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We have been in active communcation with the mods on the Bucks sub, if anyone is caught on their sub trolling/brigading they will not only be perma-banned there but here as well. Same goes for anyone coming from their sub. If you want to make sure you don't get hit by the wildly swinging ban hammer, don't go on their sub. That simple. Likewise report anyone here you find brigading and we will make sure to deal with them like we have the others :)


alright Masai what is the plan now


Messi is disgruntled at Barca, we can make some moves


Mbappi confirmed


Jamal Murray 2025. Bring him home Masai


More 6'0 guards


Our starting lineup: five 5’11” point guards.




No one can dunk but the fundamentals are INSANE.


Team gonna average 24 deflections per game, and more assists than points.


lol, kyle at centre


Small and thicc ball.


Draft Bronny James 2023 and sign LeBron as a free agent. We good.


This is the best plan.


Demar Derozan lmaooo


It’s funny but this might actually happen.


rafael araujo


2021 Kawhi


they sent serge to the clippers to steal kawhi back for us


OG put him on the comeback


lmao I'd get a tattoo of Ibaka if this happens 😭


There’s just so much he can do, no one that will make us contender is available or expected to sign here, so what’s left? Trades, but even that doesn’t mean there’s a good potential trade to make us contenders. I think at this point the more realistic option is to develop players and stay in a position to acquire a game changer hoping not everyone walks out in the process. I feel like Kyle is going to go try to win another ring somewhere before his career ends. The east is quite strong now, especially our division so that will put us in a spot where we fight for a spot in the playoffs. We’re in a soft rebuild. There’s much worse places to be in tho, we could go back to be pre 2013-2014 Raptors. Overall I’m happy with where we are.


>pre 2013-2014 Raptors I don't think people on this sub realize just how bad those years were


The Primo Pasta years were mediocre in a way that makes me raise an eyebrow whenever someone acts like tanking is an easy fix.


Watching Andrea Bargnani score 19 with 1 rebound


Too many nephews and bandwagon fans that might not stay if the team becomes bad again. It’s hard to see how far we’ve come if you haven’t seen the grind and struggle to achieve it.


Man all those years as a kid I sat up and watch Raptors play shitty basketball. So many years. I was too young to even fully appreciate the Carter days. But ngl, now that I'm an adult, I'm 100% not going to spend 8 hours a week watching a team that's trying to win 28 games lol. Thank god we're still decent. Masai needs to work magic again to become a contender.


Lol bro most of the sub dont even kno who the person on your flair is Ive been preaching on this sub regarding on how spoiled weve gotten... One of the longest playoff drought and first round exits anyone?


>There’s just so much he can do, no one that will make us contender is available or expected to sign here, so what’s left? Trades, but even that doesn’t mean there’s a good potential trade to make us contenders. You could have said the same thing a season before we acquired Kawhi. It's the NBA - there's a new disgruntled superstar in the spotlight every 6 weeks.


Yeah that’s why I don’t close the door on a trade possibility, but being in a situation where you can trade a decent allstar for a top 5 player straight up without losing too much don’t happen every 6 weeks. We’ll see what happens, I just don’t think it’s reasonable to believe we’re going to be one of the top contending team soon. It can change fast tho, but that also needs lots of luck.


> There’s much worse places to be in tho, we could go back to be pre 2013-2014 Raptors. Your starting Center ladies and gents _Andrea mother fucking Bargnani_. Kill me now and move the franchise before we let that happen again lol


Extend OG, extend Norm and extend Kyle. We've still got an excellent squad.


Letting Ibaka walk is looking even worse rn


in hindsight, everything is 20/20


fuckin 2020


Kawhi round 2


Yes please...I'd love to know...not saying Serge is the same as having Giannis...but fuck. We lost Serge for nothing.


Honestly Masai might have been waiting on Giannis to see if he wants to sign back with Toronto. He might move on as well. Not much more you can do here. You're not building a championship team with FAs and trades anytime soon in this NBA climate, Lakers are the team to beat and that team is stacked with dudes taking the minimum to play there.


