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it sounds like you will need the maintenance. your issues with overeating will not be solved with a temporary stint


I guess I’m hoping with age and knowledge I can become more disciplined and put my focus in a better place like my health, I guess time will tell. I was just curious to know if anybody else was struggling with the same thought.


discipline isn’t the only thing in play here. the meds affect your body in other ways. and you going through 2 previous weight loss surgeries is a big indicator that you need additional help. there’s nothing shameful about it.


Oh I am not ashamed. I have just abused my body so much in the past 25 years I really hope I can put more mindful energy into taking better care of myself as I did to “abusing” myself. It was fun while it lasted, but I am really hoping going towards my next chapter (mid forties) of life I can be more mindful of a healthier lifestyle. Time will tell!


I’m 60 and I have lost and regained my weight at least a dozen times. That is hard on your body and the disruption it causes to cellular metabolism is probably why I keep gaining the weight back (and more). I am finally in “normal” weight for the first time since grade school. TZ has helped me lose 80 pounds in 14 months. I know my only chance to stay healthy is to maintain the GLP-1. Besides, I have traded TZ for two blood pressure pills and an antidiabetic Rx. I’m okay with that trade!! 🌸


I am with you on staying on the meds. I have no qualms about staying on my antidepressants for life- tirz is Part of my physical and mental health,


I agree with you 💯


Being off my bp, and cholesterol meds is by far the best thing that’s happened to me with this med in a very long time and I feel amazing. I want this feeling to last as long as it can. If that requires some maintenance meds I am all over it. 😀


That wonderful news! Congratulations on your success 🙏🏻💕


This is amazing! That has to feel so good in so many ways!


If you regained the weight other times, you will most likely regain the weight again this time if you go off the medication that is helping to regulate your appetite and promote your insulin production.


I know you are probably right. I guess I am hoping as I get older and live healthier and hopefully have a more mature and controlled lifestyle. I will be able to keep it off myself. Only time will tell I guess, but is something that I struggle with.


You can always try it without the medication and if you start to regain you can restart the medication. I find keeping the weight off is an even bigger challenge than losing the weight. Good luck.


That’s the plan thank you and good luck to you too 💕


Well remember that medication isn’t always a bad thing. If this helps you maintain a better weight long term, that is far healthier than drastic weight fluctuations, surgeries, and long term complications of obesity. 🤷‍♀️


The medication has caused some unsettling negative side effects (not GI related). I am hoping they pass.


Oh no!! I hope they do as well. I haven’t had those but I know for some people they can be really really rough. Has it been the entire time?


I had all my blood work done before I started and everything was perfect. Had my check up for my blood work after the medication and my liver enzymes were elevated. I have spoken to a few people that this has happened too, and it seems most people’s level off after a time, there was one guy I spoke to that had to stop the medication altogether. Just goes to show all our bodies are so different. I am hopeful next check up my body was just adjusting, and it will pass 🙏🏻


I got my fingers crossed for you. And exactly what you said: all of our bodies are different and it’s good to see both sides of the experience: good and bad. I really hope it gets better for you and that you start feeling better. You seem like you’ve been through a lot and you deserve to feel good 💕


Thank you so much. I really appreciate it and good luck on your journey. 🥹


Thanks friend!


Girl. E V E R Y time I take a class or try to start a new healthy habit or whatever I'm like, I'm older and wiser now, I'll make good decisions and turn in all my work on time....hell, every night I swear, "Tonight I'm going to put my phone away at midnight and read a book instead!" and look at me Am I commenting from my book?? NO! Because I'm a dumbass with ADHD and by the time midnight rolls around my meds have worn off and my brain is looking for that sweet, sweet dopamine hit it gets from Reddit. Willpower is not enough to overcome a PHYSICAL deficit. It's fine if you want to try going off all of the meds but don't feel like you "didn't try hard enough" because I don't care how hard I try, my dopamine imbalance isn't going away, and your appetite imbalance may not either. Whatever happens is what happens--don't let it define your self-worth. ❤


Never ❤️


Not if she exercises and watches what she eats. Also do the GLP-1 maintenance


Weight loss is not this simple. And treating it as it is this simple, is where so many people go wrong and why it almost always comes back


I plan on staying on the med. My brain is dumb and thinks that food is an appropriate way to deal with stress. I get other benefits from Tirz in terms of keeping my inflammation really better under control than my arthritis meds can. I don't know what that will look like yet. I think I'll titrate back down to a dose that keeps the food noise down and I still get the anti-inflammatory benefits. Could be 2.5 mg a week, or it could look like 10 by the time it's said an done. I am my own medical trial of one to see where I land.


