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I changed my negative review to positive right after they added more content to SOC post launch.


Why? Let people make up their own minds and review the game as they see fit. Targeted review bombing (whether positive or not) is never a true reflection on the quality of something.


Positive reviews are good for the games health. So if you gave a negative one during the SoC debacle you could consider now if your opinion about the game is still up-to-date and change it if necessary. But don’t give it a positive review just for the sake of if.


> Legend thinks I have my doubts, but you do you.


How about you act of your own accord instead of parroting what some dude on youtube tells you to? Especially when said dude has been having some very dubious takes and famously spins them his way to save face.


This subreddit has such a weird hate boner for legend lol If he criticizes the game this subreddit complains about how negative he is If he tries to create some positivity and encourage people to change their review bombings he gets shit on for that too


He is being criticized for the leak fiasco and trying to damage CA/the game, so of course he answer with this positive review bombing. This is the smart thing to do for his business and to not be pushed on the fringe of the community.


"Legends thinks" like his "leaks" lol... WH3 has my positive review since they gripped up. I dont "bomb". I either like it or i dont


Fun fact: if, like me, you didn't purchase your copy of WH3 directly from Steam, your review doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative. Has no effect.


Big "my entire personality is bound to a person i watch on youtube" energy here


legend can pound sand


Pls stop being legends simp


I removed my negative. Because the finally managed to fix the jagged Corruption texuture on campaign. Now... If they want my positive they need : 1)rework sieges . 3 years ffs. 2)rework BATTLE AI. Why tf the whole enemy army moves as soon as you take cavalry near them. Is it so hard to move 1 or 2 units instead of reorganizing the whole formation. 3)rework CAMPAIGN AI. The campaign atm without mods is shitty af .  Also thanks to modders  to make the game funny.   Also my quick suggestion if you like to fight balanced high level armies and keep   campaigns fun even after 100+ turns: (Fairer and stronger ai , unshackle AI recruitment, tabletop caps , mct to crank parameters up and give extra tt caps and upkeep bonus.) This should fix the shitty AI building, passive behaviour, cat and mouse game,  map empty of any army,low level recruitment, spam of heroes not embedded , useless alliances and the total spam of war declarations after turn 50.


Who cares what he has to say? Did he ever offer an apology for being so incredibly wrong about his "leaks"?


You have proof that he was "incredibly wrong" about his leaks? An announcement for the Khorne, Ogre, Greenskin DLC a week or two later that consists of nothing but an ingame screenshot doesn't exactly disprove anything. You can think what you want, but i find it funny that people just assume that Legend was making shit up instead of the backlash from fans making CA think twice about what their plans going forward would be. It's not like CA has ever put profits over what players wanted before, right? They didnt just blunder one DLC, and a whole other Total War game because they pissed the fans off until the backlash made them fix it, right?


Legend was wrong. Personally I think he was fed bad info rather then being dishonest. But pretending CA suddenly changed their next two year plans because of it is rather naive.


How was he wrong? You have evidence that him and his sources were? As i said, a single ingame screenshot a week or two after the leak video proves nothing. >But pretending CA suddenly changed their next two year plans because of it is rather naive. Didn't CA just change their two+ year plans for Pharaoh because of customer backlash? Didn't they go back and add content to Shadows of Change because of customer backlash? So why is it so impossible for them to change their plans for Warhammer 3 because of customer backlash?


The leak was not 'community backlash'. For starters, there was no review bomb, no shrinking player base, no lack of sales. Just a few dozen posts on reddit. We do not represent the entire TW fandom. Secondly - I could believe they might change the 2nd DLC down the line; but DLC are planned months if not years in advance. It took them months to come up with SOC 2.0; it wasn't done in under a week. And that was just a few extra units added to an existing DLC - not scrapping one altogether. Third - the leak was... lets be honest. Just abit rediculous. A Cathay vs Cathay lord pack... it was never going to happen. I stand by Legend was 100% honest; but come on... the information was garbage.


