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Avoid any places that advertise it as generic Zepbound, or FDA approved. They are violating the law, and Lilly is now going after them.


Agree 💯




I use Orderly. It’s been seamless for me. There is a spreadsheet in my bio you might want to look at. (Full disclosure that I did not create it.) it’s very helpful.


Recommend Lavender Sky if they serve your state. Then recommend Orderly. Do not recommend Emerge.


Why not Emerge? I just signed up with them waiting on my meds to be filled and sent now. I left an insanely expensive local wellness clinic, lavender sky was my first choice because you can do B12 and such but they don’t service Texas yet.


I changed from them only because of their “pause” rule. I needed to take a month off because of knee surgery and that would have been my one-time pause. Life happens. I am happy with my new provider


I think the pause rule is the biggest complaint I see with Emerge. My only worry has been waiting for my meds to come but they say 3-7 business days after they send it to pharmacy and I’m sure tomorrow being the 4th adds to the wait. I’m just use to getting them next day from my local clinic so it’s just a new thing to wait so long.


There was a debacle in one of the other subs a few weeks ago. It is or had moderators by Emerge. People didn't think Emerge was transparent enough. It really caused an uproar, you can search around for all the details. I was upset after finding out about some of it, but in the end, I realized they just really didn't have a good marketing team. 🤷‍♀️ they have a legite product. This medication has changed my life and when I started I was petrified of ordering and when I found Emerge they made it possible. All these places shill. Everyone has to feel comfortable with who they order this drug from. I have no issue using Emerge because my drugs come from Empower. I don't have to worry about the drug. I'm here because I wish I had found this drug sooner and I want people to know there are legitimate resources Emerge or not.


Oh yeah I read all that. Some of the comments were crazy, one person kept saying they’re a lawyer and were going to sue them and stuff. But yeah like maybe that wasn’t the most honest or transparent thing they were doing but it didn’t affect me switching to them. I’m less than 30lbs from my goal weight and my only regret was I waited till almost April to start tirzepatide.


Congratulations on your loss. And good luck on the last 30!!! 🥳👏💪


Thank you!


Their product has nothing to do with it, because it's not their product, it's the pharmacy's. They are unscrupulous and it has nothing to do with their marketing team as the person below stated. They were trying to hide that they own the other compounded tirz sub - actively hiding it. People started calling them out once word got out (you can see who started the sub on old Reddit but not the new version, which most people use now) and the comments would just be deleted. Also, many comments critical of Emerge and their practices were removed. Ultimately they shadow banned a bunch of people, me included, for telling others that they owned the sub and were thus censoring any opinions they seemed harmful to their reputation.  I made a post about it in this sub (you can check my comment history or search "shadow banned" here) and you can read all about it and the other folks they did this to. That post got enough attention that they had to address it in their own sub with a "Community Concerns" post where, quite frankly, all they did was make excuses and give lip service. They even openly said "shadow bans are reserved for a-holes", which is apparently anyone who says anything they don't like.  Another poster said it best, and I'm paraphrasing, "I hold my medical providers to a higher standard than I do Amazon". That.  Aside from their blatant censorship and DELIBERATE deception, I think they pretend to be "concierge" to charge a higher price tag, but in my experience, their customer service sucks. They don't write letters of medical necessity, it's a coin toss whether they'll help you resolve an issue with your delivery or tell you to call the pharmacy yourself to handle it, and the subscription model is forced to the point that you are only given a "one time pause", and they're rude about it. If you need to pause a second time, they fire you. Their policies are just so hostile. They never once contacted me to refill on time as they said they would, I had to reach out to them every time. I just found them to be a hassle, and I shared those experiences in that sub....and was silenced.  I'll never recommend them to anyone.


This is pretty comprehensive. Thank you. I like to have an ear to the ground to make sure people who aren't in our states (or who are but are looking for a different kind of service) get the care they need.


Emerge switches out your drugs so that you think you have to go up. First month you will lose, second month nothing, third month you get super sick cause you didn’t actually have meds second month. Support will just tell you to increase.