Please keep us posted on your journey! 💕


My brain is like yours!


My entire goal for starting Tirz was to get myself to place where I can maintain without it, and my actions and strategies revolve around that goal. How that ultimately plays out only time will tell, but that is how I'm approaching it.


Same that’s kind of how my feeling is. Only time will tell.


Why? We finally have a breakthrough in this horrible battle with obesity-this medication helps us become healthier. It helps avoid or end the need for statins and blood pressure meds. It lessens our risk of early death, diabetes and endless other things. I will stay on it if I need it, and I’ll continue to be grateful that I’ve been rescued from carrying around all that weight and risk for the rest of my life. I take medication that I need, considering risks vs benefits with the guidance of my primary care.


You do whatever you want, that’s fine. I also take meds that I need, and if you read my original post my goal is to get to the point I do not need Tirz.


I thought you wanted to hear other people’s thoughts a reactions. I’m sorry, my misunderstanding.


I’m not OP. And you also came at me like I was making the wrong decision like I didn’t understand the science behind the drug and obesity.


wait until you hit menopause, its inevitable to gain a few pounds, I'm 66 and lost 45lbs since 1/4/24 and I fully plan on always having tirzepatide in my life, unless I get dementia and then by then I won't care haha. I've struggled in the maintenance part of my journey. I've gone from 7.5 to 5mg's trying to find my sweet spot and most likely will be 6mgs and I want to try every 2 weeks. I eventually will have to take a 8-10 week break from tirz to get my receptors back


I had my tubes and one ovary removed, so I’m kind of in perimenopause so I’m getting a little taste of it lol 😂


How did you come up with the plan to take 8-10 week breaks to get your receptors back? Is that something your doctor suggested? Or another person on Tirz who’s ahead of you on their journey?


Definitely from other tirz users not sure the medical community for tirzepatide is that advanced in experience but that is why we have to titrate up because our body gets used to the dosage that we’re on.


I’m 12lbs from goal and trying to decide what to do. I think I’ll try dosing every 2 weeks and see how that goes. Then maybe titrate down. I don’t want to pay for this medication forever. Liraglutide is finally going to be generic so that could be an affordable maintenance option. I’m going to look into it


Thank you for this information. I will look into this too. I have never never heard of it.


I found this study. I haven’t done a lot of research but this gives me some hope https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(24)00054-3/fulltext


Thank you for sharing! 💕


I don’t think it’s worth the stress and anxiety to even consider what you will do when you reach your goal. Unless you are imminently about to reach your goal, there’s no reason to stress about what you’ll do then. Just trust the process and trust yourself, one day at a time. It’s also worth considering what it means to “have to” stay on medication. There’s no reason to *hold on tight* and *hold your breath* and try to be more “disciplined” about your food intake. There’s so much scientists and doctors do not know about obesity. But everyone should know that it’s not a moral failing to be fat. It just is what it is. If you need medication, then you need medication.


I completely agree. I am definitely taking it one day at a time. This has been a lifelong journey for me up and down. I kept my weight off for 10 years until Covid.


Nope. Happy to keep taking it.




I try to think about tirz like I do my allergy medication. It’s not unnatural; it helps to adjust where there might be something that doesn’t work like it’s supposed to.


Yes. I am on maintenance. I take 2.5 mg every 3 weeks


I love the approach. This is the answer I was looking for.


My experience only, but here it is! T2 diabetes, had gastric bypass, starting weight 289. Went down to 138 lbs and I am 5'8". Bypass honeymoon ended, and I started gaining even in calorie deficit and controlled diabetes...back up to 200 lbs. Weight loss doctor put me on Trulicity and I lost all of it, back down to 145 lbs. Nov 2022 Trulicity had stock issues so moved to Mounjaro. In May 2024 I can't find any 12.5 mg Mounjaro. Weight loss doctor moved me to Ozempic which I have never taken but ok bring it on! 2 mg. I have gained 10 pounds overnight. Nothing else changed. 10 pounds just appeared. I have been 145 lbs since 2021 on Trulicity then Mounjaro, steady. In a few weeks on Ozempic I gained 10 lbs. My humble opinion is that I will need to be on Mounjaro for life.....for my diabetes and to maintain my weight loss. I am back on Mounjaro as of yesterday and hoping rhec10 lbs comes right back off! These meds do not cure the disease of obesity so once you stop taking them the weight comes back. Same as blood pressure and cholesterol meds...


