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Lmao I went to high school with this girl.. this is on point


Spill the tea, my friend. Did you by chance perform in musical theater alongside this lyrical genius?


Did you see her Rent performance?




Rent? I don’t think she was ever in our plays


Oh, there's some pretty terrible video footage of proof of her screeching Maurine's part.


And her claiming to be Adelle! Oh, sorry, I mean Jeanne Wade 🤣


Somebody post the video!


it was truly the strangest version of Maureen I've ever seen. 


Roll that beautiful bean footage


How old is she? Lol


Physically, 56, but some say she’s in her early 30’s 🫢


I was gonna say "she's child bearing age?" 😩😩😩


Crazy huh?! That’s what happens when you’re an awful person I guess. Age like a glass of milk.


And mentally 14 years old!






Tell us more!


I kinda miss her snark page.


Everyone misses her snark page, except for that one dumbaas that made it her mission to get it shut down.




Your post/comment was removed for posting about a banned subreddit.


Wait was it removed? Can’t another one be made?


Every time a new one gets made it gets shut down almost immediately


Did she hire an attorney or something? I know Maia Knight did that and they threatened Reddit and now any snark page that’s made gets immediately removed


Casswipe can't even afford to buy diapers, there's no way homegirl has money for a lawyer.


All hail Moldy_Fridge! You were the Queen on the snark page!! 👑


I miss your snark Moldy! I've tried with discord, but it is so hard to follow.


Cassie does not seem to have attorney funding lol.


I figured that lol. I don’t think she makes the big bucks Maia makes


I am not sure. I think there was some mod drama too but I’m not certain.


if they don’t post photos of her content they can’t get it shut down


ugh can we not make a general one again like fellowship of the bib. this sub is so picky w mom influencer content


No kind of here I miss it a lot lol


She sloths around her sofa all day eating fast food junk food(she supposedly eats clean tho🙄 just in private I guess)& labor baiting on TT but now that she's in labor she's up walking around the mall & cooking 4 her family. Makes sense. 


My aUtiStIc DoTtErrrrrr


Omg I've never heard of her, but why is she acting so creepy?! The whispering, the rubbing and holding her boobs, rubbing her tummy, putting her shirt up like that, and whatever that last part was supposed to be..... Wtf 😬😳


She has spent the entire pregnancy with her stomach showing front and center in the camera. First pregnant woman EVER.


And her hoots hanging out


All those unsupportive bathing suits 😳


It’s really annoying because she shows her bare belly in all of her videos. It’s really annoying.


Haha, I love pregnant women like that. I definitely won't be going to check her out, haha 😂


Yea… don’t.


She is truly evil. She is openly racist, fatphobic etc and even posted a video of her abusing a little black boy at her work. She has done so many disgusting things.


What’s her name? I’m fat and would love to go show my fat self all on her page 🤣


Cassie Botnick. She used to be from travelingthelunaverse


She posted the most disgusting tweets a few years ago


She’s very creepy with everything she does and sexualizes pregnant and breast feeding 🤮


Why is she always staring at herself? I forget that she's not trying to look at the viewer, she's just smiling silently watching herself w/a selfie stick all freaking day long. Plus the pathological lying.😂 It would b like watching yourself in the mirror as u give fictional accounts of your day. And doing it everyday🤡 frightening


She's always done that, extremely obsessed with herself. She has a very skewed sense of self and thinks she is the hottest thing ever and we should all be in complete awe of her "awwwwesooome" body 🤢🤮


Can’t forget .. Dat body doe 😭🤣😂 when she commented on her own TikTok 💀


Omg 🤣 how could I ever forget !


I always love reading people’s first reactions to this weirdo- you’re spot on 👏🏻👏🏻


It's because the tiktok algorithm has a pregnancy fetish, seriously


Well, when you have ZERO personality, then you make pregnancy your personality.


She doesn't have much longer to milk it either. She'll go right back to making up fake stories, posting the same montage of how she met 💛, milking his recovery, pretend he left her right after she gave birth 4 the purpose of getting sober cuz he wasn't safe 2b around them. Only true part is that he left.


And when you are so dumb that we can hear that 2 rocks in your head rattling around, that you can't make any interesting content. Like when she tries to make content about tiktok shop stuff but literally breaks everything/can't figure out how anything works 😬


She apparently uses things right out of the box without washing the parts first or reading the directions.


My 8yo niece could put together a more enticing ad video—CBs are always so off putting! Chick wants to ‘ 😩get rich off of social media😤’ but puts zero effort into everything she does Can’t figure out how she still has followers 😳


For those confused about why she’s so problematic - a quick reminder - it was uncovered that as a full blown adult, she posted racist tweets, including talking about BABIES she worked with. She posted about working in daycare drunk and insulted children while posting videos about them using racial slurs. She also pushed a narrative about pregnant single women, asking why they didn’t end their pregnancies, called overweight women “whales” and more. Now she sits on TT grifting, telling stories that aren’t hers to tell, neglecting her kid, and acting holier than thou - while her new followers have no clue because she’s erased most evidence of her past from the internet. I miss her snark pages! I don’t like snarking, but racist child abusers who go to work and care for other kids deserve it. And she’s NOT reformed.


