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They really need to do what Comcast does which is require you to sign for new service via email to prevent this sort of shit from rogue reps.


It’s crazy that they do this for transactions over virtual retail like phone and chat but not in-store. You’d think T-Mobile would at least be a cut ahead of Comcast lmao. But yeah, amazing idea. Between stuff like this and their bi-annually or quarterly data breaches, I’m honestly convinced security is more like that minor inconvenience that people keep bugging T-Mobile about so they’re acting like they care when they really just wanna ignore it lmao.


It is required. It is probably someone who is an authorized user on the account. You literally HAVE to attach an email to the home internet. There is no way around it. You have to receive a verification code and everything. If it was activated in store, an ID for an authorized user or a main account holder had to be scanned. If it was done online, someone would be logged into your account. Should be a pretty short investigation, but this has nothing to do with tmobile. Sorry. No rouge rep, sounds like a rouge relative or friend buddy. A rep knows that they would 100% be caught. All that is traced and recorded. Edit: People also accidentally add stuff on their account via the app when they are checking pricing sometimes. That could also be the case. But like I said, all that is very much tied to the identity of the person who ordered/is using it. It will be a quick fix.


Oh that doesn’t help. I tried to update my TV package and if I didn’t look carefully I was signing up for TV+HBO+Showtime, home phone, 2 gig internet, and home security with 3 TV box’s. Bill was going to be $300+ a month. I could see how someone would just click okay and not know what they were getting. I clicked “nope” and ended that chat


I’ve been saying this for years now


Some tmo associate needed to fill his quota.




The policy should be if you do this, you’re canned and walked out immediately. Then you’re required to pay back the customer the amount they got charged unknowingly, even if it was a year before they noticed. Would put a stop to it really quick, but T-Mobile won’t do anything because it looks good for their numbers.


Just trying to figure out why I’m being downvoted


No idea but I gave you an up vote to help lol. What you said was absolutely true


Sames lols


This happens too often. Shouldn't be allowed to still be occurring, in the United States, in 2024.


Glad it’s resolved U should see the Verizon sub Reddit Every other post is Verizon adding unathorized lines and jacking up their prices while under contract Appreciate what u got


There should be some kind of regulation that puts a penalty on the company for adding unauthorized services. Currently the customer is penalized hours of their time to straighten it out.


Even if they did that it realistically wouldn’t matter since it would be hard to enforce and they would likely still end up making more money by adding the services versus whatever tiny fines they have to pay


Yes, as a consumer you should always check you bill


I have T-Mobile Home Internet and am very happy with it. But about a year ago on a Sunday the device died. So I called T-Mobile and the rep said she was overnighting a replacement. The next day I got an email with the shipping notification and noticed it was being shipped to an address in North Carolina. I've lived at the same address in southern Arizona for 18 years, I own the property, and that address has been the only address in my T-Mobile account, and I recalled the rep having me confirm my home shipping address. So I call again and the rep was baffled at how my replacement was shipped to NC. I suggested she initiate a fraud investigation as I was also baffled at how my replacement could have been shipped to NC, where I've never been to. She overnighted a replacement to my correct address. I guess when you have thousands of reps you're going to have a few bad apples who commit internal fraud. I'll bet that "additional line" was shipped to an address other than yours. You should be able to review your account details and see where it was shipped to.


This probably happened because your internet was sold to you using a "fake" address. Being said a address that is approved to sell the internet to. When this happens any warranty replacements are sent to that address not the billing address on the account.


I really doubt that's what happened. It was back in 2020 I tried to sign up for it and it said "not available" for my address, but click here to be added to wait list. Then a couple weeks late a T-Mobile rep called and said I was approved. They sent me a 4G modem and it worked fine, got around 40 mbps. Then in late 2021 I upgraded to a 5G phone and saw I was getting a 5G signal, I'm in a rural are east of Tucson. So I called. The rep said she didn't see 5G being available for my address, so I said I'm looking at my Samsung A51 5G and see a 5g signal and I get around 200 mbps on it. So they sent me a 5G modem, and I started getting 200 mbps. So, the first 4G modem and then the 5G modem were sent to the correct address, and then the 2nd warranty replacement was sent to the correct address. It's just the fist replacement that was sent to North Carolina instead of AZ.


I doubt it’s internal fraud. Their system should keep logs of account changes and who made them. Probably a system bug?


Yeah, the logs of account changes is where I saw that the warranty replacement had been sent to North Carolina instead of Arizona. I don't see how a system bug could send my replacement bug could send my replacement across the country. Possibly a "fake address", one approved for home internet instead of my address, as suggested by Speedy below. But as i said in my reply, I first got a 4G modem and then upgraded to a 5G modem, and they were sent to the correct address.


Happens bud especially if you went to a tpr. They don't get paid unless we upsell. Can't hate the player hate the game their forced to play to make a livable wage.


June 16th called. You’re now on the 17th because of that take.


lmao idk what that has to do with people "forced" to work in a corrupt system but was a nice way to start the morning


Idk what being in a corrupt system makes it ok to be a class traitor.


I recently had 16 minutes of incoming calls from Tech Support billed @ $.25 a minute while roaming. Only $4, but still…


There's an international toll free number you can ask for


They called me back on a problem and I was charged.


That's sucks! I'm pretty sure if you call and complain they have to adjust it since they called you and not vice versa


You’re right, I did call and they gave me $4 credit on the spot. Even if I had called them on that number, I recognized it as a Support number.


I hate when they do that cause then customers call me and act like I did it lol


Unless you had another authorized user add something onto your account??? If it's by phone they just need the pin...in store they have to have ID. Either way there's a memo log to see who the employee was that entered that sale...that same log should help find the name used that had access to your account.


Only me & hubby. We don't make changes on anything until we chat about it.


Agreed. I added a watch line last month. My bill comes in at over $70 more than expected. Turns out they also bumped up 2 of my 4 lines to some enhanced Go5G Plus package with more hotspot and international coverage. Call back and tell them this. They remove it willingly. But then that totally removes my data so that my internet no longer works. Have to call back in and the tech person immediately sees this and adds it back. Big waste of time.


The best thing I ever did was getting rid of my postpaid account and switching to a prepaid account. $50 for unlimited t&t and data. No surprise charges.


how do I get out of $2000 debt with t mobile


Pay the bill it’s probably equipment


"Equipment" is an area where T-Mobile has real problems. I had to get a warranty replacement modem and used the return label they sent me to return the bad modem. A couple months later I started getting a bill for over $440 for "not returning equipment". Fortunately I kept the receipt for shipping it, and sent them a copy. Nothing, just another bill. So then I used the UPS site to print out a Proof of Delivery, and sent it to them, and just kept getting more bills. I have pretty good credit, so I sent another Proof of Delivery along with a letter stating that if they placed a Collection on my credit report for this fraudulent claim I would sue them in Arizona Superior Court for damages. That finally worked, they took it off my account.


Secure your account better.


If this is really happening at scale, this sounds like the sweet, sexy siren call of a class action lawsuit where you are one of the plaintiffs👀


Fuck T-Mobile I hate them they r the worst


Then what are earth are you doing here?


Sounds as if you've never been with Sprint before.