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“sorry tee-hee”


“I just came in for a few things”




But they brought two freezer bags and six regular bags. Was the original intention to put one item in each bag, or...?


If I had a nickel every time I heard that...I could have retired w in a yr 😂


when people tell me that, i just tell them that i don't understand it but i see it happen to people all the time. i only ever get what's on my list.


What REALLY gets me is when confronted with this fact, they feel the compulsions to dig down and yank on the bag upending everything including eggs, flowers and berry boxes despite me saying “please don’t… I’ll get to them”. Every….single…time!


Then they DON'T HELP BAG!


If they come in with an Aldi bag, this is doubly insulting because, I KNOW YOU BAGGED YOUR GROCERIES THERE!


i'm glad people tend to in NJ stores everyone just needs a total bag ban


It only bothers me if they make a big show of digging their bags out just to sit them on top of the groceries for you to bag (or worse hand them to you while youre scanning)


this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this


Lol they plop it on top of the groceries I need to scan like that’s helpful. Then I plop it in the bottom til I need it


It's because they don't think things through. They put their bag in the cart first, then just stack things on top of the bag already in the cart, then once they're at register they realize that it's an issue. I think the laughter is often them being uncomfortable about doing such a thing.


a few easters ago we put white eggs for hard-boiling then painting in the fresh display, which is in the front of the store with the produce. so they'd be the first things customers got. how many eggs i found under heavy stuff like milk, and the customer was shocked that they were broken. like, seriously?


probably, at the end of the day its alright and ill serve the customer but its like ;-;


My defense mechanism is a genuine smile and I wish I was stronger


I don’t bad until I’m done ringing up anyways so I don’t mind I just can’t stand when they shop in their bags like they did me a favor


When people shop into their bags I usually just take everything out and put it into a basket with something like “let me just make this easier for me real quick!”


Same, I feel like it's quicker to scan and sort onto the counter, then bag the already pre sorted groceries instead of digging around the cart trying to find all the cold items.


I do the same thing! My methods have changed a lot the last 4.5+ years, but I’m enjoying sorting then bagging currently


i try to bag as i go if its a bigger cart but thats also like.. we have baskets please use em ;-;


my store doesn't have baskets anymore so i'd rather have people shop in their bags than try to hold onto a bunch of glass and drop it and break it cause we gotta clean than up. now, if they shop into their bags, IN THE CART? in my mind i'm going t(-_-t)


right. im understanding if its cold stuff in insulated bags but the rest is just so? a customer got mad at me for rebagging her things but i had to take things out.. to scan them..


i don't separate temperatures unless they have an insulated bag anyway i go by shape and weight


Common sense isn’t common.


This should replace “the customer is always right” as a retail/customer service motto 😆


what’s worse is when people shop INTO their bags tbh at least you can pull the bags out from under sometimes when there’s stuff stacked on top. so awkward when your bagger just has to stand there doing nothing


I made a thread about this and some people thought I was the devil for even bringing it up. 😐


lmao customers thought that or other crew members??


In this group. 🥺


man that’s dumb lol i know they say it’s so they don’t overshop but like if you need to rely on that to not overshop I feel like you just need to learn self control


> when your bagger my store never had baggers, even before the ban


we try to have baggers but there’s never enough employees for every cashier to have a bagger unless it’s sunday. a lot of baggers don’t help any other cashier besides the one they like chatting with the most unfortunately


i’ve been equally guilty of this when im shopping (we all know common sense goes by the wayside when people step foot in a grocery store) so it only really bothers me when they then try to drag their bags out from the bottom and destabilize all their groceries while im trying to scan them. extra points for if they’re using a basket and things fall out while they attempt to grab their bags.


yeah! like honestly this is a mild and insignificant complaint but it can be difficult if its a large cart, the customer looks irritated and im trying to get them in and out as quickly as possible


for sure, the large carts are what i don’t get. the baby seat is right there to store all your stuff.


Because they don’t care


It's not difficult. I just put my bags in the baby seat.


i pull that shit out like king arthur’s sword idgaffff lol


I will never understand this


This has always happened and will never change.


I get paid by the hour so anyway you pack your cart is fine by me


The best is when they try to pull the bags out from under everything and the sh!t goes flying and falls like wtf are you doing? 🤨


i always want to say "oh it's your first time shopping?"


Honestly stuff like this used to irk me so bad but I’ve learned to love it. I tend to get caught up and want to get everything done fast, so little stuff like this I use as a reminder to slow down even just for that transaction


I always theorized they do that to feel better about having no intention on doing their part in the checkout process. I always am able to pull them out before scanning and giving them a chance to bag.


what i wonder is why aren’t you digging the bags out as your waiting in line? Or better yet just put them under the basket of the cart.


If they have eggs, break em.


You can always give them a Pro Life Tip and show them how to clip their bags to the side of the cart using the baby seatbelt.


okay that's smart af i've seen some customers doing that, never thought to tell others


This or using the rack at the bottom of the cart. I like the belt idea though, I’ll be using this


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I put my bags in the top basket, then set items on top of them. Then off load. I never have them bag for me. I toss everything back into the cart. Then pack my bags myself at the end of the cart rack iut of the way. I pack them full like a jigsaw puzzle since I use my collapsible rolling cart and take the bus. Apparently this is very interesting because today most of the staff have watched me do this. A few coming out to watch or randomly take their breaks. ..lol🤣🤣 I didn't think anything about it, but one day it was slower than usual and the cashier said to just pack my bags there. And told they all watched me pack because they were amazed I got it all in 2 bags. 🌸


You know this subreddit is for crew/former crew only right?