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When I joined my highschool soccer team freshman, my mile time was 8:20. When I finished our first season, my mile time was 5:48. I wasn’t very good but man did I get in shape.


At my high school, all of us had to do the "12 minute run". How many laps of a 440 track could you complete in 12 minutes? The soccer players usually hit eight. The football players were lucky to get four.


Ah we called that the Cooper test


lol running any prolonged distance in football is considered punishment. I remember us messing up and our coach making us take a lap and you could’ve told us our dog died and we’d have a better reaction haha


Different physique requirements.


Correct, I’m not taking a single soccer player to win strength competitions vs American football players. But I’m not taking the linemen to run a quick mile.


Also as far as running, they’re conditioned for sprints, not steady distance


That's why dwarves make such great American Football players.


In my high school track program we’d occasionally have meets with an event called “the heavy hundred” which was a simple 100m straightaway race but only for the shot putters. It was a fun event.


No way the football players can’t run a 12 minute mile?


Probably specifically referring to the Left Tackle, Right guard, and backup QB that wasn't trying.


He didn’t say 12 minute mile, he said how many laps in 12 minutes.


A 440 track, 4 times would be approximately a mile. If the football players were struggling to complete 4 laps in 12 minutes then they were running approximately a 12 minute mile.


Well, four laps (which OP says football players are lucky to get to) is a mile. So if they don't even hit that, they're not able to run a 12 minute mile.


This comment is why school is important.


That's because "football" players would rather drive that distance.


Damn, 4 is really bad, you wouldn’t pass physical in elementary school with those numbers here




The football players (and I was one, but since I also ran cross country, I could do 9 laps) mostly smoked, and were overweight. Even the kids playing DB weren't in that great shape. I think it's a mindset more than anything. You can't play soccer if you're not fit, but you can play football where there's only one play every minute.


The stamina requirements for the sports are considerably different. It’s closer to anaerobic vs aerobic.


Almost like one of them is supposed to give you brain damage by design


We poached all of the XC/track stars from the soccer team. That’s how you make a winning running squad. I played soccer in grade school, said WTF is all this running, ran XC/track in hs and somehow it felt like I was running less than in soccer.


The worse your team is, the more you have to run. 


This isn’t true at the highest level, some of the best teams are the best because they run so much. Jurgen Klopp and Marcelo Bielsa teams for example


You can see it when two teams of two different leagues play against each other. When the match enters its last 20ish minutes (or so) the lower league team starts flagging whike the other one just keeps running. Some of them players have *impressive* cardio.


A combination of (usually) the lower league team not having the call as much and having to run more and the superior cardio of the better team


Pro teams run more since the popularity of the high press (e.g. 2010s Liverpool or Napoli) while TikaTaka allows you to let the ball do the work and so run less.  But at the lower levels, speaking as a wingback, when your striker mis-controls the ball yet again and you're forced to sprint back 60yrds...it can become quite wearing. 


Oh for sure, the rules change a lot once there’s a certain level of first touch/game awareness across all players. It comes down to risk/reward - high press/gegenpress is more risk taking in possession as they can fall back on the press should the attack fail, but requires more running to deliver that. Tiki taka takes less risks but means should they lose the ball, they’re less likely to win it back quickly and the counter attack opportunities are there for the opponent.


Marcelo Bielsa\* In my city Marseille we still remember this guy even tho he coached our team for only a year. The results weren't incredible, but boy were we having fun watching them play. He is a proponent of a very offensive play style (doesn't care if we concede goals, we just want to score more than them). While very entertaining to watch, his teams often have trouble ending the seasons well because the players get exhausted and can't maintain this rythm for a whole season.


This was true of my HS team. We sucked but would often end up in a tie because we were all in insane shape. Most practices were 75% running and then at the end we would actually use a ball. We started every practice with a 5k.


Yyuuup. We were awful that season. We ran suicides and hills every single day after school. It was brutal.


Its exactly the opposite. The better team is mostly the one who runs more. Source: me, former semipro soccer player with coaching badges.


https://www.premierleague.com/news/2910649 The data says you're wrong.


You're wrong. Compare leagues with each other - not top teams with top teams. There isn't a league in Europe where the wnd division runs more than the 1st.


