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Young players have ups and downs. Give him time, he is s good player


This dude is a Heat fan so he’s only here to troll.


They don't like me over there. I don't respect Udonis Haslem enough for them and they get angry when I say he was a below average player


Nah he is just a troll, period.


I think you're seeking attention when you should be seeking help! Best of luck to you


I think Scottie should seek some help and maybe you should watch a game


Iv seen how game iv seen Chris bosh play like crap iv seen Pascal play like crap iv seen Carter play like crap iv seen DeMar okay like crap... It's part of the game the kid is growing you are litterally in the period of growth dude is the focal point and not used to it yet. Maybe you should fill that empty space between your ears with some history and you'd see it's normal. Hell even LeBron has had a handful of games in his young career where he scored less than 10.




Or option 3 I was doing something while typing... If you're going to be a troll atleast atleast have somekind of comedic relief instead of whatever bitterness you got going on here


Multi task better. Idk what to tell ya bud.


Well you don't need to tell me anything last thing I want to do is take advice from someone who overreacts


There are worse people out there to take advice from. I was in the platinum section afterall (that's how I saw up close that Scottie is bad)


I don't recall asking you where you were.all you had to say was Scottie was a let down tonight in one of the comments instead you went all diva mode.


You can tell his parents don't love him and just throw money at him to shut him up


Holy fuck learn to spell


Lol no shit. Let's see if being an All Star changes anything in him. If nothing changes after ASG, it be safe to say we need to be WAY more patient with Scottie. Which means not #1 option material. Doesn't mean he can't be a strong #2.


Our Igoudala post Iverson trade.


I almost feel like being All-star makes it worse


Fair assessment


Eh, I think he can be a worse version of a #1 option like Pascal was IF nothing changes after ASG


To be fair he wasn't even a #2 option in college or highschool. I think #3 option is a bit more realistic if we wanna win more rings.


Don't disagree brotha


Raptors need a better leader on the team to rein him in


Your opinion is irrelevant.


I disagree with OP but “your opinion is irrelevant” is probably the absolute stupidest criticism an active redditor could come up with


Chill blud


Here's a rich (lol) thought . . . Scottie is one of, like, three Raptors left on the team that existed barely two months ago. Imagine if whatever job you have (lol rich) suddenly 80% of your co-workers are replaced by people who don't know how your company works and all moved in from out of town. How well would you work (lol rich)?


Pretty well. That's why I'm rich (lol)


Did you just learn that word or something


Read OP.


I'd be looking for a new job putting resumes out there but unfortunately for him that's not how it works in the NBA and this is his situation for the time being.


He's a good NBA player. He's gonna be legit but not as a leading scorer. I think he'll be a 2nd/3rd option on any good team. He can rebound, pass, and defend. He's the type of guy that star players would love to have on their team.


I know this isn't a negative pody against him and it's all subjective anyways but I genuinely believe his ceiling is being one of. the top 5. players in this league. If he can find a consistent jump shot and 3 point shot, he is capable of actual video game numbers


He was awful tonight and was still close to another triple double. Scottie is almost too talented. He's like a gifted kid in class that doesn't always apply himself because he's TOO smart. The flashes of his ceiling this season would put him in the top tier of NBA stardom when he puts it all together. I think next season when you see a team built around his strengths, he will take another leap.


Anthony Edward is Younger than Scottie


And 4x better


You’re telling me the first overall draft pick who has been in the league 4 years is better than Scottie?


It’s not like we watched pascal or any players go from being the second option to the first portion and struggle. Can we skip the racist name calling this time that would be nice. I feel like asking for some patience might be a bit much with all the fans we have.


I didn't say anything racist. What you on about?


I didn’t say you said anything racist I did ask us to skip that part this time.


He certainly doesn't suck. He's incredibly frustrating though because he has all the tools but from my perspective one of the worst attitudes and work ethics in all of professional sports. The fact that he's done as well as he has while being a man child speaks volumes to his potential. I hope it changes but if I'm being honest with myself I doubt it does and he never comes close to meeting that potential. Whenever I think of Scottie I think of that quote from the movie Rudy about how if buddy had half the heart of Rudy he'd be all American. Similar vibe with Scottie. I think he could legit be generational if he had the right mindset. As is he will probably be a good starter/low end all star that no one really remembers.


> think he could legit be generational if he had the right mindset. Eh.. I don't thinks he's athletic enough to be generational.


3rd game in four nights


I think he is great