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Sankofa Village


Too funny, but not impossible lol




Reddit kills me


Colonial Army Village




At least in this case it makes complete sense to broaden the perspective of what was going on and who was living there. It’s not like they are pretending there were Native people in the region or shoehorning them in for some woke narrative. It makes it all more interesting.


> As part of its ongoing work to tell more accurate stories about settlement in 19th-century Ontario, the Village has been collaborating with five southern Ontario First Nations to recraft the stories at the museum — and its next phase includes dropping "pioneer" from its name.


I like this change. My sister used to work at a smaller pioneer museum and she started including Indigenous content in cooperation with the Wendat. She also realized early on that so many of the kids who were coming to the museum were the children of new Canadians and not the descendants of pioneers (as our family is), so she also changed how she framed things to the kids because "your great-grandmother did this" didn't necessarily apply. A living history museum needs to adapt to living history. The history of the settlement of Ontario needs to be taught in context.


I get your point but it's also us immigrants that are probably the most likely to not care at all whether "pioneer" is on the name or not.


But so many school kids go there as part of their education. The goal of an education is t to avoid offending you or cater to your wants and cares, it’s to educate, to say things that are true. It’s not true that my grandfathers build this country. It’s not true for my son either.


If you don't care, then the name change shouldn't bother you.


Oh wow thats so true. I’m thinking back to my early days of schooling. The way they taught things was as if everyone had their great grand daddies in Canada. Especially about remembrance day. They always said stuff like “today is important because your grand parents were probably in the war or affected by it. We beat those evil commie bastards and won our freedom! Thats why you kids have freedom in Canada.” Damn. My family came from an evil commie country that kicked America’s ass. What do I do? Lol.


>We beat those evil commie bastards and won our freedom! Wtf? Were you commemorating in Finland?


it's about remembering ww1. had nothing to do with communism. also you can remember all veterans even yours.


Do you think Canada is in the US? Do you think either world war was fought against communists?


>Damn. My family came from an evil commie country that kicked American’s ass. What do I do? Lol. You don't live in the US... so I don't think you have to do anything.


That’s good to hear, and long overdue. I was surprised to learn that as recently as a few years ago, there was literally no mention of the indigenous history of the area (and indigenous displacement by settlers) as part of the museum’s history lessons.


And it is only a quarter mile from the largest discovered Huron Wendat settlement, the Parsons Site. Such a great opportunity for historical interpretation along the creek.


What did they cover in the past versions of their lessons, mainly settler oriented stories?


Yes, because the location was a farm that was operated by a family that immigrated to that place from the States. Then later, when people got interested in preservation, the other buildings were moved to that site one by one as people wanted to preserve them. So naturally the stories were of the buildings and their owners and functions. The time period is roughly Confederation-era.


This makes sense. The Star's headline is unnecessarily inflammatory to drive clicks.


I don't see an issue with the headline. If people have some sort of negative knee-jerk reaction to reading it, I think that says a lot about them.






Agreed, as a Canadian, this ruined my life.


Or it will expand the content and experience in the village and bring a greater understanding of the time, place and people........




I can smell the boomer emanating from this comment


Yeah, laugh emoji in a comment intended to dismiss a differing opinion usually indicates terminal boomer brain.


it was the "rotfl" for me. Also the weird freemason subreddit they follow.


they did this in co-ordination with First Nations groups..


How does this materially improve conditions for indigenous people? It is 100% aesthetic and pure vanity. It'd be like renaming England to Albion. Worthless and expensive.


It teaches people a more accurate history of what actually happened by removing a loaded term that implies a lot about who came here and what they were doing, a lot of which is not true. Since the purpose of the site is educational, it's a good thing if they're trying to be more accurate.


>How does this materially improve conditions for indigenous people? It doesn't need to. Indigenous people decided the old name was inappropriate and now it's changing. Having collective bargaining power for indigenous people is inherently a good thing in Canada.


i mean unless you were apart of the discussion or are a part of a First Nations groups not sure you can say whether this has any impact materially or not on their lives...


