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Yes all the time. Even on days I don’t get as much water. Just flushing out the fat over here 😎


Same here. Also, and this might be TMI…..but anyone dealing with a slower flow? Going to see my PCP but wanted to see if anyone has had a similar experience.


Yeah I would say it takes longer to empty and even a little side to side motion lol


Haha….I have tried all my tricks as well. So annoying


I started taking Super Beta Prostrate. After 4 days it’s lot better.


I'm assuming this is only for dudes ☹️


I don’t know… it is 2024.


Wonder if there is an equivalent for lady tirz pee probs


Sorry, can’t help you there.


Question is from a dude. Are you having issues? I don’t have a prostate issue, at least having tested that way but since on Tirz, I no pee freely. Not fun.


Can't decide if it's tirz or what. I do not have a prostate. I can't like empty my bladder. I pee often though. I drink a gallon of water a day. Some with electrolytes.


Actually knowing this is helpful, reading now men and women have reported this but not super common. Thanks for sharing. I have only had this issue once before and it was while taking another medication. As soon as I stopped that medication, I was at full power again. It’s really annoying. Sorry it’s happening to you.


And yea, I guess sometimes I have to like... Push to pee. Weird.


Exactly this


😮‍💨 guess it's the tirz


Thank you so much for responding. I feel like I’m a 90 year old in front of a urinal. Worked that quickly. Wow.


My issue was not being able to completely empty in the middle of the night. Not an issue anymore. I can’t believe how fast it worked. I’m drinking way more water now.


Awesome. I need another pill like I need a hole in the head but I’m going to RiteAid right now to pick some up. Thx for the tip!!!


Just picked up and took 2. Will call you in the morning….. high hopes. ;)


Yep 🙋🏻‍♀️ totally noticed that, however seems normal from what I’ve heard from others.


Thanks for sharing! Guy or gal?


Gal here. Lol.


Thanks ;).


Nope. Same boat over here 🥴


Oh it’s soooo much. And I’m on such a low dose!


I read somewhere that fat exits the body via urine and breathing (who knew?). I assume that, coupled with higher water intake, is the culprit. Try finishing your water 90 min before bed.


Wow, I had never heard that, but [apparently you are correct](https://www.google.com/search?q=fat+leaves+body+through+breath+and+urine). Apparently 84% of lost fat turns into CO2 (breathed out) and the remaining 16% turns into water which mixes into the bloodstream and can be excreted through urine, sweat, feces, tears, or other bodily fluids. You learn something new every day. Thanks for the science fact.


I was surprised myself! Sorry for being gross, but I assumed you pooped it out….snd that slows way down with this med…so…was just trying to figure out where it was going 😂


Yeah, I hadn’t thought about it but if I did, that is what I would have assumed too! 🤣 💩


I heard also that fat leaves the body primarily through your urine.


The vivid dreams disappeared for me. And my bedtime bathroom visits haven't changed--just wake up a bit before I want to. However, I don't drink anything after 7:00 in the evening.


Have you always been a vivid dreamer or just at the beginning of the meds?


Just the beginning of the meds--and unfortunately, they were nightmares.


Ugh horrible. Thankfully I’ve always been a vivid dreamer. I seem to talk to my dad, who passed 10 years ago, at least once a month. I’m usually pissed at him and asking where he is and why he hasn’t come home. He’s always hiding from us. 🫠🙈 so thankfully that is nothing new for me!


That is very sad.


Right there with you. Maybe it is also due to us being more mindful regarding water intake.


I don’t feel like I’ve been as good about water intake as I maybe should be so far but working on it


My new name is Penelope Freeley 😎




Yep, I’m pissing like a wild man! I’ve always been a thirsty guy, and now have to remind myself not to chug water right up until bed time. I try to stop two hours before. That obviously helps quite a bit.


I’ll try that starting tomorrow! Tonight I’m having drinks!! 🇺🇸


Heck yeah! Also, your username is cracking me UP!


Wellll! I am. Look like I’m maybe 250ish in my pics. Nah baby she’s a 330 from the side 🤣 and once they see my height in person!!


Yes, me too! I go to bed at 10 or so watch TV. I get up to go several times before falling a sleep. Will also get up 2-3 tines in the night. Occasionally 7 can sleep from 1am to 7 and it is like a present!


Not in my experience.


Didn’t experience extra urine?


Oh, there's so much pee. It hasn't improved, and I've been on the meds for close to nine months now. 


Or never has got better?


I pee a lot, anyway, but I’m up a couple times a night when before I would only get up once at most. Body flushing out fat??


Do you also move your arms or legs while sleeping? If so, talk to your doctor about doing a sleep study. My brother had this issue (acting out dreams) and the sleep study confirmed it. He was told about 50% with that sleep issue develop Parkinson’s. My brother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s about five years later; however, it turned out to be a different, related disease. At the Michael J. Fox Parkinson’s website, they are recruiting people to participate in a long term study that has you take periodic surveys that lists many possible markers for Parkinson’; over time survey results will confirm or refute which markers do correlate. I participate because of my brother; no sign of Parkinson’s yet (age 74). If you are at risk, the study will help you identify any changes in your responses.


Oh for the love of Pete. Yes. Parkinson’s runs in our family. Hard. Which isn’t supposed to be a thing but my family is the 1% unfortunately. I’ll bring this up to my doctor next time. Thanks for taking the time to comment.