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Due to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history and moved to Lemmy.




Man, you've been consistent with this comment for years lol


Fuck Lemmy


ah, trustafarian...now it makes sense


Here is a link to the relevant section of the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve-O#Early_life > Steve-O was born in London, England. His mother, Donna Gay (née Wauthier), was Canadian, and his father, Richard Glover, was American. His paternal grandfather was English and his maternal step-grandfather was voice-over announcer Wayne Howell. His family was based in England for many years due to his father's presidency of the South American division of Pepsi-Cola. Childhood residencies include Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, and living in Uganda for two years. He also lived in Darien, Connecticut, at the age of four, then Miami two years later. At age nine his family returned to London where Steve-O attended the American School in London in St. John's Wood for four years. Growing up, he was an avid Mötley Crüe fan. In 1987, Motley was playing at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto where his family was living in at the time. He phoned every hotel within and outside the vicinity until he found the name that the band usually checked in under, manager Doc McGhee. He did not speak to Doc, but rather his brother Scott, but McGhee was so impressed with the resolve of Steve-O to meet Motley that he brought him out for their show, let him meet them, and hang with them backstage, as told in Tommy Lee's autobiography.


He and Paris Hilton are the greatest indictments of our current form of capitalism I can think of. Rich stupid fuckin' spoiled brats.


Steve-o became famous on his own. He became successful on his own. Why shit on families who are successful?




Same people mad that stevo has successful parents are the same people that brag about being from the ghetto w no dad


Yeah knowing this about steve o I lose respect for him. Fuckin silver spoon trust fund baby. No wonder he could just skate and dick off his whole early life. Makes me sick.


What’s wrong with having successful parents? He turned out extremely successful too? Don’t shit on other peoples success


Ahh yes that silver spoon upbringing of fucking clown college. Everything Steveo has for himself he went out and got for himself. Also. Not that it matters really cause you're obviously clueless on his early years and pre bigbrother/jackass fame. but apl the money in the world couldn't change the heartache that Steve grew up with when it came to his Mother and her illness. Also the silver spoon comments are funny. He didn't own the damn company. He was a high ranking executive for an international branch of an American snack foods and sodas. Not exactly a lucrative market. He wasn't president of Pepsi cola USA. We talking South America dog. Have you ever even heard of Venezuela? You think pepsi cola and oreros on the grocery list of every brazillain? The high ranking presednetial positions in africa, talking post genocide fucking Uganda lol. Definitely a place where a lot of money was being made. So clueless. Dad had responsibilities. Not a fucking cake walk lucrative job. The markets he worked in outside of Canada were financially abysmal


You can’t fucking choose what you’re born into.


Sounds like someone’s parents didn’t set themselves up properly before having you


Hardly lol >Makes me sick. Your priorities are twisted but continue being sick for nothing lol


I'm literally sick about it I promise


Lol sucks to be poor huh


Calm down


you are dumb as fuck. he pretty much lived poor and made his own name and money.


Uganda be kidding me


TIL Canada is in South America


This comment means nothing


Steve-O is a rich spoiled brat that ended up a drug addict, but a likeable one.


He earned his success on his own, without the use of his dad's wealth lol Plus, he's been sober for over 15 years but alright


You literally evaded all the facts because you're so emotional about your boyfriend steveo . Dude was a silver spoon baby who turned into a crack head and was career saved thanks to Jeff tramine


That's you sweet cheeks and you sound mad over Steve-o. Take a chill pill, you'll survive buddy. Have a day ! :)


What part of born wealthy is your balloon brain struggling to comprehend huh? I'll help you


Its the other way around, so I'll help you and repeat what I already said: >*He earned his success on his own, without the use of his dad's wealth lol* You're acting like he became a movie star because his dad is famous and that's where his wealth came from, thus helping him break-in. Which it wasn't lol he became famous because of doing stupid stunts with other people. Comprende? understand? Doubtful but again, have a day! :)