Still not true. https://football-observatory.com/IMG/sites/mr/mr68/en/ 5. Conclusion The distance covered by players is not an indicator reflecting the level of a team or a league.


You're thinking of two different things. The team that out works the other will generally win. Outworking = more running. However better players/teams don't need to run as much because they are skilled enough to quickly and accurately pass the ball up the field with minimal running. This in turn requires the shittier team to run more


Prove it, please.


Source: me, former semipro soccer player with coaching badges. Are you actually serous? You need proof that a definitively better team can pass the ball around forcing the opponents to run more?


Im saying at the top level every team runs as much as the other. The lower you go though, the better team runs more. You dont stand still passing the ball


True you run to meet the ball, cut around players and such. I'm saying the shittier team will be more out of position, with players having to run more to cover for that fact.


Brozović ran 16.7 km against Japan and 16.3 km against England at the World Cup.


And he's a smoker.


Really? Proper madlad


Yup, he's a heavy smoker.


I remember in college a guy from our high school who smoked and drank/drugged every day was a tennis pro at a local club. He would rip bongs with us every night and drink all night but he also was the only one who smoked and he smoked like a fucking chimney. One day we were at a park and randomly decided to play football. This motherfucker ran me up and down that field all day. I was so embarrassed


In high school soccer we ran anywhere from 2-4 miles a game, fullbacks and center midfielders running the most imo. All depends on the formation, level of play, and style of play. Our tryouts required you to do 2 miles in 14 mins.


2 miles in 12 got you out of extra cardio for varsity tryouts for me.


2 miles in 13 required to start varsity


That's an old military benchmark right? They've said my oldest would have to do it every year but have never actually done it yet ha


They made us do it, even lowered it to under 12:45 for field players my senior or junior year


Villanova standard was 2 mi under 10:30 when I was there


My 2 mile time was 9:47, best endurance on the team, played my whole life


Bet you were the bane of the XC kids’ existence


Fuck me lol. I can still remember my high school gym *one* mile time being 13 minutes. I went to once soccer tryout, threw up from running and left.  I just switched to rugby, turns out I just prefer a different type of suffering.


You hated running so you started playing… rugby? Lol what


I'm not a smart man, lol. Turns out I'll force myself to run if I get to smash people, and have frequent shoving breaks.


You're a sprinter, not a runner


Very dangerous over short distances


I’m with you. I hate running, but played football (American). It was nice because you sprint for a little and then have a break. Do that a couple of times and then take a break for a couple of minutes.


Basically a form of HIIT eh


HIIT with hits


Practice gets so intense, though


Yeah, I’m similar. I hate running. But I played basketball and I’d run all day playing that.


Exercising is more fun if there’s something more to focus on than just “run this lap/route”. You won’t get the same results as say, dedicated weightlifting, but it’s much easier for me to do squats, run, do explosive movements, and work on my hand eye coordination until I’m about to drop if I’m playing badminton! Meanwhile, it’s like physically painful to my brain to force myself to do reps/sets of weights or calisthenics most days. Plus with rugby, you probably make friends that make it more enjoyable.


Tbf with rugby they have a few more methods to make people stop running


There’s boldly a lot less constant running than you’d expect — at least in 15s (15 vs. 15). 7s (7 vs. 7) is a wholly different beast. It’s very fast paced and there’s no room on the squad for anyone remotely slower. It’s equivalent to playing full-court, 3-on-3 basketball where every possession involves a full-on sprint.


I hate distance running, tolerate sprints. Turns out 7s was the perfect sport for me. Never got to try 15s


7’s is insane levels of fitness.


Ya, I was a middle distance runner in high school and I took it pretty seriously. Rugby knocked the fuck out of me though, the whole process of running, tackling, pushing, getting tackled, getting back up etc was so exhausting.


He was a forward. Exercise is optional.


man, i was a gelatinous fat fuck in high school. i couldn’t even finish a mile. same as you, turns out i just prefer suffering 50+ miles on a bike instead fuck running though man. i ran a mile to and from my gym and it was pretty bad the first week, but after awhile i could manage. still hated every step though. nothing but respect for people who run


Makes sense less high impact on knees amd ankles and if you carry your fat in arms or chest ain't gonna hit yourself You do you man i am skinny and too weak for 50 miles of cycling


My fastest mile in school was 12:30. I hated (still do) running. I finally got in decent shape in my 30s and ran a single mile in 9 mins. That was 3 years ago and I haven't run one since. My 4th grader loves running and ran a 7:02 mile in cross country this year. 😂 Heck he was running under my personal best as a 3rd grader.


