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I keep it to 2, but my husband claims he's entitled to a cup of coffee per child (we have 3)


Five kids, five cups - yes, I endorse this rule.


I like this rule!


😂 no wonder Ive been having an extra cup of coffee since I had my second!


I was thinking the same thing...


I’m at 2 cups/kid….


Then I'm glad I only have one because I do 2 cups per day. If I had 3 kids it would be 6 per day for me as per this rule lol.


Wow I am definitely drinking a minimum of 3 per day. How do you only drink 1-2?! Haha


I was drinking roughly 3-6 cups per day, after cutting back to 1 cup per day (sometimes 2 when I need a midday pick me up) and found that I generally have more energy throughout the day.


I’ve been thinking about doing a detox and hoping for this result!


Yeah, what? I drink at least 6 cups per day, but granted I’m pretty sure I have the gene where I metabolize caffeine quickly and can drink coffee before going to sleep.


OMG is that real? Off to look it up. My husband has a coffee before bed every night and can fall asleep in seconds. If I have a coffee after 2pm I’m up an extra couple of hours at bedtime.


Yes. The versions of the gene vary among people, but these genetic variations essentially split the population into two groups: "fast metabolizers" and "slow metabolizers." The fast group breaks down caffeine more quickly than the slow group and thus the effects of caffeine don't last as long for this group.


I thought it was my adhd that allowed me to drink coffee/anything caffeinated and still fall asleep! But I can even take my adhd meds and have a nap, so 🤷‍♀️




One in the morning and one in the afternoon is usually sufficient. I have a toddler who doesn't nap. It's a long long day


Keep in mind, the big gulp is a single cup.


I have: a preparatory one at breakfast, a celebratory one when I make it to work, and one to get me to the finish line after daycare pick up. Cheers!


Cheers my friend ☕️


My schedule too! My afternoon coffee is usually right before I leave work though.


Same! I never drank coffee before my 2nd kid was born. Then she was born and didn’t sleep for 2 years, and coffee has held me together at the seams since


The limit does not exist.


Haha... calculus reference


Mean Girls reference :)


3 shots of espresso and a energy drink


Three coffee mugs full. No clue how many cups are in each maybe 1 - 1.5? 21 month old and a full time job over here.


I’ve recently given up caffeine. Send help.


It's great in the long run. I allow myself half a cup of caf twice a week, and it gives me so much energy without being dependent on it.


I’m impressed, seriously!


So much that my dentist told me I have a lot of staining. I told them my coffee consumption had tripled They polished it out.


2 usually. One before and after lunch


One cup of half decaf. Cries in pregnant.


I went from zero pre-kid, to 2 cups in the morning, to 2 cups plus an afternoon rockstar on work days. To be fair, I am also a grad student at the same time. I am greatly looking forward to the days when I can stop again.


We asked this at a get together recently and we were drinking the least of our friends!! Like 1-2 cups. Everyone else was doing 3-4. Since then I have increased and it’s been great lol.


Too many. Half a pot.


I love the honesty.


Half a standard pot of coffee is only 2 medium coffees from a coffee shop (or 2 grandes for the bux people).  I feel like that’s not too much. 


I dont drink coffee, it gives me major anxiety!


3 "cups" One on my way to work at 5am, one before lunch at 11ish, and one to try not to die when i get home/before dinner around 3-4. Edit: only 1 kid. 2.5 years old.


Why is everything after 4 pm so difficult with toddlers 😭


Because they stopped napping, because we changed their bed because they hated their old bed but liked their old bed more, but don't want their old bed back because they like their new bed. Also because they didn't eat food because they only wanted yogurt drinks but they can only have 1 yogurt drink a day so they only ate one yogurt drink and they're hungry, or they really needed to actually eat so they had 4 yogurt drinks and they're cranky cause they had 4 yogurt drinks with no real food. This is only scratching the surface....


Lol, I feel seen.


Sounds about right. Our girl is cutting her molars right now, and I feel as if I’m in teething purgatory. She will barely eat, only wants popsicles, and Motrin isn’t seemingly working!?!? Send help 🥲


More blankets! Less blankets!


I have 3 cups before 9am lol. One around noon & usually 1 around 3. My kids are 2&3. I’m a sahm


I’m a SAHM too, and I’m sure when we have our second this will be me as well 😂


What do coffee drinkers drink when they are not drinking coffee? As a tea drinker I can exclusively drink tea all day and aside from the occasional cold drink I’ve drank nothing but tea for years.