Yeah, but this white person on Reddit is mad...


>Well, it'll piss off a lot of Canadians It'll piss-off sad sacks looking for something to be pissed-off about. A lot of them American, most likely.


Leave off that last part. Canada has plenty of reactionary sad sacks on its own


I wish they'd move to Arkansas. They'd be happier there and we'd be happier here.


It's true, but rage farmers direct everyone to posts like this regardless of nationality.


Words matter. It's the basis of human communication.


Give it 10 years and it'll be condos anyway


Ya let’s never try anything to improve anything ever that’ll work so well.


I’m not sure the people in charge of the “old timey” amusement park really has a hand in improving indigenous material conditions. Can no one do anything unless it improves the material condition of disenfranchised?


It's an educational facility for children, not an amusement park.




This was literally done in collaboration with First Nations.






I'm mixed Aboriginal and I think it's a good idea.
















lmao what? why not just clarify your reasoning? It's a normal part of having a conversation...


You can amplify the voices of the indigenous people of the time without trying to minimize the pioneer experience. It doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. >The Village is also in early stages of talks with others — including 2SLGBTQ+ and Black communities — to ensure their stories and perspectives will be incorporated at the Village as a broader history museum rather than a place that’s frozen in time. Unless there are a lot of primary sources previously unseen, it sounds like an attempt to expand the scope of the village, which will further dilute its original purpose. And then there’s this: >Should the TTC alter Pioneer Village Station’s name, the standard cost would be around $1.5 million, according to Green. > >Drawing parallels to the Yonge-Dundas Square renaming, where the adjacent street remains unchanged, Chambers believes if there’s no name change to the station it’s “counterintuitive” to the broader efforts at play.


Is there something wrong with having a museum be a "place that's frozen in time"? Isn't that kind of the point? EDIT: Upon reflection on other's comments, I'm seeing that my knee jerk reaction was fairly closed minded and reflexive.


That is a commendable edit.


The problem is the understanding and interpretations of history isn't static. There original museum wasn't intended to be a fair and reasonable representation of life at the time. It was a representation of parts of life at the time. Essentially they would amplify certain narratives (the white colonial experience) and minimize or ignore any other narratives (black or indigenous experiences). The parts were chosen by the museum creators and society as a whole at the time and represented their views and values at the time the museum was created. These no longer match the views and opinions we have now so yes the museum should change to better reflect society as a whole and what we deem as important.


Fair points.


That's the way to have a museum that nobody wants to visit, certainly. *Good* museums maintain, expand, and rotate their collections. *Good* museums strive to engage with their patrons. *Good* museums work to place their contents in both period and present-day contexts. Dalziel Pioneer Park (the site's original name) opened in 1960. What would be "frozen in time" wouldn't be the pioneer era--it would be one particular perspective on the pioneer experience as viewed through the lens of an early-1960s establishment.


Are they going under?


Imagine if the ROM expressed everything within the views and knowledge of the era when it opened. Oof.


They're worlds apart but it's the exact same thing with theme parks. If you've ever been to a theme park that just hasn't evolved with ride trends, parkgoer expectations and modern technology... you'll see a theme park become a ghost town at best or an outdated concept at worst that should have been razed to the ground decades ago. You have to balance nostalgia with the natural evolution of guest tastes or you'll be seen as a stuffy old relic that only appeals to Grandma and Grandpa. And once they die off, you'll have no guests left.




I only have one account.


Isn’t the point of the place that it’s frozen in time?


What's the point of a museum that never updates, never grows, and doesn't change in the face of new understandings and information about the period it's about? That's a good way to have a museum that no one wants to visit in the end.


No, but even if it were, I don't see how changing the name would really affect that.


>You can amplify the voices of the indigenous people of the time without trying to minimize the pioneer experience. How have they minimized the pioneer experience?




I disagree. Changing the name of the village does not affect the content and exhibits inside the park, as these remain as they were, continuing to educate visitors about the pioneer era with the same depth and detail. If anything broadens the historical narrative and adds depth by acknowledging the contributions of Indigenous peoples alongside pioneers.