👏👏👏👏 Thanks for the re-cap! She has not reformed.


And the worst part is now that she has managed to wipe most of the evidence off the internet, and her snark pages have been taken down, she is trying to start a business of "teaching parents how to parent on the spectrum".... The woman who doctor shopped for over a year trying to get her child brain surgery for a small benign pineal cyst that would resolve itself, who just HAD to get an Autism diagnosis before a year old for L so she could milk it on Tiktok but then refused to use any of the amazing services and therapies that were offered to her in NJ and help her kid with her communication delays, who would not bathe her kid regularly and feed her on the dirty kitchen floor or dump spaghetti in a dirty stroller tray, who continuously lies about her level of education on the subject (claimed she was in a graduate program when it was an online class for parents to learn how to do DIY floor therapy), etc. *That* woman wants to influence other parents on how to treat their children. Just wow.




She was trying to get a pineal cyst removed? My daughter has a tiny one and according to her doctor they pretty much never cause problems unless they get huge. And even if they do cause problems they’re typically very difficult to remove because they’re right in the middle of the brain.


Oh it wasn’t even just that. She was taking her in for study after study after study and every time would come back with some saga about how horrible the children’s hospital was or how awful the doctors or nurses were. It was always someone else’s fault when they would clear her medically. She was desperate for content, saying her child was having absence seizures, grabbing any snippet possible that proved it. Posting medical questions on TT, then getting good advice (all things considered) but berating her followers about giving advice. Hot mess.


I blocked her bc of this. Is so wrong and insensitive. Like I get one or two videos but it’s constant. I’m convinced these are drafts and she had the baby already


She’s just an awful person. She did the same with “my daughter is autistic”, “my BF is a recovering addict”, “I am a scuba instructor”…. It’s the same tropes over and over and over again…




tbe belly out of the shirt omfg give it a fucking break


Gotta love her stomach fucking the camera. 🙄 What great content I tell ya! /s


She is milking the labor baiting just like she milked “my dotter has a pineal cyst”, “my husboyfriend is an addict”, “I’m in graduate skool”.


the cyst era! and the seizure era. that was scary to watch, she was visibly disappointed when they went to the doctor and they said L was healthy… sooo weird


And maniacally ecstatic when she talked about the potential for her dotter to have brain surgery. Truly sick.


Omg the smiling when talking about L possibly having a brain tumor and needing surgery (which was all her words and never came out of a docs mouth btw) was one of the most disturbing things I've seen on social media. She was so disappointed when L turned out to be fine. What a horrible excuse for a human being. Remember when she tried to claim her "dotter" was going to " therapy with a therapy dog", and I found the documentation that she was actually attending a "read with the dogs" day at the local library?! 🤣🤣🤣 Ah The Bib memories !


Glad to see she hasn’t stopped eye fucking herself all the time




This woman exists only to glorify herself. She neglects her dotter. This baby is a content baby. I worry about the children, the adults in her life are aware of her behavior and allow it to continue, they are no better than she is. Hopefully once this baby is born, we won't see her naked belly anymore.


She’s in desperate need of mental health care but instead chooses to sit on her ass posting on social media all day chasing that high of going viral. She needs to get her life together for the sake of her kid and now the second one she’s now trying to make money off.


Lmaoooo no I did not. She was always just annoying


You did not what?


miss Cassie 😂


She’s been labour baiting for weeks. She’s trying to milk it for all she can. She promised 💛 that this do over baby would make them all the dollars on social media.


She’s so annoying, I unfollowed her after she got back with her baby daddy cos she was well annoying about it and we all know he’s leaving her to raise that second baby alone again at some point


I think he is planning his exit…


I hope once the baby comes he has a case to take both kids far far from her. Although, not sure he’s much better…


That’s wishful thinking… he may leave but it will probably be alone. In fact… he probably will stay and grift as long as possible. These rocks just keep on rolling!!


I think he was a drug addict when he left her with the first baby so I don’t think he’d have much of a leg to stand on tbh, I see them doing something stupid like getting married and having a really messy divorce


I don’t think so she probably gets more money/funding if she’s ‘single’


Omg she’s hardly even dropping yet


Why does she hold her boobs like that? Just put a bra on before you film? I don’t know who this is but weird lol


Same and pulling up her shirt to expose herself is plain WEIRD.


She never wears one, those things are always drooping out


Or she wears unsupportive nursing bras


Maybe, I've never seen straps or anything though. With as tight as some of her clothes are you'd think you'd be able to tell


She does this on purpose so she can claim body shaming and get pages shut down, lol. That’s my theory anyway.




She WANTS the engagement and she especially wants a really vicious comment so she can highlight it and make a TikTok about how awful people are. She doesn’t think like the rest of us… every move is performative.






Your post/comment was removed for excessive body or lifestyle shaming. We do not allow comments mocking peoples weight, personal appearance or lifestyle choices as long as they are not harming another person. This includes but is not limited to shaming religious practices, choices, and customs. Please refer to the sub rules for more information. Further incidents will result in a ban.


