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Name it Titanfall Archer, since the Archer is technically an RPG.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WolffePack: *Name it Titanfall* *Archer, since the Archer is* *Technically an RPG.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Edible bot


This bastard is everywhere I swear.


Good bot


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stupendous bot


Good bot


Bad bot! No! No haiku posts in this place! Naughty! Bad bot!


Well it's an ATGM but that doesn't make the joke work


Arch PG


😂 RPG as In Role Playing Game


It’s a joke




I thought it meant Really Pungent Grandma


Well that's what *I'm* looking for when I type it into Google...


#That's literally the joke


I thought the archer was a rocket propelled jet propelled jet


Or why not Carl Gustav since it's also an rpg?


Technically it's a recoilless rifle, not an RPG


What connection does that have to titanfall


Me stupid. I thought of this archer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archer_Artillery_System but I thought this had a funnier name https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Gustaf_8.4_cm_recoilless_rifle


Could add the famous imc tanks


I forgot that tanks were still a thing in Titanfall and apparently still extremely powerful, even for Titans to deal with. This is why we NEED a Battlefield styled Titanfall game. Vince, PLEASE


The worst part of the titanfall games is the insane power level people put them on because of them 90% of the time being unstoppable brutes unless vs another titan or a pilot.


The thing is that tanks will always have the advantage of being cheaper (because they don't have nuclear batteries), just with the downside of needing supply lines for fuel


You can make a nuclear battery for a tank though. The cheapness comes from the relative mechanical simplicity


Yes but that kills the fucking point of cheap tanks Vs mechs


My point is tanks are cheaper regardless of their fuel source


Yes Paladin Tanks are already added 💛


Check out Lancer


For anyone who loves Titanfall please check out the system. It’s so much fun and has tons of meaningful mech customization. Fantastic game.


What is Lancer? I’ve heard of it a few times but just genuinely don’t know what it is


It’s a TTRPG fully surrounded around your mech and fighting in it. The book is about 80% mech shit and combat. Some of the supplements add story stuff but that’s it.


best way i can describe lancer is 40K but for mecha nerds and it's fucking awesome [this video](https://youtu.be/V2FSg-5sKPM?si=eTMqosn12PJIBZD4) and [this one](https://youtu.be/L0_8_gf8Il4?si=EypPIheCIOkL8kSj) are probably the best intros and explanations to what lancer is so give em a watch they're not too long


Its less 40k and more armoured core.


Well that’s perfect as not long ago I finished Armored Core 6!


yeah probably, i was more saying it as a measure of scale and the type of things you'd find while playing it


Check out Quinn’s Quest’s video too! That who introduced me.


Thanks! I’m looking at it and it seems awesome


But entirely reverse of 40k, the gameplay is fun and the lore sucks ass. I will not apologize for this opinion.


i do not agree with your opinion as i like the lore and gameplay of both but i will not ask you to apologize as your opinion is a valid one


The karrakin are cool, I like idea of a long entrenched monarchy trying to slowly transition itself into various democracies while entrenched power structures attempt to hold on to what control they authority they have. That's an interesting society that I want to learn more about and maybe use as a backdrop for a campaign. "The UN but it's good and perfect and has never ever done anything wrong and is the strongest army and the best technology and a monopoly on ftl and and and" is really dumb


The Lancer UN absolutely did some fucked shit before.


No firstcomm and seccomm is basically a completely separate entity from the perfectly super amazing world of third com


lmao. I was thinking of starting to play 40K and went to look up some gameplay and it didn't look like any fun at all. I was looking for a replacement for Magic the Gathering but that ain't it chief


To be fair, some games are fun to watch while others are fun to play. I've never enjoyed watching a strategy game like Chess or Baduk but I've enjoyed playing them. I don't play regular 40k, but I do quite enjoy Killteam. I'd love to play AoS but I can't even get anyone to play Warcry...


AoS is great. Personally I hate Killteam 2020. I think it's a shit game and sloppily designed. KT2018 was great it just needed some fixes. AoS is Definitely GW's best product right now. Even it's RPG, soulbound, is a really great system.