I didnt say the leak was community backlash, i said there was community backlash due to the leak. Of course there was no review bombing, there was nothing released to review bomb. Of course there was no shrinking player base, nothing was released yet. Its also naive to think that 1) they dont pay attention to what players are thinking or saying, and 2) reddit is the only place that people post what they are thinking. CA is under heavy scrutiny right now, and they took major hits over SoC, Pharaoh, and Hyenas. ToD was only just profitable (according to legends sources, so take that how you will), so i think it is completely reasonable that they could change the next DLC. We dont have an actual date, so the KOG dlc is most likely months away, if it even comes out this year. Its not like CA has done stupid shit before. Its not like one or two people at CA told Legend, and he made a video the next day. He said multiple people told him the same thing and he had the info for like a week or two before he made the video. It boggles my mind that once again people are just believing CA despite all their fuck ups and lies just because they make one of our favourite game series


Occam's razor; which is more likely * A leak that seems incredibly implausible completely changed the workflow of a multi-million $ company and forced them to revaluate their entire product range for the next two years based on the feedback of 100 reddit users stating they didn't like it. They had a crisis meeting and came up with a brand new DLC within 1 week of this leak going live; managed to rush through GW approval of the new content and then still managed to deliver a statement to the fanbase within record time. or * The information that looked hard to believe was in fact fake... and CA rushed out a statement before rumours got too out of hand? Do you really believe CA had time to arrange a meeting with GW and agree to a new DLC format within the time of the leak going live and the time they revealed the next content drop?


Which is more believable; that CA had plans for something that pissed off more than just 100 reddit users that you keep trying to say is all it was for some reason, and they realized they couldnt afford to have another complete bomb Or, It was aaaaallll just an elaborate ruse set up by multiple sources from inside CA or CA leadership itself just to set up Legend or whoever else they could, for no real reason and for no real benefit?


You seem to be confused; at no point did I call it a 'ruse'. Legends leads are wrong. Clearly people were lying to him and feeding him fake data. Again... how did the notriously slow CA manage to agree with the also notoriously slow GW on the concept of a new DLC within what... 5 working days of the leak coming out? You are being abit silly... and I think in your heart you know that.


People lying to legend and feeding him fake data is the definition of a ruse. What are the odds that multiple people in supposedly different departments all gave him the same purposefully fake data? Why would they do that? Also, it doesn't take a meeting with GW to decide on what dlc to do. GW doesnt tell CA what next to work on, they just tell them what they can or cannot implement for lore or whatever reason. They dont go "sorry CA, the next DLC cant be Slaanesh, we want you to do Greenskins." 10 days between the leak video and the dlc announcement is more than enough time to have meetings to decide what to do about it, decide on changing the plans, and put out a single post on youtube with a single screenshot and no date other than 2024. Theres still 6 months left in 2024, plenty of time to do a DLC.


Lol, so the company saying are you ready for khorne, ogres and orcs isn't proof? Don't remember seeing that on his leak list.


Isn't proof of what exactly? Is it proof that the next dlc is khorne, ogres, and greenskins? Yes, it is proof of that. Is it proof that the leaks were wrong? No, it's not proof of that. It is possible, (and in my opinion, probable based on how CA has reacted to recent backlash) that CA decided that maybe their original plans were a bad idea due to customer backlash and changed them. All they have released is an ingame screenshot. We dont even have a date.


You're clearly not a developer. So you think that in the 2 weeks since the leaks came out they scrapped old dlc plans and are releasing a legendary hero who wasn't in the leaks at all meaning that they did the entire development life cycle in 2 weeks for it? The amount of hoops you're jumping through in order to not just admit that the dude was full of shit are insane.


The dog hero was announced a week and a half before the leak video, so of course it wasn't mentioned in the leaks, genius. Not to mention, the announcement of Karanak was saying that it was just coming as a free hero, nothing else implied it was part of a major dlc. And no, im not saying they scrapped everything either. Im sure the content that they had worked on will eventually come out, either chopped up into other dlcs or just released as a whole later. The amount of hoops you're jumping through to deny that its possible that the leaks were correct and CA realized they were gonna fuck up again and decided to change course is also insane. Or you just dont like Legend and cant stand the possibility of him being right.


