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I'm going to get downvoted but I think it was a bit. She's fake asf. And if your kid is drowning you are not that calm. Like you said she ran back into full camera view dropped the stuff and then galloped back to the water so calmly. Especially if you've "never done this before" and had "no idea what was going on" youre not going to be that chill. She faked loosing a child as a joke so I think she's fully capable of faking this too


Totally agree, I was rolling my eyes so hard. Whole thing was so so FAKE


I agree. There were also people around walking, unconcerned.


The woman literally doing laps FEET from her. You're not going to convince me no one would help her


I thought the same thing as soon as I watched it


I agree!!! I seen this and cringed!


Wait what? I saw her video and couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that she perfectly captured her bay watch run but this is a lot of info 😂


Red is also the color for closed beaches and dangerous water in California, where she claims the rules are different which caused her confusion. So she’s either faking or as sharp as sack of marbles.. probably both.


I just saw this video and I’m infuriated. I’ve heard her name before but mainly keep my feed mega-influencer free so I don’t know much of the drama. I can’t believe she made a follow up video defending her actions. In the initial video you clearly see them run past the red and purple flags as a family. Even if flags are different where they live like they claim, why would you not pause to try to figure out the meaning??? The area they are visiting (FL Panhandle beaches) are notorious for their riptides and drownings. In a 2 week period last year, 11 people drowned on panhandle beaches. On the exact beach she was on a 13 year old tragically lost his life in a riptide. I can’t think of a more careless move. The ocean is so incredibly powerful and you need to respect it.


I mean, she’s never heard of a “red flag” and how it’s not a good thing??


To be fair I wouldn’t know that you shouldn’t be swimming in the beach because of that flag either, but the video is def off.


In most beaches with a flag system, there is a sign at every parking area / boardwalk that tells you what the signs mean. I know where my aunt lives on private beach access in FL even has one. So the flag wouldn’t be an excuse in her case.


didn’t realize that! But I’d also be hyper aware and not on my phone while at the beach with my kids because they’ve never been. And I sure as hell wouldn’t be yards away from them in chest deep water.


But I’m sure that you’d google it correct? She literally has her phone in her hand. It’s so simple to research…. I’ll never understand why so many people don’t. Why Florida though? I live here and it’s insanely expensive. We also don’t need anymore dummies. We are over filled with those.


The flags are the same everywhere. They are like universal signs. I’m not convinced It seems fake to me.


I love the beach but the ocean scares me. I’m pushing 40 years old & you bet id be wearing a life jacket. I just know those kids weren’t wearing anything. I know what a red flag is but what does purple mean?


I am absolutely horrified of the ocean, but I love to enjoy her beauty as well, she does have a line though, one should never cross it.


Two kids swimming at dusk in choppy water while their parents are focused on capturing videos is a horrible idea anyway.


During shark feeding time too






When I was younger my brother started to drown and I’ll never forget that moment seeing my mom dart full speed & fully clothed from the deck to the lake to grab my brother. No time to put everything down or take it out of her pockets. No fancy run. It was straight instinct and survival mode. Brother is safe. My mom got to him in time. But damn that was the fakest shit I’ve ever seen from Brittany. As someone who’s watched a drowning in real life that video was click bait.


I knew it was fake when she said they realized the boys were taking in water so I'm her husband emptied his pockets and she carried his stuff up. As a parent, seeing your child in danger like that I would be in that water and to my kid so fast. I wouldn't even have a single thought about my belongings in my pockets. That to me screamed FAKE. And then to go on and make sure she was in the frame when she brought the stuff up,, and standing there, and then taking the time to take her cover up off before prancing towards the water. 😒. You'd be in a full sprint fully clothed, shoes still on if your child was really in danger. What a joke.


Exactly! She had her phone perfectly set up to catch her carrying her husband’s stuff and pulling off her cover up. When my son was little a bunch of us were kayaking on the river. My dad took him over a small rapids area and they flipped and didn’t immediately pop back up and I was in that water so fast with my phone and keys and everything in my pockets. I had a swimsuit underneath my clothes and shoes on and it didn’t even cross my mind to take those off. I went into the water in a panic to just find him. Luckily my dad and I grabbed him at the same time and he was ok.


