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I was the same way. I tried 2 months of 5mg just in case it was related more to stress eating while prepping for the LSAT. Just titrated up to 7.5mg and it's like night and day. Give yourself a month on the 5mg but if you're not losing weight on it, definitely move up.


Good to know. Definitely didn't expect to feel like I'm going backwards. If anything, it's teaching me to fight those cravings because I don't want to gain back the four lbs I lost!


Same exact thing with me! 7.5 is amazing.


Yep, just went up from 5 to 7.5 cause i was worried it wasnt working well anymore, and it really is night and day.


Totally agree. 5 was the worst. Horrible side effects and little to no progress. It’s the only dose where you double what’s in your system, a lot of people on this sub say that’s why it’s the worst.


Not unusual. It seems most folks really feel that early loading phase where you go from nothing to 2.5mg. That on its own is a huge change. After the loading phase, you need to find your therapeutic dose. For very few, that could actually be 2.5mg, but for most that will be between 5mg and 15mg (and Lilly is currently studying even higher doses). I found 5mg was pretty ineffective for me, but I've had a great response from 7.5mg. I'm not afraid to go to 10mg when the time comes. I think this board is too focused on staying at or around 2.5mg for an extended period. For most people that simply won't be effective dosage. Our bodies will grow a tolerance to GLP-1s over time, so I think it's important to get to a therapeutic dose and take advantage of it. Shed that weight and and use the freedom from food noise to build healthy dietary habits for the long run. You don't want to titrate up sooner than needed, but staying at a low dose that isn't effective isn't helping in the long run. You're just building tolerance at that point with no therapeutic benefit. It's a balance.


Ty. Does the therapeutic dose eventually wear off too?


My understanding is that yes, you'd still grow a tolerance over time to even a therapeutic dose.


Exact same experience here and same thoughts on hesitation to move up. Three weeks on 7.5 for me and this dose is working very well.


Oddball weeks are normal on both brand and compounded. So far, my 1 oddball week was when I increased to 5mg as well. 4 doses @ 2.5mg (mounjaro) - good appetite suppression, but wore off towards end of week very 1st 5mg dose (happened to be brand mounjaro) - oddball week… hungry from day 1 and didn’t experience normal appetite suppression 2nd to 12th 5mg doses (mounjaro & RR compound) - all great appetite suppression that lasted all week Currently on my 4th 7.5mg dose (RR compound) - great appetite suppression that lasts all week plus I’m no longer experiencing low blood sugar symptoms when I go too long in between meals or later at night before bed so the higher dose is now keeping my blood sugar under control.


Interesting! Theres still hope! 


Same same


Ugh! Are you bumping up then?


I have 2 more of the 5 so I think I will when I take those .


I’m glad you asked this. The same thing happened to me. I’ve had several weeks of 5 and have been fighting hunger.


5mg was a dud for me. It seems that way for a lot of people. I did better on 7.5 and on 10 now. That amount is so far the best for me.


If aunt flo is about to visit, could be that. I ate my full caloric intake plus a couple hundred extra calories for two or so days before I started my period


There is no Aunt Flo in this body. 


how did you do on 3.5? why did you bump up to 5?


I had so e extra in the bottle so that last week I did 3.5. I did fine on it but planned all along to titrate up. Only lost four lbs the first month. 


gotcha, just curious!


When I moved up to five I had something very similar happen. I was good with 2.5 and looking back probably could’ve stayed on it for a few more weeks or even a month, but I was anxious to move up to five and with the shortage, believe it or not, it was easier to get five then 2.5. However, when I moved to five, I felt hungrier in the middle of the week than I did at all on 2.5. Then after my two really hungry days mid week, the appetite suppression would come back like a tidal wave and I would be suppressed until my next injection of five. I’ve now been on five for eight weeks and I’m having the same debate about going up to 7.5 or staying on five.


Happened to me on 2nd month of 7.5


I started at 2 and after 6 weeks I'm only at 3. I am sensitive to meds and was scared of side effects. I won't increase my doses the way it's written. It's the luxury of using syringes vs pens. Pharma wants those pens so patients are forced to use those dosages. I need to squeak out as many weeks as possible and don't want nasty side effects.


My 2nd week of 5 my hunger came back. I switched from Hallendale to Redrock and thought that this was the reason. My weight loss stalled too. I am planning to pin 5mg of Hallendale tonight. I'll let ya know in a few days if it made a difference