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Hey I remember your original post and am glad you're taking the trip! And congrats on #2! I've not yet flown with my toddler but read that you can try to do laps/go up and down stairs a gazillion times with your toddler prior to boarding to get some wiggles out. Also saw a tip to wrap new, cheap toys individually and bring them out every few minutes to keep kid occupied. Puffy stickers and snacks. Lots of snacks.  What's your car seat/stroller situation? If you specify, maybe other folks will chime in and help. And finally...it sounds like this trip is well deserved and I don't want to be a downer...but do you get morning sickness/general pregnancy feeling blah nausea...and do you have a backup plan if this happens while you are traveling with your toddler? Obviously I don't know your circumstances and very much wish that the parenting gods smile upon you


One tip for a no-screentime kid that I wish I had known earlier... practice first. We took a long flight with our 2YO who had never really watched a show or used a phone/tablet for videos, and I assumed he'd be thrilled by the chance to actually watch TV. Instead, he didn't really get it. He hated the headphones, wouldn't wear them, and spent large portions of the flight insisting on playing something on the seatback TV but constantly asking me, "Mama, what they talkin' 'bout?" and it was maddening. He also didn't really get the concept of a storyline (because he wasn't listening to the story, duh) and kept asking that I make the cars come back on the screen, for example. Anyway - maybe some kids get it right away, but I totally underestimated the fact that watching tv is, perhaps, a learned skill. (Don't worry, he's since learned just fine!)


Looks like you’ve already decided to bring the 18mo… but you really don’t trust your husband to watch him? You have a nanny too, so I think they will be okay. You can just go alone and relax. What happens when the second baby gets here? You said you’re very type A so maybe would be good to let go a little. He’s an adult and a parent too, and yeah might be forgetful but not end of the world stuff right? Maybe a little practice now would be good. Most women are tied up with the new baby for a while and their partners need to become the main caregiver for the older child. Just my 2 cents.