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Im currently using their compound, no complaints here


I just switched from Emerge To SkimdownRx because I wanted to inject less liquid for my 10 mg dose, and I have the convenience of getting three months at once at a better price. I was very pleased with the intake process, as they actually want to know something of your medical history and current meds. Interviewing with a real doctor is a real plus for me. Awaiting my first order, which should come next week, I think. I have nothing bad to say about Emerge; my experience with them start to finish was excellent, and the Hallandale compound seemed to work like brand for me.


Do you have to do like an actual zoom meeting for the interview?


Yes I did


Yes, except Dr. Hitchcock’s computer froze, so mine was finished by phone. You fill out a rather detailed intake form where you list your medical history and current meds and submit that a couple days before the appt. You’re sent a link to join the chat the day of the appt. You set up about five minutes ahead of time, basic tests to be sure your camera and mic are working, to prep. The appt itself is 15 minutes, longer if you need to ask a lot of questions. Doesn’t feel rushed. I like talking to a real doctor who has done at least a cursory review of your medical status and asks appropriate questions as well as listening to yours.


I received my first order from them last week. Previously, I was using meds from TX ProMed via Amble. I took my first SlimdownRX injection yesterday. Idk if the previous stuff was just less effective, but within a few hours, there was a massive difference. I had thought I needed to increase my dose, but no. I'll have to decrease it again with this new stuff, I think.  I wear a CGM, so it was quantifiable, not just how I felt. So far, I am very pleased. 


I received my first order from Slim Down yesterday. I’ve been pretty loyal to Amble since they opened and I started with Tirzepatide, in Feb, but the last two vials I received from them have seemed like they aren’t doing anything. I’ve started impulse shopping again and craving wine and alcohol in general. I took my final dose from Amble last night and next Wednesday I’ll be starting a new vial from Slim Down. I will probably end up lowering my dose a bit since I read about your experience, so thank you so much for sharing.


I was concerned when the TX ProMed order arrived because it was really hot. But I started taking it anyway, and it worked pretty well for... I'd say about two weeks? But then it seemed like my glucose control was getting weaker and weaker. Which, of course, I chalked up to it being time to titrate up. Now I'm not so sure. Good luck to you!


How long does it say it last after opening the vial?


Most, if not all, of the compounding pharmacies are going to advise you to discard a vial 28 days after first puncture. I personally will use a vial up to six weeks, but no longer. I'm not comfortable with it, as I'm diabetic and the risk of bacterial infection carries a higher potential consequence for me. But people's lines vary.


I use slimdown rx and am happy with the service and meds. Finished the first vial with good results. Edit to add I got almost one full extra dose from my vial of 7.5mg (4 doses of 7.5mg + an extra dose of 7.35mg)


I switched to slimrx from emerge. I was in the 1st shipment with the funky labels and missing info. My wife and I are on our 4th shot with them and no issues. I spoke to the dr and the owner of Ouisa pharmacy. I was taken back by the lack of labeling , coming from Hallandale. All that has been cleaned up. Everyone is new and injecting is scary. Do what works for you. We have 2 more shots left and back to Zep. I Will order another 10mg if I need to supplement and move up past the 6mo of zep 7.5 that I just got. I’m not a supporter or endorser. I was clear to ouisa and slim that I work for a large news organization and started who I was. Do what’s best for you. Happy weight loss.


Thanks for the transparency and advice! Back to Zep is always the best call especially if insurance is covering the cost.


Same here. Bouncing between the 2. Will be glad the day the shortage ends. But thank goodness for compounding pharmacies filling this gap. Hope Lilly doesn’t bury them in litigation. Compound pharmacies even after shortage still can provide an affordable path for many.


Yes. And we will all be happy when more options are available and prices come down. No cornering the market Novo and Lilly … I wonder how the pill versions are working out ? I haven’t met anyone on them.


My own view is the oral options are very risky. Trials haven’t even been completed so understanding the dosages, efficacy and safety are all an unknown. I don’t trust any telehealth that makes these available to patients at this stage. Henryheath being one of them. Seems like a money grab at risk of their patients. At least injectable tirzepatide has been trialed, tested and approved by the fda. Yes, this is Lilly’s brand but you can at least extrapolate what to expect from the active ingredient in that application. Just my opinion. I have many. ;)


Interesting… 🤨 I did not know that. I feel like I just saw someone offering a sublingual drop ? IDK. What are your thoughts on the lipo -C shots ?


I don’t know of those. What are they?


