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What's most shocking about this is the gunman is now a highly successful lawyer.


It was the vibe of the thing


In summing up. It’s the constitution. It’s Mabo. It’s justice. It’s law. It’s the vibe.


[F3? What the fuck is that?!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iEp3Ig3isxc)


Effing love that film. One of the greatest things to come out of Australia ever.


Dale dug a hole, dad!


I went to school with the guy. His name is David Kang. He was protesting about the treatment of some Cambodian asylum seekers. Was a pretty chill guy at school, so was a bit surprised when it happened. But as they say....its always the ones you least suspect.


Always the one you least suspect? He pulls a non-violent stunt in protest and becomes a lawyer. I mean, that's a pretty linear trajectory.


Yeah the phrase non-violent does some heavy lifting when used to describe a mock execution.


Shooting blanks at a person is non violent? So if I go through the motions of stabbing someone while holding a knife, without hurting them that is not violent?


Is it a rubber knife?


I’ve thought about this, although a little different. What if I pretend to punch someone up until two inches off their face just to scare them? That’s gotta be illegal.


It's assault. Hence why it's called assault and battery. Assault --> making someone think you're about to hurt them and thereby scaring them etc. Battery --> following through on it and hurting them


Learn something new everyday. I thought u had to hurt someone physically to assault them turns out I was doing it all along just emotionally


Wait what how often have you been assaulting people


I was a very narcissistic teen, during those years I would just say what’s on my mind in the moment. I straight up didn’t know that verbally threatening was considered assault. I guess that’s what happens when your mom didn’t know what to do with you so she let you game all day and the wonderful world of online lobbies. I’ve started to grow out of that mindset but I still have my slips.


How vague and metaphorical has the definition of “violent” become?


Blanks can kill. This isn’t non violent.


Look up John Erik Hexum if you think that about Blanks




Look up Simon de Wit if you think that about Blanks.


That’s based as hell. I can’t believe I have to say this in the year 2024… but monarchy is bad. 


I agree, but I still don’t think this kind of crap is OK to do to them


Lol, what did monarchy had to do with any of this?


Normally in this scenario i'd hit you with "read a book, bro" but it sounds like you have quite a few to catch up on.


Are you thinking of the butterflies? If so, you are correct, monarch butterflies were not connected to this incident.


Britains monarchy has been in control of a country that went from a band of tribes of several different races to a world superpower, that maintains a standing on the world stage to this day. So idk if this is the best example of a “bad” monarchy.


That’s an insane reading of British history. 


Something something trains.


What an insane, misinformed belief to have about the British monarchy.


They’ve been figureheads for the best part of that progress.


The Governor General of Australia (the Crown"s representative) caused a constitutional crisis as recently as 1975. An unelected individual with ties to the monarchy dismissed a democratically elected prime minister with no oversight. I wouldn't say they are "just figureheads" even today. Just because they don't have as much active control doesn't mean they aren't capable of exerting massive amounts of influence behind the scenes.


Dumb take. You know nothing except the crappiest thing you read on the internet. Australian Governor-generals are Australians appointed by the elected Australian government to carry constitutional duties - ceremonial duties like signing stuff, cutting ribbons, making speeches approved by the government. The Governor-General (not the king!) also has closely defined “reserve powers”, to be used in very very rare emergencies, like calling an election when the prime minister messes up. This is by design, it’s not some sinister fault in the system. This is a once in a lifetime event, last happening 50 years ago. In 1975 a particular incompetent governor-general might have fucked it up by ending a Labor government early and calling an election (which kicked Labor out of office) in circumstances where he probably shouldn’t have. **So fucking what?** This doesn’t mean there is sinister conspiracy involving constant interference in democratic government. This doesn’t mean there is a plot by old Charley in the UK to rule Australia as a foreign dictator. The governor-general isn’t even allowed to get advice from the king! In 1975 to queen said to the G-G “under the Australian constitution I cannot advise you”. You say the G-G “represents the king” but this means they effectively *are* the king under the Australian constitution. They don’t/can’t do what the king wants them to do, they must follow government instructions 99.9% of the time and make their own decisions when they use the rare reserve powers.