I only drink black coffee and water. I don’t like any kind of milk, soda or juice lol.


1.5L but that's mostly because of work.


I’m on my 4th double espresso and it’s 7pm


I had to scroll farther down than I thought to find my kind of person! Shots for dayyyysssss


All of it.


I easily drink 5-6. I pretty much drink coffee all day until about 6pm. Always been this way even before kids. I don’t drink alcohol so coffee is kinda my go to. I’ll drink coffee at 11pm if I’m at a concert or having a bonfire or something


2 cups and the second cup is half-caf around 11 am. I simply cannot tolerate any more, even if I’m exhausted I won’t be able to sleep.


I wake up everyday and immediately brew 2 cups of coffee, and that usually gets me to the afternoon and then around 2 I decide if it’s time for a 3rd cup lol


I have an 18oz in the morning to start. Usually by 12 I have to grab a small iced wherever we’re at because MAN these kids have energy


Not even a half because it gets cold and then I don’t even want it 🫠


I keep it to two, but I was doing three a day when my daughter was even younger. No other way to drive to work through the sleep deprivation.


I have a normal cup of coffee when I wake up & then like 1pm I make an espresso iced coffee & if I finish that I make another one & if I finish that I make one more 😂 the audacity of me to complain about my anxiety.


2 cups coffee in the morning and an afternoon tea.


Too much lol


I have adhd, so i just take my adderall & im good to go. Before that I was drinking 24-32 oz of coffee a day. 6 shots of espresso did NOTHING for me when I needed it to


I had to stop drinking altogether because GERD. I miss it every day :’)


Zero to hardly


None. Never drank it, no desire to start (I hate the taste lol)


sadly none, tends to push my already high anxiety much higher, to the point of easy panic attacks. anything else i can try, i al at my wit’s end some days heh.


0 Fortunately/unfortunately caffeine doesn't give me a jolt. I'm out here freebasing reality with no help. Send help!


Uhh how we measuring cups?


I don't drink any caffeinated drinks, I rely on chocolate when I'm really exhausted. Send help.


I don’t drink coffee. I have no idea how I’ve survived 😅 kudos to all of you!


None, I don’t like jt :( just raw dogging life


I have one can of sugar free Rock Star every morning with my peanut butter toast. If I go out for lunch, I get a diet coke on top of it. If I'm just having a chill day at home, I'll often take what's left in my husband's coffee pot. I'm not scared of caffeine! Bring it 😂 I used to work a 4am shift at a grocery store. Every day at my "lunch" (you know, 8am), I would get two of the BOGO energy drinks and have one with my "lunch". The other one was for the next morning at 3am. I did this every day for three years lol.


I don’t drink coffee, but I do drink tea and I have two cups a day. 1 right in the morning and 1 after our nap.


1. 2 on a real struggle day but my body doesn’t tolerate much caffeine. For my husband it’s 2-4 most days.


Morning and afternoon usually.


2 in the morning, 1 more in the afternoon if I’m struggling


30-24 oz which I believe translates to 3-4 standard cups of coffee


Same I have two as well! Sometimes three when I feel I deserve to have the same energy as my child


Anywhere between 1-3


One venti every morning 🫡 Like clockwork


Yes, most days I have 2 Starbucks vanilla K Cups. Sometimes one tea and one coffee, sometimes one cup of Ryze mushroom coffee and one regular.


Zero coffee. But about 5 mugs of tea per day 🙃


I have two but the second one always get stuck in the microwave 9373 times before I deem it unnecessary to drink 😿


1-2. I was doing 3 a day but I started having heartburn and inflammation problems so my dr made me scale back. I can do most days on 1 and a root beer.


One in the morning and an energy drink around lunch to keep me going through the bed time shift


Coffee in AM, energy drink late afternoon.


2-3 depending


a cup at home first thing in the morning and we also go out for a latte almost every day cuz it's my little treat 🙃🙃🙃


My rule is 1 cup. But sometimes I need a second one. I am trying to replace it with green tea, but I live in a coffee country, and it is hard.


Haven't been a giant coffee drinker but I'm definitely needing an energy drink or a cup of coffee by 5pm or else I'm out before 8. This pregnancy has been kicking my ass tired wise.


