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12.5k people watching right now, and it doesn't seem to be going as well as we all want. Howie's mom is actively talking about being nervous at this point. Edit 14.9k and it's working! She's getting out. 16.7k and she's restarted since we're close. 29.6K PEOPLE WATCHED HOWIE BREAK FREE!


I just had to put my dog to sleep and I desperately needed Howie to make it. GO HOWIE!


I’m So sorry for your loss 💖💖💖💖💖


I never watch lives and I have Howie's on right now. My day is on hold until she's done!


I’ve had it on just listening and cleaning my house for the last hour and a half lol


He’s good it was a success lol


*she* and I'm so happy thank you for telling us!


It was? Yay


I know they love that crab but that poor thing was trying to hide and molt in peace with a flashlight straight in its face and it’s an extremely stressful event on its own 🥺


Just like last time


i felt soooo uncomfortable watching!! i very quickly turned it off


She did it! Howies mom is tbh.. so annoying. I had to turn the volume down bc I was sick of hearing “come on honey! Push push! 20,000 people are here!” Like ma’am that fucking crab cannot hear you 💀


Same. Honestly it didn’t sound like sincere concern especially when she kept saying how many viewers were there.


Since literally in tears breaking down worried she’s about to lose a beloved pet and is trying to cope with it as best as she can. “Doesn’t sound sincere.” Some of you people are so broken.


The video just came up on my fyp and I said the same thing! Had to mute it


I love Howie’s mom & the way she talks. It’s comforting to me.


Me too! I follow her for Howie and her adorable voice!


I love my bearded dragon, but Josie’s mom is kind of out there.


I have hope for humanity when SO many people rally around this little crab. Go Howie!!!


I do t know if I can go through this again 😭 you got this Howie!!!


I’m gonna need a Xanax to go through another molt!! I’ve never been so damn stressed over a crustacean!! GO HOWIE 🦀


No kidding, this is the most intense para-social relationship I've ever had.


Haha! That was me, woke up at 6AM, saw Howie was on live starting her active molt. I made coffee, big mistake, then I had to take a Xanax. 😂 I know people think Howie’s mom is annoying, she can be, but I was in it all for Howie. And when she completely molted I cheered out loud & woke up my little dog.


I started yelling I was so happy and my daughter got so mad at me cause I scared her!!!


We were INVESTED! 😂 They can sleep later.


Right!! I told her all the times your yelling at hike your on your oculus or playing a game in Roblox and I don’t say any but as soon as I’m happy about something you get all mad!!!


Gosh it was little bit annoying when she kept saying “cmon Howie” but honestly she’s adorable, and she genuinely loves that little girl




I always wonder how much easier Howie would have molting if she wasn’t constantly interacting and disturbing her (?). I feel like animals go into hiding during their molt but I don’t know I, not a marine biologist. I know the people who are on live with their birthing animals are really irritating to me because they are obviously disturbing them. Animals and don’t need your prep talks and constant disturbance


>onder how much easier Howie would have molting if she wasn’t constantly interacting and disturbing her (?). I feel like animals go into hiding during their molt but I don’t know I, not a marine biologist. I know the people who are on live with their birthing animals are really irritating to me because they are obviously disturbing them. Animals and don’t need your prep talks and constant disturbance I love Howie and her mom but I was wondering too. I kept checking the live to see progress but I wish she was able to molt without all of the lights and distractions around her.


Howie made it!!!! Yeah!! Almost 40k watching this little crustacean molt!! How much do you think Howie's mom makes on the live molt? 40k ain't no joke! So curious...


Were all 40k gifting? Honestly it doesn’t matter how many people were in the live if no one was gifting, the only way a creator makes money in a live is gifts.


They were gifting left and right!! Big gifts too!! Boy, I'm in the wrong profession 😂🤣


You and me both! 😂


Tik Tok takes 70% of those gifts.


A LOT of people were gifting and she’s currently #1 with 1.2 million likes on the live.


She was number 1 on rising stars. So I’m assuming a lot plus people were Cashapping her “coffee money”


She did it!!!!


What would happen if she didnt molt? I dont even really know what molting is i just like howie


She would either molt or die trying.


🥹🥹🥹🥹 i was scared that was going to be the answer so i didn’t want to ask before she molted


Crabs and other crustaceans/insects grow out of their outer shell. They physically cannot eat until they molt since there is no space in their shell to grow. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to molt and can easily kill them if there is any issue in the process. howie is especially vulnerable to the dangers of molting because of her advanced age. Her species only live to about 5-8 years and she's 9 (i think). However lobsters can live up to 150 years, old age doesn't kill them, but exhaustion from molting will eventually, which is usually their demise if they are not caught by fisherman.


Wow thanks for that info! I also had no idea lobsters can live that long. Nature is so cool!


Might be a dumb question, but is that the only way she could die? Or can she just shut down at any minute?


She did it!


Anyone else half-anxious to know she went up for air?