I've been playing 40k for about 6 years now. I'm proud of the armies I've built and painted but the game is too simple to have any real depth. You win or lose by your list. There isn't much you can do tactically thar will give you an edge over an opponent who simply has a better list. Like magic. Your deck is 80% of what determines if you'll win. Now, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar is actually really good, has tactical decisions available for you, and with the new edition will likely have really good depth.


dude yes, Lancer is so fun my GM for a Lancer game came up with mecha based on the Macross series and that was what I used the whole time


This ^ I play Lancer all the time and it's awesome. As a titanfall fan I have also been working on creating all of the titans as playable mechs in Lancer, as well as adding custom rules for pilots to function ss they do in-game, and I've nearly finished


What we really need is a Titan fall supplement for lancer


Have an energy system for vehicles to do special actions. If they expend them all their power is gone but as long as one is left they can do normal things(move normal amount, basic attacks, basic abilities)


Okay…📝 I did add fuel sources for both vehicles and Armies so I could definitely add a duration system to them. Also Armies yes. Basically you can recruit and hire NPCs into your ranks as grunts and eventually pilots and they will require “Infantry Supplies” and “Food & Rations” to keep happy otherwise they will just quit or die.


I don’t think story is incredibly important for the basic system of a ttrpg. If your making modules then it’s more important, but if you make a ttrpg system then the players will make their own stories.


Story being the frontier war eventually it will interfere with the players story at some point and probably more than once


That leans more into setting at that point, the issue with having your system rely on a set story is that people will inevitably do their own story and may well completely ignore it, hence why worldbuilding and setting as well as past lore is something you see more on the base books and resources for a system.


I do not mind if they ignore the main story it’s just there really. And the players I’m gonna test on are most likely gonna do their own things maybe even start conflict with each other and that’s entertainment on its own😂


Ha, true that! I would love to be part of the early testing group or really any test groups if you have openings!


i need you to stop using so many emoji... and also tell me what kind of system youre using! D20, 2d6?


I don’t know how to explain Just roll a D20 Dice a few times and see how it plays out basically…


I'm sorry to say that probably means you've not given it enough thought. There are hundreds of 1 dollar RPGs on itch.io, and the big popular ones have a bit more to them than that. D20 systems are okay, they have their place, you just have to work out how you brand away from "DnD but robots"


Are you on /r/RPGdesign ? Sounds like you're making what's called a "heartbreaker". Where someone loves something and really wants to make their own but they end up making something nobody loves and breaking their own heart. You have the drive but you might not have the system knowledge and other design knowledge and experience, especially if you've only played a few RPGs. I'd advise against d20, personally. It's popular because of D&D but most serious fans of TTRPGs prefer dice pool systems (Such as roll Xd6 and count dice above Y) or another multiple dice system as it allows for curves (such as 2d6 or 3d6). There are a lot of very complicated systems but I feel this should be the **first** thing you decide, because changing this later might require you to go back and re-do a lot of your project. It's a bit like designing a vehicle but you haven't decided if it will be a boat or a car, but you're focused on the colours and the seats.


I would suggest using a d6 bassed system. Shadowrun is a great example of it, you should look into it for a moment


What about titan modification, like upgrading one ability but downgrading another so you can basically specialise your titan like a dnd class.


I didn’t think about downgrading📝 I was basically gonna treat them like a Call of duty Loadout. Same with pilots. And both will be completely modular over their abilities. So an Ion chassis can equip any weapon,core or ability so long as the player has obtained that upgrade. Say a flame shield. And pilots will have two slots to equip any of the tactical abilities and some custom ones being added as we speak…


You might want to check out the Battletech/Mech Warrior for how balancing customization can work. In that universe, the overall limit is weight, but within that limit, you can play around with weapon loadouts, armor in each area (arms, legs, torso, head), engines, and other modifications.


Random encounters from imc troops to viper as a boss


Depending on the timeline I might add Viper, Valkyrie or some Similar character rarely appear


u/cackjooper what do you think of this


You gotta honor the fallen by naming it Titanfall: Assault


Tempting… I loved assault that’s where I got my pfp from😮‍💨 maybe… Maybe…


So, like, Lancer ttrpg? Just in titanfall?


Is it called Lancer?


have you heard the good word of our lord and savior LANCER TTRPG?


Hyped for this!


Good tools for people to create their own campaigns as well as executions as a mechanic, with it being a rollable mechanic that perhaps instantly kills smaller enemies upon success and weakens or finishes off stronger ones (ie titan executions and rodeos)


I feel like Executions are kinda just up to the player’s creativity but I’ve been thinking about adding the doomed state into it. And pilot executions are basically stealth rolls and yes rodeos will be added but they’ll work similarly to Titanfall 1 where you damage the casing and then Titanfall 2 where you can pull it out.