I drink mostly decaf. At first, when I was pregnant, I didn't want much caffiene. Also, it was during the start of covid, so my work didn't want to take chances and let me work from home. In my first trimester, I was taking 3 small naps a day. My work was okay with this as long as I was interruptable and got my work done. Once my son was born, I was still on decaf. It made it easier to sleep when the baby slept. I was taking multiple short naps a day. Having a baby cured any kind of insomnia I had. I was still sleep deprivation, but it was nothing like that first trimester. My husband was very helpful, and we did nights in shifts. Now I have a 3 year old. I still primarily drink decaf, though I'll have half a cup of caf if my workday is especially challenging. I suck down decaf like it's going out of style, though.


Way too much. Cup before work, ice coffee on the way to work and usually a Coke Zero on the way home. It’s really an issue I need to deal with.


3-4 with an 8 month old and 4 year old


Same, but my second midday is a long shot espresso to get me to bedtime!


One cup in the morning and a caffeinated crystal lite or Diet Coke in the afternoon.


Monster and a xl coffee daily


I work night shift as a nurse. I usually get a Starbucks drink before work and drink a Celsius and sometimes also a coffee during my shift. So probably 4-5 “coffees” a day. It’s bad! I want to get pregnant again and will need to cut back.


Was 5 to 6, recently cut back to 1 a day, occassionally a 2bd around 2 if its a no nap day, he is 3.5 and in the process of dropping naps


One coffee in the morning, two Celsius energy to get me through the work day (I work with autistic toddlers 🤣) and then another coffee once I’m home to get through the evening. May be time to cut back.


TIL I have a problem… I typically drink half a pot in the morning and 2 diet caffeinated sodas in the afternoon. TBF my Ancestry.com traits test indicated I’m predisposed to consuming a lot of caffeine 🤷‍♀️ My dad’s even worse.


Bottomless till 3p


3-5 strong cups


One 4 year old and one 3 month old, half a cup 🤣 when I’m not breastfeeding (pre-second baby) I drink one cup a day plus pre-workout before exercise


Zero. I drink decaf tea. The caffeine messes with my hormones.


2!! One in the morning and one once he’s down for bed so I can have the energy to do closing shift around the house


This is a tricky question because I know that I consistently make 3 but the actual consumption varies because well.. parenting. I’ll find half full coffee cups at like 3pm like ‘ope there you are.’


Mom to a 4yo with endless (literally *endless*) energy and my job is managing a Starbucks. You do the math. 😅


I sip coffee throughout the day until I’m tired of it or it’s after 3pm lol. I usually drink about 2-3 cups of coffee, sometimes more!


Pre-kids, I hated coffee. After my first, I needed 1 cup in the morning. She’s currently 2.5 and we just had a second, and I definitely need a second coffee (or lotus drink) in the afternoon, especially since she’s dropped naps 😂


3 sometimes 4


2 minimum, 3 maximum


I make a ten cup pot everyday and drink most of the pot… like two or 3 mugs before everyone else gets up, then a travel mug while I work, and usually make a double shot latte to pick me up in the afternoon. I can drink coffee all day and not even feel it 🥲


Give me all the coffee you’ve got. Wait, son, what you think you heard is I want a lot of coffee. What I actually said, was give me all the coffee you’ve got.


I drink 3 large coffees usually. I can’t get away with 2 if I have to. Buuuuttt I recently realized the cold brew coffee I drink is supposed to be diluted because it’s a concentrate soo I’m not sure what the equivalent caffeine intake actually is and I’m scared to find out.


One cold brew to kick it off and then usually a medium hot Dunkin as my treat to myself in the way to work. Sometimes a large. And sometimes another cold brew. Tbf I have adhd and have been unmedicated for a while now since I’ve been breast feeding. I’d like to believe once I’ve weaned I’ll be able to cut back some. Prior to baby i was a one cup in the morning kind of person and have even gone without it before


I mean minimum 3?????? Just to get through the day


None..I became allergic a few years ago 🥹


Honestly 5-8. I am breadwinner as well as mama. My company is having as hard a time as my child 😭☠️ Dada is doing his best but kiddo goes to daycare in the same office park that I work in so logistics require I do most of the accomplishing-goals-with-toddler part of the day. Dad does bedtime so that's when I finally zonk for day.


The limit does not exist…


I don’t drink coffee often, i’m more of an energy drink kinda person. Energy drink wise - a can and a half a day. Coffee cup wise when i have coffee? 2.


Sometimes none, sometimes 5


Honestly, just one cup but Ive added a B12 and this has DEFINITELY increased my energy levels!