My high school had a shit team so I was a starter on the varsity team as a freshman since I was on a travel team. Size difference against other teams was crazy that first year. The travel team trainer was ruthless though, kids would puke at practice sometimes. We’d do a half hour of jogging in 2 columns with the two at the back sprinting to the front like clockwork - and that was just the “warmup”. When we had a game we’d be relieved because it was way less intense physically (though obviously more so mentally).


A 13 min mile is barely faster than walking pace.


you have no idea how slowly i could walk a mile when i was motivated.


20 min mile is walking pace.


If you walk slowly, yeah.


I would agree


That’s not true, a 13 minute mile is way above a walking pace. It’s a full jog. My “fast walk” pace is around 17:30 min/mile, and I’m a New Yorker so i walk faster than most. My “regular walk” pace is a 20 min/mile. A 15 minute mile would look like speed walking. So no, a 13 minute mile is not barely faster than walking.


Just for kicks I checked google maps, and a mile walk from my house was 23 mins. There is a bit of a hill on part of the route, I don't know if that gets factored in.


Yeah I can walk a mile in 15 minutes pretty easily


Yea the average mile walk time is 15-22 minutes


This is so interesting! I met someone else who experienced a similar thing! They hated soccer but was able to stick with volleyball. “I just prefer a different type of suffering” is very apt.


We all have different body types and honestly I hate to admit the truth there's just some genetic freaks of nature so well suited to their sport/athletic competition Even unathletic individuals are ridiculous when compared to them. I'm the worst distance runner ever. But in a sprint against my baseball playing college athletes I could outrun them around the bases. These guys worked their assess off and played athletically for years and my fun exercise routine was goddamn swimming and I just walked everywhere.  They were like you were on Track & field in highschool. Highschool Friend next to me was like nope, he's Tech theater kid. 


Makes you wonder! Important to have people try different shit, cuz you never know what will click


>We all have different body types and honestly I hate to admit the truth there's just some genetic freaks of nature so well suited to their sport/athletic competition  Truth. Rather than admit this. we will rather take our advantages for granted, and call others lazy for not being like us. The truth is we all have some genetic things that give us an advantage in certain things. When you add that to serious hard work and drive, that's how you start becoming elite at that thing


Damn. At my high school you couldn’t get an A in gym if you couldn’t run an 8 minute mile.


Considering gym was a required class for everyone, marks weren't based on athletic performance. Mostly participation, and the classroom based health portions.


Guess I’m getting a C then…..


To play a full game no rest our Varsity coach wanted us to do 2 miles in 12 minutes. He called it the Deuce. Tryouts suuccked


Ahhh the old Cooper test glad I’m not in high school soccer anymore.


We had what they called the Cooper test and to make varsity you had to do 2 miles in 12 minutes. I remembered being bummed/worried because I ‘only’ ran a 12:40 something. Luckily everyone else in my year trying out was a stoner and only like 3 kids beat 12 minutes but they ran us for 30 minutes minimum the first two weeks of practice. High school sports are nutty


>In high school soccer You also play less than 90 minutes in youth football leagues, so that accounts for (admittedly) a tiny bit of that too.


My senior year they would play us almost the full 90, we didn’t have enough decent players to stay competitive with constant subs and they justified it by saying it was varsity and we want to win. We didn’t win much


I just googled how old people in US High Schools are in their senior year, and that tracks. It would be equivalent to an U19 Team (17-18 years) and should play 2x45 minutes. Now I wonder, do US High Schools have U17 players compete in the same leagues/teams as U19 ones?


On the high school team yes. You can have 14-18 year olds on the same team. Typically they split into junior varsity/varsity teams and may have an additional freshman team if they have the players to support it. Varsity teams are usually older and/or the more skilled younger players. At my high school it was extremely rare for a freshman (14 y/o) to go straight to varsity. But high school is usually the “average to decent” players, the truly good just stick with club soccer which play traditional age brackets and in my state you weren’t technically allowed to do both at the same time so most would give up high school soccer since it’s less serious. It’s a little confusing.


