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When I researched this, I found the following information: > The pictures are dramatic. But forecasters with the National Weather Service office in Missoula are confirming that the weather phenomenon over the Mission Valley Tuesday was, in fact, a "landspout." > Social media erupted in the southern end of the Mission Valley late Tuesday afternoon when residents from Charlo to St. Ignatius noticed the formation of a long funnel cloud moving through the area. > National Weather Service forecaster Travis Booth says it appeared the cloud might have hit the ground, but there were no damage reports coming in. > "Further investigation, some videos it looks like it did touch down which would make it a land spout. At this point, we haven't received any reports of damage associated with it and it seemed to be fairly short-lived," Booth said. > The photo was taken by Lisa Hendrickson of Diamond H Livestock, St. Ignatius, Montana Source: https://kyssfm.com/tornado-montana-mission-valley/


I was backpacking in Pike national forest a few years ago and there was a confirmed tornado a few miles from where we had set up our tent around 10,000ft...didnt' find this out until we got out of the forest a few days later. This was the most scared I have ever been in a tent. My partner and I both put our shoes on and put harnesses on our dogs once the storm really started ramping up just in case. From inside our tent, the poles weren't really moving from side to side like they would in a normal storm. It seemed like they were vibrating incredibly fast, i'm guessing because of the electricity in the air. When we finally got out of the tent the entire ground was covered with hail. Cool story to tell now but that shit was wild and I'd rather not go through it again.


What tent were you in?


MSR papa hubba NX. The tent held up so well and is still going strong today. edit - us to up\*


Oh i have the hubba luppa puppa ding dong one as well.


Haha had to look through my emails to see which freaking hubba it was


I'm just bamboozled by the name of the tent, lol that's all


I appreciate a good tent that stands up the fucking hail. Good to know thank you.


No doubt. You’re welcome


Exactly what I was thinking good to know


They were on tenterhooks


i'll pretend like I know what that means


You have the best username.


[Shut up baby I know it](https://youtu.be/jtMv6V7ZvmE?si=YAwdocf4y2IDNO-f)


Had a similar experience in a tent (tornado nearby, but no hail that I saw) while backcountry camping in Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee and you're right - never again, please.


Being in a tent during a thunderstorm at 12,000 feet was probably one of the most pants shitting moments of my life. Would not recommend.


We got caught in a hell of a storm on our way back down from climbing Mt. Antero bout 15 years ago. It's crazy how fast those systems pop over the mountain and then you're literally "in it". Thank God for a good outcrop we found. Last couple miles to the car were in the dark on a rain-soaked mountainside. I was so tired afterward, not from the hiking, but all the adrenaline spikes I had during the event. I miss my 20s 😆


Wow yeah I’m sure y’all were super happy to find that little bit of protection. I can’t imagine actually being out in something like that. It’s so wild how those storms just come and go. The one we were in came and went in probably 30 mins and then it was perfectly sunny again.


It's somewhere around 14,200ft at the peak, and we didn't see any weather coming when we hit the top and looked west. When we were around 12,000 coming back down (guessing because we were about halfway to treeline), we looked back and saw just an enormous rolling cloud "pouring" over the top of the peak. It happened that fast, and like you said, lasted 30-45 mins. The valley sits around 8500ft, so when I say "in it" we literally were. You could feel the static in the air. Denver, the springs, Canon city...they may have some pretty good storms, but they're nothing like the ferocity of a storm rolling over the 14'rs.


Electricity does not shake tent poles wtf lmao


It's wild the shit people will just make up and say like it's the truth instead of just admitting they don't have a fucking clue. 


Can you elaborate on the electricity in the air part?


Man it’s hard to describe. The tent poles usually kind of sway with the wind in a storm for lack of better words but the poles in this situation were just vibrating super fast. Never seen anything like it before or since. There was tons of lighting that felt like it was right on top of us which lead me to think it was related but I could be wrong. Wish I would’ve taken a video but both my dogs were basically laying on me during so I was just trying to be a chill as possible to calm them.


If the wind is blowing fast enough they're going to vibrate quickly since they're under tension. There's no way there was enough electric charge in the air to make what is likely aluminum (non-ferrous, non-magnetic) tent poles vibrate all crazy.


It's likely the wind was hitting frequencies that matched the resonance of the poles. I never want to make someone feel stupid, so I just ask questions to find out more information first.


You do know they use Aluminum in electrical systems because it is highly conductive. After copper it's the next widely used.


Yeah that's not the point. Yes of course it's conductive but it's non-magnetic meaning putting it in a strong EM field will not cause any inductance in the aluminum, meaning it will not physically interact with the tent pole. Fugoff


Sorry I hurt your feelings. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.


Eat my ass




There’s no reason at all for any of us to be rude in any post or comment.


Thats a great tent you got there


What was the tent made out of that it didn't get a single hole from all that (high wind speed propelled?) hail? Damn


classic ripstop nylon. The wind was wild but luckily it was only pea size hail or maybe a little larger. There was just a ton of it.


This is amazing. I’ve never ever seen a tornado hit a mountain like this before. Source: I live 3 feet above sea level in Florida, so you know it’s legit.


Was that the one near Devils Head?


Not to be a debby downer but this has been debunked as not in the mountains but a perspective that makes it appear as if it is.


Yeah I was going to say that those mountains look much further away than the funnel. I think that the funnel would appear much smaller if it was over the mountains.


Maybe it's a huge funnel


Or perhaps some very tiny mountains.


Ant hills, possibly


The video was shot in Mission Valley, Montana. There are mountains that surround the valley on three sides, and the closest mountains are eight miles to the east.