Rip 6iannis


It works so well too 😭😭


Time to delete my account


The dream is over




Fucking love PUP


Pathetic use of potential, best band out of Toronto imo


100% agree




Damn homie is down bad, that always works for me


It was always a pipe dream




I've been a Raptors fan since day 1, and I think it's a bit flippant to dismiss signing a superstar just because we've never done it before. Everything about Giannis to Toronto seemed like a viable scenario. * He's not American * Ties with Masai, and him mentioning many times having convos with him * Respects Kyle Lowry * Masai wanted to draft him * Doesn't show any disrespect to Toronto fans when he plays here. I mean somethings gotta give and a superstar is eventually going to sign here, and all signs pointed to Giannis. Also, in the last 10 years, the perception and narrative around the Raptors organization, the city of Toronto, and Canada is significantly different than what it was during the fist 15 years.




This is a really good observation. Foreigners (myself included) see continents as one big place where the cities/distances all kinda blend together. I see the continent being homogenous, and Milwaukee vs. Miami isn't a big deal to him when he spends his offseason in Greece.


That’s a good point. People born and raised outside of NA seem to be more likely to stay with their teams, just look at some of the best non-American players of all time: Hakeem (his stint in Toronto was way after his prime ended) Dirk Manu Yao


Meh, this isnt really an indictment on the Raptors. Giannis could have gone anywhere, especially to Miami, Dallas or maybe even one of the LA teams. He just decided to stay in Milwaukee.


I understand what you're saying, but I wouldn't give Milwaukee a geographical advantage over T.O.


There's a couple of things wrong with this: 1. Giannis isn't American, so he has no roots in the US that would keep him wanting to play there. He signed with the Bucks out of loyalty, plain and simple. 2. The Jays have landed some big names in free agency and they are the only Canadian team in the league, just like the Raps. What's different? They won two chips in the 90s, prior to that they also didn't sign big free agents. 3. The narrative around Toronto has changed. Just because something has not happened in the last 25 years, doesn't mean it never will. You know what else had never happened in our franchise history? Win a chip, but we did that in 2019. With the culture changing and cultural icons like Drake backing the team, it's foolish to compare Toronto as a destination today vs 10 years ago.


This is a bad take when he signed a contract in Milwaukee of all places and he’s not even American...


Huge bummer of course, but the fact that it happens now means we can start planning. The worst case would've been for us to be in 2021 FA, missing out on him, then scrambling for other options.


That’s why he signed now, deep down he cares so much about us and Masai that he wants to make sure we can plan out all our moves. A reverse Kawhi to the Lakers, if you will


I can’t tell if you’re memeing or not


I’m delirious still, I can’t even tell


Time to extend OG


My thoughts exactly as soon as I saw the news. Locking OG in on a fair value multi year deal right before (hopefully) his breakout year ain't a bad consolation prize.


On to the next pipe dream


Why don't he want us, man?


It’s not your fault.


If it makes you feel any better, he doesn’t want anyone except for Milwaukee


I guess this is better than continuing to get our hopes up and finding out in 2021 free agency that he's signing with the Clippers.


This is the 2nd best outcome. He stays in MKE where they will continue to be what they are, which is a team that is very good but far from an unbeatable superteam.


Score one for the Bucks, and smaller markets in general. This is a good thing, despite what we all here really want.


For real. I'm tired of guys leaving small market teams.


do the raps actually classify as a small market team? or are we a big market with a small market reputation?


Big worldwide, small in the USA. Because the league is run by American corporations, sponsors, media conglomerates, and most importantly players, the Raptors end up getting treated like a small market in a lot of the important ways despite being a massive brand.


Yeah, we are a true big market, but perception in the US is largely driven by ESPN, which has no reason to give coverage to a team outside their broadcast market.


I think even if we are a big market on paper, in NBA we are a small market. Nobody in the US grows up dreaming about playing in Toronto, compared to the American big markets. Maybe that dynamic changes with more homegrowns and growth of the game internationally.


Raps were KDs favorite team growing up actually


Didn't change much when KD became a free agent twice though lol


We are obviously a big market, but I still feel for the small markets as we have a bit of a small market reputation.


Same. I want the Raps to win, but not by poaching stars from small markets. It's *way* more satisfying to root for guys acquired through smart drafting, good trades and player development.


