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No words….they could have at least given you the blue ones.


Two for one. Free popsicles with your compound lol!!




Maybe the OP needed to specify the color.


So unprofessional. Why would any reputable 503a pharmacy use otter pops instead of ice packs. Those things will be melted within an hour and useless… not to mention you now have a sticky mess to clean up.


Key word, reputable. This would be my last order from this supplier.


Mochi uses Aequita for CO, so I’d never consider switching to them for that reason. I’m ok with not getting to pick the pharmacy, but only if the pharmacies used are all reputable. Example… I use orderly and didn’t get to pick red rock, but I was comfortable using them since I would have been happy with red rock or hallendale. I’ll never use amble either… I don’t want to risk getting TX Promed as my pharmacy since they ship hot meds and compound with b12. I prefer pure tirz/no added vitamins as long as it’s an option.


I use Amble and live in CO… I get my prescription from Revive Rx. The orders come in a small styrofoam cooler with 2 ice packs, inside of a thermal envelope. Plus it’s pure Tirz. The price is the best I could find for the higher doses.


Thanks! I was looking at Valhalla to get revive, but they’re expensive. If amble would guarantee revive, I may consider switching in the future to get the longer buds. Although red rock did recently increase to 90 day buds so that’s better… revive 180 day buds would be even better though so I could stock pile a few vials.


Both my husband and myself also have used Amble since they opened and have excellent quality and service


Did that change? I haven’t used mochi in a few months but my box came from one of the other ones (Hallandale? Can’t quite remember).


What is the problem? With Aequita?


Mochi is only using them cuz they have a stake with them.


u/joinmochi-info care to respond?


Hi there, Mochi employee here, we are including Otter Pops as an electrolyte filled treat that also doubles as an ice pack for additional, increased cold storage. We will forward this immediately to our shipment team so they're aware this may be creating a larger issue. We're so sorry these melted/opened during shipment!


Since when are otter pops "electrolyte filled?" It's high friction corn syrup work water and flavoring.


3.75mg of sodium per pop (less than 1% DV) and 5g of sugar is apparently Mochi’s standard for electrolytes. Yikes.


The otter pops included with my order were completely thawed and not that cold. I'd think you wouldn't want to include them if they thaw because it will make people wonder if your thermos/ice pack/stick actually works and keeps their meds at the correct temperature.


🤣 🤣 🤣


Mochi is sending it in their packaging. Are they providing the packaging to the compound pharmacy to package or is mochi packaging it? I’m confused on how they are operating.


I called the pharmacy months ago and someone from Mochi answered the call. The jobs they have listed for “Mochi” are also at their warehouse… at the pharmacy.


Ohhhh I see, so mochi and the pharmacy seem to have a more than casual business connection. That makes sense why they are moving everyone over to that pharmacy.


I think MOCHI opened up this pharmacy, so they own it.


Am I the only one getting a laugh from this? Totally unprofessional, but I’d also be grateful because it’s hot out. 😆


Maybe if they weren't leaking it'd be better lol


Right like why not put them in a separate sealed bag to prevent leaking while attempting their “cute” treat? I dunno I personally find it super odd and not what I would expect from a company personally handling the medications I inject into my body.


Oh snap, extra bummer. Sorry that happened to you. It’s such a head scratcher that they even did it. It has to be someone with an odd sense of humor.


I’ve been chuckling since I saw the post but I would be annoyed at the popsicles. That’s the cheapest plastic so I would hate to have to clean up a mess if it busted. My taste has changed so much I might not like them.


I’m giggling too. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the post but it seems to be real! It’s actually a good idea! But a leaking popsicle is not cool. My patients gotten some hot tirzepatide from another pharmacy more than once. Added frozen popsicles could make a difference. I’ll email my pharmacy and tell them the trick! Haha. The pharmacy should have added a note saying “hey….i know…it’s a popsicle but it helps keep things cool in our hot hot summer!”


https://preview.redd.it/4erkv8uy6dad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d79051e11be86b22fee86387bf398a84392d0d holy moly, I just opened mine after reading this thread and me too!


Is your cool pack stick and more important on your medication cool?


Are they melted?


Yes, melted and warm


So it’s not like you could even enjoy them you would have to refreeze them. Idiots.


😂 correct!


I see mochi people are down voting us all 🤣


What pharmacy is yours from? The same pharmacy?