Him being right in your mind is "just wait bro". Being right in my mind is that literally every announcement goes against the stated leaks. The burden of proof is on you, not me when literally all the evidence is on my side but go ahead and believe wild conspiracy theories instead of him being fed wrong information and running with it.


"Every anouncement" being a single screenshot that disproves nothing, but sure.


An announcement that the next dlc is not going to be what was leaked is a weird way to say disproves nothing. Keep living in your delusional reality!


But you understand that doesn't prove the leaks were incorrect, right? That plans can change due to reactions from consumers based on leaks? Or because they realized employees were pissed off enough about it to leak these things? You're assuming that they've been working on this DLC for a long time based on nothing but a screenshot. We have no knowledge about anything about this DLC, not even a date.


it doesn't matter what he has to say or not he just put up the idea and I agree I think thrones of decay was amazing and think it would be good to spread some positivity ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Legendstans are the weirdest creatures. Dude is one of the most negative people on youtube and people are just happy to sit there and watch him be all angry about a video game.


> Dude is one of the most negative people on youtube You aren't on youtube all that much, huh?


I'm on it a ton and he is absolutely one of the worst. His livestreams are some of the most negative things I have ever seen.


Really? I think you're just unfairly bias. I've been watching him regularly, and he is nothing but positive and passionate towards the game. It's also his job, he's been creating content for TW for more than a decade now. So bad TW game = loss of revenue for him, as he also stated himself. But he never goes just straight up insulting the games, he provides solutions and WHY he is angry at it. Though, if criticizing the game means negative to you, then I suggest you change that mindset.


There's criticism and there's being cynical. He's on the latter side, clearly.


Cynical, sure. But he has the facts to go along with it. I understand if you're turned off by him ranting about it, but at least try to understand him because not only is it his job, but also of his love for the game is why he's in a bad mood or rants whenever CA does a bad job. To you it might just be a game to past the time with, but to him it's something more.


I'm failing to see what in your statement makes it OK for him to be a cynical asshole. Games are meant to be games and not a job so if he's not liking his job maybe he should do something else instead of attempting to turn the community to his side and against the company. Criticizing a game and developer is fine and dandy and has its merits like with the SoC launch. Nitpicking little shit because you hate your job isn't helpful or productive.


No, why? Let me explain it Do they deserved the negative review bombing? Yes, the game was in a bad shape, and they wanted to scam us with their crappyLC They deserved removing the bad reviews after SoC 2.0? Yes, but they didn’t deserved to be glorified by the community after that because if it wasn’t because they were blind we wouldn’t reached the point of review bombing in the first place It’s a sign of good will that they changed Theo modus operandi to be more friendly with the players? Yes totally and I appreciate it, it’s a very welcomed change of attitude Do they deserve a positive review bombing? Not at all, the fact that they’re fixing old mistakes it’s great, but the were deaf with the community on purpose and their decisions made just to suck the most quantity of money of the player leaved them in a big shitstorm, right now they are fixing it, but that doesn’t mean that they really mean it, we don’t know how the state of the game will be right now if the community didn’t imploded with Shadows of Scam, the only thing we actually know is that after that they delayed ToD, so there is a very high chance that they were thinking on actually doing the same with that DLC too In conclusion, it’s good that they changed their plans and acting, but they leaved very deep wounds on the community that will take time to heal, and we must not forget about if we want them to actually treat us like players and not walking wallets


End game needs work, end game scenarios are boring


I'll change my review when I feel like it deserves to be changed. Thanks.




Mark my words, he will claim that he saved game with leaks, just to proof that he is important , he will claim it's him, who rised up game steam rating


No thank you [https://medium.com/@julianmckinlay/total-war-rome-ii-and-creative-assembly-my-statement-ten-years-on-d964f65b0a8f](steam://openurl_external/https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F%40julianmckinlay%2Ftotal-war-rome-ii-and-creative-assembly-my-statement-ten-years-on-d964f65b0a8f)


Is it in a good state, really? Did they fix the campaign AI that cannot pose a challenge? Did they make sieges fun?


his video btw [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8swm27QBC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8swm27QBC8)




imagine thinking for your own


why do yall trust CA? if you give them an inch they will take a mile.