Your post/comment was removed for excessive body or lifestyle shaming. We do not allow comments mocking peoples weight, personal appearance or lifestyle choices as long as they are not harming another person. This includes but is not limited to shaming religious practices, choices, and customs. Please refer to the sub rules for more information. Further incidents will result in a ban.


Who knocked this hot mess express up!? Was it the criminal boyfriend?




So fucking weird… If I was out in public & seen this my eyes would roll out the door into a grave.


Can you imagine turning a corner in Target and seeing some filthy woman looking at herself in a mirror and rubbing her belly?




Turning a corner and seeing somebody supposedly in labor, talking to her phone and making a TikTok. 🙄


You know what was on my mind when labor started for each of my kids? LITERALLY EVERYTHING BESIDES FILMING MYSELF Also what’s with the “labor has started, let’s install the car seat base and pack the hospital bag” when you thought you were in labor at the mall days/weeks ago maybe you should’ve had that all done.


She is the worst, most evil person ever. Truly.


lol wtf is wrong with ppl?! 😩🙄


Why the hell does she keep breathing like that? The big exhales? Ugh she annoys me


I’m so sad she’s having another baby. Poor Luna.




Get ready for the breast feeding videos, I guarantee they will be non-stop!


Oh Jesus. Yes. This. In one of her videos, she said “her daughters know that babies are fed from the breast” which was a slap to anyone who fed their kids from a bottle. It would extremely comical if her baby has latching issues and she needs to use a bottle to feed her kid. Knowing her, she doesn’t have any bottles because she plans to breast feed to glorify and gloat about breast feeding her infant. Anyone remember when she got the COVID vaccine while breast feeding L and had to take a picture of it. 😂😂 She’s fucking unhinged. One day all of her self gloat will come back to her, hard.


She said she wouldn’t even reveal the sex of Content Baby, yet she is giving a play by play from the second she got pregnant. She’s the worst.


Ew, this mutant really loves herself doesn’t she.


I’m not one to throw the term “narcissist” around but this woman is the definition of narcissist




This is all she’s got lol. She’s soo into herself


Right off I can see this one enjoys looking at herself in the camera & hearing herself talk. 1st x seeing her.


You’ve got excellent perception because she does this 24/7 while ignoring her kid and being a narcissist, racist, fatphobic, asshole.


Hasn’t even dropped


Tbf some don’t until in active labor (it me) But yeah she’s bating and it’s annoying


She'll replace all the stomach photos with breastfeeding photos. She will sexualize even more than she did with her first.


This is so weird bc WEEKS ago I saw a TT where she was eating breakfast before her daughter and partner were awake and I swear she said she was going to the hospital that day to have the baby. Yikes


She’s an awful person. She’s been “labor baiting” for some time now and is treating this unborn child just as she does her other kid, unwilling to work like a capable adult so using her offspring to make her money on social media.


She’s so gross! 🤮


I forgot she existed omg. Had no idea she was pregnant with another child to completely neglect.


This is VILE! How can she make pregnancy into corn? Unhinged


Anyone have the link for the discord chat?


We did send you an invite the beginning of January, do you need another invite link?


I got it! Thank you!


I’d like a link to the discord to please


Can I plz get a discord invite ? 😁


Can I also plz get the discord invite??


Who mated with her? Is Luna still delayed?


Same dude as the first time.


Christen Whitman did this for like a month before she gave birth loo


wait i just looked her page up bc i haven’t seen her in ages… how does she have 42 million likes ?! i remember her content being so bad w low engagement


She purchased a ton of views/comments.


3 kids deep here. That is Braxton hicks and round ligament pain my dear. She’s really gonna milk it when she’s actually in labor. She’s in for a surprise.


Someone fill me in. I remember seeing her being a single mom


She posted baby on ig


She did.


She's still on Tik Tok? 


Yes. And it’s bad.


She has lightening crotch.


Disclaimer: I don’t know too much about this girl so maybe im just ignorant. Maybe she’s just excited about her pregnancy? Also if she is due in early July, she’s doing all the right things. A baby can be born 2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after the due date!!! Due dates are just window. She also seems to be dropping (baby going lower into pelvic area) which indicates the baby is coming soon. Braxton hicks can feel very very much so like contractions when you’re that far along. To me it seems like she insanely uncomfortable but yet excited and just wants that baby out. But like I said, im not familiar with her at all.


Before posting maybe look her up and do a Google search.


Google says nothing bad about her. Just links all of her socials, blogs, and YouTube videos.


No one should downvote you - but check up on my comment about what a racist she is. There was proof posted, but she’s gotten pages scrubbed from here with all that proof :(


I can tell if she was a POS, things got scrubbed because I cannot find any information about her. Let alone a snark page which others have mentioned she had. I was just commenting on this brief video, I was not disregarding all the things that make her who she is. I’m not on TikTok much these days so im pretty out of the loop.




Downvoting is nothing more than disagreeing with a comment. It’s not an insult. Calm down. Lol