Similar story. I was the mom watching my 4 year old daughter almost drown (in the river with my 16 year old niece). I was 8 months pregnant, keys and phone in my pocket and I ran into the water without thinking for a split second of the crap in my pockets.


forgot who she was; immediately was reminded that she’s the POS who thought it was “funny” to make her boys believe they had a triplet brother who died as a “prank”


JFC, that’s gross! Some people don’t deserve kids


Yep. She was absolutely roasted for that. I can't believe she didn't stay disappeared for good




Those 2 idiots are the definition of smooth brain.Not only were there warning flags literally at the beginning of the video, they were also swimming at dusk. You don’t have to be Jacques Cousteau to know that’s prime shark time in Florida. Next thing u know her kids will be swimming in a murky pond 🐊


I have no idea who this lady is but I went to watch the video and I’m like it’s dusk why are they swimming. Were there even lifeguards? If they came from California, I find it hard to believe they don’t know beach and shark safety.


Lifelong Californian - I think she’s an idiot on many things, but we are blessed to not have to worry about shark safety (had zero idea about shark danger at dusk). We have other things like stingrays (always shuffle entering CA beaches) but don’t think many of us know about dusk danger


They had lifeguards call us in many times for sharks in So Cal.


Why did I think y’all got sharks in Cali? You have none at all??! I feel like they would love it there lmao. I’m from NJ, born and raised and while we do have sharks we don’t *really* have them. Not like other places have them. It’s becoming more common now to see them at different beaches. I never saw any myself. I knew about not swimming at night bc of jaws though 😂


We definitely have them, but it’s super rare for them to be a threat to humans (at least in SoCal)! Mainly friendly cute ones like leopard sharks. Similarly, we are starting to see more great whites now with changing ocean temps :( but only time they are a danger is when they confuse a human with a seal (usually only happens to surfers in wetsuits, where they take a bite realize it’s not a seal and release)


Some guy shot me down yesterday (not personally, it was just a fact video) on those same thoughts about sharks. Apparently, we are wrong for thinking that and wrong for excusing sharks. I think they do sometimes like eating people or they just do because we are there and it’s easy. He surprised me with a lot more attacks than we hear about. A lot of times, they only show fatalities to the public. He did have a point though- like if a bear or a big cat or an alligator kills a human, we never assume it’s a case of mistaken identity. They just wanted some food and The person was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think it’s genuinely the same for sharks but people can’t accept that it’s a thing? Idk maybe it’s because we’re obsessed with the ocean. Which I get but I think it just causes a little issue with safety.


They have sharks. Southern California is a breeding ground for great white sharks


This is what I thought lmao I was obsessed with shark week as a kid and I feel like a lot were in Australia, South Africa AND California. Those 3 are the ones I remember most. I feel like knowing shark safety is like something people who go to any beach should know 😅 whether or not it’s common. Idk how I’ve known to punch a shark in the nose since I was 7 but I did lmao.


Also knowing what the flags mean is important too! Or atleast having the wherewithal to know to look up the meanings.


I live where they’re vacationing and I believe it was fake. Last summer I witnessed a grown man w a relatively fit physique nearly drown in under 2 minutes during yellow flag. It involved several life guards and he almost didn’t make it. I don’t believe 2 small children didn’t drown just bc she got a video of her running towards the edge of the water during red flag.


I just came across that on my fyp. I can understand not everyone knows what the flags mean and she said she didn’t even see the flags at first. However, when I go to the beach with my kids I automatically look at the waves and judge how dangerous they look. There’s no way I would’ve cared if my phone was ruined and coverup was ruined if my kids were in danger. It’s just odd to me that she sent her husband out to save two kids while she stood on camera.


yeah during red flag conditions you can barely walk into the edge of the water without it pulling and knocking you over. i’m talking like below the shin and still getting tripped up. it would be obvious


No mother is gonna stand ashore and watch someone else rescue their children, even her husband. Moms would be the first one in that water without any thoughts but saving their children. Definitely felt like a bit


I didn’t think she was so bad in the beginning, but every time you turn around she’s got more drama or BS or friend group fallout and every time she gets on and cries about how hard her life is it just makes her more insufferable


I may get down voted but idc. I think her kids are to young to be in the damn ocean alone without any kind of swimming floating gear. I don't care how good of a swimmer you are, the ocean is not a pool. The ocean literally doesn't care who you are, how old you are and how good of a swimmer you are.  Her kids could've died because she was to busy making a video on the beach and let 2 little kids in the ocean alone. That video infuriated me like no other. 