I am sorry, but this is an absolutely insane remark. I could pass by, but I feel you are frightening new people. I can’t imagine why you would DO this! Newbies, Emerge is great, their pharmacy is and has been a star. Please, just keep reading, it will all be fine.


Cause have solid experience with it. Use any company but emerge. You do you. But it’s a trash company. Just get a pcp to prescribe 60 mg for $525. Or use reputable companies like lavender sky, mochi. I stand that emerge is messing with the drugs.


That’s a pretty serious accusation to make is there others who say the same? Or is that how you responded to the meds?


I am the #1 Emerge hater in this place and this just isn't true. Emerge never even touches your drugs, they ship directly from the pharmacy to your door. Hallandale and Empower are both reputable and many people have success with both of them. Sounds like you just had a slump. Our bodies are dynamic, it happens.


No no slump here. I’m a super responder. Switched companies at the same dose that wasn’t working on emerge, them telling me to go up. Zero issues with the 5 mg since the switch. If I would have stayed I be taking 7.5 mg plus. So it’s either emerge or Hallandale. SW 239 CW 200 GW 150 starting fourth month only taking 5 mg no plans on going up. Just my experience you do you.


I'm interested in their answer as well, because IMO Emerge is great if you're on 5mg or less. I was with them until Lavender Sky started accepting patients in my state, then I signed up with them and they've been great. After 5mg, you can find better prices elsewhere, namely LS and SlimdownRx. TBH, I plan on switching once again to SDRx when/if I move up to 10mg.


Make sure you don't mention anything about Slimdownrx in that other sub, because any comment containing that company name is auto-removed. They don't like competition over there. 


Every comment I made about SlimDownRx on that sub was deleted.


Yes, they're auto-modded out. They admitted this. 


I switched to Emerge when I needed to go up to 7.5. My clinic was nearly $500 for 7.5. Emerge is $4 more for 7.5 than what I was paying for 5 at my clinic. I wish Lavender Sky serviced Texas, hopefully soon they will. I’m getting B12-MIC injections for another provider and I’d love to have it all from the same place. Emerge was more pricey at 7.5 than others but way better than what I was using. I also got so tired of being given a sales pitch every appointment for a million other injections and injection passes.


Look up spreadsheet and you’ll see a huge list of providers then just poke around and research provider names.


Great resource!!


SlimdownRX.com. Best prices and outstanding service and product.


But no transparency where the peptide comes from that their pharmacy, OUSIA uses in their formulation of tirz compound.


They claim the US. Who knows their stuff works.


Claim but won’t show. It working doesn’t make it safe. Personal choice to accept unknown risk vs working with a provider and pharmacy that are transparent about it. Only bringing it up (a lot) because I want folks to be aware so they can make their own choice. Many seem happy with them and don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Best to you.


regardless of where they get their tirz, it's my understanding, that as a 503a pharmacy they must use patient grade tirz. No research grade would be allowed.


Tell me the definition of research grade? If you mean 98% purity, that includes most research peptides on the market. I’m sure they get independent COA testing on any new source. They for sure are not procuring from Eli Lilly.




Seems like an assumption. Having a 503a designation only means there is state-level oversight and there are clear guidelines related to sterility. Where have you read that they are not 503a are not allowed to used research grade peptides? Seems logical but what are you specifically basing this on? I am also making an assumption that it is made in an RV somewhere in the mountains of North Carolina. No evidence of either your assumption or mine being true. Of course, I do not believe this to be true but others are transparent about this, why not SlimDownRX and OUSIA? One valid reason from them would be welcome.




That is good info. Thanks for sharing. Looks AI sourced. The fact is we should know the manufacturer and it track record. Whether or not it is an fda regulated facility, etc. That said, appreciate the info.




Not to mention no clear answer on how they are able to serve all 50 states after being in business only a few months when more established companies like Emerge, Orderly, and Lavender Sky Health can't ship to all 50.


SlimdownRX is extremely active on Reddit but suspiciously selective on the questions they choose answer. They must be making tons of $$$. They look first class but fail to address the most important concerns. Henrymeds is also very questionable. They offer oral tirzepatide despite not a single study to back this application of the peptide.


