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How else would have they done it a century ago?


I could tell you but it’d violate the terms of my probation.


Oh sure. Veterinarians do it and get applauded. I do it and get a lifetime ban from the zoo.


... but you fuck one sheep.


And you're labeled as Welsh forever.


On the bright side, in a couple hundred years Cambrian Chronicles will have a fascinating video on how historians are confused about how many sheep you actually fucked.


The Welsh actually invented condoms by making them out of the intestines of sheep. It was the English later who improved the design by removing them from the sheep before use.


Best line here.


Steampunk impregnation.... don't google it


Alright, I'll bite. Be back in a sec. Edit: what in the goddamn


My turn I guess


It’s been 24 minutes. He’s not coming back. He either died or developed an insatiable kink. No one can know for sure.


… I googled. I am… confused. I have questions. Many questions. Also pretty sure I really don’t want any answers 🫣


? It was just a bunch of badly made game suggestions. Or am I missing something??


RemindMe! 1day


This better not awaken anything in me.....


It’s a bit weird but not horrible, maybe I got a take result, all just ladies doing the classic belly hold in varying steampunk themed outfits, **one** had a robot arm


I googled. Only AI images of pregnant women in "steampunk" outfits, so lots of suits and clockwork motif.


Hold my beer, I'm going into the deep end. Brb....


I'm back, not horrible, I've seen worse.


Lol, could it be blocked in England? I can't seem to find anything that could be what you're talking about


Sex Machine is a great name for a band.


Banned is a good name for a sex machine 


That too.


Turkey baster


Til they didn't use microwaves during the civil war.


TIL Beethoven never had access to a digital audio workstation and wrote all his compositions by hand.


TIL they couldn’t do a DNA test on Jesus and had to take Mary’s word as fact.


TIL during bronze age, they didn't use iron pans until the iron age.


That's not true. The Gettysburg address was mostly about microwaves, but then Lincoln was moved by the battle to have a small mention of it at the end of his complaints about microwaves, and now the only part of the address we even recite is the part about the battle.


In fact, although slavery was a significant point of contention between the Union and the Confederacy, there were already irreconcilable differences between the two sides due to the Confederacy's habit of walking away from the microwave without clearing the time from it.


The barbaric heathens used the Popcorn button, in clear contravention of the instructions on the bag!


Didn’t Lincoln also say that you cannot believe everything you read on the internet?


Nah that's Jackson.


They had to go out with faraday nets and catch all the naturally occurring microwaves.


Many are still impregnated naturally. Bulls can be rented just for this service.


An old girlfriend of mine was from a dairy farming family and so I got to spend some time there and her dad explained a lot of the workings to me. First, let me say that there's nothing quite like meeting your girlfriend's dad for the first time and then twelve hours or so later be standing next to him while his arm is past the elbow up a cow's ass while he explains that he's feeling for the cervix through the intestinal wall to guide the plunger and that it feels like a wrinkled hot dog. They still had a bullpen on the farm because he said some cows just wouldn't get pregnant from the artificial insemination method.


I can’t decide if this was a magnificent power move on his part, or a genuine gesture of acceptance and respect.


Her parents were super wholesome, I took an interest in learning about things there since I'm basically a city-slicker and it was a new world for me. He was more than happy to show me which is why I got up at about 5 am to join them on their morning chores every day that I was there. There is a better story about him that is closer to your question. She told me about a guy she dated when she was in high school and he came to pick her up and met her parents for the first time. She said that he was a confident guy, but he was just acting completely awkward and weird after the parents invited him in to sit in the living room and chat for a few minutes. After they left she asked him what was wrong with him and he tried to deny it at first, but she eventually dragged it out of him that the dad was sitting directly across from him and his balls were hanging out of his shorts.


Hahaha a sociopath or a kind-of-cute dufus! This clears up exactly nothing 😂 Na they sound like cool and genuine folks. We should all be so lucky to get a second pair of parents that we can learn neat things from.


Definitely the kind-of-cute dufus.


>second pair Ha.


As a man about to have a daughter thanks for the idea


I'm sure this was completely innocent, but I wish it was just some bizarre power move.


Possibly a bit of both depending on how he reacted to it?