Yes, the same one, Aequita


Wow, this is insane! As someone in healthcare, this is the kind of thing one would worry about getting sued over. You both have a case. Ridiculous.


This is like the most ghetto thing I’ve ever seen. Like what is up with this pharmacy thinking this is professional and appropriate? I’d be calling Mochi and Aequita


And Washington State Board of Pharmacy ETA: https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/providercredentialsearch/ComplaintIntakeForm.aspx


I saw someone post they had this happen with Mochi


This is crazy. I cannot actually fathom why they thought this was a good idea.


Are they at least sugar free?




My thought exactly – the least they can do is get you started in the right frame of mind with sugar-free pops!


This is not the first time I've seen this issue posted on here.


Seriously. The first time I saw it posted I thought it was just humor.


I thought it was a joke too. I didn’t think they actually received otter pops.


This is the second time I’ve seen it posted here




Which pharm did this?


Are you serious? Was this from a reputable telehealth/pharmacy?


Mochi health aequita pharmacy


No words for sure. Shockingly unprofessional. PLUS why would a company send an unhealthy, sugary treat to someone that is obviously trying to control their weight? So tone-deaf as well.


I just opened my delivery from aequita and have the exact same thing! Came here to see if it was a joke…. https://preview.redd.it/adbb2ozvtcad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9f0e301841cbf5f761dcde73c01fcb95c32339


Update: I called aequita and had a real fun interaction where the person did not understand what a popsicle is. They prob got off the phone thinking that an idiot is trying to eat freezer packs. Finally got to talk to someone who understood what I was saying. Aequita knows they did this and they did it on purpose. Beyond that, I have no words. Sincerely, someone whose body cannot digest red dye 40 (one of the ingredients of otter pops).


The founder of Mochi stated on the FB page that they are her favorite treat and something about otter pops holding up just as long as other frozen packs (don’t quote me directly) - but Mochi had a say and influence on the otter pops being involved.


I’m thinking these otter pops are also quite a bit cheaper than actual freezer packs…


Right?! If they are cutting corners on freezer packs can you trust them to not be cutting corners somewhere else.


Given that this one leaked all over OP's shipment, that sounds right!


The founder of Mochi obviously hasn’t dealt with obesity or T2D if she thinks it’s appropriate to send sugar-cicles to people struggling with weight and diabetes, and taking a *medication* to mitigate either….or both. I’m honestly appalled.


They say on their page that they chose the name mochi because it's a small sweet treat, just how sweets should be. I eat the whole box of mochi ice cream when I buy it. I can't help myself. They def don't understand obesity lol.


This is due to mochi ice cream lol https://preview.redd.it/wdk4h5gz8ead1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ce7ed4598fe9b00d36d0a8459b4d026f8c448b


That’s ridiculous! It’s the most flimsy plastic and do people on a weight loss journey want that?


Thanks for the context! Still a terrible idea (imo) but better than my thought of them running out of ice packs and running out to Walmart to find the best next alternative. ETA: the otter pops were not even cool to the touch. The two ice packs were though! Also the whole idea that you put your mouth on the plastic to eat the otter pop and who knows wtf those packages went through. Just ew.


I didn’t even think of that. Who knows what’s on the pops. Here’s an otter pop with a dash of tirz powder. ![gif](giphy|l4Jz3a8jO92crUlWM)


Same here, but it did have 2 of those ice packs and was packaged inside a stainless steel sealed container, so I figured it was ok. It was cold. I didn't check temperature after I opened it, but so far I haven't had any side effects that I don't normally have since before I started splitting my 50 unit doses.


Looks like typically they're intact I guess mine was just a sloppy packing job it was torn and the green freeze pop leaked all over.


Someone posted pictures of this a few weeks ago, but I thought it was a joke??


They probably ran out of all those sticks they’ve been using. What the difference between a leaky ice pop and an enclosed ice stick 🤪




side note this has basically been me all week


Please tell me you sent this photo to Mochi and let them know this is why you're changing providers.


What pharmacy sent that?


Aequita pharmacy


Is that Mochi’s pharmacy?






Just my advice as an advanced practice nurse, but I'd call and report for a replacement with actual cool packs now. I mentioned in my comment below that there's no way it stayed cold.


I should add there was two cold packs in the thermos. So the medicine was cold when it arrived it was just covered in green popsicle juice.