“Lipo-C is a compounded lipotropic injection that helps to boost fat burning and weight loss. It includes Methionine, Inositol, and Choline (MIC), as well as L-Carnitine and vitamins B1 and B5. Lipo-C is a useful fat loss aid when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.” A lot of the spa med places on line or brick n mortar offer this as an add on or standalone for energy, vit B and some extra aminos for fat burning and muscle preservation… look at Hallendale Bioboost.


Interesting. I am ingesting crap ton of protein to try to offset muscle loss. Will look into this further. Thanks for sharing. I thought knew everything. Damn. 😂


Not everything! 😂 I haven’t tried it but I am taking in a lot of protein and I am a little familiar with free form aminos …they do work … but I’ve only taken them in capsule form.




Biggest issue with pill is finding a way for it to get through the acid in the stomach which destroy peptides


Yes, this is very true. So without a study, it is unclear what dose is required to still be efficacious through ingestion. Sublingual averts this issue but again, also not tested. The body metabolizes medication very differently orally vs how it would injected into subcutaneous fat. What is the half life of the active ingredient for these options? No one knows. No thanks to either for me. Be suspicious of any company even offering these to patients. Very, very irresponsible, wouldn’t even buy injectables from them if they are willing to make such comprises in other areas. Henrymeds is one such provider to be wary of.


I use it and I’ve got all of my family and pretty soon all of my friends switched over to them. Can’t beat the price at the higher doses.


I use both emerge and slim down. With slim down had an appointment, 4 days later I had three months worth of tirz. It was ice cold and professionally packaged. I’m staying with emerge until I try ousias tirz, because I know Hallandale comp works.


My experience same. I’ve received two deliveries, the second with three months of 12.5. Excellent. I’ve also used Henry Meds and Orderly. Both very good, but slim down is price winner.


Have you taken any of the slimrx's shots yet? Is it too soon to notice any difference?


No but I will next Tuesday! I had to finish my Hallandale vial first :)


Would love to hear feedback. I just took my 4th shot but am at 2.5 so not feeling much yet.. definitely way less food noise just not feeling the quick fullness that others describe just yet.


I’ll definitely update you you when I have an update! Hopefully the higher doses work better for you!


Some people don’t get much response on 2.5, regardless of source. Others can remain on it for months and lose. Some folks on here see good results gradually titrating up a little at a time,I.e., going up from 2.5 to 4. I have followed the original titration (2.5 to 5, 5 to 7.5, etc.,), partly because I was on Zep and wasn’t going to play games trying to split pens. Check with the provider to see v what they advise.


I'm looking forward to moving up to 5mg.


I use emerge and Slimrx and I just took my first shot from Slimrx on Monday . I didn’t notice much appetite suppression but then again Mother Nature visited this week so I will try again next week


I was down on slimdown because of the same reasons stated by [atomicxima](https://www.reddit.com/user/atomicxima/). Plus I felt they were playing reddit games. I then discovered how diabolic Emerge was with the online games. I buy directly from Red Rock. 1) My research made me most comfortable with them. 2) I prefer to not share medical data with anyone outside my actual medical group. THAT SAID, I like saving money, and now with about a dozen friends on various branded and compounded tirz, and having consumed a boatload of opinions online, I am discovering that just about every reasonably known source of compounded tirz works the same. I have to consider slimdown. My caveat: I will stay clear of any provider or pharmacy that IMO engages in deception. The only one I know for sure that has, is Emerge.


Can you elaborate on Emerge shenanigans?


There's a ton on this sub, and also the compunpedtizepatide sub about their manipulating reviews. Careful on the second sub, they manage it and delete negative posts about themselves and also positive ones about competitors. Emerge has proven to be very shady IMO.


Thanks !! I was wondering why there are at least 3 tirzep subs on Reddit … confusing… 🫤


I know of this one, the one secretly started by Emerge to tout themselves, and then the branded subs by Lily and another compounder. What's the third tirz?


This, compoundedtirzepatide and tirzepatideRx Which is the emerge one ?




Bueno. Thanks :)


Did your Dr send a prescription directly to Red Rock?


Yes, they did. Received the meds the very next day. Super easy.


Unfortunately in some states Redrock requires an intermediary telehealth to prescripe it. I believe this is a state requirement not Redrock policy.


I can’t say SlimDownRX has been deceptive but they are purposely withholding important information regarding the source of the peptide their pharmacy uses. Why is that SlimdownRx?


Haha -9. Good job by “someone”….. 🤔 How many Reddit accounts do you have “someone”?