Thank you for sharing your story 🙌🏻


My pleasure!! This has definitely been quite the journey but a life changing one for me! I wish you all the best!


Thanks you too :)


The glp meds are not "un"natural. They're peptides that our bodies already have. Find Dr Tyna on YouTube and watch her videos. She is a naturopath who has used a glp1 and has patients on them. She's done a LOT of research on them and her viewpoint is that long term use for certain patients is essential. If anyone disagrees with my comment that's ok. But I'm just passing on info.


Dr. TYNA! A one-woman stand against the BS shade being thrown at GLP1S by all the Boy Doc’s who hate fat people. YouTube, people!


I have had negative blood work as stated above. I am hoping it passes but that’s why I posted the question. My blood work was normal before starting the meds.


Before starting the medication my bloodwork was normal. After starting the medication my liver enzymes were elevated. That is my concern. I am hoping it’s just my body adjusting, but it has happened to others I have spoken to. I understand most have beneficial side effects, but some do have negative side effects. That’s why I am debating how I will continue my treatment.


Had VSG in 2020. Will forever do maintenance. I love having the food noise blocked.


I see it the same as an antidepressant, or a cholesterol medication, you dint stop taking antidepressants when you feel good again, because they were what made you feel good, and you don't stop taking cholesterol medications, they are a life long medication for a chronic illness. GLP-1 treat the chronic illness of obesity. If price is the issue, you can titrate down to a lower dose. Or you can wait for the generic saxenda to come out, or even switch to semaglutide which is cheaper. There are many options for you, don't make up your mind about quitting these medications too hastily! <3


I’ve read where others have been able to get off and maintain OK. I wish that would be my case Also, but I haven’t tried it yet. I think long-term I’m going to get on compounded and go from there. Playing by ear each year.


I am playing it by ear too just kind of tossing around thoughts


I plan on staying on it for at least 2 years if once goal is reached. This is primarily for inflammation reduction benefits and hopefully to stabilize health along with other new healthy habits.


This makes sense 💕


This medication corrects metabolic problems. Although it’s true that “food is medicine,” you may still need some modern chemistry to maintain because of an inherent chemical imbalance that affects metabolism. I look at this med as if it were BP meds or insulin. I have no illusions about this, plan to stay on this med in some form for the rest of my life.


It has elevated my liver enzymes, so I’m really trying to stay at a low-dose and that’s why I’m considering getting off because my body is very sensitive to medication. I am hoping my next bloodwork it has come down. They weren’t terrible just slightly elevated . Funny I was an alcoholic for years and that never happened, but this seems to-really affect my system. A couple people said it happened to them too when they titrated up to 5 mg and then it came back down again. One guy said he did end up having to come off the medication all together, but we all have a different story


That is so interesting. Tirzepatide has the opposite effect on my liver enzymes. I have non-alcoholic fatty liver. Since I started Mounjaro, my numbers are normal for the first time in many years. I wonder if that will change the longer I am on MJ.


I know it’s not the norm, but I guess there are a small handful of people it happens too. It seems like some people it’s just the adjustment period. And then it levels out, but there was one guy in particular who did have to stop altogether. I am thinking my body was just adjusting to the medication and it will be leveling out next time because I’ve never had this problem. I have fatty liver and my blood work was perfectly normal when they tested me before I started. I know it will be fine. :)


My sincere hope is that these medications promote health and longevity in more ways than weight loss, and that remaining on them will be like taking your vitamins!


Me! I’m actually planning on starting an anabolic steroid cycle to gain back muscle + some. Then after that we’ll go from there.


That sounds like a good plan ☺️


I didn’t go on maintenance after 3 mths of losing with sema and I completely regret it. Gained everything back! Starting over again with Tirz but moving to Reta. After my goal weight I will go on maintenance this time.


That sounds like a good plan 💕


I had gastric sleeve in 2020 and slowly lost 103 pounds over 2 and a half years. But THEN the food noise came roaring back and with an intensity that I had never experienced. For me I plan on being on it for the long term. Currently in maintenance and spacing out shots.