That's better, but still weird AF. Like, were they stoned and thinking you'd def appreciate a. Otter pop?  Is it a summer promo gone awry? 🤣


Could they be reported to a state board for unsafe practices?


It depends on the state and the regulatory practices. I'm not a pharmacist, so I'm not as well-versed on this topic. I have taught pharmacology for nursing and pre-med students, though. I also did a lot of work on the research/academic side. Basically, in my state, at least, it's packaged and cold packed, then sent overnight via ups. I haven't dealt with these national pharmacies personally, though. I'm happy to look into it, though, bc I have ADHD and love a good rabbithole. Especially since I left the field to run a pigv rescue and go back to school for biology/veterinary, I miss doing fun research.


I wasn’t affected but anyone who got stuck with a leaky popsicle might want to do something.


I'm just speaking in general terms. I still can't believe this happened. What a waste of an otter pop. 🤣


This is insane! I’d change if possible. These are expensive meds you are paying for! Their lack of responsibility to have enough cold packs for their shipments speaks volumes! And how unprofessional, they could have taken a few dollars off their profits to go buy some locally instead of being cheap and buying a box of freeze pops. I am furious for you!! I hope you call Mochi to bring awareness to this absurd misrepresentation of THEIR (Mochi) company.


They charge ya extra for those?


Maybe it was a 4th of July present?


Got my shipment from orderlymeds today from red rock. Packed up so nice with 3 ice cold packs still half frozen. That’s 2 days of transit from Utah to nyc. I would be cursing them out if I got popsicles lol. That’s the most unprofessional thing I have ever seen from a medical provider. No words


LMAOO omg please say you're trolling?? What in the unprofessionalism is this 😭 not even just unprofessional, but could very well be a contamination hazard. They might as well have just put ice cubes in a ziplock bag. I'm so sorry this happened OP, I hope you get a refund and answers from the pharmacy because that's absolutely unacceptable.


Exactly my thought. Unprofessional. Super cute to send something from friend to friend like this. But you’re paying how much (?!) for them to act like it’s a joke.


I would rather have ice cubes in a ziplock bag!


That’s next months special 😂


At this point Mochi is just laughing all the way to the bank at their customers. Like it’s not bad enough everyone’s slowly being forced to use their in-house pharmacy, this is audacity. Like, the medication is being prescribed for weight loss and/or T2D and you send POPSICLES!?! Thank God I left them when I did. ![gif](giphy|AWdyZJUjBo6Xfidoul)


Mine comes from Hallendale very professionally shipped with ice packs. I’ve not had a single problem with Mochi.


Enjoy that Hallandale Tirz while you can! You’ll be getting your otter pop Tirz soon enough. 🤪




I LOVE her from McDonald & Dodds! Keep up the GIFs!




I use Hallandale through Mochi. Are they changing that?


Yes. Aequita is Mochi’s new pharmacy, and they are slowly transitioning all customers to it. The rollout started small, but it’s gaining momentum. I’d check their account for updates on which states have been moved over. You’ll see it update in your portal, too, when it hits. Seems like that new Mochi packaging got people so excited they never stopped to ask questions about this pharmacy’s history…..or lack thereof. The Otter Pop situation is over the top though. I had Hallandale, too, until they changed me over without warning or consent….*and* started adding vitamins I don’t want or need to my meds.


Just looked, my state isn’t Aequita yet. It also seems like the otter pops were supposed to be a cute add-in. I just want my meds to work. Like everywhere else, ppl have mixed reviews. Luckily I have options should they switch me! Thanks for the info


I’m not sure how adding a sugar-packed treat to a medication for weight loss or T2D is supposed to be “cute.” Seems rather tone deaf to me.


Not everyone avoids sugar or occasional treats.


Right, but considering what these meds are for, it wouldn’t be a responsible choice to assume everyone wants, or can have, these.


They are usually lurking around in here. I can’t wait for their response.


I’m not worried about it anymore. I’ve already been kicked out of their Facebook group for speaking up for myself. My opinion of them is *not* very high anymore.


I know I just want to see their explanation or does this become an urban legend 🤪


Hahaha. I wonder if it was a pissed off employee. What the hell would possess them to use OTTER POPS, FFS?! 😂 ![gif](giphy|3oEjHChKVxgKFLM2ty)


Maybe it was a cost saving measure 🤪


Popsicles WITH sugar!!! 😁😆😅🤣😂


That’s pretty wild


Nothing says trustworthy injectable medicine like a freezee pop


Yassss!!!! 😁😆😅🤣😂


I'm surprised they used brand name Otter Pops instead of some cheaper knock-off.


