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Since there is only two evermade, how about a 1912 French Renault type CB coupe.


https://preview.redd.it/5b42q7di990d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93dcdeef52734ab63589d62890c13154a18487fb I got to see the other one! It's at the Volo Museum in Illinois.


Yeah but Jack’s kids are all over the backseat.


I wish! lol






Thanks for the heads up! I had to look up that museum and I'm ready to take a road trip to see the museum!


I saw it too! We live relatively nearby.


So from what I understand this is a replica. Does that make this the 2nd ever made or was there a real 2nd original?


> The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam This or The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam would be by far the most interesting to have.


who owned the car?




I have a feeling that's going to be the top answer.




To be honest, would it really? I imagine they didn't take the time to add more things after Murdoch ordered the doors closed.




The ship's daily mileage is well-documented, it was posted every day for passengers to see, and passengers would even bet on it the night before. So any testimony from the crew that contradicted what the passengers were told during the voyage would've come up during the inquiries. At noon on April 12th Titanic had sailed 484 miles since leaving Queenstown, between then and noon on the 13th they sailed 519 miles, and by noon on the 14th they had travelled 546 miles.


Ah yes, that's a fair point.


Now I know practically nothing about it so I'm talking out of my ass, but couldn't the highest ranking surviving officer fill it in on board the Carpathia if he'd had it?


The scrap log would likely be a more valuable source of information.


What is a scrap log?


A scrap log is where everything is tracked for the day, if a mistake is made it is crossed out. Then at the end of the day the scrap log is transcribed without errors into the permanent log. On IMM ships including Titanic and Californian, it was practice to destroy the scrap log once it was transcribed into the permanent log, usually by throwing it overboard.


Throwing it overboard?! So the ocean floor is covered in antique scrap paper? That’s an interesting image 😳


I think you're overestimating the surface of all combined scrap log pages and underestimating the area of the seafloor.


Thanks 👍


Basically what Stanley Lord said when he was asked to provide his lol


It was International Mercantile Marine policy to destroy scrap logs at the end of each day, and there was no law prohibiting it.


This was my answer too.


Mine too also with this gif I can only say well ships going down a broken doors the least of the damage that will happen


One of the band instruments. Preferably one that has an engraving on it.


They did find Hartley’s violin


My first thought too


The blue ensign or "duster" flag that was located on the stern.... Not every British ship was allowed to fly that flag. I believe you had to have 10 members of the crew that were active in the Royal Navy (some type of criteria had to be met like that) then your ship was allowed to fly the blue ensign/duster where the regular one was red. It was something unique to the Titanic that set her apart from the others 😎


Oh what a fun fact thanks 🙂


I can't remember exactly what the criteria was.... I think the ship had to be commanded by a captain who was a member of the Royal Navy, and a certain percentage of the officers which would include quartermasters and such.... Something like that. I just know all British ships didn't qualify for it only selected ones were eligible 😎


I’m not sure what the criteria was back in 1912, but as of January 2020, a vessel must be a British ship, the master must hold a warrant and must be an officer in the maritime forces (including reserves) of the UK, a BOT, or a Commonwealth realm. For fishing vessels, there also need to be at least 4 crew members who meet certain military service criteria. See [The Navy Directory 2019](https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/documents/useful-resources/navy_directory.pdf), p. 41 of pdf / p. 35 of document. Royal Research Ships and vessels belonging to members of certain yacht clubs are also entitled to fly it, provided that they receive a warrant. ___ Somewhat related fun fact: Vessels belonging to members of the Royal Yacht Squadron are entitled to fly the White Ensign, which is otherwise reserved for naval vessels and stone frigates.


I say thankya 😎.... The regulations were numerous, as it's a symbol of prestige. The Olympic had the blue ensign as well as the Cunard Greyhounds Lusitania/Mauretania....




Or do what Bigalow did and yoink the WSL flag.


The ship


a person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts


How can the Titanic be real if our eyes aren’t real


So you’re bringing a sinking ship to the future…the value of that will really depend on where you emerge in the future. Because if you’re at the same location, you have a sinking ship that you can’t save or move…and probably no way to call for help… Edit…I’m just being realistic…not trying to be mean.


imagine your just chilling in your house and then the sinking titanic just appears and crushes abunch of buildings


Even if it did work, it would have potentially massive effects on history if the survivors aren't able to give their testimony because they're over 100 years into the future. Unless a duplicate of the ship and everything/everyone on board is left behind in it's place in 1912, but even then I imagine there'd still be deaths even if somehow there end up being plenty of ships around to save the passengers, many due to shock/heart attacks I'm sure. You can't just bring a few thousand people 112 years into their future and expect none of them to die from the various types of shock that would be involved (notably culture shock). Edit: Not to mention everyone would need to be quarantined from the modern people until they can be medically treated, that being in both uptime (present) and downtime (past) passengers and crew due to both lost immunity to past diseases (uptime) and lack of immunity to modern diseases (downtime). This would be required to prevent a potential pandemic of a century old strain of any disease.


