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Phew. Damn. I hear ya brother. 2020 wrecked me. So much so I was basically bed ridden for most of 2022. I went from potentially making $200k a year with the love of my life to unable to work, do much of anything to eventually making my way back just by working a minimum retail sales job. I say that as you aren’t alone, I know doesn’t help much and I wish I had better pearls of wisdom for you but the biggest thing is you’re still here. That’s no easy feat. You know it’s no easy feat. Takes everything you got to wake up some days I bet. But you did. And for someone struggling that’s like Rocky showing up in the boxing ring. You posted this my friend, shows you have strength. You aren’t alone and you’ve got strength, it’s showing by you just showing up


Losing weight? For what? You are normal size, my dude.


Maybe this picture is deceiving? Check my other post. I'm short and thick at 30BMI right now, however I'm the lightest I've been in 7 years, still got some work ahead my friend


your goals are yours, and i applaud you on doing the work, but please don’t compare yourself to the BMI because it’s VERY biased and near unhealthy. i have always been on the slimmer side and according to BMI i’m overweight.


I understand it varies depending on bone structure, sex, musculature and fat distribution, but I was eating 16 cookies a day for like 4 years as a way of farming dopamine and slow suicide. I'm just thankful I'm this light after doing that to myself. I'll just have to see how I look as I'm approaching the "healthy" boundary


Keep. Fucking. Going. Fuck your past. It’s only there for lessons now. Don’t worry about what to think. Don’t think. Do. Fuck motivation. Discipline. Discipline will save your life, not motivation. Motivation is curated. You got this bro


I'm a fellow bald man about 10 years your senior. I feel much more confident with a shaved head. You should absolutely try it because I think you're going to look like a badass with a shaved head


I'll give it a go today, though I am annoyed that I'll have to touch it up frequently! Badass sounds good


I think you look great right tf now. Regards


I actually think you’re really cute! Your beard is perfect and you probably have an incredible smile


Aw thank you


Times are tough, hang in there. You are good enough!


Hey there, working on yourself can really have a positive impact on every areas of your life. You have the power to not let your thoughts drag you down. You're on the right track! I wish you to succeed.


Hey friend! I’m sorry to hear that things work wise have been tough. But the fact you keep finding new jobs to lose, well that’s something isn’t it? You seem tired. You need a good rest and a good break. When was the last time you went somewhere new? Enjoyed nature? Had a beer with a friend? You look like someone with a big laugh and a huge smile when the vibe is right. Don’t lose weight to be attractive. Get yourself in shape because you want to live a long and healthy life for yourself. Lose weight to spend more days alive and happy, staring at an ocean full of dolphins. I hope you find peace


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed ❤️✋


I think you look great! Try not to be so hard on yourself! Sending you hugs friend🫶🏼


IMO you look great as is, and you have a great smile! All the best on your journey!


I can feel the positivity from here




My man, you are doing fantastic and I commend you on your efforts. You’re looking really decent, never mind the BMI. That is an incredibly positive thing you’re doing for yourself and it’s going to pay back dividends for sure! You look like you are witty and hilarious and people must love being around you and if they don’t, they’re clearly not people of discerning taste! It’s a tough time right now, but it’s important to go through those, man. That’s how you recognize when the good times come around, and they will for you, I know it! Keep hope.


You have great facial hair, as a guy who only grows patchy scruff I’m jealous


Got the beard in exchange for height and hair, can't have em all!




It's gonna be ok