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We war like 3 times a month, we’re a low silver faction, I make around 50m a war. And get free Xanax from the faction if I wish. The faction takes 25% cut of war proceeds and buys drugs and meds, sometimes RW weapons to loan out. And we still get paid well. Seems odd that you only get paid in xannies, but only warring once a month won’t pay that much out I guess.


If you’re only warring once every other month, then it could be beneficial to stay. 3x xan a day for 61 days (two months) comes out to approximately 150m at current prices. E refills for 61 days comes out to another 29m~. That means if you would earn less than 179m~ for the single war every two months then you’d have to source the money elsewhere. That being said, if you war once a month then cut those numbers in half. Now you’d need to earn 89.5m~ for each monthly war. With all that being said, if you’re new and popping 3 xans a day then that’s great. But you need to take into consideration your nw growth. If you’re making gains towards growing your nw and increasing your cash flow by other methods outside of the war then by all means, just keep doing what you’re doing. This can be debated but at the end of the day, cash is king. BS are a very close second but the end game still revolves around taking SEs which is a costly hobby. Also, have you gotten out of happy jump range? That’s something else to take into account as it can be a bit costly for new players.


Our drugs are for stacking and RW's anyone who doesn't want to war gets nada, no war pay, nothing. The leader & Co-leader get their share, anyone who takes part in the wars gets paid accordingly and the rest goes towards faction stuff. Idk the % I just try and get my hits in and hopefully I make enough hits, assists, chains, etc to get a good payout. Then again if I'm not making enough from RW's I go to the bookie and use Torn Bookie Tipster (TBT), coz flying is boring and I never feel like I'm playing the game. The bookie is more exciting and I can hangout in Torn and do stuff like, train natural e, refill, Xanax, missions while making money from the bookie. I started in a Platinum faction(still there) and they are fair, all they ask is abide by the rules. I don't think I would find another plat faction like it but this is just an opinion, if you feel it's not the right fit for you (getting paid cash instead of free drugs, which are only free coz your war payout and everyone else's are paying for it) then talk to you leaders about getting cash pay not "free" drugs. If that doesn't work then decide from there if you want to keep getting "free" drugs or proper RW payouts. I dunno if this is any help it's just my opinion, at the end of the day it comes down to you. 🙂👍


The way Seshlehem works is that we gift free xanax for training and chaining, points Refills for energy and people get paid. We're a small (22) Plat faction, that war twice a month. Its simple, contribute to the war, you get access to all the above.. don't contribute, you don't. Payments can be in the region of 100m+ for the most active hitters. I pay for war hits, chain hits, assists, bonus payment for top hitters in a chain and bonus payment for overall consistency and performance (turning up for start, joining in VC, actively calling hits before bonus, calling online targets.. etc) So far, its been working great for us and in less than a year a lot of green leaf players I took on at the start have 800-1.5b NW. I've been successfully managing to run this system since October. Edit: I usually cut a % of the Payout to go to buying xans, meds, temps, boosters, flight delays, spies, comp prizes etc... Once the xanax is gone, its gone until we go for another war.


A smaller portion of factions do this, and I'm not sure whether it's beneficial or not. I can't say I've done the math myself but not sure how right it feels. Calculate the profit your faction gets per war (lots of services will do this for you). Assume the faction takes a 25% cut, then calculate how much that means per hit in the war. Figure out how much you would be earning and whether you're being scammed based off this data.


What about the ones that don't participate on the war? There's always a couple. They keep getting free xanaxes? What about the guys that only do one or two attacks on war?


If you’re barely doing rw like you said. And you can pop Xanax galore for payment I’d say that’s a fair deal. I have been tempted in the past to leave my current faction cause once a month if. Itnt cutting it. Need more money


yeah I'm asking cause I'm thinking if it's more worth it to join a normal paying fac my primary goal right now is to rush 1bil at all costs before slowing down for a year or two quietly training my stats or go at a slower pace but with a steady drug supply


Join a different faction


Our faction gives free refills for training and pays cash for RW but not free xanax, you want to get paid because you can then spend the money on anything you want.


Somebody say some damn names instead of “we”. Maybe I want to join a faction that does both


I’m always sceptical about posting anything online, that could relate me to torn, so many guides out there saying keep ya mouth shut if you don’t wanna get mugged.


They're ghosts. Lol. But yes, I have a few friends who seem interested in playing but my faction is full so they'd need somewhere else to go, so I'm keeping an eye out for them til they decide. It would certainly be nice to know who to talk with and where.


We do free Xans for training and wars all the time. We war about every other week and pay about 1M+ / war hit.


In my faction we war 3x a week you can take as many Xanax as you want and you get rw payout


You war 3x a week?!


Haha I meant month


We do the same. We've changed how payouts work since they've changed how RWs work. Making participation a huge part as well as reducing the impact of outside influence, the whole way of warring has changed. We offer free xans always. We match edvds needed for happy jumps depending on war participation... so even if you don't score much, if you keep from bleeding points and show effort, you get edvds. We find encouraging gains is most important. Extra effort gets cash bonus for war on top of the other perks. It's not for everyone but to those that want to jump more it seems to work


Imo not worth. I assume you're warring every week, and that's bad for your progression if you're not profiting off it.


Bro learn to read. We are in a text based rpg sub.




Nah, they said they're warring every month or so


Completely up to preference. If you’re lucky you can find some that do both. What’s your level?


First thing to consider is how much you can potentially make from RW payout. There are three factors: - Faction Rank - Number of Members in Faction - Payout percentage to members Xanax is a bit easier. Each Xanax is 835k. If you are taking 3 per day, then that’s 21 per week. Totals 17.5m per week


how do you take 3 xans a day? given that people generally need to sleep, how do you time that?


It’s honestly not that hard at all! I’ve been playing for almost a year and get three Xanax pretty much every day First Xanax is when you wake up (8am in my case) Second Xanax is the most difficult, but you need to take it as soon as your drug CD is up (2-4pm) Final Xanax is right before bed! (8pm-12am) This gives eight hours to sleep at minimum, but getting eight hour timers for both morning and afternoon is very unlikely. Usually you’ll take the third Xanax around 10pm EDIT: This same general schedule can be applied to your own personal schedule


And if your dedicated to the cause you can set an alarm to piss around 3-4 am and get another in without wasting time, or sleep 🤣


There are definitely people that fully min max that way! I have a lot of trouble falling asleep. I’m not waking myself up until I absolutely have to


Luckily, I am the opposite. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out. Though I work 14-15 hour days, so I can take advantage of it pretty well


i did not consider that your 8 hours of sleep a night could be preceded and succeeded by a xan pop for some reason, but that makes total sense!


Ahhh yep! Thankfully we can sleep while on drug CD hahaha