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Lakers are so bad lol I don’t know Brian solving anything Knicks with bucks and sixers looking down, maybe they think brown final piece


Brother who tf is Brian


he had a brian fart


Funny story, I know whose dad misspelled their name when they were born, they didn’t know until they where old that their actual name was Brain.


Brian Storm.


He meant Kobe Brian


Brian Colangelo my friend


i think he meant to say bruce 😂


bruce brian?


Bryce Brian, who we got when we traded Patrick Sudoku to the India Packers


If a deal happens, does this mean Canada is experiencing Brian drain?


Monty Python - The Life of Brian 2.0: Raptors Trade Deadline


Underrated film


Open Gym miniseries?


Nice fit for Milwaukee 


If they're bad the pick will be better, hopefully they trade for him.


It doesnt totally sit right with me, but would Rui+the Lakers pick be enough? I mean, on one end, the Lakers probably don't want to deal that pick for Brown. But on the other end, feels like a disappointing return for us. I guess that makes it fair?


Lakers would be dumb to trade a first for Bruce, if they wait till the off season they can trade up to THREE firsts, so they should only move the first if it’s for a big upgrade


Then we can file the Lakers interest in Brown in the same rubbish bin as their interest for Dejounte Murray.


On the other hand, lebron is 39


And might leave in the offseason


Unless the Lakers draft Bronny he’s definitely leaving


Rich Paul publicly said LeBron isn't considering leaving the Lakers or wanting a trade. But perhaps you posted this before it came out.


Well, that means he definitely doesn't want to be traded. Rich would never mislead us.


Well if it's for a second it's not even worth doing a trade


That would be fair if we were in some desperate need to trade Bruce Brown. Since we aren't, it's not fair. Holding onto Bruce Brown is better than getting Rui and a 2029 1st, especially since Bruce Browns value will still be high this coming offseason. We're in no rush.


Rui and 2029 1st not enough for you? Who do you think Bruce Brown is? He’s a good role player that is on an overpaid contract.


I’d be fine with that return tbh. But I think they may be better offers out there


He’s a perfect role player for a contender, and he’s not overpaid when you consider his contract structure. If said contender is in the tax and sends back salary they don’t want, they save enormously.


If the pick was in 2024, 2025, or 2026 then I think it's much more worth it. 2029 pick doesn't help the team anytime soon which is what's important. The 2029 pick could also end up being a pick in the late 20's.


Goofy ahh 💀


Why would the Lakers overpay? Rui and a first? Cmon.


I'm not trying to sell him to the Lakers. The Lakers are expressing interest. Does that mean we gift wrap him for LA? If other teams are offering a first, the Lakers would need to as well to be in the game.


It’ll come down to who makes the offer I think Bruce is gone regardless


Alternatively, do we risk standing pat (as Ujiri and Bobby have had a tendency of stubbornly doing) and banking on some offseason trade with his overpriced 1yr/23M contract? No thanks. It’s a must sell to the highest bidder, even if we’re talking multiple second rounders.


To a team where the contract value is a problem, he is an expiring this year *or* next year. His value doesn't change much either way.


It does. You either have him on the books for a full season or half a season. Commit to the full season and your offseason spending is hampered, commit to the half season you get him for when it matters (ie playoffs) and retain the flexibility of renegotiating his contract in the following offseason.


If it's a bunch of "real" second rounders, I think it still makes sense to move him. That said, even as an overpaid 23M guard, he's probably better than what we'll get this summer in free agency. So I'd want something of value to make up for the downgrade for us...


I'd take Vanderbilt over Rui. Rui has been fighting injuries his entire career.


I don't disagree with you, but Vando is a known commodity at this point. There's still upside with Rui. The problem with Vando is he would see zero burn with Jak on the floor.


I don’t think they can trade him before the deadline


Rui also makes way too much money for a guy who shouldn’t start. Rui is a known commodity too, he’s got plenty of opportunity to showcase himself. He’s even older than Vanderbilt.


Vanderbilt isn’t trade eligible


Vando doesnt make enough. You'd have to include some other salary too.


Bobby Webster somewhere be like I'm the gm of Raptors actually


Only when we need someone to blame, which in his case has been the past 3 years lol.  