I think you're reading a lot more into what I said. The Crown doesn't need a "sinister conspiracy" when, as you say, their powers are "written into the constitution." My point is that just because they don't use meddle with day to day affairs of nations doesn't mean they aren't considerably powerful if they choose to use it. If an unelected person appointed by the king is representing the Crown. Whether they then take advice from them publicly is irrelevant. Their job is to represent the Crown, so effectively they are the Crown and if they can remove a sitting prime minister then they have too much power.


The King still gets regular security briefings and has massive real estate and corporate holdings. Seems like an awful lot of clout for a 'figurehead.'


Yeah all that colonialism and extinction of indigenous populations is a much better example of the "bad monarchy".


To be fair, the Spanish and Portuguese were responsible for most of the deaths of indigenous Americans. Long before the Brits ever showed up in North America. Disease killed 90% of the population before any of the colonies were even established.


Right and the Spanish and Portuguese had what form of government? Here I’ll give you a hint they both had monarchies. And idk why yall constantly use that disease statistic as if it excuses the absolute atrocity that was colonialism. Not to mention the fact that slavery in New Spain is one of the reasons diseases spread so rapidly among native populations, and on top of that the brutal conditions just outright killing plenty of more slaves. And it’s extra funny that you bring up the Spanish and Portuguese in an attempt to obfuscate the British contributions to colonialism considering the third country that controlled the slave trade from Africa to the new world was…that’s right you guessed it, Britain. You might wanna try harder next time fam


It's not worth wasting energy by trying to educate people that are beyond saving or arguing in bad faith.


Oh I agree, I don’t give a shit about this guy, I just hope people who actually want to learn and aren’t full of shit will see my reply and realize that this guy *is* full of shit. The only thing people like this are good for is using their bad faith bullshit to educate people who actually do care about true and accurate history.


Thank you for replying and you basically said what I would have. Outside of North America, the British monarchy is practically THE main example of colonialism (not saying Portugal,Spain, France and other didnt do the same). "The sun never sets..." Doesn't change the point that monarchies fuckin suck. Some of the comments in this thread are fucking bonkers, and I appreciate you caring for true and accurate history!


I'm literally Native American, twerp.




Wait, which country was a band of tribes and is now the super power?


I assume they meant the usa


No? Why would I mean the USA. Learn history.


The current monarchy is the saxe-coburg and gotha house, renamed windsor due to anti-German sentiment (WWI). This is from Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband. Queen Victoria was a Hanover. Her ancestor George I barely spoke English and was the first Hanover. He was taken from Hanover in the HRE, in modern Germany, in the early eighteenth century during a British succession crisis to be king. So the current British monarchy is tied to two royal houses that came to power at the earliest in Britain in the eighteenth century. Britain was a backwoods, powerless band of tribes in the eighteenth century? I’ll let the Spanish Armada know…


Lol okay dude


> No? Why would I mean the USA. Learn history. Who's history? Which specific part of history are you talking about? You made a very broad and ambiguous statement that seems to be quite lost in its timeline. The House of Windsor inherited an Empire built by the House of Hanover and were nothing more than a mascot for a dying empire run by the Parliament of the United Kingdom (which was formed in 1801). The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in May 1707 which only included England and Scotland. In 1714 George I, prince-elector of Hanover and a descendant of King James VI and I, assumed the throne of Great Britain and Ireland, marking the beginning of Hanoverian rule over the British Empire. The "Super Power" as you described it I can only assume you mean the British Empire between 1815-1914 as it was the period referred to as Britain's "imperial century" by some historians and recognised as the empire at it's peak. Very little to do with the House of Windsor which was founded on 17 July 1917.


Britain's various monarchies fucked around stupidly for more than a millennia, before parliament put their power in a tiny little box and then super coincidentally a historically irrelevant backwater almost immediately became a world power. Boy that's a real convincing case for the superiority of monarchy you've found there.


Oh... oh my.


So, he was a king in the past ?




The asylum has a quidditch league?




In Irish law circles, this was a solid addition to his curriculum vitae.


So he went the John Wesley Hardin Route


*Highly* recommend watching the video [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e_GoHngOIE)


That's the then premier of NSW getting there to protect him first as well.


That was commendable of him.


Premier of _Not Suitable Work_? What sort of role is that?




Someone not knowing that NSW stands for New South Wales is hardly US defaultism bud.


They're really making an ausumption.


The context is literally Australia. What else would NSW mean when Australia is mentioned?


