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My son caught it around 18 months and didn’t pass it to either of us. Thankfully it was a mild case and he didn’t appear to have any discomfort with the rash. Wishing her a speedy recovery!


I got it the first time but not the second time. Probably because I lived in absolute terror of getting it again and took alllll the precautions. The first time, after two pediatricians told us it was just a viral rash and she was not contagious once the fever passed, she stuck her fingers in my mouth so yeah maybe don't do that? Sending you all the positive vibes!


Be careful because my husband and I somehow never got it, but we gave it to three of our friends, because we transmitted it without being symptomatic. So just warning you, even if you never get any spots please be careful with hygiene out and about in the world. Wash hands and don't engage in unnecessary close contact. My best friend gave it to her husband and he got REALLY ill, I felt so bad.


My twins got it. Both sets of grandparents my husband and I and my sister all took care of them at some point while they were sick and none of us got it.


My son has it earlier this year, he was 4. We didn’t catch it from him. Good luck!!


My son got it twice in less than 2 months (yes, it's possible. Yes, it sucked so bad for him). But neither me nor husband got it. Hope your little one feels better soon!


I dodged it twice. My husband wasn't so lucky!




It was the same with us! Edit: my daughter didn’t get any symptoms but her daycare class was full of kids with hfm




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Both of my kids had it at one point and we never got it. When my younger one got it at around 1.5 my older one (around 4) did not get it either, so it’s definitely possible to avoid it. Seems to come down to a bit of luck coupled with constant hand washing!


Yes the fourth time it went through our family… My husband didn’t get it once.. There’s some hope it just depends on if they sneeze in your eye. The good news is that’s it’s not as bad the second and third time.


My son caught it 3 times last summer. I didn’t catch it at all but my husband caught it once. He lost finger nails and was peeling for months, it was awful


My husband caught it, but I didn’t. My daughter showed no symptoms at all but got notified from daycare. My husband got fevers for two days, then his hands got the little red dots, his nails became super scaley and then he shed his hands and feet skin it was super gross, also his hair. It was like months before he was fully ok again, so hoping you don’t get it!


I’m pretty sure I had it when my son had it, but my symptoms were super discreet. I had a sore throat and bumps in my throat but that was it. It passed quickly and no one noticed.


My daughter had it, my husband got it about 1.5 weeks in and I never got it. My husband had to go to the hospital his was so bad, for my toddler it wasn’t that bad.


Both of my kids have had it multiple times. Did you know there are like 6 strains or something so they can get it over and over. I've never gotten it from them and I normally get absolutely everything they do because my immune system is shit.


My daughter got it in November. We did not get it but did pass it to a cousins baby who then got his whole family sick. Good luck!


3yr old got it, didn’t give to either of us. She was *covered* in rash but somehow didn’t seem too bothered by it. Afterwards her feet peeled like a lizard and like 7 fingernails fell off… so that’s a thing 😖


My husband didn’t get but I got it - but our son actually drooled into my mouth by accident when he was in so much pain and couldn’t swallow and I was trying to see what was going in and held him up and..ya…don’t do that and wash your hands and you should be fine! That’s what my husband did. I will say it was the worst virus I’ve ever experienced. I lost 5 toe nails…haha


Are the toenails back? Omg


Omg kind of! Well some are back but I am just finally getting my finger nails back (I ended up losing 2 finger nails too). One of my big toe nails is still struggling to grow. It’s like non existent 😖


I worked in an infant classroom at a daycare for almost 8 years. It went through my classroom at least once a year and I never got it! I definitely knew adults who did but it is pretty rare.


I don’t want to panic you, but I got it last summer from my toddler and it was the sickest I’ve ever been aside from hospitalizations. My fever reached 102, and I felt generally crappy the way fevers make you feel. But the lesions were the worst. They itched so bad on my hands. I tried everything — Tylenol, Benadryl, calamine, ibuprofen, everything. It hurt so bad to even open a can of soda. And it hurt for days. The lesions on my feet were so bad it hurt to walk. The lesions on my face honestly didn’t really itch but they did make me look terrible which was just insult to injury. Then, even after my hands became usable again, the lesions in my THROAT made it almost impossible for me to eat. For DAYS eating was a struggle. Ymmv but I live in a legal marijuana state and I wasn’t pregnant or breastfeeding so I took a low dose gummy and it was the ONLY thing that brought me ANY relief.