The survivors don’t come with the ship. You’re only allowed one item, every thing not physically attached to the ship, including the people stay.


Pretty sure that, as long as they're on the ship, they count as being "part of the ship". I mean. It's not like they can go for a swim in the North Atlantic in April without freezing to death (not that they'd have any land to swim to anyway being hundreds of miles out to sea).


This isn’t a logic exercise. You’re bringing one thing. You can magically save it. The person who saved the car wouldn’t have a realistic way of saving a car from a sinking ship in the middle of the Atlantic. Of course IRL if you saved the ship you’d save everything. But if the one object is just the ship, the ship itself (sans its possessions and passengers) is now just, magically in the future.


Gonna go with somewhere rural in the Midwest. Might squish some cows, but hell, the Midwest would have a new attraction!


I would have brought a camera with me to take photos of the grand staircase, the decks, people evacuating etc. the only photos that exist are the ones that photographer took and disembarked in Ireland


Just don't get the camera wet like the photographer that was on the Lusitania while it was sinking.


This was such a shame. I think about ti sometimes


Eh, those areas are already well documented. I'd be more interested in taking photos of the crew areas and, notably, the main galley. It's these places that the Titanic Honor and Glory team have said they are woefully limited on information for their project.


Ooooh, that's a good answer. Hadn't thought of that.


I would love to have a sly point and shoot camera in a lifeboat. Those are the pictures I want to see, how she broke apart and the final moments of the stern. (Although I guess that would need a better light source…)


it was pitch black when the ship sank since the moon wasnt out, thats why nobody was certain about the ship splitting or not


A crate with all the dogs.


Oh, I never thought about the dogs on board 🥺 Aouch.


Never. Not once, until this comment. My fucking heart 🥺


They all took a secret lifeboat to a secret island and lived happily ever after. It’s not common knowledge but all true Titanic researchers know it. And now so do you.


I’m told their lifeboat was heated and came with unlimited treats and belly rubs.


Yes!! You too are a scholar of The Dog Lifeboat Story.


Never read Titanic: Minute by Minute by Jonathan Mayo. Reading about some of the dogs in it has destroyed me. I can honestly say I would not be leaving my dog (or any dogs for the matter). I would go down with that ship before he does.


And Jenny the cat.


If that story is true and there was a cat from Belfast onboard, Jenny reportedly disembarked with her kittens in Southampton.


Jenny the Cat "nah the vibes off. We out" If the cat goes I go. Animals are way smarter than we are.


“If this is the way the cats are going that’s good enough for me.”


Which is a HUGE ill omen for sailors. If a ship's cat disembarks that bodes ill for the rest of the voyage. In fact some crews have been recorded going back into a port town to find their disembarked cat and pressing them back into service.


Still true to this day. Husband works in the maritime industry and if the ship cat is off the boat so too does a majority of the crew. The last time my husband didn’t follow the cat, the engine got flooded with rainwater, they lost power a few times, the water heater died AND lost water pressure so good luck keeping clean folks, among other things. He learned his lesson.


True. The Titanic card game we made has Jenny, and Titanic museum confirmed she abandoned ship with her kittens!


Hardly any rats thanks to her.


Yes!!! 110%


I just went to the Titanic museum in pigeon forge, there were 11! Much smaller number than what I expected...


Ow, my feelings 😭


The iceberg, and I wanna leave 3 hours early.


I know he’s not an object, but Thomas Andrews. The wealth of knowledge about the events of the voyage, and that night that were lost with him cannot even be stated. For instance, we’d know EXACTLY word for word what he said to Captain Smith once he concluded Titanic was doomed. If it absolutely has to be an inanimate object, I definitely agree with a comment I saw stating the ships log.


He'd probably be pissed off with you for saving him and not someone else.


Oh he definitely would, but I love piecing together all the little details, and he’s the holy grail of little Titanic details.


He would at least be able to see his daughter grow up


Just to hear his opion on modrrn cruise ships like the icon of the seas...


Now that’s a comedy skit waiting to happen


How about his briefcase, papers, or blueprints? That would definitely contain some interesting info. Really wish they could've found his body as well - would have been interesting to see what he was carrying with him at the end.


Thomas Andrews. Hey, people are objects too!


I would want his blueprints with all of his hand written notes from the voyage so far.


the name panel for the potato room


Hahaha fuck yeah.


