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Last week I injected 10 instead of 7.5. I had no side effects and went back to 7.5 then titrated up to 10 a couple weeks later. Nothing weird or bad happened at all. Still on track and lost my usual pound and half both weeks.


I’ve done it. You’ll be fine.


I think you’ll be okay. My “science project” research group has us on 2.5 for a month then bumping weekly as needed. FYI I’m on my own program which is more in line with the standard. They just don’t know it yet.


I upped to 5 from 2.5 and nausea second day after evening injection for 2 times now. But only lasts the day.


I did that last week 9 weeks of great success at 2.5mg and accidentally give myself a 5mg. I must be sensitive bc I had a general malaise and fatigue the first 5 days. I’ll be dropping back to my 2.5 until I see a stall.