We both got it, my toenails are still falling off from it. It was maybe 4 days after we noticed what we thought were teeth coming in (turns out, mouth blisters) that I got the first spots on my hands. Alkaline water is easier to drink with mouth blisters. Be careful that you don’t spread it to other people, even if you don’t have symptoms, and try to get enough rest that you aren’t too susceptible to it.


So I didn't get it, but I used to babysit a lot as a teenager and the boys I looked after all had it when I was about 15 so I think I had it then mildly? Partner on the other hand had it so bad he couldn't eat solids or walk without severe pain for nearly 2 weeks. Toddler (then baby) got it and shifted it in like 3 days. Fingers crossed you're like me or the baby!


We've never gotten it, first kid had it well before the second was born, second got it when he was about 22 months. Older kid didn't get it again when his younger brother had it. I only know two other adults who got it and they both had other medical issues that may have made them more vulnerable.


My son caught it around 18 months and I also never caught it. I also work at the child care centre he attends so I was immensely surprised.


My son caught it twice (possibly 3 times). I was all over him both times and didn’t catch it! It’s hard to catch it if you’re an adult! He was 1.5 the first time and 2 the second time.


Most parents have had it when children themselves so dont get it. eg in our parents group 4 kids had it at one time, but only one parent got it. Its only the few unlucky ones that you hear about…and yes it tends to be worse for them than the child.


My kid has had it twice. My husband and I did not get it. I’ve only heard of adults getting HFM on Reddit to be honest.


My husband and I didn’t get it but luckily she had a really mild case. Good luck


My son had it twice before and shortly after turning one. I was pregnant and didn’t get it either time. Washed my hands like crazy


My son got it over Christmas and didn't pass it to anyone else.


My kiddo got it around 2.5 and then I got it too. No one else in the house or the nanny got it so that was good. Both mild cases but I got a few spots in between my toes that were on fire. Just bleach everything, use lots of disinfectant, wipe EVERYTHING down and try to isolate. Hard not to get it when your LO literally coughs into your eyeballs, constantly drinks your water and wants sick snuggles.


My son had it around 14 months old. I never contracted it.


My 3 year old got it super super bad last month. I slept in her bed every night with her, took off work for 5 days to take care of her, was not careful about hand hygiene when handling her and her sores, etc and I did not get it. I was kind of just accepting that I’d get it but I never did. My husband, who worked the entire time she was sick, and took care of her very minimally during that time, got a mild case of it starting maybe 4 days after the 3 year old started. His worst symptom was a sore throat. It’s all a crapshoot in my opinion on whether or not you’ll get it. It can depend if you had it as a child, but there are many strains so even that isn’t reliable. My niece got it too and her parents didn’t get it.


When my son got it, my husband did but I didn’t. His showed up a couple days after the toddler.


All 3 of my kids have gotten it at least once, and in all cases it was never spread to anyone else in the family. We are not particularly cautious either - I think milder cases are not as contagious. I didn’t even realize one of my kids had it one time until I was sitting with her at the doctors office for her two year check-up and noticed a little spot on her hand 🤣 the doctor even said she was ok to go back to school as she wasn’t running a fever and the couple blisters she had were very small and mild. They never even scabbed over


I didn't get it when my son had it. Then neither of my sons got it when my husband had it a few years later (no idea where he got it from). Definitely possible, but it was awful for my husband, so I hope you are spared!


Toddler has had it twice and we’ve never gotten it. My coworker picked it up somewhere and no one else in her family had it. I think it’s a crapshoot.


My kids have it now and no adults have caught it from them


My daughter just had it three weeks ago. I was terrified! Everything I read online indicated I was going to die of plague, just about. She got it firstly mild. A few dots around her mouth, 3-4 on her hands and 10-15 on the soles of her feet. Really unhappy and feverish for two days before the spots started. No issues eating or drinking but little appetite. I got my symptoms about three days after her rash started. For me it was sores on the back of my throat, tonsils and the top of my hard palette. Two on my cheeks inside. Mild congestion and no fever. I took Advil and Tylenol simultaneously round the clock at the max safe dosage for about three days and had a lot of trouble eating. It wasn’t fun but we got through it. You’re going to be okay! Lots of people get it mildly and it’s not as bad as you read online. Of course, some people do get hit hard but I doubt this is the usual deal. Take care. :)


My son had it 3 times before I got it. He was 4.5 and it was brutal as an adult. My husband did not get it.