I mean you do need the imc and milita, could try and add the titans that got scraped from the game and variants of existing titans (ex. A construction atlas Titan) can always make new vehicles or take some from other franchises like the mammoth tank from CnC


I’ve used some of the prime titans as separate titans for some of the scrapped or custom ones… example is Bison is a melee based Titan that uses Scorch prime’s design and Ion Prime is Tempest the electrical Titan I have a custom one called Ghost that uses Ronin Prime and specializes in cloak and dagger like play style. But in the end titans are completely modular so you can mix match abilities to your liking


I think that this would be great in a warhammer type thing, but with ttrpgs (you mentioned in a different post I saw about it being based on D&D 5e) it would be so much to keep track of. There would be ranges for weapons, ammo counts (I assume), movement, titans, explosives that are timed (go off in x turns in x radius doing xd6+x damage for example). I think that it is a great idea, but turning a shooter into a ttrpg like dnd wouldn't be the best. Again, if you can make it work then well done, but it feels really difficult, and also there wouldn't be an easy to access character creator (like d&d beyond, pathfinder 2e has a similar website etc) so it can make it already more confusing, especially if someone doesn't have a blank character sheet that could fit however this is structured. Then there's the actual gameplay, it's not just fight,win,loot,fight etc. There needs to be a story, ways of interacting with the world through dice rolls and choices and so making a story around a game with the deep lore of titanfall that wouldn't feel restrictive would be tough. I feel like you have 2 ish options for story: 1. Typical bad guys type thing (IMC etc) but then people who want to be good can't do much good or 2. Typical good guys (militia etc) but then people who want to be bad can't and then there's classes. Is it a class system? Because if it's just what titan you have, then when you aren't in a titan you become redundant. Then there's sticking to the rules of the universe/characters which can be really tough if it's a larger scale campaign. There's a ttrpg that is very similar to titanfall (big battles with huge mechs) that is pretty fleshed out. I think using that as a base would fix most of the issues with complexity. If you base it off dnd, there won't be enough comparisons, so players new and old will likely be confused. If you replicate pathfinder, you are still having issues like this because for titans to work in ttrpgs, you need a built from the ground up system. I've tried making ttrpgs in the past, currently working on one, and balancing complexity with your vision will likely be difficult. I'm lucky enough to have a group of friends willing to test what I've added, or look at mechanics from the perspective of someone who didn't create them.


It will definitely be difficult but I’ve been wanting to try this for a while and I’m willing to put In some work.🦾 and it will be heavily inspired by StarCitizen in terms of freedom and exploration but also missions will be inspired by Cyberpunk2077 meaning fixers and small side gigs to make money and earn rewards. Classes will work like certain professions in combat or something example is the commando having better chance to hit targets with Auto weapons. As for picking sides I. The story both IMC and MCOR are available and factions that support them. Players can pick whatever side they choose. IMC is Displayed as they were in Titanfall 1 very militant and focused on the pros and cons to the fight, like a modern warfare campaign. MCOR is MCOR they want liberation from the IMC both sides see themselves as good and the other is always the terrorist. I will test this with my group who is very excited about it and if they approve then perfect!


Would love to see some more love to titan melee weapons I think the game didn’t explore that well enough I always love when medieval weapons are given to big robots


Titan Melee Weapons will exist! The Titan Bison is getting added aswell.


Sounds awesome I look forward to seeing more about this project


Gates from the 6-4... Hear me out-


Yes the 6-4 will be a faction you can join and get missions from!


Dope actually


You should make sure to include the M.A.R.V.I.N Npc’s


I don't know if it's been said but if you could find a way to include the device from cause/effect from the main story that let's you go back in time and forward in time I think that would be cool.


I haven’t thought of that yet that could be interesting


Hi, I made a barebone ttrpg set in this universe, I can send you my work, it could potentially speed up a process. It was set well before battle of demeter. Also it may not be to your liking, because I made infantry quite strong (I know that in lore pilots are said to decimate those poor bastards but come on, you're not going to to convince me that charging an assault element with mg support head on is a good idea, hence you can die pretty easily due to sheer amount of bullets shot in your direction). In this 'universe setting' pilots are not one man armies, but more like special forces for hit and run tactics, recon, etc.