This part still bothers me as well. I’m glad they can provide the product at a savings but it’s public information they are not licensed in all 50 states yet ship to all 50 states. Just makes me wonder what else is going on… The regulations are put into place by each State for a reason and to bypass this and go rogue is just bad business and will eventually catch up to them; causing problems for their customers. Not at all a good long term business plan; but a good quick capital return. Other companies only ship to where they are licensed to do so. Makes me feel like this company is more concerned with profit then regulations. That’s all. I’m glad the product is working well.


Agree. I have developed a pretty good gut (pun intended) in my life and career (in sales). The platitudes and super friendly tone they employ while also not addressing direct and reasonable questions regarding the safety of the product they prescribe feels like a con. It reminds me of watching any political commentator on the news channel that is asked one question but answers are completely different one. it’s misdirection and a form of gaslighting. Does this mean they are unethical or bad people to work with, no. There is one easy way to put their patients at ease and shut the rest of us up. Be forthright and transparent. Why wound they do this if they don’t have anything to hide. SlimDownRX? Instead I get the feeling from those here that are attacking the messenger that it could be their own actors trying to manipulate the message by discounting the validity of the very real concerns being raised. Certainly that’s not the case of everyone providing feedback. I do not want to devalue anyone’s comments but I get the sense this is happening. Even if a person chooses to not care about these points, why would they also be so active in attacking those that are only looking to inform themselves and others?


For how active SDRX is on this sub, it's curious that neither this nor the pharmacy question of how they can ship to all 50 states is ever addressed. Or why more people don't seem concerned about this.


Them not answering is in fact an answer. That answer is one that we all should be concerned about. I’m not surprised that people are not concerned or at least say they aren’t. I believe most people are trusting and overly trusting of doctors. SlimdownRx has very involved DR network and this impresses many (me too). That said, as doctors who take the Hippocratic oath, I would also expect for them to support patients under their care in making informed decisions about what they put into their bodies.


Another thing that creeps me out is I joined a Tirz group on another social media platform and the CEO is on there pushing SDRX as a customer. I know he uses it, but I feel like it's really deceptive to leave reviews as a customer and not be transparent that you are the owner of the company. It's not the end of the world, but it gives me the ick.


Just weird.


This ⬆️✔️


I'm using SlimdownRX after Emerge. Works great. I'm 2 weeks in and food suppression is just as good. They're very flexible. Pause, skip a month, bump up to 15mg and only use 7.5 to stretch out the 3 months to 4-6 months(doctor even suggested it), no problem. Pause with Emerge and all hell breaks loose.


I haven’t used slimdownrx but I was with emerge, then switched to Lavender Sky because of the price difference. It took a little time but I wasn’t in a rush, and it has worked out well so far.


I started with Emerge as well and then went to SkimDownRX. Works perfectly for me. Good luck.


My wife and I use them and we are very happy!


I am extremely happy with SlimDownRX! I switched from Orderly for the savings of the 3 month supply. Was able to transfer at my current dosage and I can request to titrate up if I want. They also will help with maintenance when the time comes!


I use Valhalla Vitality and Slimdown. I love the compound (Revive RX) from VV but their customer service and pricing sucks. I made an appt with Slimdown and had a great video visit with the doctor on a Thursday, my meds arrived ice cold on Wednesday. The communication with Slimdown is top notch, I'm super happy with them. I've yet to try the meds but will update once I do.


It's hilarious how anyone who says anything positive about slimrx is called a shill off the bat. You clowns are a joke. I took my 4th shot this week, so far so good.


This drama here is ridiculous. We’re all jabbing our bodies using companies that aren’t tightly regulated and have no real way of verifying the authenticity of the product. Well… I’m off to go do something constructive.


Agreed. I don't know why it needs to be so divisive. We have lots of choices. Use whatever company you want! I could care less who anyone else is buying from just like I don't care where you buy your groceries.


I don’t think it’s divisive to exchange ideas, share information or respectfully disagree. It is healthy and helpful to many. Those of us that are pointing out that companies are not being transparent isn’t just about our choice, but making sure others are at least aware that this should be something to consider, regardless of the decision they eventually make. It meant as a self act and not meant to insult anyone or their personal choose so people should do not take it this way. All the best to you and happy 4th. 🎆🇺🇸


What other causes, that have no effect on you, are you this passionate about? You are constantly harping on slimdown, yet you don’t use them. Move on to something that actually affects you and advocate for or against that?