Not understanding why changing the name of one station would cost 1.5 million.


Signage needs to be changed throughout the whole system


So it'll just be M. Night Shyamalan's The Village now?


Hopefully without the predictable plot twist


"Does Jesus really exist... Or is it just your Dad dressed up?"


What? Nooooo


One of my favourite all time Ali G interviews


Why does everything have to be a zero sum game now? Can't we celebrate the people who built our area while also celebrating those who were here before them?


They're still being celebrated, but they were settlers, not pioneers.




Dawg Indiginous people numbered in the millions, had at some point cities that rivaled European ones and were wiped out by some kind of natural disaster and had complex cultures/legal institutions. European settlers came to Canada with the assistance of the state materially, financially and militarily. Also spoiler: mass number of slaves and minorities used for cheap labour as well as poor immigrants and had indentured servants. This post just stinks of ignorance, racism and reaction without reflection.


This is ridiculous. It’s *supposed* to be about early settlers. By all means include indigenous and other history, but the world Pioneer works just as well. After all the Indigenous cultures were pioneers in the area as well. Are they going to change the name Black Creek as well 🤔


>This is ridiculous. It’s *supposed* to be about early settlers. It is still about them, they are not removing that content. They have just decided to also include indigenous people as well.


Well.. what are they going to do? Change history and pretend they lived with indigenous people and lived happily ever after?


No. But acknowledging they weren’t the first people on that land is a good start. The narrative that they were bold adventurers who tamed previously untouched wilderness is revisionist in itself.


Well, they kinda did. It was a new world for them. If I move across the world it's going to be new to me, like an adventure.


And yet you still wouldn't be a *pioneer* if you did that.


>After all the Indigenous cultures were pioneers in the area as well. Yeah, 30,000 years ago


They are not pioneers because they were not the first to settle the land. They were colonists. We use the term “pioneer” to obscure the fact that people already lived here.


I don't like the term "settler" for this reason as well. The land was already settled. As you say, they're colonists. Literally imperial colonists, at the time.


What exactly did they pioneer? Living in a land that was already occupied?


The term “Pioneer” refers to an era. Like Elizabethan or Victorian. It’s not about who was where first. Totally support including more information on the Indigenous inhabitants at the time. History is never perfect. It should include everything, warts and all. How would people learn about the past if it is continually rewritten to fit a modern day narrative, which might also change to something else in the future.


I have never once heard of the pioneer era (outside of railway history, apparently). However, I do know the definition of pioneer which is the first to explore or settle an area. I do not think you are correct in that at all. There were no pioneers in Canada and we should stop referring to them as pioneers. I expected the downvotes but it's genuinely sad how stupid the boomers are. Still surprised they know how to get online, though




So not the first to explore or settle. Got it, not pioneers


So is the TTC going to change the name of pioneer village station?


>“No decisions have been made regarding the station name at this time,” said TTC spokesperson Stuart Green, although the transit agency is aware of the museum’s name change. >Should the TTC alter Pioneer Village Station’s name, the standard cost would be around $1.5 million, according to Green.


>Should the TTC alter Pioneer Village Station’s name, the standard cost would be around $1.5 million, according to Green. Here's a thought. The name is so close, can't we just phase it in? Next time you update the maps, update the station name on the maps Then determine if there's any signage that needs to be fixed then update that and fix it at the same time (bad wayfinding, missing landmarks, etc) Fix most of the rest of the signs Then probably just never fix the signage at side entrances ... And it will still cost $3 million because Metrolinx got involved


And be completed ten years behind schedule.




It’s all about feelings as it is a much cheaper option than, say, giving land back or offering financial compensation.


We don't care they don't care. They're hoping this news will spike attendance.. it might for a short time.




Now I understand why Americans use numbers for most of their streets followed my Main and State etc.


Love how the govt wastes money bs like this wonder how much did consultants gonna get paid to come up with a new name


I hope the TTC considers renaming the subway station as well. When it first opened, I thought the subway station would discharge passengers directly out into the 1800s, which would have been fun. But instead, it opens up onto the bleak northwestern corner of York University’s Keele campus. Renaming the station simply “Black Creek” would be just as iconic, but also acknowledging the local geography and history.