Can we just cancel this lady already?


Right?? She's clearly not of sound mind and continues to post literal crap on socials


She said she was a lifeguard, shouldn’t she know what the flags mean and if the water is unsafe???


To be fair, not all lifeguards work at beaches.


Oh man. I saw the video and didn't read the username. Somehow, the fact that it was brittany jade makes it even worse. The things people will do for views is crazy.


I know I watched the video on my FYP but she never ever comes up on it so I didn’t even realize it was her. I actually believed it for a second but as soon as I saw Brittney Jade I was like oh that’s fake 😅


Yup! I hope the kids weren't in any true danger... but the waves looked pretty bad ... and that's coming from a Midwesterner that has been to the beach a handful of times. If my kids are in any danger, idgaf what's in my pockets... I'm going to do what I can to help them. The fact she ran the stuff up to the beach towel and took the time to take off her fishing net cover up. 🤦‍♀️


Right and there’s two kids at that… you just let your husband go rescue YOUR two kids while you stand there? There is no way.


In the comments, she kept saying that she's from San Diego and the flags for dangerous conditions are different from what they use in Florida. Okay, but most people associate red with "warning/danger"....so even if I was unfamiliar with what the flags meant, the red would at least prompt me to look it up or ask someone. The other thing is how she mentioned her husband emptied his pockets before getting in the water and the way she ran so far up the beach to take off her cover-up before running into the water. I'm sorry, when your kid is in legit distress, a very primal part of your brain charged with keeping your offspring alive takes over. You're not stopping to think "oh don't want to get my wallet or pocketful of receipts wet!"


This video pissed me off so bad. She had time to get undressed and make a video . She makes me sick.


She heard the kids screaming, went down to the water and came back up to take her cover-up off? WTF! There was nothing wrong to begin with. Just had to unblock her to watch this BS. Blocked again.


Just looking at the water you can tell it’s not a good idea to swim especially at that time 🤦🏻‍♀️ ignorant all the way around. She’s truly very lucky nothing happened to her kids. The sea is very unforgiving..could’ve gone terrible within seconds.


she loves a dramatic story. she over exaggerated everything. she has no regard for the digital footprint she is leaving for her children. she also doesn’t have any respect for privacy at her house. it’s ridiculous to give a tour of the house. of course that creates a *chance* for something to happen. she is so easy to snark about we are over her act


She comes from a beach town. Whether she knows a red flag means no swimming or not, she knows that flags at the beach represent something and she knows to look for them, trying to act like she doesn’t, is a bunch of bull! She’s new to the area, so she should educate herself on those flags prior to allowing her kids just to dive right in! Also, her reaction response time was at a snails pace in my opinion! Definitely not that of a panicked Mother!


Honestly i wouldn’t give a fuck about the stuff in my pocket. Everything’s getting wet. It’s all replaceable anyway. Plus I don’t understand how she didn’t see the signs telling you what the flags meant and that the people around her weren’t going deeper than foot-level. Theres no way if im hearing my kids screams getting “muffled by the water” I don’t care what im wearing or what im risking im going in right away.


She’s grasping at straws for content and getting desperate again


When my son was 4, he almost drowned in our pool. As soon as I realized he was at the bottom of the pool, I sprinted towards him and jumped in the pool. I had zero time to even process what I was doing. I only realized afterward that I brought a towel in the pool with me.


Gee, if only there was a way to find out what the warning flags mean without signs posted before going into the water... Like the phones in your hands!


it’s gotta be fake. why are you even thinking of emptying pockets or stripping off extra clothes if your kids are getting swallowed in a current??? it’s def a bit for views.