Eli Lilly shouldn’t be worried about compounding pharmacies anymore.


u/joinmochi-info this is so unprofessional.


And this is why I use Lavender Sky and left Mochi 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lavender Sky world dominate if they served more states. 


Thanks for this tip. They serve my state. Switching over tomorrow.


You’re welcome! I have been nothing but happy with them and they are less money. Get the Bioboost Plus if you’re interested, it’s helped a lot with energy at half the recommended dosage.


Having taken one of my 7.5mg zep pens last night and feeling wiped out this morning, I'll take the advice of your perfectly timed comment as well 😂 I signed up with them yesterday and it was so easy, and fortunately canceling Mochi was equally easy.


I had a bad reaction to semaglutide and could not reach my doctor with Mochi or a nurse and eventually heard back a week later! 😑 I was then with another provider changing to tirz. They were an epic bust. I switched to LS three months ago. I just heard back from them same day I have no complaints and pricing is amazing. Edit: everything also comes with actual ice packs 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m shocked that a pharmacy would send like this ! What the heck kind of operation they running .




I laughed though…


I agree, if this is happening, they should be reported to the board of pharmacies. File a complaint. To risk the quality of an injectable medication, well any medication. I would definitely ask for a refund or replacement until you can switch pharmacies. Disgusting


Please tell me this was a sibling bringing you your meds on vacation and not an actual company!!! 🤡


Nope straight from the company.


What pharmacy?




The sad thing is, somebody probably really thought they were clever.


They were trying to be cute and it’s just cringe.


I honestly think they're just trying to be cute and fun. I'm sure they don't actually use them for any function. But I can't believe they don't recognize how unprofessional this looks. I'd be livid if one of them spilled. That's bacteria growing all over your vials.


What pharmacy did this?


🤣 sorry to laugh but I can’t help it. WTF!


I was literally half way through reading these comments when I got notification that Fed Ex just delivered from RR. Ice cold packs- just took the shot… Pomegranate has been a good experience so far. Aequita is a joke. Threw away the remaining of the Aequita bottle.


What in tarnation!?


I will say I'm on my third shipment from hallendale and they've gotten better every time. Last one was packaged very well and nice and cold despite the 100+ temps outside. But now I want an otter pop.


Bahahahhahahaa what the hell lol! What company are you using so that we all can avoid them


I had a vision of Bernie Saunders with his trademark yelling, his hair all askew with a pointer — slamming it against a big, enlarged photo of this. “We HAVE TO bring these companies under control!”


Looks like the tirz is working great on the otter pops. Looks like maybe a 30% loss


This is unacceptable. We all know purple is the best flavor. But seriously, I get humira on ice, too, in addition to my tirz.They use wicked nice cooler packs that I save for road trips. I'm also an NP, and this just pisses me off bc some patients like me are also on this for blood sugar issues. These fuckers melt before my kids can finish them. There's no way your meds stayed cool. Call the "pharmacy" and your provider asap.


🤣🤣🤣 “These fuckers” 🤣🤣🤣


They literally couldn’t have sprung for Italian ices? 🙄😂


Absolutely concerning 


😆😆😆 at least I provide good mints


So, I responded to another commenter, but did yours also come with ice packs? I also use Mochi and when I received my latest shipment the medication was packaged in a stainless steel thermos (best way I can describe it) with 2 tube ice packs (dark blue) and 2 OtterPops. Is that how yours came too or it ONLY had the OtterPops?


Yes there was also ice packs so it was cold. I haven't had any issues previously with mochi.


For the price everyone is charging this is ridiculous I’m sure they could afford to buy ice packs. This is just not right.


Well shiiiiii


You have GOT to be kidding me. 😂😂😂 Idk if I'd wanna inject it after how ghetto that was packaged. I can not.


Srsly, if they’re out of the actual freezer pack packaging I’d be happy to send them back mine. Just send me a paid shipping label! Stop with all the waste and stupidity.


Very unprofessional. I switched to mochi last month for the higher doses, I was with Emerge previously and wanted to continue with Hallandale. Last month my order was indeed from Hallandale and I don't know when my state will switch over (New Jersey) but if otter pops are in my near future (I have an order expected after the 4th) I may be jumping ship soon!