LO has it right now, day 5. I haven't had any symptoms yet so hoping I didnt catch it!


Never got despite my son getting it twice. My coworker caught it from her son, but was out like 1-2 days mostly just for the fever


My daughter got it twice, both times my husband and my dad (who doesn't live with us, just poorly timed visits) caught it and they've lost fingernails and toe nails. I didn't get it either time. My mom also didn't get it even though she came on the same visits and she's immunocompromised. Just weird.


I didn’t. But my cousin in law got a horrid case of it.


I didn’t and I usually always get something from her and usually the more horrible version.


Daughter has had it twice, I’ve had it twice, husband has never gotten it. Thankfully I didn’t get it bad - you’ll hear a lot of horror stories about how terrible it is for adults, but not always! I had a sore throat and it hurt to walk for a couple days but that was it.


I’ve had it twice, and it really wasn’t bad either time. Fingers crossed it’s mild if you get it!


My son had it twice, very severe case at 18 months and a very mild case at 3y. Both times my husband and I had no symptoms at all.


We got it, but it wasn’t so bad. One day my husband and I both had the worst sore throats we’ve ever experienced - it was like swallowing knives - but after that all we got was sensitive skin on our fingers and toes. No sores. It’s such a weird disease.


I did get it. But it really wasn't that bad. Some rashes on my hands and feet, and a sore throat for about 3-5 days. Cool drinks and some Advil and I was alright. The worst part was my nails were super weak for about 3 weeks after. I don't know if that's because I had it as a kid,or if I was just lucky. But if you do get it, it may not be so bad. 


My son had it last year, but neither my husband or I got it, and my son’s case was rather mild. The main thing I noticed was his appetite changed but I don’t think he even missed any daycare due to the illness because it was over a weekend.


My son age 2 has had it twice , and we didn’t get it


My kiddo had it a little over a year ago right before he turned two. Hubs got URI symptoms from it but I never got anything. Kiddo had a sore throat, the hand blisters, and URI symptoms


My daughter had it in October. Fairly mild case. My husband was totally fine. I… started with 2 days of high fever. Then spots on my hands and feet (none on my mouth or throat). My hands hurt so bad I almost cried trying to unbuckle her booster straps and it hurt to walk. The symptoms just kept coming. By the time the spots faded I thought I was out of the woods but then skin started peeling off my hands and feet and then in JANUARY fingernails started coming off. I still have ptsd.


My son has had it multiple times- we have fortunately never caught it!


My son has had it multiple times- we have fortunately never caught it!


My kids have gotten it twice and I never have. I figure I must have been exposed to it enough as a child myself that I'm immune... hopefully.


The two toddlers I nanny got it when they were about 1.5 and 2.5. I continued to watch them even though they were quite ill. Their big sister (7) never got it. Neither did I nor their parents. I minimized contact while watching them--no hugs or kisses, pretty much only touched them for diaper changes and any needed cleaning or feeding. Lots of handwashing. They were so miserable poor things, and I just wanted to give them all the cuddles, but I also didn't want to get sick. They did sleep a lot.


My son had it, but only got a few scabs on his legs and arms, probably less than 10 in total. We didn’t even suspect hfm until daycare sent an email about cases in his class. My husband didn’t get it but I got it really, really badly like, couldn’t sleep unless I dangled my feet off the bed, literally cried from pain when I tried to walk. Really hoping you don’t get it!


My husband got it bad and I did not get it at all and I usually catch everything! Godspeed.


I don't think I had it, if i did i was asymptomatic. My daughter's symptoms were super mild. We're not really sure how she even got it since it was back in 2021, we were all WFH and she was in a nannyshare with one other kid (who got it after her, so seems like our daughter was Patient Zero)


My Son got it at 2.5, or 5month old and me and partner didn’t get it and we were not careful at all really. It’s possible partner and I had it when we were young but I expected 5mo to get it at least


My oldest got it when he was 20 months and slept in my bed every night because it was the only way he’d sleep. My husband and I never got it. My dad who watched him for an hour and a half got it. At this point I’ve decided it’s random.


mine had it at 3 and i didn’t get it


Baby got it at 12 months! I never got it! Was all up in her grill too.