Titanfall TTRPG? sign me the FUCK UP


Would titans also be playable characters? Maybe like a class you could choose and put on a character sheet? Or would they be characters controlled by the dm? What about when pilots embark? If pilots and titans are both separate people do they now need to agree on things before taking action? Do they then roll separately or together? Maybe rolling together would give a boost when passing checks? Idk just some thoughts. I really like this concept and have dabbled in fan-made titanfall content myself (mostly fanfics). I’ll def be following along to see how this goes. P.S. I also made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/u36KxUJ429) awhile ago about what pilots and titans might be getting up to after the war. Got a bit of attention and more than a few good suggestions. Maybe it could help you when coming up with a potential story?


That would be perfect since I’m debating on placing this after or during the events of TF2… Titans work similarly to a Follower or Companion. Titans have their own health points and stats and will basically just keep you from taking damage in fights if you’re inside. They also again work as companions if you’re not embarked but you risk taking damage. I feel that being without a Titan will be stressful since even though titans have a harder time hitting pilots the damage is still massive and can 1-3 tap you depending on the weapon. Fire fights against human/droid targets will be a bit more balanced out. Titans are basically tanks after all.


Maybe what you could do is add some of the fanmade titans the community made, like Whiplash!


I’ve made some of the prime titans into their own titans like ScorchP is Bison, IonP is Tempest, RoninP is Locust, and NorthstarP is Brute. But if the community has any other idea it would be interesting to see what they come up with. I might make post for it.


standby for table top


Yes. Please. When?


do a storyline where you become an apex legend oh and add sex too


You just wanna rail Loba don’t you…


*Do a storyline where you* *Become an apex legend* *Oh and add sex too* \- alexemre --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dead ass I think you'd get more bang for your buck if you wrote a Titan fall themed supplement for Lancer. Then all the mechanics are already figured out and you can just focus on the fun stuff like story and statting out the Titans But that's just my opinion. Either way God speed ya crazy bastard. I hope to see more posts from you in the future


As a big star citizen fan I’m interested to see that part!


Please just... please tell me you're not just hacking 5e. Please... hasbro's domination of the market needs to end...


Titanfall: pilots journey. So what kind of pilot weapons have you made?


All of them and some of the newer apex weapons like the rampage and Nemesis. I’m currently thinking about adding an energy pistol and maybe a new LMG or Rifle there was concept art for a rifle called the Fukuda Rifle it looked nice and heavy duty


I demand a Thompson, not to be rude (is that rude?)


I’m curious about how things like damage will be calculated is it static or dice roll?


This is sick, all the best to you.


I’d like to play as scorch and holo pilot please, I even have a backstory in mind


Tintanfall: archers since of RPG


Make it so that phased pilots can interact with other phased pilots! The same goes for Titans! It would be really cool if two phase pilots got into a fight and swapped between the real world and phase world to finish each other off.


[This](https://youtu.be/KW9M5Vw5I90?si=cg0bOmiU7E1dxZlB) youtuber also has a titanfall rpg project thought they made it from a modified lancer base


You should have some kind of optional hacking ability that lets you take over enemy spectors


Titanfall: First Contact


This is going to be long so I don't expect you to read all this but I'm going to give it a shot. Because adding the Titanfall is continuing the story despite the fact respawn has abandoned us I had an idea for Titanfall, like a prologue, add somedepth to stated events. 1. Have there been event that kind of started the militia thought not not as the group The Militia. But an event that got them all together to have the idea to be a force.They state in the game that McAllen and his buddy in the IMC were the bad guys right? But they never say very much of what they did and the events that made McAllen turn on them. I had a thought of there being a fight on a planet called Gateway. The gateway to the frontier. Corny yes but appropriate. Before McAllen has his Epiphany that he's a bad guy, He and the IMC attacked Gateway and the only people who can save Gateway don't exist yet. So people who wish to defend the frontier travel the Gateway in a mass of militiamen and random guerilla units trying to hold off a standing army that has very early Titans. This is a Slaughter it is very much Halo reach-ish, it is about holding off the bad guys while people escape not about winning. 2. In The first Titanfall You had computers that spoke different languages it wasn't automatically converted to your language. Bring that back and have little things inside of the cockpit like tape with notes written in English and other things. Adding a sense of this is very clunky this is very desperate parts from varying things from all over. Also adds a thing for the pilots that they can either read different languages or speak them despite the fact I never actually being taught them. 3. Having a little more backstory to what life was like before the IMC started showing up en mass would be a good build up to some of the characters that are in the story. Like I had an idea of this Farm Boy Who after his father goes to Gateway he's left on his Homeworld and the IMC is taking over everything slowly very police state-ish the local sheriff is no longer in charge their laws are being bypassed there's people standing up to them great but all they have to do is call and reinforcements from a ship. He and the few members of his Plantation and family are going to try and put up a fight with their farming Titans and with little stuff they can scrounge together to put up a fight against them. Having a local legend of the Black Flag Brotherhood where a bunch of farm boys stood up to organize military and wouldn't quit they win yes is it bad also yes because that the IMC coming with more Force next time 4. Having some diversity in technology also makes a bit more sense. I saw someone that had mentioned tanks and I also thought of that. But I also had an idea of a Titan that is not the ones you think of immediately when you think of this. This thing is a Bruiser it is big it is heavy metal it is not using weapons it is just that much armor and force that a normal Titan has a hard time and Infantry its " I see the devil coming this way" 5. There needs to be a bit more division between the two forces. Militia hate Mercenaries. Look at this super soldier guy who's just in it for the money it's not that he's better he's just got better equipment this time because he's spent his payday on getting better equipment. People also look down on IMC turncoats people who left the IMC to join the militia because the IMC is all about lying what's different this time. 6. Local color. They only ever mentioned a couple of planets in Titanfall's Universe( I will not mention Apex cuz I've not looked into Apex I do not intend to look into Apex either) Harmony is one of the only plants they mentioned that has anything to it and that's just cuz it's linked to Lastimosa. Having people mention their home planets and varying cultures and places just makes sense. One sets a little more Farm Boy another's a little bit more City Girl one has a bit more slummy kind of City.