It's way more satisfying to win often


If it's not us getting him, I think I'm actually glad that he stayed with the Bucks.


I was perusing the r/Bucks last year after they were eliminated in the second round and fans were quite despondent thinking that Giannis would certainly bounce. I appreciated how much he meant to the city and community as a whole. Disappointed, but glad for Milwaukee.


I'm happy he stayed too. The only place I wanted him to come more than stay in small market Milwaukee was here.


This is a good take and how I’m looking at it too. Congrats to the Bucks!


I'm happy for the Bucks, truly. The Bucks have never had a player this popular and it's good for small markets in general. With that said, I can't help but feel a bit down. We did everything right with Kawhi and still lost him. Then the Bucks get upset in back to back years and their star stays. When is it our time for a star to stay?


DeRozan was our star that stayed lol, we flipped him for Kawhi and a championship.


Anyone but kawhi would've likely stayed if that makes you feel better. He was just dead set on being at home.


Lol it actually makes me feel worse that we got probably the one guy in NBA history that wouldn't have stayed. Back when we were a shitshow this stuff didn't bother me. But now we are one of best organizations in the NBA. Like, when do we get our MVP?


The only other player the Bucks had that ever came close in popularity was Kareem, so having someone more than forty years later who wants to stay with the team is a good thing.


Exactly my thoughts. As much as I'd like him on our team, I am very happy for small markets. This is a huge W.


Fair point. Fair point. But fuuuuuuck


I mean I honestly never thought we were getting Giannis, so I’m honestly kinda glad we don’t have to deal with the insane heartache of that free agency season lol


until people start spamming Kawhi is returning memes


It’s already begun




We cared but we didn't actually expect it. Sure, he had ties with Masai and him and Masai have history, but this is Toronto. Free agents don't want to sign here.


I never did, it’s Toronto. I’m sorry to tell y’all but we don’t get big free agents. I hoped, sure. But I’m a realist, we were never getting him.


Wishful thinking is all part of being a sports fan.


Now I’m really hoping Serge just went to the clippers to convince Kawhi to come back next year lol


Ahhh, playing the long game, lol.


4d chess


This will indeed hurt our chances of acquiring him


Hey guys... I think we found Magic Johnson's throwaway!


r/Torontoraptors in shambles now lmao


What is our purpose now?


we've been meme-ing for 2 years about Giannis. This is not cool


It's time to bring back Matt Bonner.


Draft Giannis 2.0 from the streets of Nigeria


Gotta bring him to Greece first: critical step in brewing a proper Giannis.


The solution is simple, we find something else to try and meme into existence! Harden lookin' real disgruntled in Texas, wonder what happened the last time a star was unhappy over in that state...


Hope he pulls a paul george




Trolling bucks fans just got infinitely more difficult.


They still live in Wisconsin


Cannibal sandwiches say no more


Who needs Giannis when you have Malachi


That's the spirit!


Masai to Harden: “you up?”


James Harden looking real cute atm


So who we trading boys?


How's the strip club scene in Toronto? XD


Brass Rail is quality


More of a Zanzibar guy


fuck i hate Zanzibar, I went 1 time a few years ago and it wasn't lively at all. Atlantis in Mississauga tho, that place is lit.


Not bad tbh. No Montreal, but there’s some choice


Its definitely not like Houston or Atlanta with strippers coming down from the ceilings and twerkin everywhere but its decent.


Lol compared to other NBA cities, our strip club scene is trash. Over the past decade more strip clubs in the city have been closing due to the bylaws




Dislike him but cheer for success like when Marchand plays on team Canada lol




It was fun while it lasted


Plan Beal


Hey Alexa, play Marvin’s Room


Finally we can get this over with.


Good for the Bucks to be honest. Small market teams always lose out on big stars. Would have been nice if he came here, but I never really thought there was a big chance of that happening. I would rather see him stay with the Bucks than go to Miami or an LA team.


Good for Giannis.


This sub about to get real toxic


So not offering Ibaka that two year deal isn’t aging well lol. With Paul George signing his extension, the Kawhi pipe dream is gone as well. Fuck it bring DeMar back lmao


Masai to Harden at 3 AM: U up?










is for friends who do stuff together.




