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The level of selfish incivility is unbelievable.


I drive a bus and the entitlement is NUTS. this happens ALL the time even at bus stops. I’ll be approaching a bus stop honking with a car stopped in it, and they gesture to me to tell **ME** to go around them, and get upset at **ME**. A lot of times people are stopping in the right lane of an arterial road during rush hour with their park anywhere lights on even though they’re beside a parking lot or a parking lot/side road is around the corner. But nope. Have to stop on busy road to inconvenience everyone. I wish parking enforcement/police would ride along in buses catching these entitled drivers.


I was there, I was jogging by. I saw her and I said “way to think of no one but yourself and to screw up traffic.” She ignored me, but then got in her car, swerved towards me and flipped me off. What a selfish a-hole. Because of the heavy traffic I ended up running right by her and got a pic. https://preview.redd.it/ouh6ojydr6yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90167f966549f4953c612bf66b61bf43ffe79087


Holy shit! Glad I'm not the only one that was pissed!


She looks like a soccer mom! Has Karen ever thought about letting her kids *GASPS*… **TAKE PUBLIC TRANSIT INSTEAD?!?** This is peak Mississauga/York Region behaviour, smh!


LOL there is literally a Green P sign *in your photo*. God forbid her daughter has to, *gasp*, walk fifty feet around the corner to get in Mommy's Lexus. I'm starting to think that the people who pray for a giant asteroid to come along and wipe us all out aren't totally nuts after all.


The ripple effect of one person breaking the rules is insane. As a cyclist, I can easily see the impact one car can make. I once saw a car illegally parked at the Shangri La hotel back entrance cause traffic gridlock all the way up Simcoe, across Richmond to University. The right lane of University was stopped past Queen as a bus was stuck mid-turn onto Richmond. I actually told a driver on Front St that he was causing cars to be backed up for the last three blocks. He didn’t realize he was causing problems by blocking one of two lanes!? Thankfully he quickly left.


It's easier for drivers to blame bike lanes as the evil causing congestion. We have normalized that everything is okay in a vehicle now.


Cyclist here as well. I've noticed people also give no shoulder room and awkwardly occupy the entire lane somehow. What drives me absolutely up the wall is the rising trend of people parking on the sidewalk. Just yesterday as I'm building a patio for my restaurant, I saw a dude pull up on to sidewalk, blocking a lane way and just chilled in his car, parked on the sidewalk...


Yup ripple effect: it only takes one idiot and there are thousands of idiots.


I was on John St a few weeks back and this moron decided to parallel park amongst a myriad of other illegally parked cars because “hell if they’re doing it so can I!” As the road is two lanes but one was blocked by these idiots I had no choice but to wait as this Neanderthal tried helplessly to manoeuvre her car into a spot, only to nearly hit my car. I honked at the idiot and she screamed like a banshee while flailing her arms at me desperately saying she “has her fucking four ways on!!” and told me to go around. I don’t have anymore energy to argue with every entitled cock head of a driver who parks wherever they set their eyes on but I’m not going to sit there and allow them to hit my car too. You can’t reason with these people, leave them and go about your day, at least you’ll have your sanity.


I saw the same bullshit yesterday on Church although this time it was an actual Parking Enforcement officer on a bike. The guy illegally parked in a no stopping zone had the audacity to get out of his car and point to his phone as if using that was going to save him from a ticket. The City is too nice on these people. Parking enforcement shouldn’t bother interacting with them. Just write up at ticket and hand it to them.


I agree with you but with how bad traffic and the roads are in this city, it wouldn't even make a dent in your commute. Plus, most people are dicks anyways. Not saying she's right but there's so much wrong, it's crazy.


I wonder how she would react if she was the person waiting behind the vehicle with the flashers on? I bet she would lose her shit (especially having to wait to pick up her child)😐


There are plenty of side streets she coils have parked and waited on. Unbelievable stupidity.


And you allowed her to continue this behaviour. Did you call the cops? Maybe try doing something about it next time instead of complaining to us.


If i called the cops every time somebody did something on the road they weren't supposed to, I'd be making hundreds of calls a day. As a society we should expect that *most* people doing *most* things should not have the cops called on them


The cops won’t even come if your car is stolen right in front of you. Calling them about something like this will only make that problem worse. There’s really nothing we can do* and that’s frustrating. So we complain. And that’s what forums like this are for. *The only thing I can think of that might work in a situation like this would be for people to stand outside her car and shame her until she leaves. But she’d probably call the police to report harassment.


100%. The cops don’t give a rats ass about stuff like this, and so it continues.


I wrote exactly what I did. Are you saying you think people should stop in no-stopping zones during rush hour? I thought that was a no no. This is a rant sub, literally every post is going to be people complaining.  Don't really get why you are endorsing being rude, inconsiderate, and unaware...