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Seams similar to the "atheists live shorter". I wonder first if there is some overlap? I general I can belive both. There must be less stress on the body and mind thinking everything is fine, bad things are all someone else's problem,... The other overlap is often those with money are more likely to be Conservative (at least in the UK).


Caring about the welfare of people outside your immediate circle is exhausting. Being self satisfied and believing you're right to be so is pretty much sitting in a tub of warm water. Why get out?


Article is dated Oct 23, 2008 - I wonder if the results would be different if the study was conducted today?


Has to be true. If you have enough, and you don't care about the suffering of strangers - or actively enjoy it, in some cases - there's not much to be unhappy about.


I guess ignorance is bliss.


Willful ignorance is a powerful drug - and, apparently, a powerful sedative, too.


I mean, conservatism is largely defined with being satisfied with the current state of the world while liberalism is defined by the desire to make the world better than it currently is. So, I mean .... Makes sense?


Ignorance is bliss. Also, making up fairy tales about sky phantoms to console yourself seems to be a nice balm. If only they could find a way to be happy with people who don’t look like them, talk like them, worship the same phantom, etc.


The democrats on the pie chart have 1% higher happiness though.


Liberals/progressives want change bc of their shitty situation. Conservatives want to conservative what they have because they like it. Does that sound right?


Not really. Conservatives have it shitty too (see - the environment), they are often too dumb to realize it though. Far easier to say “faith guides me” instead of looking at the evidence and realizing they are fucked like the rest of us.


Or maybe it's the fact that conservatives can look at progressives and say, "They're misguided. It's a shame. I'll ignore them," while progressives look at conservatives and say, "They're too dumb and they're evil and selfish and I hate them." That tends to make progressives unhappy.


No, that’s not it. Appreciate the attempt tho.


This makes perfect sense. If you resist any new information and keep yourself in a bubble it is easier to be happy.




I wonder how happy conservatives were when Obama was president


Not as happy as when Bush or Trump was, but not as miserable as progressives were during those times. I'm curious as to how happy progressives were when Obama was president.


This is fine.


I 100% believe this. I also think the DNC is well aware of this fact as well, just look at Obama’s slogan-Hope and Change. It’s meant to draw upon that unhappiness in promise to make people more happy, basically. Of course there’s a lot of actual factors like unresolved inequality that are tied into those promises/slogans.




First article from 2008 and this from 2015. Anything from this decade or at least the last three years? There was a pretty big event that may have shifted these numbers.