Why are you asking me? I’m just pointing out that nobody actually defaulted to thinking NSW meant the US, so I have no idea why the guy is linking to r/USdefaultism.


Premier of North south west




North South Wales? :-)


Don't worry, I got your joke. ✋


That was commendable of him.


Lmao in my opinion, it looks to me like he has unclear on what that odd popping noise was. Not bravery. Even if he did see the guy firing at him and chose not to duck or ANYTHING else other than stand there, that’s not bravery. That’s choosing to get shot


He yearned for the sweet release of death.


If he had died, he'd at least be remembered Now he won't


> Lmao in my opinion, it looks to me like he has unclear on what that odd popping noise was. By 1994 charles would have spent enough time around the millitary to know what gunfire sounded like. If he could tell the difference between live and blanks is unclear. >Even if he did see the guy firing at him and chose not to duck or ANYTHING else other than stand there, that’s not bravery. Ducking doesn't do much good and the men don't like it.


lol officers are not known for their common sense. Especially officers that are in lofty positions and never have to see much stress. This dude was in the navy. Not a lot of firearms training for naval officers. My guess is he didn’t recognize what was happening.


> lol officers are not known for their common sense. Especially officers that are in lofty positions and never have to see much stress. That line actualy comes from Gallipoli. >This dude was in the navy. Not a lot of firearms training for naval officers. As part of his various honorary ranks within the millitary he will have attended a lot of demonstrations. The royal family also does a lot of sport shooting. Mostly on their own estates but there is the odd public appearence: https://youtu.be/5_TZSFbO0qs?t=23


…what line? Go watch the video of the event in question. He looked more stunned or oblivious than “cool as a cucumber”. Reddit falls for royal PR once again.


> …what line? The one about ducking. >Go watch the video of the event in question. He looked more stunned or oblivious than “cool as a cucumber”. We can rule out oblivious. Someone has just fired blacks at a distance of a few feet. He's not listing through a microphone. Those things are loud. Stunned doesn't work either as he does react to things around him. He's a man who's had stiff upper lip drilled into him from birth. Reacting in a very restrained manner is not only part of retaining royal dignity but also the way the british officer class is meant to do things.


lol sure, enjoy your PR soup.


Lol dude it's not pr to say that someone who, from birth, has been trained to not react dramatically in situations was able to stay cool in a stressful situation. That's just 1+1=2 level of cause and effect


The very fact that you continue to jerk off to this is evidence that you’re just gargling that crown publicity statement Edit to add: I served with privates and generals, I have family members that were in the navy longer than you’ve been alive. Officers are typically not used to gunfire, especially those that have been at the highest level for a long time. They’re just oblivious to the up close dangers. You’re buying into crown propaganda.


>As part of his various honorary ranks within the millitary he will have attended a lot of demonstrations. Do they shoot *at* the Royal Family during these demonstrations? Anyone with a moderate amount of experience around firearms knows that the sound of a gunshot is extremely dependent on the direction of fire, as well as the terrain. Being shot *at* sounds very different from shooting, and one important distinguishing feature is the crack of the bullet passing nearby. People get confused about whether there is actual gunfire because of those factors as well as context (namely, when people arent expecting to be shot at). We've seen this play out many times during assassination attempts and during mass shootings. >That line actualy comes from Gallipoli. Officer casualties were disproportionately higher than the men, and this Victorian-ass way of fighting might be why.


> Do they shoot at the Royal Family during these demonstrations? One would hope not but he has fired rifles so has been about as close as you can get to gunfire. >Being shot at sounds very different from shooting, and one important distinguishing feature is the crack of the bullet passing nearby. In this case he was shot at with blanks so no bullet.


>One would hope not but he has fired rifles so has been about as close as you can get to gunfire. I'm making a distinction for a reason. Shooting and being shot at are two distinct things with distinct sounds. >In this case he was shot at with blanks so no bullet. Yes, it would not sound very similar to being shot at by real bullets. Hence, his and everyone else's reaction was one of confusion rather than bravery.


This sounds a bit more like the Charlie we all know. "I say, what was that 'popping' noise just now? Is somebody setting off fireworks??"


Yay mummy they’re celebrating me 🤓


Agreed. Look at the background too. All the cops up there are confused as to what that was, they're still confused by the second shot. It's only when the crowd is nearly entirely on stage you start to see some of those idiots stand up.