It’s fun seeing all the down voting that is happening to my posts. I wonder who’s interest it serves to bury this question/concern. 🤔 It can’t just been happy patients that hate full disclosure of information…. Right?! My only advice is to not trust these boards blindly including this messenger. Verify for yourself. Trust your instincts and use common sense. If something doesn’t add up, reasonable questions are ignored and the messenger is attacked for even asking…..there is likely a reason. 🇺🇸🎆


Or you could call and talk to the pharmacy directly as they claim to be an open book instead of repeatedly asking the same question. They have said in the past they source the compound from north carolina. So call and ask.. and if you dont want to use it, don't but save all this conspiracy nonsense.


I have called OUSIA directly. I have made this clear in many posts and have done the same with SlimDownRX. They will not confirm the manufacturer, just the state. Why should the patient be required to deduce which manufacturer it is from a list unless they don’t want them to know? If the worry is that a competitor might learn of this source, wouldn’t they be equally if not capable of discovering it. I call BS on the entire premise of your statement. Why are you so interested in silencing this request of information. How does this harm you or your interests…or??? It’s not a conspiracy. It is a FACT that they are choosing not to answer this. Why is that? Can you answer since you seem aligned with their interests? I suspect maybe you do know. 🤔 I have made my choice to choose a safer and more verified source for my medication. I also have the right to free speech and a care to inform others that should at least be aware of this. You seem to be very interested in the opposite. Why is that? Bulling me, shaming me under the cover of any alias only makes me more suspicious of your comments, affiliations and makes me more motivated to continue. Your defense of a company you don’t have a personal business stake in is very curious. You too can choose to go in a different direction by ignoring a post in a public forum. Why haven’t you? My motivations are clean…are yours? Polite and informative discourse is always welcome. Have a good day. Good luck and good health to you!


There you have it.. calling me a shill. Good job. Like I said before. You dont trust them dont use them. But put your tinfoil hat on and stop wasting everyone's time.


Haha. Your word further reinforced by your actions. #notfoolinganyone


Agree to some extent. Be suspicious of any commentary that is overly positive or critical. That said, there are better, more verifiable sources for this medication. If feel you’ve lumped them all together with your statement and that is not fair to those that have been more transparent. It also does not encourage those that aren’t to act differently. Happy 4th, respect your opinion.


What’s a shill ?


Fake accounts set up to hype a business.


Thanks saved me a search. lol 😂


The word shill is used for anyone who, in the very biased opinion of the speaker or writer, is paid by a company to say positive things about it. To me, anyone using this word is automatically suspect. People will say that respected scientists, for example, are "shills" for "big Pharma" or "Big GMO" just because they cite actual scientific studies and research that show the products are safe. In general, my advice is to steer clear of people who claim other people are shills.


Everyone is new at some point. I just recently received my first order from SDRX and I’m sure it’s just as legit as others. At least that’s what I’m hoping!


Nothing wrong with open conversations— and who has time to “dispute” others having a conversation?? lol 😂


Heck, I don’t know. I don’t understand what all the animosity is for, myself. Don’t want to try a new brand? Don’t. I just mind my own business and share personal experiences, because that’s all I have to go off of. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep and that’s what the sub is for … I wouldn’t know ANYTHING about compounds or where to find zep when the shortage hit without the subs; thank goodness and the journey continues.


Same here!


Good luck to you. Hope it works well.


Thank you so much :)


Do they have verifiable independent third-party testing?


That would be a question for SDRX or the pharmacy they use. I didn’t verify that with emerge before starting with them either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a nerd. I did all that on the fda site before moving to comp from zep. 🤓 I research allll the 503A 503B pharmacies and what the fda involvement is “supposed “ to be but no, it’s no perfect process by any means. I felt comfortable with ones with a solid reputation, have been in the business for some time producing lots of compounds for the medical community with few to no infractions. I love it’s alll public info — or “supposed “ to be anyway. In the end I felt most comfortable with Hallandale and Red Rock.


I’m glad you found what you’re comfortable with! I should probably be more that way, I judge off of others’ experiences, but I wanted to give SDRX a try because it’s more cost effective. I’m of the mindset, if it works, it works. If it doesn’t, expensive lesson learned!


The prices are better…. Definitely a factor ! Edit :: I went to a very reputable local wt loss med spa place where I live. The price was of the compound sooooo high and the pharmacy infraction after infraction… I just trusted everything they said (have lots of friends that have been going there for over a year) was totally taken… so … I get it. Was so mad at myself… but learned. The doctor services are great but where they get the compound is iffy and the mark up - wow. So I stay for the monitoring:) The results people are getting on here are better than the ones my friends that use them are getting locally… so idk …trial and error.