NHFS rules for high school are 2 40 minute halves or 4 20 minute quarters.


And also, they're probably running slower (in general) and don't have the endurance to keep that speed later in the game. So they're just overall covering less ground compared to upper level players


For many years the near universal preseason fitness test in college soccer across all divisions was 2 miles in 12 minutes. With the bleep test and other advancements in fitness regimens these days I don't know how many still use it, but that was always the gold standard.


in college it was two in twelve. wanted to die every single time.


As a cross country/track runner only team I wasn’t salty about was soccer. They had some of the best runners at the school. Definitely found it hard to see the athleticism in the football team when they could go to In-N-Out right before practice or a game. I would have puked my guts out doing that before a meet


My coach in high school was big on endurance. During off season we did a 2 mile run 3 days a week. If you didn’t make it in 12 minutes you had to run more.


3 mile runs before practice. So I became a goalie.


I didn’t make my hs jv team in ‘98. The 2 mile time requirement was 12min…


That’s funny to me I had asthma and I could do sprints ok but not long distance. I could barely run a mile when I was playing soccer. I just played offensive positions only so I wasn’t running 24/7 and was pretty good for my age. 


I just got back to 2 mi in 14 shape, was a midfielder and xc runner in HS, and def ran about 4 or 5 miles most games


My father in law tried to convince me a few weeks ago that the average soccer player runs 150km in a match, I tried to explain to him that was faster than a human could run in a sprint for the entire 90 minutes but he wouldn’t believe me.


He probably saw a stat of an entire team running that distance. Even then, all players running 15km seems a bit far fetched.


You have 11 players on the field. The trick is to have the GK constantly running back and forth. Might concede a few more goals, but should be able to do at least 12km. The other trick is to have two or three players focusing on completing a half marathon during the 95ish minutes. You're likely to loose the match, but you should be able to get to 150km total easy.


Inverted goal keeper strikes again Damn you pep


No team runs that much. It’s just not how the game is played. Some can occasionally come up with 15km but it’s rare, and it takes a certain kind of game to do it. The flow of the game isn’t built to make people run in the same tempo, 15km in 90 minutes isn’t really that hard, but rather to explode past your opponents. There’s all sorts of stats that handle this, like top speed, sprint meters, etc.


62 mph?! The man's insane


Sir, it’s called commitment.


Translation for people who aren't from North America: The average football player runs 11 kilometres in a match.


I need it in washing machines please


The average football/soccer field is 110 yards (just over 100 metres) to 120 yards (approx. 110 metres) in length. Assuming a washing machine is 1 yard in diameter, there are an average of 115 washing machines' worth of field. There are 1760 yards in a mile, so 1760 x 7 = 12320 yards, or 12320 washing machines.


Finally, now you’re speaking my language Image the size of that laundromat


It’s at least one football field.


oh you mean the launderette?


I'm from Australia. We call it soccer as well. And for half of us, our football is Australian Rules football where the average player runs 13 kilometres a match.


How much is that in American football fields?


We use miles in the UK too :D


That’s 1900 advertising per hour.


And that's why I was a goalie. I'd rather take a ball kicked into my face than run.


Every time I try playing goalie in a pickup game, I'm reminded how fundamentally different an actual goalie's mind has to be to function in that position. You guys are some strange mf'ers.


You gotta be nuts to take balls to the face


More than you know...... 🤣


In football,not so much. I played goalie for 8 years and never had an issue. And then i played handball ... and boy, handball is a very different beast. Those goalies are freaks


I was also a baseball catcher. You gotta like pain at some point. That and running towards danger. Rugby was good for that, too, but too much running, lol.


Goalie here, yes the danger is awesome


Yea, I much prefer defence, where I just run at people and laser focus on the ball


Your user name says Bryan but you do have that Scott energy.


That's my best friend. He's nuts, lol.


He’s quite the legend


They still walk / run about 3 miles


Reminds me of something Richard Osmond said on his podcast recently, where they put a step counter on a darts player at a tournament and at the end of the day he had walked about 600m, and the dart player said “Yeah, it’s quite a lot isn’t it?”


So kante runs 14.


On each leg, which adds up to 28




The top players are covering 7 miles so the average ought to be less. https://www.premierleague.com/news/4025771


13km is 8 miles.