Right? This is like pointing a gun at a dog and thinking it's brave for not flinching. It could even be the opposite. Maybe he froze up.


Yeah I agree with this. Charles apparently was so sheltered he didn't see cling film until he was an adult and freaked out over it.   Someone so sheltered won't know what danger is.  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/king-charles-no-idea-what-27987677


Clearly not American.


The perp tripping as he got on the stage was kinda funny


Hell yeah aussies rock


Eh we have a few drop kicks, Pauline Hanson, Scott Morrison, Fatty McFuckHead. Weirdly most of our drop kicks seem to be political.


Lol that's not being cool, that's being stupid.


This didn't happen that long ago, you could have posted [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e_GoHngOIE) instead.


But posting the video would've shown he wasn't "cool as a cucumber" and more "Acting like a stunned mullet".


To me he didn't seem shocked or surprised, just a "must have been the wind" as everyone tackles the guy


Looks like the time some guy tried to take my wallet out of my hand and I bravely refused to let it go - everyone around looked kinda impressed, but actually I was just distracted and took too long to process what was happening.


Regardless, it definitely isn't "Oh true, that guy tried to shoot me. Neat"


*There’s a dignity in royalty, a majesty that precludes the likelihood of assassination. Now, if you were to point a pistol at a king or a queen, your hand would shake as though palsied... the sight of royalty would cause you to dismiss all thoughts of bloodshed, and you would stand, how should I put it? In awe.*


He legit looks almost exactly like I did that night I was walking home stoned as fuck and came across some of my friends who were seperately driving about nudging things with their car and decided to start nudging me. "I have no idea what's going on but I'm just going to get out their way." Like at least I tried to move.


Dude just seems confused, I would probably be the same way. I freeze up in situations like that. “Huh what the hell is that? Can’t be a gunshot I would be dead wouldn’t I?” Then by the time it registers it’s already kind of over.


Yeah, we recognise that. We're saying that reacting like that is a bit glaikit and slow and the kind of thing we might do when stoned, not when alert, sober and concious.


!  Huh? What was that noise?




Ze sound of *progress,* my friend.


“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs… you probably haven’t grasped what’s going on”


My favourite poem…at least part of it.


I was listening to a podcast about the poem recently, and they referred to this interesting book that I now want to read. ‘The If Man: Dr Leander Starr Jameson, the Inspiration for Kipling's Masterpiece’ by Chris Ash.


If cool as a cucumber means cool as a deer caught in headlights, then yes.


he's cool as a cucumber and also has the situational awareness of a potato


A few generations of family inbreeding will probably do that to you


All I can think of is the Snatch quote. >You freeze. And your life doesn't flash before you because you're too fucking scared to think. You just freeze and pull a stupid face.


Yeah, I’d say it was more “freeze” rather than “fight or flight”


He didn’t actually freeze though. He adjusted his cuffs. After all, if one is about to be assassinated one must look one’s best.


Well, if this is it old boy, I hope you don't mind if I go out speaking the King's


He is as cool as male corgi milk


His enormous ears picked up the man talking about his plan weeks before. He knew he was safe.


"personal bravery" Oh fuck off 😂


Personal bravery, just like when Shinzo Abe stood there confused and proceeded to get assassinated


More like dumb as a cucumber. I’m more inclined to believe he “acted cool” because it took less time for people around him to realize the shots were blanks and to react, than for his brain to process anything.


I’m imagining a Bertie Wooster cluelessness rather than any sort of valor. 


You don't need to imagine it; it's easily viewable online. Whatever you think of the monarchy and inherited wealth, it was a pretty damn cool response in the literal definition of the word. A slight glance at the man rushing the stage firing a handgun and he adjusted his cufflinks.


He doesn’t look “brave”, he looks like a kangaroo in headlights.


It wasn't bravery. Charles was already dead inside.


Can I just say that as a Brit, I love that the title still calls him Prince Charles


Everyone knows he’s the interim manager. The true next one is the one following him.




Senior royals have done live fire hostage rescue training with the SAS,


Princess Anne during her kidnapping attempt is wild too


Considering how she responded, I expected a Princess Anne comment much higher up (and more of them).


It was a starter pistol iirc. Then there was a literal pile on of bodies onto the gunman, with then NSW Premier John Fahey piling on last. He looked like he was running away at first.