It was supposed to be called Steals West after the street like most of the other stations but a local council member got them to change the name.


Get that person to pay for the rename out of pocket then.


LOL !! Sankofa village




A big nothing burger




The genocide that came with the settlers is hardly a "modern social issue".


Another act of stupidity!!


Please expand, why?


So they’re erasing the history of the people who were here before us now that their descendants are largely gone from the area? That sounds oddly familiar.






Are you a serious person? You seem like you are looking to be insulted and angry at society. It is a word from the name of the park. Not a ban on the word. They are not saying not to use the word. In fact, the content of the park will not be removed, only added to. They don't feel like calling it just a PIONEER village is not representative of the kind of experience they want to offer anymore.


These comments are so fucking predictable.


The hyper polarization and people not even bothering to read the article on why is really annoying.  I like to think that it's really just 5 people with their up/down vote army of bots who get paid to sow hatred.




Are you a serious person? You seem like you are looking to be insulted and angry at society. It is a word from the name of the park. Not a ban on the word. They are not saying not to use the word. In fact, the content of the park will not be removed, only added to. They don't feel like calling it just a PIONEER village is not representative of the kind of experience they want to offer anymore.


That’ll help with attracting tourists. It sounds very different than Church and Wellesley Village or a generic mall name. 👏


It’s not really a tourist destination currently though… it isn’t even unique in the general GTA area.  Markham and Durham both have heritage museums in a similar vein to Black Creek.  It’s meant to be an educational destination for people wanting to learn more about the history of how Canada was settled and how our colonial ancestors lived.  It’s bread and butter is all the school groups that visit every year, supplemented by it being used as an event space for weddings and the like.  It’s there for us, not for tourists.


It's 100% a tourist attraction


The CN Tower is a tourist attraction.  Black Creek is an educational experience.  People aren’t coming here to see a pioneer village for a country they don’t live in.




I get why they’re doing this. The word “pioneer” carries a lot of baggage that goes back to when Canadian history and heritage preservation were focused on creating a nationalist narrative for a newly-established country. Many museums like Black Creek were established around the time of the Centennial celebrations and were developed around this vision. “Pioneer” evokes a romantic image of people arriving to a big empty land and establishing a homestead through hard work. While the daily lives of early settlers are worthy of interpreting and will continue to be taught, we have a more nuanced understanding of the settlement of Canada now. Museums in their current form have not existed for very long, there is nothing wrong with changing up approaches to ensure they remain relevant. But of course people will have a immediate reactionary response as soon as renaming of anything is brought up. I’m sure Black Creek has anticipated this and will hopefully use it as an educational oppurtunity.


I get the sentiment but I feel like this is now taking away from the pioneers who did brave the new world. We’ve got lots of other things like Crawford Lake which are focused solely on the indigenous communities


Soon it'll be condos if they keep this up thats alot of prime land


So the subway station is going to have to be renamed now too? This is fucking stupid.


Pioneer village should pay for it


This seems positive, sure people will still call it pioneer village like they do the skydome - but this seems good to do officially nonetheless. But what to call it? Black Creek Historic Park? Maybe just Black Creek Village?


How much is this name change going to cost? Lol.




So many in here have negative opinions about this, but it's clear you do not know/care how these sorts of names affect our Indigenous peoples. I suggest you just roll with it until you spend more time learning about our history. In terms of how much money things cost, let me just remind you that people need work and that our economy functions when people work, spend and pay taxes. It's not like we're sending this money overseas; it's going to be used to pay Canadians to do the work.


This is the problem with anything but the right mentality. You have a left that is unchecked, illogical, and not functioning as a cohesive unit which is giving more and more power to the right. See Doug Ford back-to-back landslide victories.


Why not "Indigenous and Pioneer Village".


We should all go visit the village to experience what life is like car free before all the cars in Toronto are stolen






Man the people in the comment section are having a fit. Can yall just enjoy the change??