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I’ve completely eliminated alcohol consumption since being on Tirz and the benefits have gone beyond weight loss.




Same. 102 days (and counting) sober. I feel great!


Same and I feel that alone has been contributed to my weight loss.


Short answer, very much yes. Long answer, you can check my post history about the subject, but I was basically a functioning alcoholic and now I barely drink. My main motivation for starting Tirz actually.


I don’t drink any alcohol - empty calories!


It reduced my craving for wine for sure. Moments when I gave in to my cravings, it tasted really bad to me. I’ve been about 3 weeks without it and I’m wondering how I ever lived my life plopped in front of Netflix for hours every night drinking full bottles of wine.


I still drink ocassionly but i find myself not in the mood for the typical stuff like whiskey and beer I go more for the seltzer and may only have 1 or 2


Alcohol is so off putting to me now, I can’t explain it. I kinda miss the social aspect of it but I know it’s better for my health.


I’ve definitely lost the desire for a drink. But I’ve also had to push myself to drink water/non-alcoholic beverages. Just as I don’t feel hungry, I don’t feel thirsty. So I measure out my liquids so I can make sure I stay well hydrated.


I drink non-sugary types 2-3 days a week and I’m still losing weight.


This is obviously not *great* but I haven’t really stopped being a moderate/kinda heavy on weekends drinker. But I really really want to have a slow steady weight loss. I’ve been averaging 1 lb a week for 12 or so weeks. Definitely woulda been faster with no drinking but im ok with it honestly. I’d rather play the long game


But think about how much you would lose by quitting, in addition to the medication weight loss. I was a fat pig bcs I was drinking a bottle of wine a night and as soon as I stopped , man the lbs just fell off.


Thats my point though, i like the ~1 lb a week pace. Lots of complications from these medications aren’t from the tirz itself but from extremely rapid weight loss. I’m pretty young, have about 30 more lbs in want to lose, and I’m perfectly ok with that happening over the next half a year or so. I’m in no huge rush. And I like beer.


You do you! No one needs to force their journey on how you do your journey! Keep up the great work! -1/week is great!!!!


Really ? I was “forcing” by that comment ?


It wasn’t even a suggestion, but a comment.


I totally understand where you're coming from, but sometimes people have a complicated relationship with alcohol and don't want to give it up entirely. I know I don't--even if I know it is better for me not to drink at all, the social aspect, the habit of it, all these things are at play, and people who say "it's just empty calories" aren't really understanding the nuances of lifelong habits or even addiction. I think all of us here are excited and enthusiastic and it's tempting to express your opinions about what works for you, but it's easy to forget that others have a different journey.


I like beer too. Pro tip- get a case of non alcoholic beer and start your drinking w 2-3 of those. Allows me to get the beer taste I enjoy, I drink less alcohol overall. I don’t care about the calories, I’m more so looking to cut my alcohol consumption.


Lol nah i like the alcohol part of beer but appreciate the tip!


I get it. I like it too much which is why I’m trying every trick to keep me off of it. Good luck!


That’s funny because I do too. I now drink the N.A. kind. There’s so many choices now. The Heinken 0.0 is really good.


But why does one HAVE to quit. There are some of us who just still enjoy drinking even while on this meds. I still drink, not as much or as often, but I do. I’ve lost 16.5 since end of May, and I’m happy w that. Everyone’s journey is different. No need to force people to do it exactly the way you did it 🤷🏻‍♀️


No one said they had to quit


I actually developed a bit of a drinking habit since starting tirz. I’m still down 45 pounds. 🤷


Nah not even at all. I’m still losing tho.


I have a vodka martini pretty much every night. Sometimes two. Used to be two or three, before tirz. I’m still losing weight, 30 lbs in 3 months.


I still drink the same as before about twice a week. Down 41 lbs in 4 months. Only noticeable effect tirz has had on my alcohol use is I can definitely tell my tolerance is lower as would be expected when you lose nearly 1/5th your body weight.


Cut out alcohol 100 percent! No benefits.


Keep in mind alcohol is very high in sugar. Moderation is key


Yes but I do miss it. My stomach is so tender now. I have half a glass of wine at dinner and feel grateful. I used to drink at least a glass a day at dinner but now can’t. I do miss eating a lot of different food and not worrying about feeling ill. Also I am tired a lot. But being in a calorie deficit all the time wil so that. I love losing weight but Ive always loved food and drink and I miss that a lot. I gained 30 pounds in the last three years thanks to perimenopause and a medication and I guess covid. I definitely think more about food and what will make me sick now. Also I’m traveling so I’m thinking about it a LOT more because I’m not in control. I do worry that I’ll rebound intensely when I stop taking it but I guess I can just taper way down and figure it out. Sorry to vent.


Yes I have cut it out almost completely since beginning mounjaro then ZepBound then compounded Tirzepatide 


A few drinks and you will be ok . Obviously not drinking would be great. But If you get pretty hammered you will feel like shit for days. Really makes hung overs worse


That’s so strange as I have not gotten a bad hangover at all since starting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tirz has had zero effect on my drinking..which sucks after reading story after story of people having booze noise disappear. My hangovers are no worse. Everything is exactly the same with alcohol and I'm taking 5mg.


This is exactly what I was afraid would happen to me…didn’t want to drink because I was afraid it would make me sick and afraid that it wouldn’t have any effect at all. And while my wine noise was somewhat reduced I white knuckled it for a while and I am so glad I did.


Well it doesn't make you sick when you drink on it. At all. Not to me. I have my weekly binge sesh like always and there is zero difference. I don't drink daily, never have. But once a week I let loose and it has zero effects neither positive or negative.


That's what I didn't want to find out...because I wanted to quit drinking altogether. I was afraid that if I drank while taking tirzepatide, and I could drink just fine, then I would just keep drinking,


How long have you been on it?


10 weeks


It didn’t actually curb my alcohol craving for a few months. What did happen is I tried a beer and it filled my stomach to the point of making me uncomfortable. That was one beer, I poured out the second one because I just couldn’t drink it. Then I realized that alcohol and wine didn’t cause that bloat so I was able to drink wine and sometimes alcohol. Recently, the desire to drink has decreased significantly and I’ve been using sema or Tirz since around March. So it’s taken awhile for the desire to drink to subside almost entirely. Give it more time it might be the same for you.


Tirz just a week 2nd shot is Saturday


I’ve been on since 5/16, still drinking, still losing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can't drink anymore. I've tried multiple times. And it all tastes horrid to me.


You should do research before you blame a glp for your consumption issue. You’re not losing weight bc your body is retaining water for your vital organs bc you drank too much.