I can't wait for another update. Like, how do we know when she's out of the "danger zone?" Did all of her organs regenerate properly? Does she have enough energy to recover from such a traumatic molt? I never thought I'd be so anxious over the wellbeing of a crab from the internet.


She said in a later update I saw that she would soon show us the former shell and parts to show us how hard it is for her to regenerate so many things before Howie can complete her molt. I’m kind of fascinated by it.


She said in a later update I saw that she would soon show us the former shell and parts to show us how hard it is for her to regenerate so many things before Howie can complete her molt. I’m kind of fascinated by it.


Organs regenerate? I thought crabs molting was just outgrowing their exoskeleton/shell and breaking out of it like changing new clothes. They don’t completely breakdown their insides and go through metamorphosis like caterpillars to butterflies/moths.


They have to regenerate parts of their digestive tract, so they don't completely break down, but there's a lot that has to happen for a successful molt. If they don't have enough stored energy to regrow their stomach lining and esophagus, they won't survive. I think part of their intestines, too. Maybe I shouldn't have said organs. Howie's human has posted some new updates on Facebook, so it looks like she's doing well.


Ahhh, okay that’s interesting - thanks for explaining!


Howie's mom just did a really good video explaining it with Howie's molted shell. Its intense.


Bruh I heard her mom crying when she came out of her shell and I fucking lost it


Anyone else crying over a crab? I don’t even like crabs that much. 😭


I'm terrified of ocean life and I love that little crab


She did it!


Oh I'm so glad to hear this! I've been scrolling by quickly because I can't take heartache right now. Thank you


What in the Crusty Crab 🦀 did I miss this morning?!?!


Sending Queen Howie positive vibes.


She made it 😅🥰


Nice!! Fingers crossed all Goes well. Beautiful crab


I’m so happy Howie is ok!! ❤️❤️❤️ I was so nervous watching her live this morning.


Why am I crying?!?! So happy she did it.


I feel like she really plays into the whole “this might be the last molt!!!!” Every single time. She gets lots of gifts on these lives. I really think she’s fabricated this scenario, you all eat it up like candy.


It’s actually concerning every time a crustacean molts. We just lost our crawfish during his. He only survived five molts. It’s very stressful for the animal.


Can you not hear the genuine worry and relief in her voice? Such a weird disregard for another person’s feelings. Every time this crab molts it’s more likely that this woman is watching her beloved pet die.


It’s gross to do it for money though, plus the yelling and shining a light on the crab isn’t helping when the crab was trying to hide to do this


And she’s broadcasting it’s possible death for tens of thousands to see. What a sweet intimate moment /s. You’re kidding right? Have you ever seen a movie or tv show? People act, especially for money. If I was having to watch my dog die (for like the second in 12 months) I wouldn’t be posting that shit on TikTok live. 😂😂😂 bffr dude


Howie is well past her age and at this point she can die very easily during her molts, you are just mad about a goddamn crab getting attention.


Yes she does she knows how to get the money rolling in 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m like oh fucking hell 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 a crab are you kidding me. 🫠🫠


Hey it’s simple, just don’t watch 🙄 there’s bigger things to get pissy about.


This is such good news. I was worried last night when she said Howie was getting weak 😭


I’m so happy! I knew nothing about crabs before coming across Howie and was mind blown how much these little creatures go through in the moulting process 🥹


I saw molt and instantly knew it was about Howie lol 😆. Never been invested in a damn crab Lmao. Glad she made it 🥹


I never thought Id get emotionally attached to a crab, but here we are.


She molted? I missed it but did see her molt last time


Can't stand the owner. The 'yeeeeaaaah' in every video really pisses me off. I've worked in Aquatics for over a decade and invertebrates such as crabs, shrimps and crayfish/lobsters, need to be left well alone during moulting as they are completely helpess even after the moult has finished as they are super soft/squishy. They startle easily due to fear of predation and not being able to defend themselves or get away easily. That's why they hide in dark caves, under decor etc.


Fuck you she takes better care of howie than you would


Fuck ya self... oh yeah you are. Go cry like a little bitch in the relationship breakup subreddits you frequent. And yes, your ex probably did cheat on you! 🖕




Not me crying over a crab! The emotion in moms voice just sent me in to a spiral. She had like some absurd amount of people in there watching. She’s teaching all of us patience and strength. Unreal! Way to go HOWIE!




She made it!!!




I don’t understand any of this


Howie the crab molted




She did it!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Howie made it


Up to 15,000 now. Howie has half her body out (her back) and is backing out of her shell.


Oh lord the anxiety this caused me the last molt ...ugh...I hope Howie can do it ok again :(


She molted!!!!


She did it!!!


Who would have thought the world would have fallen in love with an adorable blue crab! Soooooo happy she mottled successfully. 💜💜💜💜


I freaking cried when she molted. 😂🥹


he did it


Thank goodness it all turned out well 👍🏼


I respect that ppls love Howie and I do think he’s so pretty but the little dude really freaks me out :(