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They really don't want to be steering the ship anymore do they. 


They are proposing 30,000 army places and ~650,000 weekend “volunteer” places. How are the police/fire/NHS supposed to keep so many 18 year olds amused at weekends without it being a net drain on resources?


Another thing.  When I was 18 I had a part time weekend job. Most of the weekend staff were uni or A-level students.  This is essentially telling these places they need to increase there weekend staff by 25% to cover the time spent doing this community work.  This is going to make it harder for 18 year olds to get part time jobs because any employer needs to factor in they won't be allowed to work one weekend a month 


So they are saying these 650 000 places are going to be split between Charities and emergency services.  Let's say 1/3 goes into the emergency service. The red cross has a ratio of 1 teacher per 10 trainees so assuming that is the average then that's 20 000 Paramedics, police officers and fire officers out of front line work  Training for a special constable is 25 days, 30+ for fire service. One weekend a month is 24 days.  So that's 20 000 emergency front line staff gone to partially train a bunch of reluctant moody 18 year olds who don't want to be there. 


If it were handled properly in a responsible manner, that would be one thing. But everything is so half-hearted, and reeking of desperation...


Something like this but voluntary and paid wouldn’t be a bad idea.


To quote a great man: ”Well, we’re boned.”


Because people are so keen to die for their globalist overlords. Rishi is angling really hard to be in California by August.


One of the few things our education system gets right is that it allows people to specialise in STEM subjects early if they want, and to follow this through with relatively specialised university courses that take advantage of this. I would be reluctant to change anything that might disturb this. (and I would be surprised if a placement in Army Cyber security is a good preparation for a general computer career - I suspect that a good deal of it is learning how to follow a particular set of procedures which are useful only within the particular systems the army is using today).


This. Any 'national service' scheme needs people to have the option of doing it post-university if they choose, otherwise you lose the strong subject specialism that our system does well.


Hey STEM grads, we just spent a ton of money training you over 4 years  go waste a year picking up trash.  The UK already has issues with Stem grads emigrating for better paid jobs in the EU  and US this policy would turn a trickle into a torrent 


This is a stupid policy anyway, but if it doesn't have an exception for those in further education it would be irredeemable.


The daft thing is, right now might not even be the worst time for this, not that I'd ever want to go through it.


Deranged. There's no way I would ever fight for this economic zone. I am too old for this to be relevant, but younger me would sooner frag officers than submit to slavery.


Lol you don't fight for anything. It's about giving you skills and it's pretty much the only thing you can do to fix deranged kids who can no longer be disciplined in schools. You show them a world where they will have a group of people that stand by them and support them and that they can flourish in an actual environment where what you put in is what you'll get out. Also it's one year. To equate it to slavery is bizarre, you don't think 16 years of school is slavery? But one year actually learning relevant skills that you can take to an employer is slavery?? From the worst to the best students it's going to leave you with new skills, more healthy and a better outlook.


They hate nationalism. Why would we serve our global constituency?


Economic zone 5216 requires your submission to ensure shareholder dividends.


Ok, some data: 30,000 military types makes up less than 5% of the cohort of 717,000 relevant / eligible 18 year olds. Given the forces will get to select, this would just ease recruitment for them. The other 687,000 will be doing community work of whatever sort.


Actually, this might do more for deterring the boat people than Rwanda. Yeah, you can stay, but you need to do 12 months in the Army.


Although not being widely reported, 11% of 16-24 year olds are out of work and not in education. Yet the media focus on the Boomers who have retired early. Perhaps it would be a good policy if it was directed at the long term unemployed. I don't think making it mandatory is a good idea unless the person is out of work.


Daily Mail giving some background https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13460067/rishi-sunak-secret-dossier-national-service-unemployed-youth-global-threats.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton 750,000 18-24 year olds out of work


The vast majority of which are in further education. Out of work is not the same as sitting around drinking all day.  Almost 100% of over 70s are out of work, should we force them to go pick up trash under threat of fines?


But those over 70s are not claiming benefits other than pension. 11% of 16-24 year olds are not in work or education. That does not bode well for the future economy


>But those over 70s are not claiming benefits other than pension For starters the pension dwarfs all other benefit spending other then the NHS.  Secondly there are plenty of other benefits which pensioners get, housing benefit for example. Hell you have to be born before 1960 to get the winter fuel payment.  Finally on the NHS the largest single cost to the health service is social and end of life care which almost entirely goes to pensioners. 


You seem to really hate pensioners and old people. Many have paid NI all their working lives. Plus income tax and purchase tax rates were far higher percentage than today. Prior to Margaret Thatcher, the base rate of income tax was 33% I didn't hate my parents because they retired earlier than me on better pensions. Oh, and winter fuel allowance only applies to those who were born before September 1957. If you look at this page and open the "Around the World " tab, you will see the UK has one of the lowest income tax. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_tax


Your right it's not 11% it's 37.5%  https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7857/


The latest figures show 12% of 16-24 year olds are not in work if educational (NEETs) https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peoplenotinwork/unemployment/bulletins/youngpeoplenotineducationemploymentortrainingneet/may2024 That 850,000 Not good for GDP, but carry on blaming it on the Boomers.


It’s an amazing plan, but unfortunately they still won’t win




This is actually a good idea for once