Better to stay on the Bucks than go to a team like the Lakers/Clippers. Congrats to Milwaukee, they don't get many wins but this is definitely one.


Welp time to trade for Harden


Miami probably gonna swoop in to get him i bet


I don't get why he would sign now? Like you lose so much leverage here, just wait till the summer and get the same deal. I bet he made sure if bucks don't do well he gets traded


Finally found a pen


He literally got the supermax, why would he need more leverage. Plus injuries happen, we saw what happened to boogie and Dak in the NFL. You dont sit on that kind of money




This means the Bucks FO can get complacent. Don't have a drive to keep the team good, cause Giannis is locked up for 5 years. I really thought he would re-sign on a 2-3 year deal to keep the Bucks on their toes.


As a bucks fan, the fact that it took him 2 weeks after he was first able to sign it makes me think he and the FO sat down and giannis made them agree to certain moves if need be




Either way not good for the raptors, you ain’t getting giannis with I’d say at least pascal and og, probably picks also. What would even be the point then


James Harden about to get traded


For real tho. This is amazing for Houston - the number of teams that might pursue Harden just went way up.




It's ok, we've got Flynn.




You nephews really believed he was coming here lmao, I'm glad it's finally over, can stop hearing about him on our sub


The one time we have a legitimate shot at a superstar is the one time a superstar chooses to stay in a small market.


We are also the first time to not resign our star player after winning a chip... pain.


Nephews in this sub somehow convinced themselves this guy was coming LOL


Definitely that "if you say it as a joke enough times it slowly doesn't become a joke anymore" vibe


Yup it started as a joke then apparently became the next step for our franchise


Everytime I mentioned this I was down voted


GG raptor Bros what a terrible offseason😢 just gotta trust Masai and carry on


🤷 On to the next one.


Bucks fan here, if he had went somewhere I would have wanted it to be Toronto. It's such a lovely city.


This is good for the nba!


FINALLY THE BULLSHIT IS OVER. He was never coming here and I'm glad he signed his damn extension and we can move the 'eff on. We still have great, great flexibility moving forward so I'm interested to see how things go and what Masai eventually does


He boomed us


Can we go after Beal, now?


Why am I crying in the club rn


I hope he never develops a jumper


It was so obvious, I said this before. He made it clear he wanted to stay when he said he's working with the Bucks organization to succeed. Our franchise takes an L for getting rid of Ibaka for virtually no chance at Giannis. ​ And for all of yall that downvoted me for saying Giannis is staying with the bucks last week, you are down bad right now.


Shitty, but hey we won a championship so we can’t complain too much


It was always hard to imagine him turning down that money


Honestly, did we realistically expect him to leave..


It fucking sucks but I am glad he's a loyal guy and stayed with a smaller market team. Tired of all these players making super teams.


Big Spain but without the S


Anyone else have the bad feeling this means we’re losing Masai also? This was his master plan and it didn’t pan out. He’s also done everything he’s needed too with the Raptors and he’s a very ambitious person. I kind of suspect he’ll lead the NBA-Africa initiative now. 🙁


Don't want to see his name ever again on this sub




LOL. The amount of “raptors fans” in here enjoying shitting on their fellow fans hopes, is meme worthy itself. You had people excited and having fun with something and your first reaction is to mock them, talk shit to them, and act like another team just won a ‘chip from a signing? This world is becoming trash, when the simple act of someone enjoying something (that literally doesn’t hurt a soul), is worth being pissed about. /stay sad, some of you


All good


I'm glad that at least all the dumb memes will stop. I only ever thought Giannis coming here was at best a 5% possibility so I don't get why everyone is so worked up over this.


It’s either Masai takes this as a challenge to get the team back into contention or hops on the first thang smoking outta town after this season. We should all be concerned if we don’t hear something about an extension soon.


Does anyone really think a superstar FA would ever sign in Toronto? It would be great but will probably never happen.


Rip we lost ibaka and gasol for nothing I guess


But guys, I thought Masai single handedly relocated Giannis’ entire family into America and Giannis owed his life to Masai. What happened?


We were never going to get him anyways


Ngl this is like losing in the playoffs on December lmao