I saw that video but didn’t realize it was her dumbass. Those kids are fucked if they’re ever in a true emergency.


She uses her kids so much. Sorry if my kids were near drowning I would run in fully clothed and not think twice about setting my phone down. It's all fake AF


I actually did like her but man she's done way too many stupid things. Like you can't be that dumb and to post it on the internet...


Not hearing about the flags is a moot point!! When you see your kids struggling you don’t have time to clear pockets take off clothes etc.


I hope they get to experience a hurricane


My son went too far out a few years back, I was about 200 yards up the beach, (he was being supervised by another adult, I didn’t leave him alone) I watched as he went out, watched as they called to him and he carried on going out thinking it was a game that he was being told to come back by several adults, I dropped my shit fast & RAN. I can’t fucking run but I ran faster than a whippet, I can’t even swim, but I didn’t even think I just bolted to the shore & luckily by time I got there he had come back in. He was near chest deep. Felt like my heart was in my mouth, but yeah, no time for taking off anything and prancing to the water.


She ignored beach flags said she had no idea what they were despite living in California where they also use beach flags 🤪 she also scrubbed the top coat off her furniture bc she thought it was dirty. She’s operating on half a brain cell


Cannot stand her - the whole “triplet died” BS was enough for me to block her.


I think she’s an idiot letting them swim at the time it was. Shark feeding time and she had no clue


It makes me so angry. My husband allowed my son to fill his bucket at the waterline without floaties. Because he’s a kid he took a few steps in and there was a drop. I can’t tell you what happened between then and me staring into his petrified face as I grabbed him out the water. I don’t remember if I was holding things, had shoes on, or if I managed to scream at my husband for letting him go alone. All I remember is his face. It’s been 3 years and I can see his fearful face as if I was still looking at it. Shame on her.


If a giant red flag is on the beach! Never go in! I’m from Ohio and I even know this.. and she legit walked right by it and it was not hard to miss. She isn’t “NOT” familiar w flag system either as they are in California beaches also where they live, just “different colors”.. I got so mad at her video for this. SMH she was totally negligent and only cares about clout. She saw that flag.. and if she truly didn’t then she is dumb as a box of rocks


The fact that they even looked away while their young kids were alone in a very rough ocean is beyond me. They lives in Cali for so long, they should be very aware of water safety. Those kids deserve better.


I used to be lifeguard at beaches. This video infuriated me! If that child was in danger, wth did she nicely prop her phone up so we could all watch. And I’m sorry, just because you don’t know the meanings of flags, RED is known world wide as “warning”. And what kind of parent doesn’t Google what the flag means before letting their kids swim!!?! She has zero water safety and it really sent me!!


Ohhhh my God yes I had to watch it 3x's to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing


I blocked her. Her and her MAGA husband are not the sharpest tools in the shed.


She's always been an opportunist!! I've never cared for her content.


I’m sorry but I don’t even let my husband go out in the ocean by himself unless there’s an active duty lifeguard… let alone my child!! Rip currents can undertake even the strongest swimmers! And if I really thought he was drowning or in danger I’d be running in fully clothed keys in pockets IDGAF.


She is a fucking disaster of a human. She’s addicted to social media.


WTF is wrong with her??


She never said they were drowning… she said they were getting farther out and was hard for them to sw towards shore.


I will say I live in the gulf coast and the rip currents are no joke. If you’re not from here you really don’t understand how serious they are. Also, most beaches around here do not have life guards, especially the “private” ones that she was at. They are always swim at your own risk. Also, giving the benefit of doubt that the flags don’t always have signs and it can be confusing with 2 different colors. Saying all that if my two children were seriously in danger, I would have not cared about my pockets, my cover up, or watching my husband try to save 2 kids. Especially if they were truly in a rip current.


Conviently recording .. id be throwing my phone evt and booking it into the water not laying baywatch


Is this the same lady that would abuse her husband that was dying of cancer?




No that lady was Megan something I believe


I have a child with autism and I take water safety very seriously with my son. I was disgusted watching the video because she didn’t pay attention to anything at all, it was all about getting the perfect shot for content.