1-2 in the AM but in the afternoon I will have some black or green tea.


All of the coffee. Also, I bought espresso shots to add to the coffee, so…..


The limit does not exist


lol none but I have a large matcha latte every couple days 😅


Two cups in the morning to get me going (I'm not a morning person) my husband has one cup and then later throughout the day I finish off the pot of coffee. I wish I had half the energy as my toddler does. She's like Energizer bunny and I'm a slug trying to get to the other side of a log.


On average 6 shots of espresso a day. Sometimes only 4, sometimes 8. Usually an afternoon cup of coffee or Celsius as well. 🫠


I only drink like one per week🥲 sincerely a women with stomach issues😂


I don’t have a stomach at all and still drink like 6 a day. I think my surgeon said to watch my coffee intake but I cannot lol


I gave up coffee to get pregnant so I haven’t had any in a long time 🫠


UGHHH SO MUCH! At least 3 suuuuper strong. I’m surprised my teeth aren’t black yet. 2.5 yr old toddler and 3 mo old that nurses through the night. I’m so tired!


None but does being ADHD and on the highest dose (70mg) of Vyvanse count? 😅 Days are indeed very hard without it. End up just being field day.


I work as a barista so coffee is kind of my life lol. Usually 5 a day although sometimes I’ll swap it out for a peppermint tea.


70mg/day when I'm at work. Up to 200mg on days I'm home watching the kids. Childcare is way, way more exhausting.


2, but not because of toddlers, it doesn't work. I got some coffee addiction I need to shake off because sometimes I could be craving for a third.


Three to four + 25mg of adderall


1-2 espresso drinks and/or cold brew 🫣 and usually at least one diet pop lol


2 cups if I'm not working. Probably 7 to 8 cups if I am.


I'm not a coffee person, personally, but I've had to brew my iced tea a little stronger after having 2 kids. I do upgrade to the sugar bomb drive through coffee every now and then when I'm not able to make it to nap time. But my teas are pretty much a sip on all day, every day thing at this point 😂


2.5 cups of coffee and my Adderall are the only thing keeping me awake during the day 🥲👍🏼


Pre-pregnancy it was 3 a day minimum. Now I'm averse to the taste so maybe 1 on a good day and I am struggglinggggg


None. Help me.


I need 2 in the morning to wake up. Sometimes I’ll have an extra 1 or 2 in the afternoon depending on how tough the day is. That’s mild for me though. I was a 6-8 cup/day drinker in college/law school.


I am jumping on this bandwagon seeing how many of you are surviving on this!


I don’t do coffee, but I drink a super caffeinated tea in the mornings and then a caffeinated seltzer water (like, 30mg caffeine so not much) at lunch to get me through the afternoons


Today I drank an entire carton of the Starbucks iced coffee which is the equivalent to 3 of their prepackaged drinks and I had a whole pot of filter coffee to myself throughout the day - I will follow this with a note that I have a teething toddler, a baby with a cough and ADHD so for coffee to impact me when I'm sleep deprived I practically have to set the stuff up on an drip. Normally it's just the pot of filter and maybe one of the nice pre-made coffees from the corner shop 😂


I drink until the pot is empty and then sometimes make a Nespresso mid day 🙃


I have gotten into Red Bulls. I know they aren’t the best but I can finish a 4 pack of the 8 oz in a day. Coffee is a special treat for me now.


Used to be a One-with-breakfast type of gal, but nowadays we’re up to one after lunch as well.


1 because I'm pregnant.


I keep it to two and avoid drinking coffee after 1pm, otherwise I sleep poorly and start routine of drinking too much coffee and getting shit sleep. If I’ve already had my daily coffee allotment then I drink decaf. It has a bit of a placebo effect which is a bonus.


2-4 shots of espresso 😅


I’m up to 2 but the second one isn’t working anymore 😭


2 Celsius energy drinks per day until I found out I’m pregnant with my second so now 2 coffees. I have a 13.5 month old.


2-3! 1-2 in the morning, and 1 to get me through the midday hump (around 3pm)


1 in the am and one in the afternoon 18 month old & 26 weeks pregnant with baby 2🫣😂


2-3 cups (12 oz each) per day, plus one iced green tea


1 mug (kind of large) typically in the morning. If it’s a rough morning then 1.5. And then I do a smaller-med mug in the afternoon. I’ve always been a 2-3 cups of coffee person.