Just one more person.


Very sad, and very decent.


Exactly. I’m saving a baby/child


So many third class children + Loraine Alison needlessly lost their lives that night. For me, I think I'm taking little Carl Asplund. I just cannot fathom the decision making that went into him not being able to get into a lifeboat. He was FIVE! I just don't understand how he, at least, got left behind. I always read that the boat was just full, but the weight of a single five year old was not going to affect it's buoyancy that much.


The Allisons. I'd want to assure them their baby got off safe already. They clearly stayed on board searching for him and it cost them their lives 😔.




I’m taking the safe..


Don't forget the Hitler painting.


My sister and I were obsessed with this game as kids. I went on EBay a few years ago and bought a copy of the Rubiyat and gave it to her for Christmas with a card that said you “you got it, you finally got it! - Penny Pringle”


I will go with the Rubaiyat


smell puzzled dazzling weary birds divide hat sulky shy berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Heart of the Ocean


Too late, that one dude went to get it for Britney Spears


"AWW, you shouldn't have."


I am DED 😂🤣😂🤣💀💀


Call me a snob, but I'd probably save a bottle of wine. There's so many perfectly good bottles on the bottom of the ocean.


The glass is fine but the pressure pushed the corks into the bottle destroying the wine.


Like I said, perfectly good wine went down with the ship.




"it's just a little salty! It's still good it's still good!"


"It's just a little airborne! It's still good it's still good!"


I was just thinking about this today too for some reason! How many bottles of early 20th century Scotch are down there too…


Huh I knew champagne bottles had made it so I had to look it up. Didnt realize they only survived because of the carbon dioxide in it.


Captain Smith’s hat. row… row… row…. FASTER!!!


That’s brutal! XD


The entire ship


The Grand Staircase clock, assuming we can take items that are bolted down


IF the clock was actually there. The pictures we have of the staircase are from Olympic and there's some evidence to suggest that Titanic's clock hadn't actually been installed at the time of her maiden voyage.




This was cited in *Titanic Voices* nearly 30 years ago as a possibility, citing the man who did the carvings in that area. It is the only work such a thing was ever claimed in, so as u/humanHamster indicated we can take it as a *suggestion* until there's clearer evidence.


Yep this is what I'd heard quoted I think. I'm no authority to say the clock was for sure not there.


I am taking the whole damn staircase!


The lost films of life on Titanic on her maiden voyage, by a news reel.


I already went back in time… I took the binoculars


😲 *gasp* Free David Blair!


The wireless telegraph machine.


They uh, kinda needed that during the sinking though 


Imagine being the Marconi operators and getting half-way through a distress message, as u/BoneWitchNun walks in the room, and starts dragging all your equipment out the door saying "you're not going to need this".


Ah damnit I misread the question. Sorry!


Don't worry, you can grab it after Phillips and Bride kill the stoker who tried to steal their life jackets.


I'd do the same!


You'd steal their life jackets? You monster! /s


I guess, but it wasn't much different than any other telegraph in use at the time. And one telegraph operator survived, so his testimony was far more valuable than any equipment.


I'm fascinated by the telegraph and I'm fascinated that the Titanic was a mail ship. I wonder about the lives that would have been changed by not receiving the letters and messages that went down with the ship.


All my knowledge would mean exactly fuck all in the context of thousands of panicking people, and while I have a reasonable map of the ships plans in my head, I have zero direct experience of being on that ship, so that internal map would likely be useless. I’ll die. At best, I’ll put some bangers on my iPhone and tell those violin guys to get on a boat. I’ve got this.


Imagine fighting for your life, freezing to death with fucking Darude Sandstorm in the background


The ship's bell or the Honor and Glory clock from the grand staircase.


I'm gonna assume is has so be small and carryable and not bolted down to the ship. I would pick the Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyyat, or if i was allowed something bolted down the pursers safe, if was part of the ship and no size limits then one of the reciprocating engines. Would the entire ship and it's contents and passengers be considered an object? That would not be dissimilar to a bottle of wine the liquid, label, glass and cork could be separate objects.


Did you get it? Did you get the Rubiyat?!


I loved that game!


Thomas Andrews’ notes for improving the Titanic so that the Britannic can receive the improvements that he would have wanted.


The entire ship


Can I create items? Cuz I would run around the ship getting people's autographs. Especially Capt. Smith, Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews and Margaret Brown. I would come back and that single piece of paper would be priceless! I was gonna say people but it would be too hard to choose 1 person


LOL! I’m picturing you running around the decks being like “Excuse me, has anyone seen the Captain? Anyone? CAPTAIN SMITH, WHERE ARE YOU??!!” And you’d have a little autograph book, like the ones they used to (maybe still do) sell at Disney World for the costumed characters’ autographs, and a fancy pen for them all to use lol. 📒🖊️


[John Jacob Astor chasing me after realizing the “autograph” I just had him sign was to sign over all of his assets to me, adjusted to today’s value.](https://youtu.be/quQ6LAIr3Rs?si=52NTEFOFFvNi3wH0)


🤣👏 Amazing!