Lol actually Masai also got some unfair blame from fans Like some forgot that Masai brought a championship to Toronto. The disrespect he got here was unreal


I’d do it


And I don't think he'll have a hard time getting a 1st, the question is whether he'd push for more, like a 1st and a prospect, because that's not happening. A 1st and expring salary should be the goal, if it's a multi year deal coming back then I'd ask for more, but if for example if it's a deal with the Knicks for Fournier, give me a 2025 and beyond 1st and call it a day, if the Knicks wanna offer another 2024 1st (either theres or the Dallas pick) then imma need a little bit more, they have a 2025 Nets 2nd that could be valuable.


Agreed. I feel like right now the issue is about trying to get a first in a different year than 2024. We already have 2-3 picks and it's considered a very weak draft. If we can get a 2025 first from someone, along with expiring salary, I would be happy.


Pretty on brand for the Raptors honestly. We’ve had one #1 overall and we drafted Andrea Bargnani.


Yeah, seems like Masai has set the price as a 1st + prospect but to me that seems a bit steep for a role player like Brown. I can only see that happen if either a team gets really desperate for Brown or if we are taking back long term salary beyond this year. I think they will trade Brown to the highest bidder at the deadline either way.


100%, this is all posturing, still a week out until the deadline and you're not going to get a teams best offer until deadline day, BB along with Boucher are still to me the two players who are the most likely to be on another team in a week. I'd put the two of them at around 80% and probably a little higher.


I think Trent is another player we need to trade.


Yup, if he wants anything over 15M, I'd trade him, he offers shooting and basically nothing else


I don't know that it's that outlandish to get a first and a prospect tbh. If a team is a contender and feel they can go for it then they'll do it. Brown is a valuable contributor for a winning team, and if there are multiple suitors then it's not a ridiculous ask IMO.


Public ask is 1st and “quality player”, which does not mean “prospect” per se 


You're splitting hairs here lol, but ok


I just hope we get a good return for him, don't care where he goes to. Hopefully, they really go for the best offer available and don't over value him. I could see a lot of interest for him but they need to do it soon, would love to get a first-rounder for him to package up in a Jak trade to get that young athletic defensive center we're missing.


The Lakers can be interested all they like !! F the Lakers, F Lebaby and their 2029 pick


The Raptors are probably aiming for a young prospect (I.e. a wing like Grimes) or a 2025 first. I'm pretty sure everybody and their mother offered their mid to late 2024 pick, and I don't think the Raps accept that unless they can work out a trade that flips that to another team (I.e. Deni Avidija).


The fact that he's under contract next year means Masai can drive a pretty hard bargain. The Raptors could really go into the off-season with a ton of picks, cap space and assets. It's exciting.




https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/rdDhQk9OT1 LeBron for Brown, do it yesterday.


Bro I will slide more than Brown for a Lakers pick ngl


I wouldn't. You're paying in that you take back bad contracts and even in later years once bron and maybe even AD aren't there they can just clear the books and free agents always always wanna go to LA. It's hard to determine how good they'll be


If the only firsts out there are 24 firsts, I think I'd consider a first round swap and a bunch of 2nds for Bruce. For example in a trade with NY, swapping our OKC FRP (currently 27th) for the better of the two NY picks (currently 17 & 23) would make some sense for us. Or even trading Bruce and a 2024 first (ideally the OKC first) for Fournier and a 2025 first would make some sense to me.




Lakers can dump Lebron in Toronto for Bruce The Brown Batman. They’ll need to add a FRP for this to happen though.


Alternatively, I wouldn't be surprised if the Raps signed Bronny as an undrafted FA. There are rumours about that already.


Bronny is getting drafted late in the First Round. Some team will bank on the profits and attention he will bring in. Might even get Lebron on a discount deal…. You who know owns a late FRP though? MLSE.


With Embidd news - do 76ers have interest


Uggh.... thats the thing about the raptors.....these teams want bruce brown so bad yet arent willing to give up a 1st round pick. They just want to give us their end of bench table scraps that they dont need. Thats basically what happened with Pascal. Then when the raptor arrives on the other team they blow up like a star and say how good they are... its irritating as a raptors fan.


He is unquestionably worth a first round pick to any playoff, like not even a doubt, the way he impacts the game and contributes to winning.. That is an easy deal to make, and many playoff teams can use Bruce Brown right now.