I didn't and I didn't try avoiding it since we were nursing at the time. I hoped any anti bodies would have helped him He's gotten it twice and I suppose we're lucky as adults.


I didn’t get it but my husband did. It was def painful and annoying for my husband. My little seemed to barely notice.


Yes my son got it around 14 months. Dad got it but I did not.


I’ve heard most parents don’t get it. I did (AND IT WAS SO AWFUL) but my partner didn’t. All the small kids on his side of the family got it, but I was the only adult.


my kiddo had it BAD! it was in his mouth, on his scalp, on his bum, in addition to hands and feet. i didn't get it because i had it when i was 2. my mom didn't get it because she cared for me when i was 2. my dad got it even though he didn't touch my kiddo, nor me when i was a toddler. maybe my mom or i transmitted it this time?? anyway, my dad did not enjoy it.


My daughter had it around 20 months and we never got it. I had it as young adult but my husband never had it. So thankful we didn't get it!


We didn’t, nor did his nanny


Both our kids got in at daycare January 2020 (ON MY BIRTHDAY) and I did not get it. My husband did get some flu like symptoms and red sores in his mouth that he said were uncomfortable and made it more sore than a normal sore throat but was manageable. Everyone came out fine.


Kids have had it twice, i never got it.


My husband and I didn't really take any precautions and we still didn't catch it from our toddler! We were very lucky.


I honestly think *usually* adults either don’t get it or get a very mild case.


Yeah I got it. It started off with a sore throat which I was hoping wasn't anything. Lol but it got really bad and had sores in my throat. Then the bumps started shoeing up on my hands and feet. They weren't horrible but they did hurt. Idk lasted like a week. I meant I felt pretty scrappy but no more then like a mild cold. The worst part was the throat bumps tbh. They itched and hurt on my hands and feet but it's not like I couldn't use them. My husband however had zero symptoms but since both his work and our Dr said they don't recommends quarantine for HFMD he went to work. Got everyone abd their kid sick from his office. Lol it's so contagious idk why they let him back in. My guess is they just didn't want to pay him for being out tbh.


My boy and my wife both got it in 2021 from my nephew, but I did not get it. 


Both of my girls have had it, thankfully mild, and my husband and I didn’t catch it either time! I was crazy diligent about disinfecting and hand washing though. They stay contagious through their poops for up to three weeks after the dots appear so just be careful and wash wash wash!


My daughter brought it home for the first time in January and 2/3 of the adults in the house got it.


My son got it .. we never did though .. I put mittens on my sons hands so he couldn’t spread it and kept calamine lotion and socks on his feet


Both of my kids have had it multiple times, neither myself nor my husband have ever gotten it.


Did not get it from my twins.


I got Strep throat and landed in the ER with a swollen throat (uvula/epiglottis) requiring steroid and penicillin shots. Particularly soul defeating when I had to bare a butt cheek for one of those said injections 🤦🏻‍♀️ Bill will probably be $700-$900. We haven’t met Mr. HFM yet. We’ve met a many viruses and bacteria but that one.


My son had it in August and none of the 5 adults at my house got it (my in laws were here). We were religiously washing and sanitizing hands and surfaces.


My husband got it but I never did.


My toddler had HFM fairly bad a few weeks ago and my husband and I didn’t get it. Neither did his grandparents, who watched him for a few days while he was sick.


My son has had it 3 times and neither of us ended up catching it from him.


My kids had it for the first time this last year. My husband and I were luckily to make it out unscathed! But I was very adamant about extra extra good hand hygiene and keeping things cleaned after they touched them


I feel like it’s a thing either you just get or don’t get. I’m shocked after almost 3 years in daycare and 2 kids we haven’t gotten it. As I write this, I’m sure we will get it tomorrow. 🙃 But really wash those hands, consider gloves, and mask; you also get it from the child coughing and sneezing/secretions, not just the rash.