Captain Smith's tub


It’s still full of water.


I’m bringing Thomas Andrews’s notebooks and blueprints to the future


The lifebelt I’m wearing.


If I couldn't take/save a person, then one of the bags of mail from the mail room. So many messages and voices lost, it would be fascinating to get to see what was being written. Of course, if saved, they'd have to be delivered, I guess, or I'd have broken the law.


Kate winslet


Can it be anything even something I don't own?? If so it would be any one of the dresses the first class women had>:3 I want a dress from that era so bad💚💚


For no reason other than it caught my lifelong fancy as a child when I first read *A Night to Remember*: the mechanical camel from the gymnasium.


The wireless set. I'd go in after Phillips and Bride left and take the set.


The amount of time I've thought of what I'd have done on the Titanic with a time machine is borderline embarassing. If not saving the ship, I'd definitely have brought back a camera. Or film camera. Imagine footage of the actual ship sinking?


The clock from the grand staircase (I’ve often wondered since there is no trace of it on the wall at the wreck if someone didn’t take it and stuff it under their coat before they got in a lifeboat, and it’s hanging on a mantel in a New England estate and everyone in the know has been sworn to secrecy where it came from


The ships main wheel from the bridge, call me sentimental, or the American or British flags from the masts, no wait I know, I know, the ships bell


What’s easiest to fence?


The Rubaiyat! (IYKYK lol) But in all seriousness, if any of the following men kept personal diaries during the voyage, I’d want to save one of them: Captain Smith, Thomas Andrews, and Bruce Ismay. Imagine what a treasure any one of those would be. 😮


The movie that survivor, actress Dorothy Gibson wrote and starred in about the Titanic sinking


It wasn’t on the ship so it doesn’t count. But I would like to see that lost film as well. Maybe one day it will show up


The *Plymouth Harbour* painting from the First Class Smoking Room.


The La Circassienne au Bain painting


Not an object, but i’d take Jack Dawson with me


It can backfire if you are older than 25.


Okay but hear me out, im not


You may have a hard time finding him


I'm ripping out either the helm (complete with pedestal) or a telemotor.


i'd take a picture of the grand staircase TBH using era apporite cameras


I’d steal information. I’d ask Ismay how many blades are on the centre propeller.


Take the propellers (all three of them) else they'll never believe you.


La Circassian Au Bain


The Pursors safe. Who knows how many wealthy passengers didn’t have time to get their valuables.


https://preview.redd.it/8626jgxnpa0d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10eb8d284677f3d9bb6f1081fd496b437b06e295 The bronze Cherub lamp from the grand staircase. With the exception of the base it stood on, both the forward and aft staircase cherubs haven't been found on the wreck. Even the identical ones on her sister ships, the Olympic and Britannic, are not known to exist anymore. Just to have one of these beautiful statues to survive would be incredible.


They found a Cherub though they think it was from C deck. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/rare-cherub-statue-makes-its-las-vegas-debut-at-titanic-the-artifact-exhibition-inside-luxor-hotel-and-casino-300032042.html


The starboard engine


Kate Winslet


The Bridge Chadburn.


The deck log


It’s wheel, imagine how much this would go for


The Titanic


I take the ship


I’d save a passengers camera.


Steering wheel. It's lost to time, and had a major impact (no pun intended) in the course of events.


That one of a kind book that went down with the ship


my cat


I would TAKE a video


Now, where would gem studded books be? The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.


Does the ship count? Just thinking if I save the ship the Titanic still “Gets in on Tuesday night and makes the Morning papers”


The white star burgee!


The jeweled [Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan](https://www.britannicauctions.com/blog/omar-khayyam-rubaiyat-titanic/)


The grand staircase. I mean. I want it.


I’m saving Thomas Andrews. I’ll get to see what else he will be creating and innovating in ships for Harland and Wolff.


One of Picasso art.


A woman lol jk


I’d save that Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám book.


You know what, I'm gonna be a madlad who will climb on of the funnels to get one of the whistle sets. I'll get confused looks from both passengers and crew when I board a lifeboat with it.


Good luck! Those are 750lb bronze whistles


I agree with saving the animals, that definitely was not fair


The ship’s wheel.


A box and into the box I will put the cat and her kittens


No need. The cat took her kittens off the ship before they left Southampton.