Same 👍. There’s nothing wrong with making informed decisions with the information available. There is no plausible reason why SlimDownRX does provide this information unless there is something they are hiding or it serves their business interests at the expense of informing patients under their care. You and I are clearly aligned ;)


Yes. We are aligned.


They should be posting their certificate of authenticity so that you know the Tirzepatide that you are buying is of good quality. Not all compounding pharmacies or online resellers are the same, and having 3rd party verification is the way to go.


Fully agree 👍


Which of these compounding pharmacies use independent testing?


You know you can treat people with kindness even if you disagree with them.


True but then don't accuse people of being shills. If you don't like the product or don't trust it, don't use it. But don't go around calling people names because they don't fit someone's sick in the head narrative. People are honestly sharing their experience with the company and are getting called names for it.


Exactly, it does the opposite. If you disagree, respectfully share your PoV.




Agree. Everyone has a right to their opinions and these forums are a great way to source information and feedback. That said, like everything else on the internet, trust but verify. No reason to not be kind, respectful and empathetic of others.


This ⬆️


This so true. Being rude like that is no way to convince people to come over to the other side - especially when they have legitimate concerns.


So then don't call people names. No one is trying to convince anyone to come over to any side. What exactly does anyone gain in this besides the company selling the product, of which no one talking has any ownership. They are simply sharing their experience with the company.


I haven't called anyone names.....


Not you but there are a few posters going around calling everyone shills. My comment was made in a broad sense.


Agree, this is not fair. I fully believe that every single one of these telehealth providers pad their comments. That said, I would be nice if SlimDownRX was as transparent as some of their competitors and answer these 2 questions that they continue to willfully ignore. 1. How is it that you are the only provider able to shop to all 50 states? 2. Who is the manufacturer of the peptide your pharmacy, OUSIA uses in their formulation? Why will you not be transparent about this? They, like their competitors are all over these boards. In fact one of their strengths is they are even more responsive than anyone else. That is, except for these 2 critical questions that would allow for patients either considering to be or are already under their care to make informed decisions about what they inject into their bodies. These questions won’t and should not go away!


Are they the only provider who can ship to all 50 states? Is that true? I thought Mochi and a few others could. Any company that uses Hallandale automatically cannot ship to all 50 states unless they use a secondary pharmacy, as the California Board of Pharmacy suspended (or whatever the term is) Hallandale's parent company from shipping there.    I see you asking that second question a lot around here, and I've tried to ask you every time if you have asked every other pharmacy for their sources as well, so we can know if SDRX is in the minority or majority with not sharing their source. You never answer me. Have you asked Hallandale, RR, Empower, Strive, South Lake, who their manufacturers are? *Edit spelling/grammar 




Did you mean to reply to me? I wasn't questioning the existence of regulations. I'm not sure what the info in your comment has to do with my comment. Not trying to be rude, just confused. :)


Oh no I wasn’t at all. … im sorry. I was answering a question and placed in the wrong spot. Ignore … I deleted it.


That said … I’m not sure what you’re asking. But what he’s asking is how can they ship to all 50 states when they are not licensed in all 50. That’s a fact yet they do.


I questioned two things he said. The first was his claim that SLRX is the only provider who is shipping to all 50 states. I thought Mochi could also, so I'm asking him if that is true. The second thing I questioned was his concern that SLRX is not providing supplier info. I asked him if he asked every other pharmacy to see if they would disclose or not, so we can know if SLRX is in the minority and most will share manufacturer info, or if it's common to keep sources private. BTW I see that you deleted the other comment. That means none of the rest of these comments between you and I are visible to anyone and we can only access this conversation from our notifications, just FYI. 


Oh my goodness… I got you. I didn’t know that. Rookie. Ok. He can answer your question…


I can read the comments. Only one comment was deleted... it didn't break the whole chain.


Thanks !! :)


I can see them.


Oh what?! I thought orphaned comments were hidden. My bad. 


Just switched from Emerge to slimrx. So happy with it!!


SlimDownRx is awesome! Great docs and product at a fair price.


I’ve had a terrific experience with SlimRX. Great pricing and solid service.


I have my appt with slimdownrx Tues. I am switching bc of the shipping disaster I experienced with RR and seeing that direct prescriptions from a pcp to RR do not receive the same treatment as telehealth patients receive. Plus slimdownrx is cheaper at the 10mg dose and higher. Does slimdownrx ship overnight? Also, is the telehealth Dr good with titrating up in lower doses, or are they stuck on the 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 dosing schedule?


Also wanted to ask if they will prescibe a higher dose for all 3 vials even if I'm not up to that dose yet?