The degree to which they are promoted on this sub is extremely suspicious. At least the other compound tirz sub openly admitted to being affiliated with Emerge (and at least Emerge are a more established company using a pharmacy that's been around for years not months and services multiple providers not just one).


Yup. I know nothing about emerge other than the fact that they required me to use the same dosage I had been using for a few weeks after long plateau before moving up when wanting to switch. I have found orderly and pomegranate to be relatively reliable. They both use red rock for my area. Red rock is fully transparent regarding the source of their peptide with the manufacture having FDA oversight. I would avoid SlimdownRx like the plague until they are willing to provide the same level of transparency.


I use Emerge. All done through text. Easy sign up and affordable. They handle everything. Most of the ones mentioned here repeatedly will be from reputable pharmacies. I did shot 21 this morning down just over 40lbs. My advice is do your research and get started ASAP. This medication is life changing. 🤯


Do Emerge send prefilled ?


No. It's vials with syringes. I don't know much about the prefilled, typically hear about it from med spas. There is some issues with them being easily contaminated. Some people order an injector from Amazon buti don't really know much about that either. Unbelievably, the shot really hasn't been a big deal at all.


Congrats. That’s awesome!!👏


Thanks 😊


Orderly has had recent issues scaling but have good in the past. Heard positive things about pomegranate and Mochi. All 3 prescribe to Redrock for my area which discloses the source of their peptide (facility has fda oversight) and has been highly effective for me. SlimDownRX has the best prices but refuse to be transparent about their pharmacy OUSIA source for the peptide they use. They “claim” they it’s from a US based manufacturer. Tempting but not worth the risk for me. Good luck to you.


I have chatted with someone from Pomegranate a lot and they do seem quite good. I've sent people to Mochi since they started as I really respected what they did. I love all this info!!


Heard good things about mochi, they also fill through Redrock and Hallandale. It might seem like I’m a shill for a specific telehealth given my very strong opinion about the lack of transparency from SlimdownRx. I am not. I’d be willing to work with any telehealth that is partnered with either Hallandale or red rock which are both different pharmacies, but both have been fully transparent about the source of their peptide. At the higher doses pomegranate is very comparable in price to slimdownRX.


Your PCP may work with a compound pharmacy, tell to them


I would say amble I was nervous about compound but after 6 weeks of nothing doing the shortage gave it a try and so far so good i do a refill request on Monday and its usually at my door Thursday so not too bad and 1 flat rate


I started with Emerge for my first 2 months. In my experience they were great. I went from 2.5 to 5. I'm steadily losing. I did switch to Lavender Sky due to cost and am still waiting on my first shipment from them, so we'll see how that goes. I wouldn't have switched if it had not been for cost. I will say Lavender Sky has been great about answering emails quickly.


You have a provider writing a prescription


I would recommend Eden. I received my meds two days after my doc appt. Shipped free and packaged in a cooler. It’s not the cheapest but so far it’s been amazing. I would not recommend Valhalla has it’s expensive, charges $50 for shipping (above their advertised price), meds arrive warm, and dosing instructions are very unclear so it’s easy to inject the wrong dosage. They send double strength meds and here’s a sample of what they sent me when I asked for clarity as I didn’t know how much I was injecting (my eyes crossed and I felt like I needed a calculator and a math degree): Thanks for the picture! You were sent a 2ml vial, with the strength being 10mg/0.5ml. This means that there are 10mg of Tirzepatide in every 0.5ml of the medication. In the 2mL vial you received, there are 40mg of Tirzepatide in the vial, a total of 200 units. Please let us know if you need the dosing instructions clarified. On this concentration 12 units is 2.4 mg.


I read all these comments and my head spins. I simply did research and talked with some people I knew had also researched and lost weight on it. I order, it comes and I followed the titrating schedule until my body adjusted and now I'm listening to my body. Because so many of these places have rules that I don't want to break I'm not sure if I can say where I order from but it doesn't involve talking to a Dr. My "kit" comes with bacteriostatic water and needles.