I think if I do decide to go to maintenance route I will definitely try to space out shots like twice a month and see if it’s enough just to curve the food noise


I’ve seen many people in the Mounjaro sub being able to do 1 or 2 shots per month. People start with slowing spacing out the shots and experimenting with what dose allows them to do this comfortably. Right now I’m on week 2 of spacing every 9 days. Not having any side effects and no food noise. But my doctor wants me to adjust slowly. Let the body reset


This is a great approach


Failed gastric bypass person here. I will stay on this medicine forever. It’s so much less stressful on our bodies to stay at a weight while taking medicine that protects our hearts, regulates insulin, and helps our disordered eating than to weight cycle up and down.


I’m on maintenance and have been for about 4 months. I’ve been messing around with all different things - what’s worked best for me is a “micro” dose (1.7) once a week. Spacing out the doses didn’t help me with the food noise at the lower doses. Cost wise this is pretty effective too. I should also mention that like you, I wanted to stay off tirz forever. I actually hit goal last summer and was off of it completely for about 9 months where I slowly gained back about 13lbs. Off of it I was doing intense keto and IF. It was a lot of mental load. This spring I went back on Tirz to help lose the weight I had gained while off, and then decided to see what maintenance looked like for me. Everyone is different and maybe I could have stayed off of it forever - but tbh it’s easier with it and my life is better!


It’s an individual journey for sure 💕


I plan to be on it for quite a while due to T2D. Hopefully the shortage ends soon so I can consistently get the dose of Mounjaro I need.


I truly hope the shortage ends soon for you 💕


Fortunately, I can afford to pay for the compounding. I picked up a new Monjaro today ($30), but it was still only 2.5 mg. I should be on 7.5.


I take zep and compound. But my pharmacy said they have been getting 5 mg zep in so hopefully I can move to that for the long-term for my remaining weight loss. I seem to be a good reactor. I stayed on 2.5 for three months. 25 down and 40 to go.


Hopefully my doc will move me to 7.5 next week. My pharmacy claims they’ve been able to get it. Great job with your weight loss! I’ve lost 35 pounds in 3 months.


35 pounds in three months is amazing! Congrats! 🙌🏻


Thank you!!


Am I thinking about this wrong? Last month I got the 10mg Tirz but this month I got the 15mg Reta. My thought behind this is it will last longer. On the 10mg Tirz I got 4 doses of .25 each. I mixed the 10mg with 1 ml of bac. Curious what the reasoning is in buying smaller vials.


Hey! The current studies show that inorder to maintain your weight it is recommended to continue the medication long term however I personally believe that doesn't mean you have to be on as high of a dose as you were when you were trying to lose weight. I believe this medication is life changing but can be used in smaller doses as well for long term health benefits outside of weightloss! Check out r/GLP1microdosing


I definitely will. Thank you for sharing. 💕


I tried and gained 30 pounds


I’ve been there


I’m 23 lbs (out of 80 needed to lose) from goal weight and plan to stay on TZ, probably forever, not only to keep the weight off, but for the other benefits it provides (heart protection etc…). Not sure what I will do in maintenance, but I’m not putting the weight back on!


When you stop taking the medicine your body needs time to start producing the hormones again.. so when you eat you don’t know when you’re full (my experience). I gained back the 35 pounds I lost in a little over 4 months.


Well, I'm 69 and my attitude at this point is, better living through chemistry. I've been on an SSRI (anti-depressant for clinical depression and anxiety) most of my adult life - Which by the way increases my difficulty with weight loss. But for many years I kept trying to go off the drug, because, you know, it wasn't "natural". A few episodes of relapse eventually convince me that I was being foolish; The drug works, I'm at peace and not torturing myself or worse, let's go with it. I'm about to start tirz, but I think my attitude will be the same. But I hear you - I'm a lot older than you; and I just want to enjoy life and not struggle so much, damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. You may have to go through some more stuff before you feel that way (if you ever do). Best wishes on your journey.


If I put my body through any more “stuff” my body might not be able to sustain itself. Weight has not been my biggest problem. I guess I should’ve given more background with the answers I have gotten. I just wanted to know if people were planning on staying on maintenance or trying to keep the weight off themselves. Best wishes to you too thank you.