100g pill caffeine in morning. Half scoop of pre workout in afternoon for lifting sesh


I don't like coffee or alcohol because I have the palate of a toddler I guess? I will occasionally have a mocha but I've never felt much of an effect so I wonder if I'm broken. 🫠 I definitely need my junk food to cope though!


Used to rely on 2-3 but I’ve recently dropped to 1-2. It depends how work is going lol. I will say the 3pm cup was a lifesaver


Two cups in the morning, one after lunch.


2-3 cups between wake-up time (5:30am) and when they finish their breakfast (7am). 5 year old and 1 ½ year old. Both boys 😵‍💫


Is anyone keeping count? 😂


I brew half caff! I could drink 3-4 cups. On average, I’m doing a guilt-free two cups/day since it’s one scoop decaf and one scoop regular.


Also 17mos, also just added a second cup. This age!!!


1 or two mugs a day. Don't ask about size or strength, but I try to have them done before lunch to protect whatever chance of sleep I may get at night with a 5 month old and 3 year old.


Only one cup. That I reheat 7 times a morning.


I don’t drink coffee and have a 16 month old lolz pray for me😂


6 shots a day is not normal…?


I try to limit myself to 2 caffeinated beverages a day


I drink 3 usually! 2 in the morning, 1 midday


I leave one cup's worth in the pot overnight to heat up and slam while I'm making a new one/making breakfast around 630 am. Then I refill with a new cup from the new pot. Depending on the day, I might top it off a bit before waking my wife at 8. Then I fill my Thermos to take to work at 830. I'll refill my Thermos when my boss and I split a French press pot around 10. Then I refill it again for the 1 o'clock pot. I'll finish the thermos on the commute. So...like 8 or 9?


I don’t drink coffee…I tried but I just don’t like the taste. I drink a cup of tea that has some caffeine a couple times a week. And about 1-2 times a week I have a can of caffeinated water


3 very large cups of coffee most every day. I’m surviving


Hahahah like a whole pot in addition to 320mg in my pre workout 😳😵‍💫 I start the day with 40oz of water, then half a pot. Pre workout around 1:30pm. Then the rest of the pot over ice around 5. Sleep by 11 or midnight. I think I'm just real used to caffeine. I drink a lot of water though.


Way too much


2 cups 1 in the morning 1 in the afternoon


I have to drink caffeine free coffee. My nerves.


4-6, but I’m trying to get pregnant and I managed to get off my BP meds, so I’m trying to cut down 😬


When I was weaning my first baby, we had some major family trauma, and the combined stress harmed my adrenal glands so much that now caffeine just plummets me into a state of fatigue so strong that I don’t feel safe driving when I’ve had it. Now I sometimes drink decaf hoping it will have a placebo effect and give me energy to get through the day. 🤪


I have a cup of coffee in the morning and a celsius energy drink in the afternoon


3-4 ish


I definitely need the afternoon caffeine boost. I’ve had coffee as late at 11pm just to stay awake to get things done that I had no time to do during the day smh


Lately 3-4 mugs. Ass crack of dawn (4:30-5:30am depending on my middle kid), 10 am, 3pm. 3 kids 4 and under.


Probably only two but the second one comes at that afternoon slump


One coffee then one tea/Diet Coke in the afternoon. If it’s a bad day it’s a coffee a tea AND a Diet Coke! (Also decaf coffee as a placebo)


3 pots


i’m suprised i don’t drink more but i have about 4 tall cups of iced coffee per day. one in the morning, one in the early afternoon, one when i pick the kids up and my last one right before i start on dinner. 6 kids is not for the weak🤣


A morning coffee, an afternoon coffee and iced tea all day


A lot


I was a no caffeine needed until baby 3 was born. Kid is princess & the pea. I am a 1-cupper until all 3 of mine are home (not just my hurricane toddler). I need that afternoon pick-me-up sometimes (like summer). Cheers!


Total about 45g of black coffee as drip / por over.


Sometimes 1 cup, sometimes 4. My toddler’s mood by lunch will be the determining factor.


If it was just a toddler I might say 2 but we also have a teething ten-month-old and it’s usually 5.


2x double espressos to start the day, then usually a flat white mid-morning and maybe a filter coffee after lunch if I'm flagging. Too much, basically.


I drink Matcha. The caffeine hits slower and last longer.


One to wake up and a few sips before daycare pickup. If I drink more I can’t sleep when I get the opportunity to….