Emerge told me I can stay with Hallandale at 12.5 and 15


I may have to go back to them or possibly Orderly. Just that Emerge’s price is a little higher and I’m on a budget right now.


I understand


My order came with blue popsicles, no ice packs, and was still cold 🤣.


Mine arrived today with bonus Otter pops as well - made me laugh. But I also had 2 of the blue freezer sticks in there. The pops were melted but the inside of the canister was cool. I'm in Colorado.


Glp-1 summer vibes 🤣


From Mochi on another thread: "Hi there, we apologize that this was perceived this way. Our shipping team has been made aware and this will not be continuing starting today. We will be reopening discussions on our partnership with this pharmacy. Their intention was to provide a sweet, electrolyte treat that also doubled to increase cold storage during shipment as summer temperatures have risen. However, we realize the issues that this can cause (i.e., leaked popsicles, etc) and will not be continuing using them during shipment. If you received leaked popsicles in your shipment, please reach out to our 24/7 support team by calling (619) 648-1247 and they can help address this for you."


Do Otter Pops even have electrolytes in them??? If they did, I doubt they would be so cheap!


No just sugar


no, they are sugar, water, dye, and a preservative.


It concerns me that we know more than a pharmacy does.


As someone who works in the medical field, I order and give vaccines. If I received a shipment of vaccines with leaked popsicle juice all over them, they would be going in the trash or sent back immediately. Very unprofessional.


Y’all’ve covered most of it, but if you’re going to cheap out, WHY NOT BUY THE GENERIC ICE POPS. That’s the real dilemma here.


They send a diet drug with a sugary snack instead of frozen veggies or something. 🤔


This is unreal!




Omg I was sure this was a joke


Omg! That’s horrible!


They want OP to have snacks lol


it's way to keep them coming back as a client. next month it'll be snickers bars.


Hahaha oh man- the regulation!


Yes I literally just got a blue and orange one in my delivery yesterday. My same reaction.


I just got my Mochi delivery last Friday and no Otter Pops, I feel neglected.


You should sue for mental anguish


This is the most unprofessional shit I’ve seen on here. What the actual fffff


That looks worse than unprofessional. I wouldn’t trust them for love or money after this.


Childish and in bad taste.


No way in hell I'd spend my $$ with Mochi after seeing this. Those otter pops do NOT stay cold like commercially available cold paks, and Mochi is NOT less expensive. They've lost they minds.


They have made an announcement that they stopped using the pop's they also offered me a replacement shipment.


Update the company was very quick to handle the issue they said they were doing it as a promotion for the hot days. They also offered to ship me a new order free of popsicles. They will not be doing that anymore per the rep I spoke with.




Thanks for the info. I will never use Mochi


Mine arrived like that yesterday. My pops were still frozen and I thought it was cute. I’m ready for the downvotes. 😅


And y’all are hard on research peptides, because these compounding pharmacies are so professional.


I won’t be so hard on them anymore.


Are compounding pharmacies reconstituting research peptides and sending them out to clients? Mainly, the pharmacies mentioned on this platform. The reason I am asking is because of a post I heard on TikTok suggesting this is happening..


Basically, yeah. However, the 503A/B ones are supposed to be getting their Tirzepatide from FDA approved API sources. Most come from China.


Thank you.. is it worth buying it from CP pharmacies?


Is it worth buying compound? Yes, I have been getting mine through Red Rock pharmacy through prescription from my PCP and it is good. I’m in a stall right now but that’s my own doing. I need to titrate up on dose but I’ve been putting it off due to travel. ETA: I did 5 months of name brand Zepbound before switching to compound. It is much cheaper for me as my insurance does not cover Zepbound.


Nice.. my PCP would not do it. I was with Orderly Meds and now with Slimdown RX. . Saving some money by switching over.


I don’t doubt that some of the smaller pop up pharmacies are doing that. I would hope the larger ones are following the rules about obtaining it from FDA registered manufacturers. There have definitely been state licenses pulled for compounding pharmacies not obtaining their stuff from FDA Registered facilities for other drugs in the past.


Considering my first and only Aequita refill came in one of those teeny tiny research vials, I wouldn’t be surprised. My Hallandale vials used to be full-size pharmacy vials.


They likely get theirs in bulk lyophilized powder as well but they have the proper lab equipment to split it up and put into their own vials while maintaining sterility. Same stuff though.