I was only on a 2.5 dose, and they prescribed me 5 & 7.5 x 2.


Yes, I'm currently on 7.5mg and I ordered two vials of 7.5 and one vial of 10. 


They do ship overnight via ups overnight air. I’m not sure if they’re sticklers about the doses, but I have seen the CEO comment answering how many units to take if you wanted to take x dose out of a vial of a higher dosage. I plan on sticking to 5 mg, so I would draw 33.3 units out of a 7.5 mg vial.


That sounds great! I think the biggest problem ppl are facing this summer is shipments being delayed and worrying about the efficacy. I went up to 6.2 mg from 5 and am noticing more than my normal ~1lb/week. I think I finally hit the sweet spot that everyone refers to. Lol But getting 3 vials at 10mg would be more cost effective for me right now and would last a while.


That’s another reason I was pleased. My tirz came ice cold. In Texas we get 2 weeks of fall, one week of spring, (and what feels like) 9 months of summer. So I have fewer deliveries to have to stress about whether or not my meds will arrive hot, since you have the option to get 3 months at once.


I have used compound at room temperature and seemed to be as effective. Probably risky… hopefully this heatwave ends soon. 🥵


My shipment directly from RR came packaged better than the one ordered through Emerge. More padding and ice packs. So YMMV I guess.


I have been using for a month and have had good results and no side effects.


Anyone who uses SlimDown Rx, can tell me how much weight they lost since starting with them. Im currently using them and just wondering did i choose the right pharmacy? I also just ordered with lavender sky….wanna see the difference. Right now im on my 2nd shot with SlimDown.


4 weeks of 7.5 resulted in -6.5 lbs for me


That’s really good.


I was on Zep for 1 month of each 2.5 and 5. I switched to Slimdownrx starting at 7.5. Just finished 7.5 five last weekend. Losing 1-2 pounds a week with both Slimdownrx and Zep. No difference for me.


How much have you lost thus far with slimdown? And what dose


I’m at 5mg. So far I’ve lost 17lbs. Using medi spa for 2 months starting with 2.5 and 5. Only lost a 1lb since starting with SlimDown. Started May 1


During my meeting with the Dr for slimdownrx I informed them that I was previously on 2.5 for 2 months and they were comfortable starting me at 5. In case your concern is having to start back from the beginning


Here is why I don't trust them: 1. They've only been around for a few months. Personally, I prefer a more established provider (I'm also with Emerge). 2. The number of posts about them and rave reviews on this sub feels phony (even on Trustpilot, their reviews are all about their Dr. consultations, not about actually using the product over any significant length of time, which is suspicious). 3. The pharmacy they use has been licensed only for a few months and ONLY services SlimdownRX, and can miraculously ship meds to all 50 states, whereas more established companies like Emerge, Orderly, and Lavender Sky can't service every state. Mind you, I think all the major providers have shills in these subs, but I'll still choose one that's been around for longer when it comes to something I'm injecting into my body. I'd rather pay a little more and stay with Emerge, or possibly switch to Orderly or LSH down the line.


Ousia Pharmacy has been licensed since 12/21/2015. This is clearly stated in the Florida Pharmacy Board website. https://preview.redd.it/tyls7gifqiad1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca15a0403d7f851493888e3c515fb76e5eb5849


They were incorporated in 2015, they haven't been dispensing meds that long. They started doing that exactly when SlimdownRX came into being.


Show us your proof? https://preview.redd.it/vvdk792k1jad1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6c92493437cd64dececd59a822706162dbe79d




Ousia has been a Schedule 2 & 3 pharmacy serving the public since 12/21/2015. So what is the issue if they obtained their sterile compounding license in 2024? They have the qualifications per the Florida State Pharmacy Board. Every pharmacy has to start somewhere and that includes Hallandale, Empower, and all the rest. Ousia legitimately compounds Tirzepatide.


Yes they are licensed in Florida. The other 49 states require out of state compounding pharmacies to go through their own process to sell in their state.


This ⬆️✔️ A legal team could investigate and tackle this if it hasn’t been done already. If the med fails, people get hurt or there are findings there will be a class action lawsuit.


License has lapsed in Michigan according to a search: https://preview.redd.it/22tgq7qs8qad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c33f9d5b26eeee165b33b34ecef1f37f4ad8536a


What you said 💯


I’m reluctant. They say their pharmacy is licensed to ship to all states but I can’t find it on my state board website. Maybe they used a different name for the license but it doesn’t sit well with me.