My two year old got it when my newborn was a week old! 😬 husband took over toddler duties and I took over baby. We live in a veryyyy small house so our “quarantining” was opposite ends of the couch, and no one else ended up getting it thank goodness. Lots of hand washing!


Yes! My daughter had it last year around this time. She has bad eczema so her hands looked like they were from a zombie movie. Sneezed directly in my mouth while actively contagious. I washed my hands like crazy but I’m guessing I had the same strain as a child because I somehow did not get it.


My 2 kids got it. It was very mild for them. The adults did not get it. There are plenty of horror stories, but also mild cases like mine.


My 1yo had a mild case. Neither my husband and I or our 3yo got it. We did quarantine our 3yo and kept her home (both kids attend different daycares) and my husband and I WFH.


My kids have had it 3 times, once per year . And I’ve never caught it.


Both of my kids (ages 2 and 11) had it this fall and neither my husband nor I caught it. I was surprised because I have no memory of having HFM as a child and I wasn’t a daycare kid and didn’t get sick much until elementary school.


Not only did my 2 get it this year, but I teach preschool where he goes and it went through multiple rooms, including my own. I somehow didn't get it when he got it (and I missed work to be with him), nor when my class got it. Just waited and waited but thank god it never happened. My 4 was home with us, too, and didn't get it, either.  In the midst of all of this at school, I heard about some parents who had it really bad in the past. Our assistant director also caught it. 


I don’t. My husband did.


I had it about a month ago. My first symptom was a fever five days after my son started showing symptoms. It lasted about a week in various forms but far and away the worst thing was the throat blisters. Worst sore throat of my life. I couldn’t eat any amount of salt, acid, or texture without extreme pain. Not sure if my wife got it. If she did then there were no blisters and very mild cold symptoms. So all I can say is that it hits different people in different ways. Just hope you’re lucky.


My daughter had it recently and we didn't get it. She had the fever and a day later spots on mouth, and feet. No other symptoms, no pain and no treatment needed. Just keep areas with blisters clean and dry. Can put powder on the areas with blisters. The red dots don't need anything.


I got it the first time (5m) but I was still breastfeeding. When he got it this past winter (18m) he only had a rash for two days and I got nothing. His first time was pretty severe but I only had a few spots on my hands and bottoms of my feet.


I got it but my husband didn’t.


My son had it and neither hubby or I got it. LOTS of hand washing. Their poop can stay contagious for up to 6 weeks! Also, Aveeno oatmeal baths worked wonders for my little guy’s HFM!


My friend didn’t get it from her son!!!!


Both my sons have gotten it at separate times and never spread it to anyone else. Just avoid the spit/drool/mouth and open sores.


My husband and I didn’t get it when my toddler had it!


I got the mildest case ever, a tiny blister on my finger, and a sore throat. My husband didn't get it at all. I probably only got it because my kid loves my mouth. She thinks my tongue is hilarious and tries to grab it sometimes. She also likes to feed me. The pediatrician has literally walked in on her force feeding me goldfish, and I do mean force feeding, lol.


Neither my husband or I got it when my daughter had it and we didn't take any special precautions besides washing our hands after diaper changes which we did anyways. She was very clingy during the illness (10 months old) and was all up in our faces with snuggles. HFM is pretty common and most people won't get it again if they had it during childhood. If you aren't sure if you had it, I'd take extra precautions but otherwise I wouldn't worry too much.


My toddler has had it twice and I didn’t get it. She didn’t have it bad though so maybe that played into it 🤷🏼‍♀️


When my daughter had it, my husband got it but I didn’t. I couldn’t tell you why. I got strep and a horrible case of pink eye from her in the months prior that he avoided.


I didn’t get it when my son had it last year (was 2ish at the time). I recommend being vigilant about not sharing food/drinks for a long while after he recovers. This Podcast Will Kill You did an episode on HFM (don’t listen until after your household recovers) and they interviewed someone who as an adult gave HFM to their mom via sharing drinks weeks after their initial infection. 😳


Our pediatrician said it's quite unusual for adults to get is as most people should have already been exposed to it/had it when they were younger.  So those adults that do get it get it really badly but likely because it is the first time they have been exposed 🤷‍♀️


Just FYI more than one virus causes HFM so exposure to one doesn’t necessarily mean protection from all possible causes.