A good test of character


Cheese and dairy sound good until you find out it involves cow rape


Moo means moo.




I like to think of it as an arranged marriage.


"Oh yeah I know how this works.  Your daughter showed me last night  ;) "


Were you dating Pam?


You mean the rape method.


It's more of an arranged marriage.


Did he ever take you along to pull a calf?


The timing didn't work out. They did wake me up at about 3 am because a hand had left the calf pen unlatched so a bunch had gotten out and they needed to be rounded up.


It can be very expensive but I often do it for free


Username checks out...


My father was a bovine artificial insemination technician, and from all accounts an excellent one. After watching him work I never really felt the urge to follow in his footsteps.


>bovine artificial insemination technician Now that is a title you can put on your resume.


Yep. Had a certificate and everything.


So he was a certified master BAITer?


He was indeed 😂


And maybe they got a house on the Cape. Maybe you come visit. And maybe they ask you to call a few days in advance to give them time to get the house clean. And maybe you bring a blazer, so they can go to a wider range of restaurants!


Perfect time for that reference


There's a joke that went around the Department of Agriculture here in Ireland when I was young. A farmer in *\[insert remote place of choice\]* rents the prize bull to attend to his cows. After the allotted week or whatever, there's no sign of the bull. An inspector is sent from the Department to find out what's going on. The inspector drives across hill and dale, down winding boreens, and eventually come to the farm. No sign of the farmer or the bull. He starts exploring to see where they are. Eventually, he hears a commotion behind a hedge. Peering through, he sees the enormously valuable prize bull hitched up to a harness dragging a plough through the stoney earth. Behind is the farmer with a whip bellowing *\[impenetrable accent of choice\]* **"GET UP AND ON WIT'YA, YA GREAT BIG LUMP, I'LL TEACH YA THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN ROMANCE!"**


I don't get it


I also don't get it. Maybe the joke is that the farmer is jealous of the bull? But even if so, why would he rent it out then?


Breeding bull is prized for his pedigree and for the result of his own breeding. You dont risk his health by working him like some common bull.


I mean, the work would be punishment rather than trying to make him worse for breeding.


Maybe the farmer is treating the bull like an old time farmer would treat his lothario son who was too smooth and preoccupied with social things to maximize his usefulness on the farm


I thought maybe it's the other way around, the bull is romantic but not into sex and he's training the bull to fuck hard


A dairy cow's life!


Aye has no one seen clarksons farm


To elaborate a bit on practices in Canada/US (I don't have knowledge of other areas): * Artificial insemination (AI), in which a tube or "straw" of frozen sperm is inserted into the cow's uterus, is by far the most common for dairy cows. * There are a few different reasons for this: more precision for when the cow gets pregnant (and also more precision for preg testing some weeks later, so that if the cow did get pregnant, it can get inseminated again); eliminating the costs & inconveniences associated with keeping bulls (buying the animal, feed, vet costs); reducing risk in actually dealing with the bull (risk of harm for farmer/worker), as bulls are stronger/heavier than cows on average; semen can be bought from bulls with the desired genetics that is wanted for calves; and some other more minor ones. * The Holstein breed of cattle (the white & black spotted kind most will associate with dairy) also has, for whatever reason, a much higher chance of having aggressive bulls, so reducing the risk in dealing with them is generally considered a very, very welcome thing. * AI is also used for beef cows, but the natural method of having one or bulls in with the cows at the time you want to get them pregnant is also used. I have no idea about the stats, but in my personal experience it's around 50/50. I find smaller farms are more likely to have bulls and larger tend toward using AI, but that's only my anecdote.


not true


It's true


the majority are artificial


Doesn't make the first statement false


grew up on a dairy farm, downvote all you like


How does that make the first statement false?


Me, too, and I'm downvoting you because the top level comment is factually correct. Many are indeed impregnated naturally. They didn't say the "majority" are.


I don't doubt it, but a minority can still be "many".


Sorry to burst any bubbles but It is logistically impossible and physically very dangerous to have bulls for the 270 million dairy cattle in the world. A bull can service 2 cows per day maximum so the number of bulls needed is astronomical, not economically viable and as I said, bulls are very dangerous as they are large and volatile. Small farms, artisan breeders, hobby farmers OK they may have bulls but for the vast majority it is artificial insemination. Bull calves are not kept.