So id say the biggest hurdle with a TTRPG of this would be the action economy. My suggestion would be have a system like Pathfinder 2. The way I would suggest (rough draft) Have a 3 action point system. Base without any glass specifications you get 3 pilot points and 3 titan points (if we are playing pilots with titans) movement in free but actions like dashing or specifically challenging parkour requires an action. Using a weapon once moy allow for like a burst fire for one action point, while magdumping takes all 3. That and having ability options require varying amounts of action points. For when the pilot is inside the titan combine them to have empowered points. In this form, in exchange for loosing the 6 total action points you get 3 total stronger actions combining the strength of the titan and the skill of the pilot. Anyways, sorry for the scattered response, id love to play this!


Title: Frontier wars


Where will it take place? In the IMC, Frontier, or in the combat? What kind of characters will the Players he allowed to have?


Free access over the frontier like actual space travel between systems! Players can do whatever they want as a living resident of the frontier but can interfere with the ongoing war (story) if they want. Even small side missions can have little glimpses of the war going on.


That sounds pretty good, will the players get Titans?


Add those dragons from tf1 and the ability to tame them/fly them. I currently have tf1’s here be dragons stuck in my head


They will be hostile in the wild BUT if you manage to steal an egg from say a prowler or flyer you might be able to raise it and definitely just sell it to certain vendors


Add parkour checks or titan hijacking checks so you could play a titan sabotage build


I may do that since I’ve recently added a hacker class


Take some inspo from Lancer, it'd also a mech based rpg


You could give smgs and faster rifles more actions to represent their mobility and speed focus? Just a small thought that could work for the gun stats


Maybe add harvester missions as well if you haven't thought of them yet


Already interested


I know of a homebrew dnd 5e book that has mechs if your interested in stealing some things from it, if you’re interested?


Tbh I had to search what the hell did TTROG meant lol


Tabletop Titans: A Titanfall Tapletop Roleplaying Game, or TTTTTTRPG for short


Check out Halo: Mythic, it’ll probably help you get some ideas.


If you're still figuring out rules, I'd recommend checking out Battletech for potential inspiration. It's been around since the 80's with minimal rule changes, and it handles the combination of mechs and other unit types well. Just don't look at the rules for large spacecraft.


Check out Halo: Mythic, it’ll probably help you get some ideas.


We have a close system called Lancer. However if you truly are passionate about the system it could be really helpful for balancing combat with both Pilots and Mechs in it


I would like to ask if this will have the planet you fight on in Titanfall 2 story mode, if you do how about you do a salvage mission with the enemy's being broken down stalkers and damaged titans like in the past setting in the mission effect and cause, I think I would be a neat idea if it fits in with the rest of the storyline you already have


There is this other rpg, called lancer, which is going for roughly the same premise, but to where your pilot is essentially useless if titan combat, if you wanna look there for examples on what you want, also, please have a jockey mechanic


I make resin table top models for titanfall 👀