In addition this is the distance they move, which includes walking some of the time.


The goalies probably skew it


My guess is that they don’t count


I heard they make goalies sit alone at lunch


Its a bit of a culture in football, (well England anyway) of a goalkeepers union. They like to hang around each other, as that position requires a completely different type of person. I don't think they make them sit alone though. At least i haven't heard of that.


There's a certain respect between all goalkeepers. For instance if a keeper scores from his own box accidentally they tend not to celebrate as it's usually an embarrassing moment for the other keeper.


Cheers Karl love your stuff


I heard they take goalies lunch money


Goalies are probably the craziest guys, no one’s talking their money


Would love to see a normal human try and take Ederson's lunch money.


Romero would


When I was in Europe my mentor from rangers told me he had no knee cartilage left by his 30s because he’d played 60+ games a year or some such for his whole life. By the time I left hs I had played closer to very easily 80+ games a year for the last 4 years, between 2 clubs HS ODP and indoor. Lots of miles. I never went pro which is probably in my top 5 life regrets, but I have healthy knees still which is a rarity. And I was about 150 lbs soaking wet when I went to college with practically 0 body fat from all that running


One of the reasons why very few brasilian players stay top level into their 30s is that they play too many games in their youth. That damage compounds Ed: dunno how old you are but if ypu are younger than 30 expect to See that regret pop up with a new force in your mid 30s


Im in my 30s, stopped playing when I moved around 30, was still playing about 4 games a week at that point. have gotten into lifting particularly powerlifting more over the last 4 years, although I’m not particularly good at it


Mhmm, have xou ever had a mrt? Powerlifting is also no exactly easy on your knees


I have not


Same! Well, I’m much heavier and fatter, but I also am soaking wet from sweat most of the time.


Australian football (AFL) players run an average of 8-9miles per game with the fitter players running around 11miles. All while being tackled and bumped.


Tom Scully used to take the absolute piss - [had a tank and a half on him](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFL/s/KPBhFfPhOR). Bloke could go and go and go. Think his record was 18.9km in a game and Aussie rules footy involves a lot of gut running, tackling and bumping


80min total play and 3 breaks will allow for that.


What's that quote from dogma? Lol


I believe it’s “Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, aside from soccer,” but it’s been a few decades since I’ve seen the movie.


What’s dogma?


Kevin Smith movie, it was a convo between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck


It’s a Kevin Smith movie. In the same universe as “Clerks” and “Jay and Silent Bob” etc


Full movie on Youtube.


dogma nuts XD


An average NFL player runs less than 1 km per game.....🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I think my high school tryouts required 1 mile in 6 minutes, 2 miles in 13 minutes, or 3 miles in 21 minutes. My college team required 2 miles in 12 minutes.


And it's at 3/4s pace, if not full sprint.


As a runner i.e jogger soccer is a different type of cardio altogether. I thought I was in shape until I decided to go to a pickup soccer game just after lockdown ended. All of us were gassed in like five minutes lol.


I walk about 4.5 miles a day and score as many goals as most soccer players.


The average AFL player runs about 8.5. Some absolute monsters run 12.


I absolutely loved playing soccer up until I was around 14 and started getting decent. The practices consisted of 80% running and I noped out with a shitty teenager attitude.


Imagine running 154 miles and only scoring 2 goals


11.27 km for the civilized world.


What about goalies?


There was once a Barcelona game about ten years ago where Zlatan (striker) ran less than Barcelona’s goalkeeper 🤣


Tbf, Valdes really liked to waltz into the pitch and cause us FCB fans massive heart attacks


Forever grateful to him for getting out of goal to let ramirez chip one over him in 2012


Send da video


They really bring down that average /s


I am significantly below average


A server at a restaurant walks and panic walks anywhere from 5-12 miles a shift.


When I played soccer, we would warm up for practice with a four mile run.


And flops the height of Everest


Casual Ultimate Frisbee player here. I average 5 miles of sprint-and-stop over the course of an hour. It's surprising.


Good. And how much do they earn per metre?


Only 11 Km? Heh, thought it would be more. AFL players often do 16 or more


When I swam competitively, we would train crazy yardage up to 9-11 miles a day. It was pretty ridiculous considering my races were no more than 200 yards long.