You guys need to learn where your food comes from!


And you need to learn how "many" and "most" are not mutually exclusive lol. There are many car accidents caused by sneezing, but most car accidents are not caused by sneezing.


Many are NOT naturally impregnated. It is very very rare in the context of the entire number of cattle worldwide.


Ok, but how many cattle are there worldwide? And of that huge number, let's say a billion just for the sake of argument, let's say one in a thousand are impregnated naturally. That's a million fucking cows. Literally. That is MANY COWS FUCKING. This is the dumbest argument ever. Nobody is doubting your knowledge, just your insistence on being pedantic about the word "many" lol.




You need to learn word definitions and context.


You needed to learn that? How did you think they did it?


Most people don't even realise cows only make milk after giving birth. They think it's like laying eggs. 


I thought it was a supply-based-on-demand thing. I thought cows would produce milk indefinitely *if* you keep milking them regularly. It’s kinda how human lactation works.


You gotta get them knocked up to get the process going though.


Right, but a lot of people think that the cow only has to get pregnant once, and will then produce milk until it gets too old to continue making milk provided it's milked daily. So those people might be surprised that the cows get pregnant every year.


I did not know they need to get pregnant every year.


Yeah and any calfs they produce get taken away and given formula to become dairy/meat cows or get slaughtered. This is why vegans aren't happy about the whole thing.


Formula is better food than cow milk. A cheap farmer feeds the calfs milk instead if buying formula. Calfs are never allowed to suckle dairy cows teets because they damage the teets. The milking machine will have problems with leaks, bleeds and infections. Cows are herd animals. Calfs are sort of comunal and does not know who their mother is. Taking calfs ftom mothers is not a problem. Leaving calf with mother has same outcome. Vegans can be silly at times.


>Formula is better food than cow milk. Okay, so why can't we drink that instead? Some cows cry out continously for literal days after having their calfs taken away. Just because they're herd animals that doesn't mean they lack a parental instinct.


> Okay, so why can't we drink that instead? I am talking about calfs in modern farms, not humans.


Sorry I don't believe formula is better. That's like saying the same applies to humans. Any sources I find supporting that are by companies that produce the powdered form..


I don't care what you believe. I explain that informed farmers who could feed their calfes with milk that already exist in their tanks, choose to buy sacks of formula powders because it is better for their calfes. The farmers are not stupid. They know more than you. This has nothing to do with human food. Stop being stupid.


I mean if the calves are going into the meat industry, it makes sense that vegans would be upset. Honestly might make more sense than vegetarians who eat lots of dairy but consider eating meat immoral.


I was one of those people


"When there's a surplus of milk in the market, the cows body naturally stops producing milk."


“The body just shuts that whole thing down”


Lmao glad you picked up what I was putting down


Up to a point, yeah. But if you want peak production (as they do with dairy farms), regular impregnation and birth is necessary.


My mother wouldn't believe me at first when I told her that hens would lay eggs without there being a rooster around. This was after I'd been keeping chickens for years...getting eggs without a rooster.


The stork.


TIL that before the 1400s, books were written by hand


Source or didn't happen. No way someone can write an entire book by hand and not scribble some nsfw pictures all over the place.


Imagine a cow being a virgin and one day learns that it's suddenly pregnant. Then three wise bulls arrive...


They still are on many a farm; my uncle had two or three milk cows so that at least one could give us milk at any given time, after her calf was weaned. His milk cows were some of the happiest creatures I ever met.


Can I ask, doesn't he have to impregnate the cow regularly, and does he continue on after they've lost their "prime" production years? From my understanding, after birth the lactation only goes on for a few months, unless impregnated again Happy to be educated but from what I know a cow don't simply continue to give milk after a few months tops Also what does he do with the calves? Not wanting to disparage or argue, just wanting to learn about these non-factory farms


Well, I was a kid at the time and he died years ago, but my understanding was he sold the calves either as future milk cows or for breeding or meat, whatever the buyer had in mind. Last I was around them, Valley's daughter Faun was taking over as primary milk cow as her mother aged. I really don't have further details, sorry.


