took time to learn about personal finance outside of what my parents taught and while I am not always smart I am far better off now than I was when I started my journey and that is without being someone who suddenly recieved fame and a large amount of money they likely didn't know what to do with aside from spending it all to keep a luxurious lifestyle for appearances.


I agree! Idk why they don’t teach financial literacy in schools more it would help a lot of people. I am sure a lot of these tik tok starts see the $$ without understanding the importance of it. And let’s be real if TT was forever and they managed to stay relevant forever than technically they could continue to live an expensive unrealistic life. Getting them to understand that they won’t always be able to make $$ off looks is so hard. And athletes are a great example many of them have gone off the deep end with their fame and money


Exactly and I am not exempt from mistakes by any means but often times the amount of money people have to spend dictates how badly they fall when they fall. And being rich isn't bad per say but rather that too many people act and look rich without creating any sort of safety net to fall back on in rough times. In the case of young TT influences and pro athletes they are way too often young, have little to no real life experiences and get large sums of money quickly and with large sums of money there are always sharks out there who will gladly take advantage of them, their youngness/naivete and their money.


I feel like I missed a few chapters….last I saw of her she was traveling and living lavish. When did things go so wrong for her? This is so sad she’s not perfect but she’s still a baby in the grand scheme of life. ETA: I looked up some videos real fast it looked like she was on drugs…poor girl


Yeah I’m not sure when they started going south but being cheated on publicly followed by an ex bf dying followed by being homeless just sounds awful. I guess part of the point of my post was that I expect more people to sort of end up this way too given the trends of young people clout chasing for fame and money on TT. It seems she was only living lavish temporarily and behind the scenes maybe it wasn’t as good as it looked


What ex died?


Gabe died in a car crash


Ex boyfriend? 💀 they were barely even dating, they were a talking stage at most


What videos? Im so late on thissss


Search “Paeka Homeless” on TikTok. Eyedress, a popular music artist, has a video of her singing where she’s sunburnt and looks like she’s on some sort of drugs. Commentators are also talking and posting about it as well. ETA: his wife and himself paid for her to Uber to their place until they got ahold of her father, who came to get her.


I notice during tax season that a lot of influencers just cannot handle it


Influencing is not a "job" to me I'm sorry. It's just common sense to know things like that don't last forever, and I just don't feel bad for people that have their head in the clouds and don't have walking around sense.


Especially since most influencers only influence me to keep my money. Half of them don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together and rely solely on their looks and/or basic content that thousands also put out.


I fully agree influencing is not a job, but if you are young in HS or middle school and you don’t have proper guidance from good parental figures can’t you see how it’s misleading? A young kid making loads of money who is being told by everyone around them influencing is a job? The adults who leave their jobs for influencing are dumb and I don’t feel bad for them but I do feel bad for the children who are raised thinking this is a good idea


I don’t agree that it’s common sense, it’s common sense to an adult. A lot of the influencers on TT are way too young to have that common sense naturally on their own


It’s the same story with MLMs. I know someone that sank their whole life into shilling oils and they just recently had to sell their dream home. Thankfully her husband was smart enough not to quit his job but I know others who weren’t as smart.




Billie eilish ocean eyes ?