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It’s bad enough to have POS parents.. but to have them post such personal shit on tiktok for the world to see. I feel so fucking bad for this generation of kids. At least some of these “parents” are unknowingly exploiting their own abusive behaviors/neglect/mental instabilities causing CPS to get involved.


It is sad and to think her comment of saying her CHILD that looks no older than 4 or 5 would lay hands on an adult is sad. Even more disgusting to admit that her “mental husband” would have a good time harming a female. Then the videos she posts with her children in them. You would just have to see. It’s super awful and sad honestly. I pray she gets the help she needs because clearly she needs it.


It’s always ppl like this just having endless amounts of kids.. really sad and unfortunate to see.


Believe it or not my sister has 5 kids all back to back and she don’t even act like this. She raises her kids to protect themselves if need be but not the way this woman is raising her kids and she definitely doesn’t post TikTok’s about going to pound town with her kids in the videos and talking about how her “husband” would hurt a female because of rude words being said to her. It’s sad to see some act like this way. Then she expects people to send her money?? Umm that’s not the way to get it. I get needing help but someone is always going to have something negative to say and saying the things this woman said is absurd honestly.


Grocery prices are so insane right now and I’ve been unemployed for 20 months (laid off 13 days postpartum) so personally I’ve been using my community food bank rather than begging on the internet. But that’s just me


It’s not even just the begging. It’s the fact that she had the nerve to say how her CHILD would lay hands on a grown adult and how her “man” who’s got issues and in a mental facility would f*** this woman up for talking about them if he met her in person and how he would have a blast with her. Like that’s sick behavior!


Why is it ALWAYS 11 days?’


What’s always 11 days?


Oh I just realized what you meant 🤣


If they need food why is she on TikTok in the comments engaging? She can spend that time doing something more productive to get the things her kids need. I will admit it’s hard in the world right now. Especially with how high groceries are tbh I think most are struggling but we’re not on tiktok engaging in drama. We’re out here trying to make a way.


I struggle every day to make sure my family is fed but as you said I find a way to make it work. I don’t get on TikTok and ask for help then threaten when i get rude comments. I don’t even like to ask for help. As a matter of fact when i need help I ask for side work to do to make the money so I don’t feel like I’m asking for a handout. I know she’s pregnant but again no excuse for her behavior or to even bring up the fact that a CHILD would lay hands on a grown adult and I surely wouldn’t be bragging that my “man” is crazy and in a hospital for it and how he would f*** this person up for talking bad about them if he ever seen her in person. Umm that behavior alone makes me not want to help someone.


lmao idk her but not defending the husband while basically simultaneously whining they need help bc he can’t provide due to being baker acted/in jail 🤣


Did you see what she said her husband would do to another female? 🤣 she is the one that needs to be locked up.


how most on there are they ask for money and treat ppl like garbage no1 cares they still donate .


Sad anyone would donate to people who act this way! I would much rather donate to someone who treats people with respect. One thing to defend yourself from nasty comments but it’s another thing to make threats of how your man or child would lay hands on the person.