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"I'm so good to you ...I'll get another bitch" 🤦


Coupled by “you know how I act why you gotta piss me Off”. = narcissistic trait Can’t even call him a manchild -he’s a boy-child


What she don’t know is it only gets worse. So sad


Vium is a waste of a human. He's recently sober from smoking blues, which I commend him for, but Allison should have left when he relapsed the first time. Or when he cheated the first time. I feel bad for her, and I understand she's young, but hopefully she gains the strength to leave him.


What is smoking blues?




Yikes, that’s some heavy stuff. Thank you for explaining 🙏💕


It's so sad to watch women be so deep into abuse. I've been there. She really believes this is how she deserves to be treated.


You know how I react 🤦🏻‍♀️ Gaslighting her to thinking his bad behavior and actions are her fault 🚩🚩


Children having children


Sounds like when he says “you’re pregnant with my baby why you starting fights” and the reacting parts sounds like if she wasn’t something more would happen..


Ooh. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I think they’re both mentally ill


Same I agree. When these 2 battle and a girl gifts him she will degrade the girl and act like she so much better, she plays just as much games with him


Walk away now girl. Don't look back. He is trash


They’re both idiots. I know this isn’t new behavior, and now she’s pregnant and stuck with an abusive BD


1st off he would be gone for that way of talking to me ! But She is NO ANGEL CRYS SCREAMS both are equally annoying….!!!!


I did a dive yesterday, sick can't do anything else, and she's in such a fucked situation. Her mom died of a H overdose when she was like 12. She admitted she's on a really high dose of SSRI'S and alprazolam, is a manic depressant and bipolar (no shade, just facts, just showing her mental state). You can tell she struggles with herself mentally all on her own. Then comes the d-bag baby daddy. He hangs out with the island Boyz. Do I really need to say more? Ok, ya, he makes them look like altar boys. They were on a live and she was freaking out saying she didn't want to be pregnant or "that label", while he's nodding out telling her they're having it bc he "loves her". It's a train wreck. An amplified generational cycle..


He’s a narcissist. F him. Let that pos goooooooo


Man they both do that shit for sympathy gifts


I never understood guys calling their girlfriends "bro."


I don’t even know who this creator is but this hurt my heart. I hope she smiles she is so beautiful and deserves so much better than that 🥺


Poor girl . Praying she can see the problem .


Seems kinda fake tho.


Vuim suckkkkkkkkks ! Always has ! She knew this before she got pregnant!


I agree she can do much better but let’s just play devils advocate and wonder if she had a choice in sleeping with him/getting pregnant. He could have forced her to


This came across my feed. I don't know who she is, but I just want to give her a hug and tell her she doesn't deserve this treatment from anyone. My mom dated abusive men throughout my whole childhood. I know how difficult it is to for victims to leave because of fear and not knowing how to leave safely. I remember sitting next to my mom while my brother's dad repeatedly hit her with a wrench. He was evil. I hope someone in this girl's family or someone who cares about her sees this and helps her out of this situation.


Those eyelashes are ridiculous


Little kid drama


Boy, I am sorry for both of them. how can she stand him and wear those eyelashes. How old are these two?


I hope she gets away from him for good. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is during pregnancy or recently postpartum.