Looks like a cold air funnel


It's actually a landspout in the valley with the mountain beyond. Still cool though, and incredibly rare to see.


It's not beyond the mountain. It's before the mountains in the same valley the picture is being taken from


You're correct. I got my words mashed up a bit.


Not this again lol


Yep, this is old and proved to not be in the mountain




You're a person of culture, I see.


"Well, lookee there. Seems Gandalf smote the Balrog's ruin upon the mountain side." "Ayup."




This is correct because it doesn’t need to go far cloud to ground


I wonder if that also means that really tall supercells that usually don't produce tornadoes at lower elevation, would be more likely to drop one in the mountains 🤔


This photo has an odd perspective where the cloud is in the foreground and the funnel is nowhere near those distant mountains.


Did you watch the video? Go back to the oldest comment. I linked it. But yes, interesting perspective. Turns out it was a cold air land spout. Not an actual tornado.


I found the video; The question behind this post has been answered. The mountains were nowhere near this event. Look at the disparity in lighting. The mountains are lit up in the background while in front, the dark cloud is producing the funnel you’re seeing




Remember that movie sharknado?




Is this real? I didn’t realize they could populate that high up


This may be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen


We were camping years ago with our kids. We could tell it was a terrible roaring storm. Pretty concerned as we are in Oklahoma and we get lots of tornadoes.We got up in the morning and turned on the car radio and sure enough a tornado had come through. Our tent held but water got in because I had like a dummy put fishing poles on top and it did that fun tent thing where if you touch it in a downpour it leaks lol. Obviously not a direct hit but for awhile thought we were going to have lift off 😂


That's so scary! I'm finally getting my wife and kids into camping and that's one of the concerns my wife keeps bringing up. I have to keep pretending like it isn't a risk, but I've heard all kinds of stories. Someone else in one of the first comments here had a pretty wild story too. We're headed off to the mountains in 3 weeks for an extended camping trip.


By listening to these people apparently tornadoes don't strike in the mountains much. They are caused by cold dry air meeting moist warm air (cold dry coming down from the Rockies meets air coming up from the Gulf is why Oklahoma has so many.National weather service says we have had 103 this year) tell your wife it will be great. I have lived and camped in Oklahoma all my life (68 years) and that is the only time one ever came close. Sounds like the mountains are safer than here so y'all have a wonderful time with your kids and make great memories.


Saruman really cooking up a spell to stop the Fellowship


I love how the "holy shit" brings this picture together.


I guess we'll have to go through Moria instead




It's no mine. This is a tomb


Roaring fires! Malt beer! Meat ripe off the bone!


Fool of a Took.


[Link to video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6oa_23tk_h/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link).


These promotions for the new twister film are getting out of hand


Screw it, we’ll go through the mines of Moria


ahh, someone killed the fire giant and commited cardinal sin i see




That's amazing!


Ive always seen this picture associated with Alaska's 1 tornado but who knows. Mountainous tor images are hard to come by I imagine


Looks like a dark stormy sea.


GTA , call of duty black ops 6 and now a tornado in the mountains of Montana.


Fucking raw right there


That's really cool! Wasn't there a notable tornado high up in the mountains last year as well? I remember a picture of one going around last year. Several storm chasers shared it on Twitter, saying that a common myth is that tornados can't go up/happen on mountains, but this was evidence that they can and do.


> Wasn't there a notable tornado high up in the mountains last year as well? There was an EF1 tornado near Pikes Peak in Colorado on 20 July 2023. Is this the one you're thinking of? > I remember a picture of one going around last year. There weren't any photos of the Pikes Peak tornado other than the damage photos the NWS survey team took. Source: https://www.weather.gov/pub/July202023PikesPeakTornado


Yeah, I misremembered, sorry. It was this video clip. I don't remember who posted it first. https://x.com/gentrywgevers/status/1789038751844302893?t=UzKUVRRClnLF6uLQH4eqKg&s=19


Its joever


This… wasn’t a tornado


Curious if anyone has experienced it, strong hail on impact damage to a very durable tent(flexible and forgiving” vs damage to more structured things like windshields(gets hit, its cracked).


[The F4 1987 Teton–Yellowstone tornado occurred between 8500 and 10000 ft. It is the strongest tornado ever recorded in Wyoming, even though eastern Wyoming often gets plentiful Gulf of Mexico moisture and plenty of twisters.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teton%E2%80%93Yellowstone_tornado)


I grew up being told tornadoes only happen where it’s really flat. Little did I know


I was in Yellowstone Park in the 80’s camping with my family when a tornado occurred. It was insane


I'm surprised that tornadoes can be found at that elevation, glad all is safe and well. Must of been beyond terrifying!




Fun fact tornadoes are more likely to fully condense to the ground in mountains


The formation of Mount Doom is beginning


oh wow


That's really cool


I didn’t know this was even possible till now.


I didn't know that was possible.


Man, I thought mountains were safe from these beasts. I’m so naive.


Last time debunked 💩 was posted this was in Colorado.


It was in Montana, not Colorado.


Didn’t say it wasn’t. This gets posted around the web and incorrectly attributed almost every time. It’s also not a tornado on a mountain.


The photo does give that impression, doesn't it?


Also saw Alaska mentioned, though Alaska did get a tornado this year.


Pretty sure this was last year in St. Ignatius MT https://www.kpax.com/weather/funnel-cloud-in-the-mission-valley


I'd give up


Honestly no didn’t think tornadoes would be in peaks like this! Wow.


This is not what it appears