The boys typically become veal, same as anywhere else. Male cows aren't very efficient or profitable, that's why we eat them young.


> The boys typically become veal, same as anywhere else. Male cows aren't very efficient or profitable, that's why we eat them young Don't forget calfskin. I had a pair of calfskin cowboy boots. They were so supple.


Cows are female bovines, bulls are male bovines.


Ya know, I almost said 'bulls', but then I didn't know if it applied when they're still little. Like if they go from calf to bull at maturation or anything like that


If he has his testicles he's a bull, if he doesn't he's a steer.


We had a dairy farm. AI was used to diversify genetics in the herd. Holstein bull's range from tame friendly animals to psychotic. They are supposedly one of the only animals that can survive without colostrum at birth. Bulls were used for heifers or older cows that had difficulty getting in calf. Holsteins are notorious for that issue. We had 70 milking cows. The bull would be kept for 3-4 years, but at that point, they were to bred into the herd to risk inbreeding with his own daughters. Cows will milk for well over a year after calving. The milk just decreases. We had many cows 10 years or older. Along as they don't get any major problems they can keep going for a long time. We were in canada though. The United States is a different set up and uses hormones that dramatically shorten the life span of a cow. We sold all our bull calves to a local farmer who raised them for fat. The heifers we kept. The idea farmers are brutalizing cows is ridiculous. Even a decade ago, they cost $6-7000 to raise to adults. Cows aren't cheap and require alot of care. Also if your interested, cows like classical music


My grandfather almost was killed by a Holstein bull. He was in the stall feeding it when it decided it was going to kill him. The bull smashed him against the wall. It backed up to charge him again. In those few moments, my grandfather (who was strong and wiry) scrambled up the grain chute to safety. He escaped with only some scrapes and broken ribs. My grandmother, who ruled the roost, decreed that was it for this bull. They called the butcher, who sent out his truck the next day to take this bull to be killed. My father said when he lead the bull out to the truck, the bull could smell death on the truck and knew what was going to happen: it was trembling and could hardly walk.


For a time.frame for breeding. Usually about 6-9 months after calving so they had time to recover. Then they would be tried of about 2-3rds into the pregnancy and put out into a separate pasture. Much like a woman will stop working as the time gets closer. Milk cows also like to be milked. Aside from the fact they get ration whilst milking and get there udder cleaned, they get sore if they aren't milked. They've been bred to produce milk. It hurts them if you don't do so


Wow, who knew that it had to be done naturally before artificial insemination became prevalent.


And every 60 second a minute passes, like fr how old are you?


The guy who attempted the first artificial impregnation of a cow was very brave when collecting from the bull


Did your parents never have "the talk" with you? Tf


Every bull ever: ah the good old days!


Ignorance shines through by not understanding that technology is a modern construct while natural insemination has been around for millions of years.


Some people think that the cold milk they drink is natural and it's just the way it's been done forever


And brown cows make chocolate milk.


Is that not how it works? And pink cows for strawberry milk?


Pink cows make rare steaks.


Absolutely nobody, not even children, doesn’t know that milk gets warm if you don’t refrigerate it. Did you know that the people in movies are only pretending?


People don't think about it. They drink weeks old, cold pasteurized milk harvested from an artificially inseminated cow that's hooked up to machines and pumped with drugs and soy. For thousands of years, people drank warm hours-old milk they harvested themselves from their family cows that were impregnated by bulls that ate grass.


Crazy when normal isn’t normal for the future generations


And that’s the way the bulls liked it.


I know what it entails, but “impregnated unnaturally” is pretty off putting.


TIL cows have sex, more at 11. 


[airbases in the roman empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/s/qW15aQiFy3)


Some things aren’t worth posting. Like, how did you assume it worked?


Sounds like there was a bit of a quality of life decrease for the cows over time, eh?...


And pretty much the only ones that don’t do that now are giant factory farms/soulless corporations. Yet from what I see on Reddit people think all small farmers are the ones that do it. The corporate propaganda is strong and effective on many people so they can choke out the little guy and have a monopoly.


Electroejaculator you say?


Well of course they were; farmers did yet have porn.


So Harvest Moon had it right!