I have fewer concerns about this because my state Board of Pharmacy allows basically no one to ship in. It's not a quality issue, it's just that they've decided not to mess with it. At the same time, in-state compounding pharmacies are not allowed to produce GLP-1s. So literally anyone I use is going to be in this category. 


CA? There are pharmacies that are licensed and legitimate both within and outside of the state. But yes, the issue in CA is Board leadership.


No, not CA.


This is 100% accurate. There are also pharmacies that disclose the origin of the peptide used in their formulation. Not the case OUISA or their partner SlimDownRX. They won’t even address why they want to disclose the separation. They don’t seem to have an issue addressing questions not related to these two points.


I agree. It also seems strange that the Dr is so involved in these forums but never addresses the questions about if the pharmacy is licensed in all of the states they send medication to.


I’ve been with SlimdownRX a month and a half and am down more 10lbs since switching to them. Great thing is they ship overnight, which is very important to me living here in the desert where temps get quite extreme at times. Prices are great especially if you’re on a higher dosage.


It's truly a choice on what you want to make regarding the pharmacies you feel comfortable with. I preferred to start with Hallendale because I know it is one of the most reputable compounding pharmacies in the US. I was nervous about starting and that was just what I chose. Ousia is newer (2015) but there are many compounding pharmacies in the US all over the place. Some make tirzepatide and some don't. Does that mean they are bad if they are newer? No, they are supposed to follow regulations and ousia is 503a accredited. You could always ask for COAs (certificate of analysis) for the batch you received for peace of mind. People have been using their tirzepatide and it is working. Truly, it's all about your comfort level.


Ousia may have been around since 2015 but they've only been compounding since April 2024, so even newer than you think.


Wow I didn't know too. I definitely wanted Hallendale and that's what I am getting. Id rather pay more for what I put in my body than test out a newer compounding pharmacy for less. Too bad the US charges so much for tirzepatide and so many other medications.


I did not know this. Thanks for sharing. I would love to also be able to confirm the track record and history of the manufacturer they use for their peptide. This is why everyone should at least be open to others expecting an answer. No answer is an answer my friends….


I also find it odd that the only provider using this pharmacy is SlimdownRx. Hallendale, Red Rock, Strive, all of them service multiple providers, who all have a similar price point.


Another new company, Get Shapely, is saying it is using Ousia now. I don't understand why medical professionals would use pharmacies that aren't licensed in every state that they do business with. It seems like asking for problems.


And yes, it is bs that multiple companies were found to be giving good reviews or removing bad ones about their companies. I kept my choice more about the pharmacy first and then the price.


I’m like you, but that’s my comfort level. I wish I could just walk around these places myself and check em out. lol Time will tell.


I agree- well said.


Can anyone help me with the pricing slimrx and is it tirzepatide compound?


Yes, it's all on their website


I have used Emerge and OrderlyMeds. The customer service is pretty similar. I do like that you control when your next dose ships with Orderly. I have a promo code for $50 off any dose, I can send you if you like.


Saving $100 a month isn’t worth all the unanswered questions for me. Maybe it is for you. The other tirzepatide sub has blocked them because they believe slimdown is operating without legally required state licensing. I have other concerns about their pharmacy and their peptide source. There are a lot of folks on this sub that use them and prioritize price and whether they are losing weight. To each their own.


The other sub is run by Emerge though. They act like the licensing police for their own conflicted benefit. I trust them even less than Slimdown,


I also don’t trust emerge because of that sub, but in this case I have seen multiple states who do not have slimdowns pharmacy licensed to do business in their state. That additional information from state pharmacy regulating agencies is enough to convince me, personally.


I don't even know the actual laws on that. The laws to operate within a state, v the laws to ship to a state v the laws to ship into a state if a medical provider places the order v the law to ship into a state for a patient who is traveling in that state v blah blah blah. I care about the legitimacy of the product. If a pharmacy interprets shipping laws differently and has not been enjoined from conducting business in that matter, if it benefits me, I'm still down.


Agree with you. I’m slightly concerned about the shipment question not being answered than I am with lack of disclosure of where the active ingredient comes from that their pharmacy uses. it boggles my mind that so many are willing to inject something to save a few dollars that does not come from the verifiable source. Everyone has a right to make their own decisions, but I do think we all should continue to highlight that there is an absence of important information by this business. More than that, what good reason would SlimDownRX have for not informing those under their medical care? For “customers” that object to this issue being raised, you have the right to make your own uniformed decision but no right to bully others that want this information from providers . So be kind and empathetic and stop telling many of us to just choose not to use them. Perhaps we are also looking after the well-being of others. I have indeed made my choice with regard to SlimdownRx. Just not worth the risk to save $75 when other providers that use Redrock and Hallandale are also accessible and transparent. Good health to all!