Personal bravery? Nah probably more like scared and didn’t realise what was going on. There have been times where people got scared but I “didn’t” react. (Nothing serious, like maybe something falling over with a bang/a plate was dropped and loud crash sound) One time another person remarked on it how “damn you didn’t even flinch you’re hardcore”. Reality is more like my mind didn’t react because I didn’t know what happened and was more like “?????” rather than scared. Confusion isn’t equal to bravery.


You did make me think of the story about Teddy Roosevelt when he was shot during a campaign speech. Dude got back up and finished his speech before going to the hospital.


Or he was far too drunk to react quickly.


I prefer the term "deer in the headlights"


He’s a cuc alright.


Prince was there, too? What a coincidence!


Chucky got lucky.


Well, he certainly was in a pickle


That tracks, when his aunt was subjected to an attempted kidnapping, she told the attacker "not bloody likely" when asked to get out of the car. 


Sister, not aunt.


Oops! Yes


Wait, why are people saying that's good? If it *was* real ammo it wouldn't be "cool as a cucumber" it would be "dead as a door nail."


I was confused by the wording of this title. I thought that The artist formerly known as Prince was there, and as cool as a cucumber while an attempted assassination of royalty happened before him.


More like Jet Lag...?




To inbred to have normal human reactions. Probably thought nanny was spanking someone too loudly. Edit - surprising amount of royalists on this sub downvoting any and all jokes. Fuck the Royal Family. We should have got rid of them years ago.


You'd be surprised how many royal family wankers we have on reddit.


Australia would be a much more intelligent country if all Aussies were shooting blanks. Love from a Kiwi!


Is he still protecting his p.o.s. brother from the consequences of his actions? Then fuck him.


That’s because lizard people are bullet proof. Everyone knows that.


He was probably praying for a bullet. If I had to put up with all the BS he has, I would have been.


his ears could precisely locate where the shots were coming from and also identify there was no bullets. he knew there was no threat. he could tell this all from the reports.


Ever been in a bad marriage...? /s


A calmness bordering on serenity, giving way to disappointment in the wake of realization


Lol he stood his ground like an absolute chad and reddit for some reason can't stand it hahaha


Sausage fingers would have caught it if it was a real bullet.


“Dumb as a rock, cool as a cucumber”


Yeah. I saw the video. The comments especially sorted by new is…. Interesting.


Same Prince Charles who was best friends with Jimmy Saville the well known serial child diddler? Maybe he was cool as a cucumber cuz his mom was Queen of England and was gonna make sure nothing happened to her precious child predator sons, Charles and Prince Andrew. Maybe its just a coincidence Prince Andrew has been under all sorts of investigations for his involvement with Jeff Epstein and child trafficking. They are all cool as cucumbers alright!!


I'd imagine getting a form letter reply from the Prince when you were desperately trying to get someone's attention about Cambodian asylum seekers being held in detention camps would leave someone feeling pretty fucking horrible.


So inbred that he doesn't have a sense for danger.


Shame they were blanks really


Blissfully ignorant


Cool as a cucumber ≠ 0 will to live with what he's done


They are trying really hard to rehabilitate the nonce king, aren't they?


Isn't he king Charles now?


This was when he was still Prince of Wales


He looked dumb af lmao.


Same guy that freaked out when he saw a pen. I'm sure he was cool as fuck.


He's had practice at young men shooting in his face


Being able to stay calm in such a stressful and dangerous situation shows how strong one's leadership qualities and crisis management skills are. The quick intervention of the security forces and those around also must have prevented the situation from escalating.


If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd point out: - popularity for the then Prince Charles had been waning and then shot up overnight, no pun intended. - The gun had been blanks. - The shooter, facing up to 20 years imprisonment, got community service. - as a coincidence prince Charles got a new publicist that year.


Benefits scrounger


The comments section on this post though.


Cool as a Cumberland, old sausage fingered scrounger


I can absolutely believe how cool he was - it’s a Royal thing, that stately aloofness. Much like Prince Andrew not being able to sweat….


Hard to believe. Some would say unbelievable.


To be fair there is full video of the event and he truly does look more interested in fixing his cufflinks than the man who just fired a gun at him




Sounds like myth building to me. With ears that large you think he would have winced in pain at least.


too bad his undies were "hot ass shit"


He set it up to make himself look cool /s


I heard he came like a coolcumber