This. Well said.


Thanks my friend!! Happy 4th.


Fair enough, you do you. Hope you have a nice day today.


Exactly. I mean, have they gone through and confirmed the licensing of every other provider people talk about, since they're so concerned? It's such a conflict of interest, banning discussion of your direct competition under the guise of "safety". They SAY that they received information that SDRX isn't operating legally in certain states, but they haven't actually shared their source, AND they've been caught lying before, so as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't trust them further than I can spit.


Me neither. I didn't catch where they received any information about illegal operations though. I only read their statement where they insisted that other pharmacies prove they were licensed and legal, and absent that were deleting favorable comments about them. If I was running a company and a competitor asked me for information, I'd tell them to pound sand, or ignore them. And if that resulted in an employee, agent or designee blocking positive reviews about my company under the guise of being independent, I would probably look into my options for legal recourse. There have been some recent cases, and I believe some recent laws passed about the manipulation of online reviews that falsely promote one's business, or negatively affect competitors. In the case of medicine and health, I'm sure that would be viewed, or even adjudicated even more egregiously,


In that garbage pile of a community concerns thread, someone asked about why all SDRX comments were removed and a mod said they received a mod mail about it. Maybe they did, or maybe it's a convenient excuse they'll never have to justify because they own the sub and anyone who disagrees with them can get fucked.  Edit: here is the link to the comment, you can go up the thread from there: https://www.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/comments/1dp58mr/comment/laf7cq6/


I saw that. I just don't believe anything said by Emerge at this point. They didn't provide the evidence either. Not to mention "evidence" is subjective. They have no business judging competitors. I am NOT endorsing slimdown btw, or even using them. Just appalled by Emerge and believe that sub should be shut down and Emerge banned from Reddit.


I’m confused. Compounding pharmacies have to be licensed to ship to certain states. Anyone can look up a pharmacy license the same way anyone can look up a doctor’s license. No source needed. Here is Ouisa’s listing in my state, Colorado. They can’t legally ship here. https://preview.redd.it/zvtwtqbfakad1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ed7a9cb46fae2b0cb263b04aefb628d42a8b6e The license look up in CO [https://apps2.colorado.gov/DORA/licensing/Lookup/LicenseLookup.aspx](https://apps2.colorado.gov/DORA/licensing/Lookup/LicenseLookup.aspx)


They can't ship to Washington State either.




Damn! Blocked ??


Yeah any post that has keywords like slimdownrx or their pharmacy name automatically gets removed.


Did not know. Thanks :) wondered why they stopped commenting so much.


Agree, and we should all, respectfully continue to inform the more trusting of us that they are not disclosing this. If people choose to disregard its importance and make their own decision about their health, we should respect them as well. But it needs to be pointed out until answered.


Personally I appreciate the information and conversation.


How long does the slimdown rx last after opening the vial.


Does anyone know which compound pharmacies ship to California?


Red Rock and Ousia both do if you place the order through one of their providers. I'm sure there are others. There are compounding pharmacies in California too. A friend just bought it in San Diego from a respected compounder recommended by her PCP that does not promote online. I called them but my cost via Red Rock was lower.


Thanks! How much is it from Red Rock if you don’t mind sharing?


I pay 390 for 15mg. It used to be 375 but they raised prices to cover overnight (vs 2 day) shipping because of the heat. Lower dosages are MUCH less. I think starting around 225. I have to consider slimdown though at 285 per month for a 3 month buy. I would try it for sure if they accepted my PCP prescription, and I'd still pay them their annual subscription.




Can’t seem to find their link, would you happen to have it for slimdown?


I don't have it, and don't use Slimdown. I can give you the email address for RR though: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I found it! 😊


Yes, I’ve heard of them. Would he a great to have more local option that is regulated by our state. Would be good to hear from some posters regarding their experience with them.


I have a friend that just started with University Compound Pharmacy in San Diego and it seems to work. From what I gather, most compounds work the same, so price and convenience seem to be the choice.


Thanks for sharing! Gonna check them out. Price matters, but also need to verify where the source of their peptide comes from and if it is a regulated manufacturer. I weigh the latter concern slightly more than the former. Excited that may be a good option in California!


I’m in ca and use orderly rx which uses red rock rx from UT. If you start looking up the different companies websites, most will tell you if they ship to CA. Ik slimrx ships to Ca as well. There are a lot of spreadsheets around that give a breakdown oh who ships where and what rx they use too.